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Wow, this kind of has exploded since I posted in the int check. Anyway, here's my WIP nation sheet. It contains some more updates since initially posted in the int check.


Nation App
Legal Nation Name (Such As United Soviet Socialist States of America):
The Caliphate of Instanbul

What Areas Do You Control (Territories):
Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Isreal, Sinai, Egypt, Iraq

Flag or Banner (National and Political):

Political Party (What Party leads the Nation):
Sunni Brotherhood

Type of Government (Easy Pz):
A Caliphate. A type of theocratic autocracy where the highest religious leader (Caliph) is also the highest political leader. The Caliph is the Chosen representative of Allah in the mortal world. The Shura, a gathering of community leaders elects the Caliph for life. Upon the Caliphs death, all the community leaders gather to choose the next Caliph. It is the Sunni Brotherhood party who presents the possible candidates to the Shura.

Military (How many People and Military and Main Generals):

The caliphate's regular military is divided into 3 branches. Army, Air-force and Navy. The navy includes the marine corps. The Caliphate conscripts every able bodied man aged 17 into a 5 year service. After their initial service the conscripts can join the military as a career soldier. The higher ranking officers and special forces units consists of career soldiers. Next to the official military forces the Caliphate has a paramilitary wing of radical islamists recruited from all over the world known as the Martyr Brigade.

Martyr Brigades
The martyr brigades is a multinational fundamentalist paramilitary organization with the aim of adding other territories to the Caliphate. It consists of radical Islamic insurgents who are trained in the Caliphate to conduct a-symmetric warfare and terrorism against the infidels. Recruits from all across the world join this organization and setup local cells to further the spread of the true Islam within their own country. Its idiology teaches its members that it is the duty to wage jihad upon all the infidels until the entire world is united under one Caliphate.

Productions (What your nation Produces):
Oil, gas, agricultural products, industrial manufactured goods, Iron. Another great source of income to the Caliphate is the exploitation of the Suez Canal and the Bosphorus strait. Countries and companies have to pay special tributes to the Caliphate in order to make use of the sea lanes.

Due to the extremely fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran, sharia and other Islamic works the capitalist banking system has been replaced by Islamic banking which does not charge interest on their loans. Also the country is closed to all international companies that are not run by the Islamic banking principles. This has a negative impact on the countries economy.

History of the Nation (Easy Pz):

Main Race (What is your State Race + Racial Demographics):
Turks: 48 %
Arabs: 42%
Other: 10%

Main Religion (What is your State Religion + Religious Demographics):
Radical Sunni Islam. The Caliphate endorses a very radical version of the Sunni Islam. It forces everyone within the state to convert to this form of Islam. Religious minorities have been subjugated to extreme violence and genocide. Any other form of religion is prohibited by the state. People who refuse to convert can be punished by death of sold into slavery. Most people who identify with other religions than the Sunni Islam are slaves owned by religious fighters and leaders.

I have been a bit busy with work. I'll make my next ic post tomorrow.

Nation App
Legal Nation Name (Such As United Soviet Socialist States of America):
The Caliphate of Instanbul

What Areas Do You Control (Territories):
Turkey, Caucasus, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Isreal, Sinai, Egypt, Iraq

Flag or Banner (National and Political):

Political Party (What Party leads the Nation):
Sunni Brotherhood

Type of Government (Easy Pz):
A Caliphate. A type of theocratic autocracy where the highest religious leader (Caliph) is also the highest political leader. The Caliph is the Chosen representative of Allah in the mortal world. The Shura, a gathering of community leaders elects the Caliph for life. Upon the Caliphs death, all the community leaders gather to choose the next Caliph. It is the Sunni Brotherhood party who presents the possible candidates to the Shura.

Military (How many People and Military and Main Generals):

Productions (What your nation Produces):
Oil, gas, agricultural products, industrial manufactured goods, Iron. Another great source of income to the Caliphate is the exploitation of the Suez Canal and the Bosphorus strait. Countries and companies have to pay special tributes to the Caliphate in order to make use of the sea lanes.

Due to the extremely fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran, sharia and other Islamic works the capitalist banking system has been replaced by Islamic banking which does not charge interest on their loans. Also the country is closed to all international companies that are not run by the Islamic banking principles. This has a negative impact on the countries economy.

History of the Nation (Easy Pz):

Main Race (What is your State Race + Racial Demographics):
Turks: 48 %
Arabs: 42%
Other: 10%

Main Religion (What is your State Religion + Religious Demographics):
Radical Sunni Islam. The Caliphate endorses a very radical version of the Sunni Islam. It forces everyone within the state to convert to this form of Islam. Religious minorities have been subjugated to extreme violence and genocide. Any other form of religion is prohibited by the state. People who refuse to convert can be punished by death of sold into slavery. Most people who identify with other religions than the Sunni Islam are slaves owned by religious fighters and leaders.

My character hasnt appeared on the news yet.
Hi, I am interested. Do we claim existing nations or can we redraw the borders?
A nice warm sun, a little breeze and nice scenery where all the ingredients that made riding a motorcycle a pleasant experience. It was a nice day with just the right ingredients for Max to take out his bike and enjoy the countryside between Angel city and Valle Dorado. As the young man steered his vintage Royal Enfield motorcycle through the narrow countryside streets he though about how serene the countryside was compared to Angel City. Where the city was a violent place full of filth, scum, noise and exhaust gasses the natural environment offered peace and quietness. You could drive here for hours and not meet a single person. At times Maximilian enjoyed to be out on his own. To be far away from the City, his club and all the darkness that looms in the streets.

As Max rode across a small village he pulled his bike over next to a small pub. As he entered to only partial light bar some of the locals greeted him with a look of distrust. Apparently they weren't used to having strangers entering the establishment. After all, the place was pretty remote. As Maximilian approached the bar to order a drink the barkeep just put on the telly to watch the news. Max turned to the middle aged man behind the bar and nodded “ A beer please”. Before the man had filled the glass the few people in the place suddenly watched in awe to the screen. The news anchor was telling full of shock about a disaster at the Blue Harbor Nuclear power-plant.

For a moment Max stood nailed to the floor, watching the news. Then he realized that Blue Harbor wasn't that far away from his current position. As the bartender put the beer in front of his unknown customer Max suddenly turned around and ran off. “ Keep the beer old man, I got to go”. He quickly jumped on his bike and rode off. As he left the village Maximilian pushed the gas in deeper and made his way towards the nuclear power plant.

For some reason Max had taken his superhero outfit with him. He wasn't sure why he did it. Maybe it was some sense of duty or something but right now he was happy that he'd taken his gear with him. After about 20 minutes of driving he parked his bike in some small Forrest and put on his suit. With some quick gestures of his hands he used his telekinetic powers in order grab a few fallen tree branches in order to camouflage his motorcycle. After covering up Max used his powers on himself, lifting his body off the ground and flew towards the power-plant.

As he crossed the area he could see the thick black smoke coming from one of the buildings. Buildings next to it also seemed damaged. As Max looked closer he could see a trail of destruction with at the end of it a person in his underwear. He turned and started to decent. Landing some five meters in front of the guy in his underwear. For a moment Maximilian stared at this rather odd character from behind his sunglasses. The man looked rather confused and angry. “Yo, why do I get this feeling that you are responsible for the mess” Spoke Max slightly annoyed.
<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

P-NPC is a player NPC, they aren't a real character but unlike most NPCs if they do anything it is controlled by one person.

So basically a secondary player character that is controlled by that player next to its main character?
Alignment: Hero
Real Name: Entwistle, Maximilian “Max”
Age: 26
Superhero Name: Phenomenon
Normal Appearance:

Superhero Appearance:

Meta type: Overhuman,
Description of Powers: Max has well developed telekinetic powers. He's able to lift, move and crush objects with the power of his mind. Also he can use his telekinetic powers to influence his own body and movements granting him increases fysical strength, speed and the ability to fly.

His telekinetic influence is limited to solid objects. Gas, fluids and energy cannot be manipulated by Maximilian. Also Maximilian must be aware of the objects location and it must be within 35 feet of him in order to be in manipulation range. Kinetic energy applied to an object will remain beyond the distance of his manipulation range.

Background: Maximilian is born the son of the famous superhero know as The Guardian. As son of a famous superhero it was out of the question that Max would walk any different path. A normal life and career would always be out of the question for Maximilian as far as his father was concerned. The path of protecting the innocent was already decided for Max before he was even born.

The Guardian started to train his son from a very young age. Helping him develop his inborn telekinetic powers that run through his family and teach him the essential ethics needed for being a superhero. All of Max's free time was dedicated by his father to train him to become the best superhero he could be without regard for Max own personal interests. The only thing that mattered to his father that his son would one day put on the cloak of the Guardian and continue to protect the innocent.

Max had never any interest in the superhero business. Growing tired of his father forcing a path upon him he did not want he ran away from home and left Valle Dorado for Angel City. With the help of some friends he started his own bar and concert Venue The Sonic Storm 8 years ago.
Personality: Max is generally a cheerful guy who loves music and drinking beer. He's loves freedom and can be stubborn about his own path. Once he's put his mind into something he won't let it go. Back in the past he tended to be indifferent about the darkness in the world. Making out that is was not his job to solve other people's misery and protect the innocent from harm. After withnissing the tremendous evil first hand in his own bar without doing anything about it he has changed his way. After all, the greatest evil is the indifference of good men.

Origin Story: Maximilian never saw the superhero business as something that was his responsibility even though he descended from a long line of meta-humans fighting for the good of the people. For him, the typical superhero is the person that is never there for his family, leaving them at home while they protect the rest of the world. And when they were home, they would spend all their time training and developing his own skills. Never once his father took him to the park or zoo. For him, the superhero was the person that neglected those who where closest to him in favor of the masses.

Max decided that he never wanted to become a person like his father and severed all ties to his family. In order to make a living he followed his passion and started a concert hall and bar. Living the life of sex, drugs and rock & roll was more of his style. And yet during this life he got confronted with the true evil of the world. During one of the concerts a fan went berserk after being being turned down by a lady. He grabbed a knife and started stabbing around. Max just stood there as panic erupted in the crowd. Three people died that night and more where wounded as Max failed to act. Struck by guilt Max decided that he could no longer look the other way. He finely decided to take up his destiny.

Secret identity known to public?: No
City of residence: Angel City
Alignment: Hero
Real Name: Entwistle, Maximilian “Max”
Superhero Name: Phenomenon
Normal Appearance:

Superhero Appearance:

Meta type: Overhuman,
Description of Powers: Max has well developed telekinetic powers. He's able to lift, move and crush objects with the power of his mind. Also he can use his telekinetic powers to influence his own body and movements granting him increases fysical strength, speed and the ability to fly.

His telekinetic influence is limited to solid objects. Gas, fluids and energy cannot be manipulated by Maximilian. Also Maximilian must be aware of the objects location and it must be within 35 feet of him in order to be in manipulation range. Kinetic energy applied to an object will remain beyond the distance of his manipulation range.

Background: Maximilian is born the son of the famous superhero know as The Guardian. As son of a famous superhero it was out of the question that Max would walk any different path. A normal life and career would always be out of the question for Maximilian as far as his father was concerned. The path of protecting the innocent was already decided for Max before he was even born.

The Guardian started to train his son from a very young age. Helping him develop his inborn telekinetic powers that run through his family and teach him the essential ethics needed for being a superhero. All of Max's free time was dedicated by his father to train him to become the best superhero he could be without regard for Max own personal interests. The only thing that mattered to his father that his son would one day put on the cloak of the Guardian and continue to protect the innocent.

Max had never any interest in the superhero business. Growing tired of his father forcing a path upon him he did not want he ran away from home and left Valle Dorado for Angel City. With the help of some friends he started his own bar and concert Venue The Sonic Storm 8 years ago.
Personality: Max is generally a cheerful guy who loves music and drinking beer. He's loves freedom and can be stubborn about his own path. Once he's put his mind into something he won't let it go. Back in the past he tended to be indifferent about the darkness in the world. Making out that is was not his job to solve other people's misery and protect the innocent from harm. After withnissing the tremendous evil first hand in his own bar without doing anything about it he has changed his way. After all, the greatest evil is the indifference of good men.

Origin Story: Maximilian never saw the superhero business as something that was his responsibility even though he descended from a long line of meta-humans fighting for the good of the people. For him, the typical superhero is the person that is never there for his family, leaving them at home while they protect the rest of the world. And when they were home, they would spend all their time training and developing his own skills. Never once his father took him to the park or zoo. For him, the superhero was the person that neglected those who where closest to him in favor of the masses.

Max decided that he never wanted to become a person like his father and severed all ties to his family. In order to make a living he followed his passion and started a concert hall and bar. Living the life of sex, drugs and rock & roll was more of his style. And yet during this life he got confronted with the true evil of the world. During one of the concerts a fan went berserk after being being turned down by a lady. He grabbed a knife and started stabbing around. Max just stood there as panic erupted in the crowd. Three people died that night and more where wounded as Max failed to act. Struck by guilt Max decided that he could no longer look the other way. He finely decided to take up his destiny.

Secret identity known to public?: No
City of residence: Angel City
I'll start working on a character as soon as the OC is up. It will be a rookie character. As far as powers go, I don't really have an idea for that yet ^^
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