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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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I am working on my next post but I have to move carefully. I am the most disliked nation in the world :D
We got 5 action points right?
Keep it. I like it because it is more outlandish compared to the old world. It fits perfectly for a new world nation :)
I know. I did not continue on the amazonian story line yet to give them room to respond to me raiding their coast. If this night does not bring a post from them then I proceed to the next phase. My fleet will return to port and inform the high command. Proper response to the involved parties will be decided in my next post :)
I am kind of waiting for a post from the Amazonians before I continue to further escalate that crisis ;)

And for the next turn because I am out of action points :D
Ostara, Nehalenian Capital

King George Therus III of Nehalenia had been staring out of the window of his royal palace as he overthought the current geo-political challenges Nehalenia was facing in this day and age. Nehalenia had been able to rapidly industrialize by the sheer wealth her colonial empire had generated. The wealth of the Nehalenian state had not gone unnoticed as other powers unrevealed their colonial ambition. The Zellons and Dalatrum had started to expand in The Western Sides and even a minor power like Baybrusal had managed to carve a piece of the delicious colonial pie. Word had reached the Nehalenian government that the Skeptonians had landed in Serranthia.

The king finely turned around and overlooked the large table where all his cabinet members had gathered. “We are all here to discuss the current state of world affairs. Not only does the old world become a more hostile place, also the new world sees more competition for influence and colonial holdings. Today we discuss how we can face up to the challenges the current age gives us.”

Justin Valor, minister of the navy was quick to take the word. “ We all know that the Zellon Empire and Skeptoni have build a larger naval force than us. Not only is their total ship numbers higher, their lack of overseas holdings allows them to fight more concentrated. We cannot allow to be just the 3th largest navy. We must heavily invest in our navy and make sure we always have the largest fleet!”

Donald Torrin, minister of economic development shook his head in disagreement. The navy already takes up a large chunck of the states resources. “We currently don't have the manpower nor the funds to build up a navy large enough to face off with everyone. Dreaming of total naval supremacy by one nation is a thing of the past. No nation can simply afford to operate dozens of first rate ships. We should look for cooperation with other nations rather than competition. That way we can avoid an expensive arms race while continue to expand our influence in the new world.”

Herald Owen, minister of foreign affairs nodded in agreement. “I do agree that it will be more fruitful to seek control over the seas in a multi-lateral approach. At times it is better to work together then to continue to be paranoid about your neighbors. In my opinion we should work to forming a coalition of new world exploring powers and divide the world into sphere of influence. Agree on who is allowed to colonize what territory and keep non coalition members out of the new world. Basically share the riches with a select group.

Richard Bonaparte, minister of the army took the word. “As minister of the army, I have to say that it would be impossible to colonize and control the entire new worlds. To divide the land among friends is always a better option then to have an untrustworthy neighbor that will invade your lands at the first sign of weakness.”

The minister of the navy once more took the word. “With who do you suggest we allighn our interest then? Kunenia? Thennia? Allying with such countries might only push our competition in the wrong way.

The king stood up and commanded the silence of his ministers. “I have to agree with mister Owen and Torrin. We no longer dominate the seas and are no longer the only colonial power. To seek cooperation with others will benefit us more than spending massive amount of funds on armaments because our neighbors do the same. We shall invite nations to a conference to see if we can allighn our mutual interests and support each other in their ambitions.”

I approached my ship building this way; Orderin januari, receive in februari (next turn).

But maybe add a build time for ships. Two turns for 3th rates, 3 for second rates, 4 for fist rates.
<Snipped quote by Theodorable>

It only delays the inevitable. People will pussy out from actually going to war, because they remember all the risk games where the first person to act was always the first to die, so they'll keep building factories and increasing their population, so their force limit will increase, and then have a naval arms race that way.

That almost sounds like the real world in the period 1905 - 1914 :)
January 30th – Off the Amazonian coast

Word of the raid on the RNN Valhal reached Admiral Gorthan at first light. To make the news worse, the official reaction by the Amazonian queen wasn't very positive. Quickly the captains of the fleet where summoned for an emergency meeting on board of the RNN Nehalenia. Also joining the meeting was Brigadier General Wilfried Armstrong of the Royal Nehalenian Marines and in command of the 5000 marines that traveled with the fleet.

When all men had taken their seats in the Admiral's quarter Gorthan started to speak. “Gentlemen, we've came here to conduct diplomacy but the Amazonians proved to be to underdeveloped to talk like civilized men. Not only they try to use our diplomats as bargain they have also attacked the RNN Valhal in the night. These actions demand from us a proper response. In retaliation we'll bombard and raid coastal towns and villages. We will also capture around 100 Amozonian young women to be sold of as slaves to the Sultans in the east of the old world. However we are all aware that our food stocks are running low. We'll have to sail back to Port Valhal in two days. Operations commence in two hours.

Two hours later the Nehalenian guns roared for the first time since arrival as RNN King George and RNN Yoton bombarded a coastal town explosive shells. The crew cheered as they saw the explosions in the distance. They cheered even louder when buildings crumbled and caught on fire. In conjunction with the coastal bombardment by the King George and Yoton 800 marines landed north of the river and advanced towards another coastal town. The town proved only lightly defended and was quickly overrun.

Colonel Anton Van den Berg of the Royal Marines was a cruel man and a true old world supremacist. He strongly believed that these new worlders where merely savages not even worth of being called humans. He quickly began to shout his orders. “Kill the men and line up all the women. We need to see if there is anything worth selling in this sorry lot.” Musket shot was heard as the Royal marines executed 93 villagers. One of the NCO's came running towards the colonel dragging a woman with him. “Sir, this bitch claims she's the village leader. Do we need to give her some special treatment?”

The colonel just smiled. “We'll let her live. Once we've finished our business here we release her and let her run back to the Queen bitch. Make her explain what happens when you resist against the Nehalenian crown.” The NCO tied up the woman and ordered some of the privates to stand guard. The marines continued to round up the villagers and eventually lined up around 80 women. A quick inspection determined that only 34 of them was quality stock for trade. The rest was either to old, to young or not healthy enough. “Alright men, load the trade goods into the boats and lock the rest up in one of the buildings and burn the village to the ground!” Ordered the colonel.

In a matter of hours the marines accomplished their mission and where back at sea. By the end of the day, the Nehalenian task force had raided 3 villages and bombarded several others. Furthermore they captured 76 Amazonian women to be sold off into slavery. With the food stocks getting lower the fleet started to sail back towards Port Valhal. In the end, the Nehalenian task force was unable to locate and retrieve the lost ship. The fleet would return to Port Valhal by mid February.

February – Ostara, Nehalenian captial

Black smoke filled the sky as the Steam Engine was fired up. Today on February the 1st the Nehalenians celebrated to completion of the Via Thennia railway. 650 miles of railway had been constructed in order to make the transportation of goods and people more efficient. There was a second reason for the Nehalenians to celebrate because today was the official launch day of two new second rate Ships of the line. The RNN Serrantia and RNN Conqueror had been completed by the end of January.

King George Therus III had been participating in the celebrations until one of his servants reminded him that he had an important cabinet meeting later today. He quickly got into his carriage and was driven towards the Royal palace. As he entered the meeting hall all of his ministers stood up. The king raised his hand as a sign that the ministers could sit down again. “ My apologies for the delay gentlemen. I lost track of time while witnessing the marvels of Nehalenian engineering. Today we are here to discuss the matter of the Jerralian Crisis.”

Herald Omen, minister of Foreign Affairs took the word. “Your excellency, the civil war still rages on . We do believe however that the Royalist faction is currently has the upper hand. Our agents reported that the Blackcoats have received a lot of foreign aid. I believe that with some more support the monarchy can achieve victory by the end of the month.”

Next to speak was Clive Rogers, minister of the interior. “I believe it is essential for our own internal stability that the Jerralian rebelion is crushed. A state run by the people so close to our own borders might have a negative influence on how our own population views the power of the monarchy. A victory by the rebels might inspire people within our own borders to demand more politicial influence or worse.”

The king once more spoke. “I thank you for you advice. I agree that we should continue to support the Monarchy in Murellia. We'll continue to supply arms, ammunition and other war supplies to the Black Coats.”

Donald Torrin, minister of economic affairs took the word. “There is currently no nation on the planet that can out produce the Nehalenian factories. Nowhere in the world you will find such great industries. Our metal foundries are the largest and most efficient. There is no nation that produces more iron and steel then us. No nation can produce cannons faster then us.. We will have no problems supplying the Blackcoats”

Conflict between Nehalenia and Amazonia is escalating
Nehalenia contiues to support the king of Murrelia
Nehalenian military focusses on outproducing its competition (Artillery Assault)
Nehalenia has launched two new second rate ships of the line
Then I'll wait with posting my 3th post for a bit :)
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