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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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It's a bit silent in here so i fear the worst. Non the less, here's my character :)

•Name: Tae
•Age: 125
•Gender: Male
•Race: Inari. The Inari are a shape shifting hybrid of human and fox. The Inari possesses three forms, a human form, a hybrid form and a fox form. In their human form, the Inari have the physical qualities of a human, in their fox form they have the physical qualities of a fox. Their hybrid form is what the Inari consider their "true" form. In this form they can gain absolute control of their inner Ki and perform feats that are considered superhuman or extraordinary. In human/non Inari communities people often say the Inari are just a race of legend as most Inari prefer to use their human form when interacting with other races. Inari often travel the world to act as spiritial guides and help those in need. Inari roughly can become around 400 years old and reach maturity around 100 years.

•Personality: Tae is a gently yet serious person. He is deeply devoted to the teachings of the Inari Tao and tries to follow them as good as possible. He generaly prefers to resolve conflicts through negotiation and only uses violence as a last resort. The xia of the Inari teaches the following code; Avoid violence when possible, do not cause more harm then necassery but vanquish evil without hesitation when you must.

•Brief Backstory: Tae was born as the second son and youngest child in a small Inari village high within the mountains. In order to receive education and training, his father brought Tae and his older brother Mao to the temple of the nine tails. A famous Inari temple dedicated to the teachings of the Tao and bringing kindness to the 10th world. It was here that Tae learned the Gentle fox Style and the Burning Spirit style martial arts. As the years passed the 10th world slowly got consumed in war. It was this darkness that caused Tae's brother to develop radical idea's. Rather then to pacify the other races, Mao believed that only true peace could come to existance when the other races would be annialated. Slowly Mao managed to convince others at the temple of his idea's. When the master challanged Mao idea's with arguments, he got enraged and used his knowledge of the martial arts to kill the temple master. This presented Tae with a choice, side with his brother to bring a new world order or follow the teachings of his master and bring good to all. Tae chose the latter and got expelled from the temple.

•Styles and Techniques:
* The gentle fox style: The gentle fox style is a form of martial arts that focusses on defeating your oponent without causing much harm. It uses the energy an momemtum of the enemies attack in order to get him off balance and under control with various throws and arm and wristlocks. The gentle fox style also incoorperates Bo-staff techniques. All the techniques are purely defensive.
* Burning fox spirit style: The burning fox spirit style is a form of martial arts that focus heavily on the users Ki. The style uses Ki in order to augment the physical abilities of the practisioner, allowing him to move faster, jump higher and punch harder. In contrast to the gentle fox style, the burning fox spirit style is an aggressive combat system that consists of punches, kicks, knee and elbow techniques. Next to the basic hand to hand combat techniques the style also uses Ki blasts and beams. The full potential of this style can only be unlocked in the true form of the Inari as that form gives them complete control over their Ki. When using this style, Tae is engulfed in a white aura of Ki energy.

- Spirit rush: This technique allows the user to move at extremely high speeds over a short distance.
- Burning Spirit: Tae uses his Ki to temporarily boost his abilities. His aura intensifies as his speed and strenght are boosted greatly.
- Spirit Javalin: Tae places his hands against eachother and gathers Ki energy in between. By moving his hands away from each a rod of white Ki is formed. Tae then grabs the rod and trows it like a javalin that pierces his opponent.
- Spirit blast: Tae gathers Ki at both his hands seperately. Balls of Ki are formed. He then combines both sources of Ki into one giant ball that explodes on Impact.
- Burning Spirit beam: Tae gathers Ki in both his arms, than places them together to shoot a massive beam of Ki at his opponent.

•Equipment: A Bo-staff
I am working on my character. It will most likely be finished tomorrow.
Ji, I am interested in this as well. I'll start working on a character :)
My appologies for my sudden dissaperance. Stuff happened in real life that took my ability to access the internet away for nearly two weeks. Anyway, I'll officially drop out as stuff is far from resolved.
Aye sir :D
<Snipped quote by Flooby Badoop>

We must change that...

I agree. I am pretty sure Nehalenia and the Sawl Confederation can become great partners in Serrantia :)
<Snipped quote by Theodorable>

Well, I can at least feel good that I only have 1 PM thread (unless the "20+ different PM's is actually each individual message and not the PM threads).

Edit: By my calculations, Nehalenia has committed almost 100,000 men to its colonial holdings. That means that they have less than 80,000 troops guarding the homeland. And that is assuming that their 175,000 are all in service and do not count conscripts and that there are no other men guarding their colonial possessions besides those 100,000 men. Just a thought.

Edit2: Wow. I totally misread the Sirithi response. For some strange reason, I thought they said yes to Nehaleia. If I had acted upon those thoughts, things would have turned out badly.

What I find strange is that a nation who frequently raids its neighbors to kidnaps and enslave their people is not disliked at all :)


My men aren't guarding my colonial posessions, they are going to expand it with your land. Muhahahaha :D

That is classified information I cannot share ;)
Port Valhal – New Nehalenia

The Nehalenian expeditionary force returned from their trip to recover the RNN Victory that had been illigaly captured by the Amazonians. The trip ended up to be non-satisfactory as the Royal Navy proved to be unable to reach a diplomatic solution and was not able to locate the ship in order to recapture it with force. The coastal raid, capture of some Amazonian women and the captured Braiyusal vesse; where only a small bandage for the wounded Nehalenian pride. When news of the lost ship and failed expedition reached the king all actors where immediately summoned to the capital for a meeting with the government in order to explain this failure.

Ostara – Capital of Nehalenia

All government officials had taken their seats in the grand meeting hall and stared at the same two men who stood lower then the rest. Today the Nehalenian government was going to question Admiral Gorthan and WSC board member Argibald Duvail about the loss of the RNN Victory.

Justin Valor, minister of the navy was enraged. “How in the lords name did the WSC manage to lose a first rate ship to a bunch of undeveloped savages. That is simply unacceptable! That For this utter failure alone some heads should roll! Who was the appointed captain mister Duvail?”

Mr duvail awnserd calmly “Percy Duvail, my son. He was a graduate from the naval academy without prior real-life experience. I used my influence as a board member to place him on a high spot. As a father I overestimated my sons abilities as a captain. A great misjudgment with a desasterous outcome. I accept the punishment the government sees fit.”

All the government officials where silent as Duvail admitted his own failure and actions. Everybody expected it to be a long talk. It was king George Therus III himself who broke the silence. “ Argibald Duvail is hereby expelled from the board of the Western Sides Company. Furthermore he will stand trial in the Nehalenian court for corruption and abuse of his powers. Now we move on to why the expedition failed to retrieve the ship. Care to explain why you could not come to a diplomatic conclusion Admiral Gorthan?”

The Admiral stepped forward with his back straight. Ready to deliver his plea on the situation. “The expedition was hastily assembled. Some of the ships where still undergoing repairs in Port Valhal when the order was given to set sail. Once the order was given there was not much room for preparation. In my opinion the expedition was poorly prepared. Also the Amazonians proved to be hard to impress, They refused any form of a diplomatic solution. They even took the diplomatic party hostage and tried to use their lives as a bargain to keep the ship. At that moment it was clear that they would not give in to our demands. This might be because Braiyusal is supplying them with firearms and cannons.”

The king wasn't surprised that Braiyusal was trying to disrupt Nehalenian plans for the new world. They where still disgruntled over their loss of the war. However the Nehalenian influence in the old world is being challenged by many severely limiting the options in foreign policy. “Admiral Gorthan, what kind of force do you think is nessecary to subdue the Amazonians?”

The Admiral was a bit surprised by this question. “The Amazonian navy is closely to non-existent. However their land forces appear to be numerous. Some say they command an army of 75.000av warriors, other say they have hundreds of thousands of fighting men at their exposal. I believe we will need at least 65.000 men in order to achieve a total victory over the Queendom of Amazonia.”
The king nodded. “I allow you a change to redeem yourself Gorthan. You will assist in drawing up the invasion plans and execute the naval operations against. On the topic of Braiyusal, just trade is not enough of a casus belli to justify war. We'll send their government a strong message to stay out of our business.”

Foreign minister Herald Omen took the word. “The greatest challenges we face in the old world is that we increasingly stand alone while other powers increasingly seek coorperation on many levels. We can no longer afford to sail an independent course as the combined might of our neighbors rival our own. We should make haste of increasing our relations with our neighbors and beyond.”

The whole government agreed on that point. For most of the 18th century Nehalenia was the leading power due to its aggressive colonial expansion and the wealth that brought. Neighboring nations however had developed rapidly and closed the gaps in influence.

Mordred Daltry, chairman of the Serranthian trading Company asked for everyone's attention. “My king and ministers, we've recently received this alarming message from a far away tribe in Serrantia.” The STC chairman read the message in front of the entire government.

From the Mikassian tribes:

Burning tree, this message comes as you are at our doorstep. We would speak with you, refuse and blood shall be shed. Chatan, War chief, Mikassian Tribes.

For a moment the chairman paused before he continued to speak. “We believe this Mikassian tribe is located at the other side of the Bay of Cavalle. We do not know much about this civilization but we consider this a serious treat to the Nehalenian interest in the region. The STC urges the government to re-enforce the military presence in the region with a significant naval detachment and a strong fighting force.”

With this message the prospect of war loomed on two fronts far away from home. A situation that is not very favorable but hard to avoid.

The Nehalenian Armada sets sail
Over the past weeks the Nehalenian high command has been planning a full scale invasion of the Queendom of Amazonia. Hundreds of transport and merchant ships have been gathered to ferry a massive invasion force of 65.000 men, equipment and supplies across the sea to the distant land of the new world. This massive transport fleet is escorted by 10 3th rates, 8 second rates and 3 first rate ship of the lines.

As the first light shines upon the ports of Nehalenia the womenfolk wave their men goodbye. The red flag with the golden tree shines high above the ships as they unfold their white sails. It was a spectacular sight to see so many ships leave the ports and form an orderly fleet. The spirits where high all across Nehalenia and everybody was expecting a quick victory over these savages in the Western Sides.

At the same time a second fleet was assembled in the Western Sides colonies of Nehalenia. This fleet consists of all the ships involved in the previous expedition but was now re-enforced with additional transport capacity. The second fleet is carrying an additional 10.000 soldiers from the Nehalenian colonies into the direction of the Queendom of Amazonia.

Serrantia Trading Corporation announcement.

In the light of the recent contact with the Mikassian Tribes we will re-enforce our military presence in Serrantia with 24.000 soldiers, 5 third rates, 3 second rates and a first rate ship of the line.
Working on my post but wont be completed till I wake up tomorrow. It will be a long one with many messages to many nations in it :)
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