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So france is going to send troops into Ukraine?
I predict that the prices of white flags are going to skyrocket in the near future :D
Tokyo, 2nd of december 2015,
It was early in the morning as the Japanese cabinet gathered fort he discussion on the Japanese security strategy and defense budget for 2016. The government of Shinzo Abe had already increased defense expendature and was looking for ways to increase Japanese influence on world politics. Mainly by looking for ways to bypass Japan’s pacifist constitution. Many topics would be discussed this morning before the final plans would be presented tot the Diet, Japans parlement. The chiefs of staff of the Japanese self-defense forces also attended the meeting.

As Shinzo Abe entered the luxuous meeting room, all attendees raised from their seats to bow as a sign of greeting and respect for the Prime Minister. As Shinzo Abe opened the meeting, Fumio, Kishida, minister of foreign affairs was the first cabinet member to take the word. “Prime Minister, members of the cabinet. In the present world the largest treat to our security comes from the People’s Republic of China. Her economic growth of the past two decades have lead to an ever increasing defense budget that is now used to advance their claims on territories that do not belong the the communist state. China’s aggressive persuasion of claims in the South China Sea has not gone unnoticed by many Asian countries. Many nations have falen victim to Chinese transgression of their exclusive economic zone and violations of their airspace. These hostile actions As minister of foreign Affairs I strongly plea that Japan will take a front role in creating a united Asian-Pacific front against Chinese aggression in the region. I strongly believe we can overcome our mutual security treats by multilateral cooperation between democratic nations in the region.”

Most of the cabinet nodded in agreement. Nobody was against closer cooperation with international partners. However the minister of defense and the chiefs of staff started to whisper with eachother. For a moment it was silent until Gen Nakataki, minister of defense took the word. “Multilateral cooperation is an exelent idea but we should not neglect our own Self-Defense forces and rely on other powers for security. If we want to take leadership in such endeavor, we must be willing to invest in our own security forces. Prior to this meeting, the join Chiefs of Staff have sended all cabinent members a multi-year plan for increasing the size and assets of the Japanese Self-Defense forces. Please consider assigning the additional funds as requested in Plan-J”

The discussion on the different aspects of the Japanese security policies went on till well beyond midnight. The following policies would bes end tot the Diet:

1. Japan will host the Asian Security Summit in Januari 2016. The goal of this summit is to create a defensive pact against aggression of autocratic states. Furthermore cooperation between the potential member states should be promoted by hosting a series of military excercises. The invited nations will initially be The United States of America, Australia, South-Korea and The Philippines.
2. The Japanese government will addopt Plan-J in modified form. Plan-J will focus on increasing the capabilities of the Japanese Maritime Self-defense Force, Japanese Air Self-Defense force and the formartion of the Japanese Marine Self-defense Force.
Plan-J: Phase 1.
a. Japan defense budget for 2016 will rise from 47.7 to 54 billion dollar.
b. The budget increase will be used to strengthen the Maritime Self-Defense Force, strenghten the Air Self-Defense Force and continue to develop the Marine Self-Defense Forces.

I have a question. Are current raging conflicts like the Ukrainian crisis and the Syrian civil war still going on?
<Snipped quote by Milkman>

Aye, the same goes for North and South Korea. The issue is neither nation is actually willing to back up the fact that they are, at the most basic level, 'at war'. So I don't recommend using that as your baseline for a casus belli to go to war friendo.

I am Japan. I can't really go to war according to my constitution as long as nobody attacks me ;)
I just found out that there never was a peace treaty signed between the USSR/Russian Federation and Japan at the end of WWII. Technically speaking Japan and Russia are still at war :D
Russia (Claimed By PolishKing)
The relation with Russia can be catagorized as poor. The dispute over the Kuril Islands is still not resolved and Japan walks in line with its western Allies over the anexation of the Crimea, imposing sanctions on the Russian federation. Technically Japan is still at war with the Russian Federation as a peace treaty was never signed between the two countries at the end of World War II.

DPRK/Best Korea/North Korea (Claimed by Chairman Stein)
No official formal relations excist between Japan and North Korea. The relations between the two countries are deeply strained due to North Korea's refusal to release the abducted Japanese citizens, Korean Missle tests and North Korea's nuclear ambitions.

UK (Claimed by Error)

US (Claimed by NPC)
The US is Japan's greatest ally and primary strategic partner. Many Mutual defensive treaties are in place, granting the US military access to Japanse territory.

Germany (Claimed by User)

China (Claimed by Cold Hands)
The Sino-Japanese relations are strained. The terrirorial dispute over the Sengaku Islands, Japans refusal to make amands for its world war II history have increased tensions between the two countries. Japan also is deeply concerned about the economic and military rise of the Peoples republic of China. Japanese planners state that China will be the main security treat to Japanese souvereignty.

Philippines (Claimed by Comrade Doge)
The relations between Japan and the Philippines are very strong. Japan is one of the top aid donors to the country and both countries share the concern about China's assertiveness regarding terrirorial claims in the region.

France (Claimed by aladdin_sane)
Syria (Claimed by Blackhawk)
Nigeria (Claimed by UltikanaRe)
Iran (Claimed by Combo move)
Greece (Claimed by Iluvatar)
Finland (Claimbed by Keyguyperson)
Brazil (Claimed by The Great Nahman Jayden)

South Korea (Claimed by The Grey Warden)
Japan and South-Korea share fundamental value's and security interests in the region. Also both countries are military allies of the US. Yet the relations between South-Korea and Japan are complicated. The dispute over the Liancourt Rocks in the South China sea and Japans refusal to pay reparations to Korean confort women/appologise for the past crimes of Imperial Japan prevent both nations thus far to create a Mutual front against shared security treats.

Australia (Claimed by Kangaroo)
Australia–Japan relations are generally warm, substantial and driven by mutual interests, with both nations having close ties with the Western world. Japan is one of Australia's major economic partners: it is Australia's second "largest trading partner and an increasingly important source of capital investment". In recent times the relations have expanded beyond strong economic and commercial links to other spheres, including culture, tourism, defense and scientific cooperation.[1]

There have been some tensions in the relationship, such as World War II, whaling, and Japan's perceived economic domination (although such tensions have eased somewhat) in response to Japan's economic stagnation of the 1990s, and Australia's economic growth.[2] However, Australian government and business leaders see Japan as a vital export market and an essential element in Australia's future growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. Japan on its part regards Australia as an important partner, a reliable source of energy, minerals and other primary products, a popular tourist destination, a useful conduit to the West and the only other middle-ranking economic power in the Asia-Pacific. Australia's former Prime-Minister Tony Abbott recently hailed Japan as Australia's closest friend in Asia, and plans on creating a Free Trade Agreement between the two nations in the coming year. Defence Minister Marise Payne described Japan as a "key partner" in the region, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida describing the relationship as the linchpin of security in the Asia-Pacific.
Hi, I was wondering if I could join as Japan?
I am looking forward to it :)
It's a bit silent in here so i fear the worst. Non the less, here's my character :)

•Name: Tae
•Age: 125
•Gender: Male
•Race: Inari. The Inari are a shape shifting hybrid of human and fox. The Inari possesses three forms, a human form, a hybrid form and a fox form. In their human form, the Inari have the physical qualities of a human, in their fox form they have the physical qualities of a fox. Their hybrid form is what the Inari consider their "true" form. In this form they can gain absolute control of their inner Ki and perform feats that are considered superhuman or extraordinary. In human/non Inari communities people often say the Inari are just a race of legend as most Inari prefer to use their human form when interacting with other races. Inari often travel the world to act as spiritial guides and help those in need. Inari roughly can become around 400 years old and reach maturity around 100 years.

•Personality: Tae is a gently yet serious person. He is deeply devoted to the teachings of the Inari Tao and tries to follow them as good as possible. He generaly prefers to resolve conflicts through negotiation and only uses violence as a last resort. The xia of the Inari teaches the following code; Avoid violence when possible, do not cause more harm then necassery but vanquish evil without hesitation when you must.

•Brief Backstory: Tae was born as the second son and youngest child in a small Inari village high within the mountains. In order to receive education and training, his father brought Tae and his older brother Mao to the temple of the nine tails. A famous Inari temple dedicated to the teachings of the Tao and bringing kindness to the 10th world. It was here that Tae learned the Gentle fox Style and the Burning Spirit style martial arts. As the years passed the 10th world slowly got consumed in war. It was this darkness that caused Tae's brother to develop radical idea's. Rather then to pacify the other races, Mao believed that only true peace could come to existance when the other races would be annialated. Slowly Mao managed to convince others at the temple of his idea's. When the master challanged Mao idea's with arguments, he got enraged and used his knowledge of the martial arts to kill the temple master. This presented Tae with a choice, side with his brother to bring a new world order or follow the teachings of his master and bring good to all. Tae chose the latter and got expelled from the temple.

•Styles and Techniques:
* The gentle fox style: The gentle fox style is a form of martial arts that focusses on defeating your oponent without causing much harm. It uses the energy an momemtum of the enemies attack in order to get him off balance and under control with various throws and arm and wristlocks. The gentle fox style also incoorperates Bo-staff techniques. All the techniques are purely defensive.
* Burning fox spirit style: The burning fox spirit style is a form of martial arts that focus heavily on the users Ki. The style uses Ki in order to augment the physical abilities of the practisioner, allowing him to move faster, jump higher and punch harder. In contrast to the gentle fox style, the burning fox spirit style is an aggressive combat system that consists of punches, kicks, knee and elbow techniques. Next to the basic hand to hand combat techniques the style also uses Ki blasts and beams. The full potential of this style can only be unlocked in the true form of the Inari as that form gives them complete control over their Ki. When using this style, Tae is engulfed in a white aura of Ki energy.

- Spirit rush: This technique allows the user to move at extremely high speeds over a short distance.
- Burning Spirit: Tae uses his Ki to temporarily boost his abilities. His aura intensifies as his speed and strenght are boosted greatly.
- Spirit Javalin: Tae places his hands against eachother and gathers Ki energy in between. By moving his hands away from each a rod of white Ki is formed. Tae then grabs the rod and trows it like a javalin that pierces his opponent.
- Spirit blast: Tae gathers Ki at both his hands seperately. Balls of Ki are formed. He then combines both sources of Ki into one giant ball that explodes on Impact.
- Burning Spirit beam: Tae gathers Ki in both his arms, than places them together to shoot a massive beam of Ki at his opponent.

•Equipment: A Bo-staff
Cool, I'll copy my character to the character section soon :)
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