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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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I will be away during christmas. So I will most likely not post during those two days. At least not IC because I will leave my laptop at home :)
Dao listened patiently to the tsunami of words flowing out of Kitsune's mouth. For a moment we wondered if the kid would ever stop talking. The prospect of having to spend a lot of time on the road with this fiery fox guy wasn't to promising. However it was the best lead to the whereabouts of his brother that master Wong had in a long time. The large tiger just had to put up with the energetic kid for the time being. Just as Dao was about to say something but Kitsune started to walk towards the road again. The kid really had no patience at all. But before the young Lyn could leave the dojo, Dao grabbed him by his clothes, lifting him up from the ground effortlessly with just one arm. “Wait here for a bit Kitsune. No need to rush. We'll take the steam train to the crossroads. That will shorten the journey by days.”

As master Wong put the kid down he waved to one of his students. “See to it that our guest gets a proper meal. He has traveled all the way from the south up here and must be hungry.” The student ran off and Dao turned towards Kitsune again. “If you don’t do swords, you better hide your sword. The people in the west are crazy about sword duels. Walking around with a sword in plain sight will only draw attention from people who want to test their strength. I’ll be off now to grab some stuff. Keep in mind, we depart in 1 hour.” Said master Wong as he turned around and started to walk towards one of the buildings that functions as dormitories for those who inhabit the school.

Dao opened up the door of his room. The small room did not have much furniture besides a bed, a table and chair. Next to the bed was a trunk that holds Dao’s personal possessions. On the wall was a small sword rack holding a single sword. The large Lyn picked it up from the wall land pulled the blade out of the pitch black sheet. The perfectly straight blade reflected the little light that entered the room from the small window. Dao stared at the blade, as if he was looking for imperfections. Any sign that the blade was damaged. On the blade, just above the guard was a small signature of the sword’s creator, Xiang Ji.

Xiang Ji was considered the best swordsmith of the last couple of hundred years. The quality of his swords are legendary but he is retired now. 20 years ago Jiang Ji made his last 2 swords, a pair of two straight bladed swords. One came finished with a black scabbard and handle while the other sword came with a white scabbard and handle. Xiang Ji called them Yin and Yang. Two swords that complement each other. Two forces that create balance in a world at chaos as long as they stick together. Once separated, they would be nothing more than tools for murder. Jiang Ji eventually gave the two swords to two young Lyn brothers.

However, it was not the time to reminisce about the past. Dao had to prepare for the journey ahead and put his sword back into its sheet. He reached for the trunk and opened it. The trunk was mostly empty. It contained not much more than some spare clothes, a small knife, a small leather pouch, containing master Wong’s money and some other stuff. On the back of the trunk lid was carved into the wood “Never forget what you’re responsible for”. Dao quickly grabbed the stuff he needed for the journey and closed the door of his room behind him.

As the large Lyn left the dormitory and walked towards where he left Kitsune, he could see some of the students on the move with the food. One carried two bowls of rice while another carried a bowl with vegetables and meat. Dao sincerely hoped that the kid had walked off to the kirrin know where. It would be a drag to find him.
Then I shall work hard on finishing my post today :D
Working on my next post as we speak :)

@Holy Soldier Just a quick question. Can we travel by steamtrain in the west, or is such technology only available in the south?
@CelticSoldier I think we can continue to post about traveling north. We'll meetup somewhere eventually with Amaya.
We first have to meet up. Kitsune and Dao are in the west ;)
Dao listened patiently to what the kid had to say. In fact, he was a bit amazed by the amount of words flowing from the little guys mouth. It was a long time ago that master wong met a person who spoke so much but said so little. The large lyn smiled at the remark of saving the world. The young lyn's upbeat attitute kind of reminded Dao about how he once was. Believing he could change the world for the better with a cut of his sword. However, in the end all master Wong could do was burry the corpses he would leave behind. Some things cannot be changed with violence. A truth the kid in front of him would learn one day.

However what the kid told about dark chi was of a totally different story. Dark chi is an unnatural force of pure evil and not the natural devices that shape the people and history of Tu. Dark Chi was a force that people could embrace or even have forced upon them. Bringing unmeasurable suffering to whatever place if would find root. It was the duty of a master of martial arts to root out the practice of dark chi and the suffering that followed in its wake. Dao had first hand accounts of what happened when people let themselves in with these dark arts. It twisted their minds and let them do unspeakable horrors. And then the boy mentioned something about an unbeatable Lyn swordsman. A tiger like himself.

For a moment Doa spaced out, suddenly looking into the distance as if there was something to see while in truth, there was nothing. The large lyn simply relived events of the past. That unfateful night where Dao learned what his actions had caused. Just that instant he whispered “Hai” as he instinctively grabbed his left arm, as if old wounds suddenly where causing pain again. The burdon of the past where weighing down heavily on the tiger's shoulders. If the rumor the kid told was true, then he might have an opportunity to find his younger brother. Dao simply had no real other option then to with the kid.

Dao blinked a few times with his eyes. As if he had to convince himself that his mind was back into the real world. The Lyn relaxed and smiled. “I am indeed master Wong. Most people simply call me Dao. It seems that you have given yourself quite the task. I will help you out. By the way, you forgot to introduce yourself”
@lexicon Indeed adorably messy :)

I will proberbly have my next post up tomorrow. Made good progress today but will be off to bed soon.
@Lexicon My son is 17 months. That is an age where kids actively explore the world. When he's awake I have to be constantly on guard that he does'nt brake down the house. He really loves to empty closets XD
A bit tired. My kid has been giving me hell the last couple of nights :)

I will start working on my next post tonight.
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