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9 yrs ago
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So, I was thinking of making sort of a government official character. Not quite a samurai, though historically the kind of person I have in mind would be one, but something along the lines of a magical cop?

I would like to ask what kind of weapon you would consider a Jitte to be. I figured that they were so strongly associated with law enforcement of the era that it would fit with the character concept.

Edit: Another thing, are guardian spirits used as weapons considered melee or ranged for purposes of the "one primary/secondary/ranged" thing or is that a case by case call?

I would personally put it in the sword catagory because it fits even less in the rest. Not to mention that most government officials during the edo period used to be samurai i think :)
@Holy Soldier. Same here :)

I already have some idea's for my chatacter. I'll post my WIP later today.
Hi, is there room left for me?
I really hope @Lexicon comes back. It would also be great if [@loki Odinsson] would make a post where his character enters the tavern as well :)
Dao had grabbed everything he needed for the journey and walked back where he had left Kitsune behind only to find out that the kid had gone. Somehow this did not surprise the swordsmaster at all that the the young Lyn had ran off to somewhere. With such an attentionspan it was remarkable that he had managed to get to the temple of Kirin at all. For a moment master Wong looked around the large courtyard to see if he could spot the little guy anywhere but didn't saw him. At least not until some of the students started to point to the roofs.

Kitsune seemed to have climed onto the roofs of the buildings. Dao wasn't really sure why the kid did what he did. He seems to have an endless supply of energy and no focus at all. Master Wong sighed and started to walk towards the entrance of the school. Just about as he was to leave the large Lyn turned around, looked at the roof. “Kitsune, we'e leaving now!” and headed out.

The journey to the railways station at the city was of little interest. Not much happened as all the swordsmen looking for duels tend to avoid challenging Dao. Some people along the road greeted the large Lyn while others just minded their business. The city itselfs was one of the largest towns in the area and numbered about 15.000 souls. A couple of years ago the railways station was opened. Connecting the city to the rest of Tu. Dao walked up to the ticked boot and buyed two tickets for the train ride to the crossroads.

As Dao entered the train cart he bumped his head. These carts where defenetly not designed to accommodate a man of his size. He quickly sat down and stared out of the window a bit before closing his eyes in deep thought. Thinking about what happened between him and his younger brother. Trying to figure out what to do when he would confront him. Should he kill his brother? Would he even be able to best his brother in combat? And if that was the case, could he force himself to spill his families blood? All such questions came to Dao's mind as the train crossed through the endless rice fields and hills of the west.

As day was about to pass into night the train finely arrived at the railway station of The Crossroads. It had been a long Journey but they finely arrived at the first stop of their journey. Dao turned towards his companion and spoke quickly. “It is getting late. We'll stay the night at the Black Rooster tavern. It's a shabby place but the owner, Fat Cheol is an old friend of mine. It is a place full of degenerates, mercenaries, sellswords and thugs so behave yourself and don't cause any trouble!”

Dao navigated the narrow streets and corners with an ease that betrayed that he had been to the crossroads before. In the past, the large Lyn used to travel to all corners of Tu together with his younger brother. Offering their help to those in need. Using their swords to ease the suffering of the common folks and the defenseless. However that was now nothing more then a distant memory of times that would never come back.

As Dao was about to open the door of The Black Rooster Tavern, a confused looking Jin dashed out of the door, bumping into master Wong before landing on his bottom in the mud. The Jin quickly started to mumble appology after appology. Mumbling something about a disciple that confused him. Dao sighed and helped the man back up on his feet. “Just watch out where you going. Next time you bump into someone you might be in trouble!”

As the large Lyn stepped into the dimly lithed tavern noticed Fat Cheol waving. “Master Wong honourable disciple of the Kirrin. Long time no see. What brings you to my establishment on this late hour? I heard rumour that you stopped traveling but since you're here those must not be true? And how is your brother? I have not heard anything from him in years. We'll have much to talk about old friend. Just have a seat at the bar. I'll poor you a drink. It's off the house” Fat Cheol reached under the bar and grabbed a bottle of Baijiu, a strong alcoholic drink usually distilled from sorghum. “ Can I give this this to your little friend or should I poor him some water?”

Dao quickly sat down and looked serious at Fat Cheol. “We won't be staying long. Just for the night. We're heading up north to the Iron Tortoise school. I am looking for someone who might be there.” The swordsmaster quickly took a nip of his drink, hoping that Fat Cheo would not bring up the topic of his brother again.

I am still around. Although I don't have much confidence that the roleplay kicks off. Anyway, I've made up a bit of a rushed post. Writed my character all the way up into the Black rooster tavern so that the characters of @CelticSoldier, @Lexicon and me can all meet up and get the show on the road.
I'll get my next post up tonight :)
@CelticSoldier Any idea when you will post again?
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