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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Yes. The pic works fine for me now :)

I'll post my character tomorrow morning. I am currently on cellphone
@Silverwind BladeI've finished my character. Let me know if there is anything you want me to change :)
I love Pink Floyd too :)
@Silverwind Blade
The picture of your character in the characters tab is missing/not working.

Cool. I'll proberbly write my character tomorrow. I am working late today.
Well, the gm hasn't been online in 11 days.
This brings back memories. Must have been 3 years i think ^^

I there room for 1 more?
Sorry for the delay in my posting. I had a really busy and crazy week :(

Location: Lower-ring at the wall to the middle-ring
Interacting with: Nilak @McHaggis, Fumiko @Elle Santiago

Dao was sure that he would get them all with his last attack but the outcome was different then he'd expected. Not only managed the girl to escape on her own, the dissident got free and stopped his attack. Clearly he was better then the young agent anticipated. The earth-bender of course continued on his smack talking rampage, belittling him and the Dai-Li with his stupid avatar talk. Everyone knew the firenation got their hands on the avatar when he was just a kid and he's long gone. As Dao blocked the incoming rocks he could also see the Water Tribe guy slip away in the crowd. What was supposed to be 3 birds with one stone now left the young agent with just one potential price.

It frustrated Dao that those other two got away but that didn't matter. The primary target was still here and the young agent was sure to take all this frustration and anger out on him. “You talk an awful lot for someone who picks a fight and then manages to not land a single hit. It was nice to use you for a little warm-up but now I am going to end this figth” bites Dao towards his opponent. As the young agent readied his next rock, he saw a sudden movement.

Jian rushed towards the white lotus dissident. As the man was about to strike the experienced agent kicked the dirt and a trail of moving soil slided towards his opponent. Before the dissident could launch a rock his right feet suddenly slided away, breaking his stance. Before he could recover Jian made a second attack, a rock pillar send the dissident flying, crashing into a nearby wall which partly collapsed on the now unconscious man. “Dao, chain him up”

Dao was as flabbergasted as the entire crowd. He had heard stories about Jian's earth-bending abilities but he never imagined that his partner was this good. The difference between Jian and him where as night and day. Where Dao was over eager, frustrated and easily angered, Jian showed no emotion at all. He was precise, deadly and decisive. He applied just as much force as required to deal with the man. No more and no less. Dao wanted to say something but decided to swallow his words and just complied with the order.

The young agent quickly put the dissident in iron shackles and took him away. As quickly Dai-Li emerge from the shadows, the get back in them when their presence is no longer required. For most of the time, the two agents made their way to lake Laogai in silence. Dao wasn't sure if he did right in the field, it felt more to him that he got carried away and messed up. The young earth-bender finely broke the silence. [color=008000]”What about those other two? Should we apprehend them for interrogation? They might be involved with this man”

Jian looked at the young recruit next to him and closed his eyes. “hmm, I can't hurt to have them interrogated. But finding them in such a big city isn't an easy task”

Dao smiled. “I think I know where we need too look. The girl was too neatly dressed and packed with scrolls. She's obviously a student at the Ba Sing Se university. And the Water-Tribe man... he carried a Waterpouch but did not use his water to defend himself from the incomming rock. He's not a warrior but he's a bender for sure. I bet we can find him at some water-tribe healing den”
I'm a bit busy this weekend. With a bit of luck I can start working on my next post tomorrow evening.
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