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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Also, I'm trying to see if there is a way to remove the characters for Liz and the demon slayer from the characters tab... But I can't find one.

Proberbly not by you. I think the otions are to ask the players to delete the content or ask a mod to remove the posts.
Renard Sournois


Interacting with:@Leslie Hall

The startled and terrified looks on the ladies faces where priceless. Just the sudden aperance of a mouse scared the crap out of them but the moment the young wizard started to talk took them both by surprise. Renard had to struggle to keep himself in check and not roll over in laughter. Luckely for Renard a man aproached the scene and eased the atmosphere. Usually when men get involved in a prank like this they bring brooms with them and start frantically chasing Renard away. But not this time. This strange man decided to act in a way that caught Renard by surprise.

"Well, uhm... pretty much what he says. I am indeed a pleasant surprise and an omen of good those who offer me cheese. I will humbly accept your offer of these fine cheese" Says Renard with a big smile as he accepted the offering of cheese from the strange man in front of him. For a moment the your shape-shifting wizard observed the man in front of him. He was defenetly some sort of wizard and he was proberbly on to him as well. No matter how well Renard looked he could not find any sign of a guild sigil and he had never seen the guy at the Fairy Tail guild hall. The chances that he was send by the Guild Master to retrieve him seemed slim.

With little need to worry about the man in front of him Renard put a piece of the cheese in his mouth and tasted the rich yet slightly sweet and nutty flavour of the Jarlsberg cheese. "Good sir, this cheese is delicious. I can forsee that you will have favorable fortunes in your romantic life. Proberbly even sooner then you'd expect" Said Renard as he gave the man in front of him a big smile before turning towards one of the ladies.

In front of the mouse sat a startled brunette. Renard judged the women somewhere in her mid to late twenties. With her long brown hair, femine curves and well formed chest she was in fact a sight to behold. Defenetly out of Renards league. The young wizard gave her a gentle smile before asking her "In what area of life could you use some good fortunes, miss?

For a moment she looked in total disbelieve to the mouse on the table. It took her some time to regain her compositon before she responded to the question of the omniscient mouse god in front of her. "I.... I really don't know. For myself I don't really need extra good fortune" The lady pauzed and stared down towards the ground. "My husband is a sailor who got himself a big gambling debt in some underground gambling hall. Now he's forced to run all kinds of errands with his boat for them. The people of that gambling hall are really a wrong crowd. I wish he would have never got involved with them"

It was a story that Renard had hear many times. Gangs would setup gambling halls, rig the games and cheat the local townspeople out of their earnings. Forcing them through their debts to do all kinds of stuff for them. The gang running the hall would proberbly use sailors to transport illigal magic items across the seas. It's a really sad tale that destroys families all across Fiore. And every Fairy Tail wizard knows the importance of family.

Renard felt sorry for her. Unlike the Fairy Tail wizard, she proberbly had no one to help her. With gambling debts looming over her, she could never afford to hire some wizard to help her and her husband out. The young Wizard gave her a gentle smile, upheld the piece of cheese he got from the man and spoke "Just of today, I'll consider this offering to be yours." Renard turned towards the man who brought him the cheese and sarcastically commented "Your fortunes have changed, and not for the better." Before jumping of the table and running in his mouse form into the nearest allyway before referting back to his normal yet defenitly small of his age form.
Renard Sournois


Hargeon is without doubt the most well known port town of Fiore. Famous for its old architecture, seafood restaurants and ofcourse its marina. Not to mention that the old port town has some really nice beaches on walking distance from its beautiful citycenter and its just a short train ride from Magnolia. An excellent place to spend a short holiday when you're on the run from your own Guildmaster, or so it seemed from the travel guide in Renards hand.

Dressed in an hawaii-shirt, swiming shorts and some dark sunglasses the young wizard would certainly not draw any attention in the crowds of tourists. Renard has been confined to the guildhall ever since the incident, forced to do chores. Do the dishes, clean the guildhall, collect the empty mugs... The young man had done it all to many times. Just as he had also tried to sneak out many times. Only those attempts usually ended in being caugth by either Rendon or Janea to get the same crappy speech from about how he should lay low until the storm clears. But not today. Today Renard has given the wizards the slip and boarded the train to Hargeon before they noticed his absence from the guild.

With the sun shining and the nice sea breeze in his hair the young wizard thought about what he was going to do. It would only be a matter of time before the higher ranking wizards would notice his absence and send someone to retrieve him. Chase girls at the beach? Get drunk in a local tavern? Watch the ships in the marina or have a taste of Hargeon's famous seafood? So many options to concider and yet Renard would do something different. The wizard overheard some ladies talking about what cheese is the most delicious on a terrace of some local restaurant. An oppertunity Renard could not resist.

He quickly uses his Take-over magic to transform into a tiny mouse and jumps on the table of the ladies and proclaims. "Greetings humans. I am the omniscient mouse god. I have come from far across Earth Land. You shall fetch me Fiore's finest cheese. You have 5 minutes" Screams of the terrified ladies filled the air.
@Noxxis Great. I'll cook up a post soon. I'll have my character start in Hargeon and maybe he can meetup with @Leslie Halls character

@Leslie Hall your reference picture isn't working for me. Its proberbly behind some account.

Interested in this as well :)
I am interested in this :)

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