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Arkronia – Royal Palace

Akronia, the shining city of white. Unparalleled in its architecture and unrivaled In her beauty, glitters in the early morning sun of the first day of spring. Usually the city is bursting with commerce and business on a morning like this but today the streets are taken over by cleaning crews and decorators. In a few days the capital of the kingdom of Arkron will host the inauguration of the new king and the Arkronians will host the largest festivities since decades. Not just in honor of the new king, but also to mask a crisis that is slowly taking over the streets in Arkronia and other cities of the great kingdom. A crisis so great that it has become the most important subject of today’s government meeting.

Drokon-Al, the aging steward of Arkron looked around the table where the ministers had taken their seats. In his 80 springs the old Arkronian had never faced a potential crisis of this magnitude. Even his old poker face could not hide the concern on his face. The world was changing and the leadership of the kingdom and the realm had become his burden for now. The steward took a moment as all ministers waited in silence before he arose from his seat, raised his left hand and spoke the proper greeting “Alan Arkronis”

“Alan Arkronis” responded the ministers.

With the formal greeting out of the way the old Arkronian opened the fist topic of the meeting, the mysterious disease known as the Grey Death. “Ministers of the kingdom, servants of the crown and gods, with great concern I must confirm what we have been suspecting for some time now. The disease that we thought was gone for many centuries has returned to plague our glorious nation and the Arkronian people.” Drokon-Al looked around the large table but all ministers sat in silence. This wasn’t news for them either but what came next would be. “With great sadness I must inform the government that crown prince Rakon-Da, only heir to the throne has contracted the disease as well.”

In shock the different ministers looked at each other. If the crown prince had contracted the disease, his reign might be very short or he might not even make it to his own inauguration. This was bad, if the royal bloodline would end, it might take years for the priests to interpret the signs of the gods in order to select the next royal bloodline. With no king on the throne the Arkronian state would look severely weakened in the eyes of her vassals. Barbaric nations such as the Dominion of Epha or the Yuravian Confederation might see an empty throne as an opportunity to break free from their servitude and pursue their own chaotic agenda’s.

Arid-Ro, the middle aged minister of public health and water management took the word. “We have our best healers treating the crown prince but his condition is deteriorating. He won’t be in peak physical condition during his inauguration ceremony and they strongly advise to let the crown prince only participate in all the formal procedures required for him to ascend the throne. His strength is not what it used to be and his excellency tires out quickly.”

The other ministers sat in utter silence as they listened to this terrible news. They knew from the chronicles they all had studied at the various Arkronian universities that once the Grey Death struck, it would not stop at one or two victims. The minster of public health and water management continued his monologue “There have been over 300 reported cases in the capital alone and 103 Arkronians have passed away. Our studies show that the Grey Death only affects Arkronian people. Human and other races have not shown up at healers offices with the symptoms. So far roughly 33% of the patients are deceased, the majority remain sick and see their condition gradually decline over time. Some even fall into a state of endless sleep. Only 4 patients in the capital are considered cured. None of the healers remedies have proven effective and it seems that only a few have the favor of the gods. ”

Horish-Namar, minister of foreign relations stood up from his seat in order to address the gathered ministers. He realized that they were just at the start of the disease and not the end. The Grey Death would spread further and would most likely affect the kingdom on an unprecedented scale. “Ministers, servants of the crown and subjects of the gods. We must realize that the Grey Death is not just an healthcare crisis nor an leadership crisis. The Grey Death will cause a rapid decline in population and will weaken our nation significantly. We must be prepared for a changing would because there will be nations that are going to try to challenge our dominance.”

The old steward knew that Horish-Namar was right. In the old chronicles from the homeland beyond the sea, stories where written about how disease struck and decimated the population of the motherland many centuries ago. A repetition of that story seemed to become a distinct possibility for the Kingdom of Arkron. The times are changing and the Kingdom of Arkron needed to review their foreign policy quickly and realign it with the changing reality. “Your words speak of wisdom. We must work on the assumption that the Grey Death will significantly weaken the kingdom. The crown might not be capable of maintaining the current system. If we want to continue to do our divine duty to keep the order on this continent we must closely examine our relations with our vassals and be prepared to redefine them. Even if that means that we will be handing out concessions over time.”

“Ludicrous!” Shouted Ekram-Rhas, the minister of the Army. “If we had done during the 3rth rebellion what my late father and predecessor on my ministerial post had suggested we would not have had this conversation. Now our nation is under treat because a previous administration failed to act. Instead of handing out concessions we should demonstrate our strength by vanquishing those who will rise against us in the future before they have the chance to challenge us.”

Ekram-Rhas of house Rhaskozikan was known for his more radical point of view. House Rhaskozikan always was a strong advocate of permanently removing the more chaotic elements of this world. In the current case that would be exiling the population of various rebel nations to the afterlife. However his aggressive militaristic suggestions where quickly brushed off the table. Nobody was willing to start a war with such little justification.

The minister of Foreign relations once more took the word. “In the coming few days the delegations of all the nations of Mycoria will arrive. We should take this opportunity to strengthen our relations with various allies. I would like to make the following changes to the table arrangement for the grand opening banquet. Place the Vulpin delegation on the same table as the delegation of the Dominion of Epha and the delegation of the Saa’kaleed Abiat. You can’t take the Vulpin for their word but we should remind them of who their neighbors are. Fear is a great stimulus that shapes behavior. Place the delegation of the Aegire Oliarchy on the same table as the crown prince and steward. We should concentrate our effort on strengthening the position of the neutral houses. We should also let the Kingdom of Cor, the Rheatian republic and the kingdom of Skekaria know that whatever brings the future, Akron stand at their side in their desire for peace and prosperity”

With the last details worked out for the inauguration the government meeting came to a close as many crews worked relentlessly in the city to make it shine as a true white pearl and prepare all the guest accommodations near the Royal place that would be the homes for the delegations from all across Mycoria. Nobody knows what the future has in store but the Arkronians did whatever was within their power to hide the fact that a great crisis loomed above their heads.
To the leaders of the great nations of Mycoria

Saddened we must inform you that king Amon-Mar IV, king of the Arkronians and supreme overlord of the realm has passed away. His reign was long and glorious. Under his devoted leadership or nations prospered and grew closer together. His majesty Amor-Mar IV healed the old wounds that once brought chaos to the realm and guided our nations into an era of peace. May the gods cherish such a wise and devoted soul as the realm mourns the loss of their great and inspiring leader.

With the departure of king Amon-Ra IV his reign comes to an end and a new era will begin. In five weeks his son Rakon-Da will ascend the throne and be bestowed with the divine obligation to guide our realm into an orderly, prosperous and peaceful future.

By command of the gods and former supreme ruler of the realm, the steward of Arkron is directed to inform the leaders of the great nations of Mycoria that they are granted the honor of being invited to the inauguration ceremony of crown prince Rakon-Da.

The inauguration ceremonies and festivities will take place five weeks from now in the royal palace in Arkronia. As honered guests and subjects to the crown your attendance is expected.

Yours’s sincerely,

Steward of Arkron
@Black Alice@Red Alice@Kassarock@Aoko Aozaki I haven't seen any sheets from you guys yet. Are you still planning on participating?
@trinais Looks good so far. There are some minior errors in bb code but you can work that out when you move your nationsheet to the character tab. The Aegire oliarchy is accepted.

@gowia Looks goods so far. Looking forward to see the culture/society/history sections :)
@Milkman Updated sheet. Also, may make an Inkarnate map of the Isle if that's cool?

Ok. I'll take a look on the sheet later today. Feel free to make a map of the isle. You can add it to the territory section of your nation sheet.
No ic talk will happen there. If it's not in the IC thread, it has not happened.
@Milkmanif the IC moves to Discord, I’m out. So good call.

I'm not too fond of discord roleplays. Have browsed around in a few nation roleplay servers ands wasn't really impressed with what is saw there. Not to mention the 2000 character limit is a huge drag.

Made a discord server for ooc chatting and stuff. I prefer to have all the IC happening on the forum :)
Would you guys like to have a discord server?
@Trinais Looks good so far. i've a couple of points. The Sea-folk are colonist from another continent, right? That is pefectly fine. Could you add that to the race/population description?

Could you eleborate a bit more on the dynamics between the human polulation and the sea-folk? Are the sea-folk like the upper class and hold the most political and economic power while the humans are more of an underclass that have less to say in political affairs?

Once the above is made a bit more clear then the nation is accepted. If you can't find a picture for your flag a description will work as well.
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