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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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@Milkman Wonderful IC post - I can't wait to get underway! I was going over Vilhelm's backstory with a bit more scrutiny now that the excitement of getting it done has passed, and I wasn't satisfied with his current occupation or really motivations to even want to go after Hadrian's treasure. So if it's alright with you, I'm going to alter his current occupation into professional Treasure Hunting rather than the more vague Bounty Hunter/Private Security. It fits nicely into his character and would give Katelyn Smith a more justified explanation for reaching out to him for this job!

Sure. I have no problems with that. I really appreciate you asking first :)
@Lord Wyron @Abstract Proxy @Hellion The IC is open for business. You guys can start posting.

@Expendable @Wayward Once your CS are finished and accepted you can join in as well. We'll work on the assumption that your characters have been present at the table from the start. Or if you have a good idea for writing them in, let me know :)
Christiana Town


Christiana Town, the ever thriving mining settlement, the last bastion of civilization located on the outskirts of the Kharakhi desert. This once little town was founded over 60 years ago by Gerard Hearst, the notorious steel magnate, when rich iron deposits were discovered in the mountains that mark the border between the arid Iridian Republic and the Kharakhi desert. He promptly bought the land, builded a settlement and named the mine and town after his first daughter, Christiana.

Over the past six decades the little settlement grew from a hundred or so souls extracting iron ore from the ground and living in shacks to a booming town with around five thousand souls in it and many businesses from saloons, hairdressers and blacksmiths to theaters, general stores and much, much more. One of such businesses was a saloon named The Wild Stallion.

The wild Stallion, a bit of a rowdy and notorious place that attracted the working man’s crowd. Miners would come in after their shift ended to drink and gamble their earnings of the day away while watching the girls of the night dance to the tunes of the piano player. If they did win at night, they might just brush the dust off and spend some time on the upper floor with a dancing girl. The ones that lose would eventually retreat drunk and penniless to the comfort of their angry wifes.

This saloon was the kind of place that would hang up a big shoddy reproduction of some famous painting in a somewhat faint attempt to appear more classy than the rundown place deserves. However the booze is cheap and the piano player half decent. So for those with not much coin to spend and looking to have a good time, The Wild Stallion was the perfect place. Needless to say that this particular saloon attracted a diverse crowd of outlaws, workers, lowlifes, scum and the occasionally lost proper gentleman. It was here that Katelyn Smith found herself sitting at a round table with just such a diverse and maybe even a bit questionable crowd.

For a moment she looked around the densely packed saloon. Behind her a group of eight very vocal and obnoxious kobolds were downing beers, playing poker, joking and complaining about the lack of Kobold women in town and the shitty pay the Hearst mining company was paying them for their hard work in the iron mine. In between their banter the occasional sexist remark would be thrown at any female that dared to come close.

The bar was packed with a group of mostly human cowboys who had just delivered fresh beef to the town’s butchery and were in a jolly good mood. Some of them could not keep their eyes off the dancing girls while others eyed the room for perhaps a cheaper catch for the night.

At one of the other tables the dim witted half-orc deputy sheriff was getting his pockets emptied while playing poker with some of the lads that were the previous night still in jail. Everyone with a keen eye could see that the dealer and one of the other players were scheming and cheating the others at the table out of their money. Fortunately for them, the deputy wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed otherwise he had thrown them through the window of the saloon, halfway across town in one of the empty cells without leaving the chair he was sitting on.

The truth was that Katelyn had spent the past week pretty much every night in this poor establishment making herself familiar with the crowd and remembering their faces. Based on the knowledge she had gained, the female gunslinger determined that apart from the cowboys at the bar, everyone in the establishment were regulars. Townsfolk that had been living and working in Christiana Town for some time. None of the current patrons of the Saloon carried even remotely the hint of being from up north.

When Katelyn was satisfied with her observation that there were no specific prying eyes from up north or dangerous gunslingers that might jeopardize her undertaking she turned towards the merry band of people at her table. The group was certainly as diverse as it could get.

Katelyn poured herself another shot of tequila and downed it in one go and looked around the group sitting at the round. The people she had invited at her table weren’t randomly chosen. The female gunslinger had done her research and invited only people that matched the skill profiles she deemed necessary for the undertaking she was about to propose. For a moment she sat there comfortably in silence, building up the anticipation before finally speaking in a soft yet resolute voice. “The name is Katelyn Smith. I’m looking for people with your specific skill sets to accompany me on a trip into the desert in order to collect Hadrian Augustus' lost gold.”

The way she spoke those words made it almost sound over confident. As if it was child's play to find a treasure that people had been searching for 50 years and never found a trace of. And yet Katelyn made it almost sound like it would be an easy endeavor. As if you could just ride into the Kharakhi desert and pick it up. However this woman was 100% confident in her abilities to find this treasure.

“I am well aware that finding it won’t be a simple job. The Kharakhi desert is a very dangerous place and requires specific skills to navigate and survive. That is why I am recruiting people who were born and raised under the scorching sun. But there will be more dangers. Aggressive creatures, hostile people and competing treasure hunters for sure. Expect to be hurt, to suffer and you need to be willing to put your life on the line. it won’t be easy”

Katelyn paused a bit before continuing. “Next to the many dangers of the desert there is also the matter of actually finding the lost gold. Many have tried and none have succeeded in the past 50 years. The reason is that none of them had actual leads. They did not know where to look, where to start and basically wandered aimlessly through the desert, hoping that by chance they would stumble over a pile of gold. That won’t be the case for our little journey. Right now I am the only one in the world with leads the the whereabouts of Hadrian’s gold”

The gunslinger pulled what looked like an expensive brown leather covered notebook from one of the pockets of her vest. On the front cover was the Imperial seal of the Imperial Augustus family. It was well known that the late emperor Hadrian Augustus had a love for writing. Throughout his reign he published various novels, short stories, poetry bundles, essays of varying quality but he was most famous for the extensive diaries he wrote throughout his life. He started them the moment he could write and continued writing them throughout his entire life. Those diaries presented a very detailed look into the life of the emperor and the inner workings of the imperial court. Many of his ministers and servants vouched for the information that was written down in those works. The last known diary was found when the revolutionary republicans captured the imperial palace. The last page covers events of just a few days prior. All known diaries of the emperor were written in similar brown leather covered notebooks.

“This is a diary of the Emperor. It details the first part of his journey through the Kharakhi desert and more specifically, that there is a next volume and how to find it.”

She looked around the table with her serious and confident expression. “This is a one time offer. An equal partnership in the undertaking. Lend me your skills, in exchange we split the 2.5 million imperial gold coins equally.” It was clear from her intonation and body language that she was dead serious about finding the gold. This offer from Katelyn was non-negotiable but generous at the same time. You could even consider it an offer you can’t refuse. Afterall, would a gunslinger let you walk away with information that could lead to the legendary treasure?

I've started working on the opening post. We're starting out at a table in a shady saloon in Christiana Town.

@Abstract Proxy Which of Lis alter Ego's will be at the table?
@Expendable Looking good. Just expand a bit on Jake's personality and if you want on personal style. Then you can move him to characters tab.

The psychometry thing is interesting. Haven't encountered it before. Now I have to create objects with history. There might be instances where I as GM introduce objects and Jake might not get the full history and run into some sort of magical block for plot reasons. If there is information to be learned through psychometry I'll add it to the post in a hider. It is up to you then to decide to what extend you want Jake to learn and if you want to share it with the rest of the party :)
Can you expand the psychometry? What it does and such?
Here it is! Very sorry for the delay, I had a sudden burst of inspiration today and had to re-orient my character idea essentially from the bottom up. Spent about 6 hours straight working on it! I may very possibly make some minor adjustments or word edits tomorrow, but for now, I must sleep 😅

Nice, i loved the part about dying from hitting the unpadded floor :D
Mister Lundstrøm is accepted. You can move him to the character tab.
@Wayward @Lord Wyron How are you CS comming along?
Ok, so hear me out, this is gonna look a bit insane, but I promise...I am only a little bit crazy.

Edit: I probably need to do some more editing as I kind of ran out of time this morning, but hopefully this all makes sense.

Essentially what I would imagine is that Lis joins the party as either Dylis the thief or Lisandra the wizard (I might go full insanity and have her at some point adopt whichever persona she doesn't at first portray if she is caught).

"True" Persona:

Invented Personas:

Looking great. Lis is accepted :)
You can move her to the character tab.
This is quite the detailed character sheet, it's taking me some time to fill it out.

I hope to start the IC on monday. But I'm still waiting for a bunch of other CS as well so don't feel a need to rush.
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