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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Now I only need to wait for Aristo to post again :)
My character can't compete but would love to be a judge on the compitition :P
Slypheed said
People are PMing each other, and I'm just sitting here

Sorry, Foxy ladies beats cat ladies^^
The sound of gunfire in the distance was registering on Oliver's sensors. Apparently the assault team had started engaging enemy forces and the exercise about to get interesting as the GEARS that the recon team was observing just started to move into the direction of colonel Blade's team. It was obvious that the 3 makeshift GEARS where coming to the aid of their pressured comrades. Now the tiger only had to wait for his team leader's orders to engage the enemy. Luckily Myria did not waste any time with informing her squad about the engagements plans as her voice came up on the radio. "Oliver, can you jam their electronics? Let's make this a clean sweep."

Oliver smiled as he heard her ask the question. It was not something she'd had to ask in a way doubting it was even possible. He had already done the analysis of the radio frequencies used by the enemy units and made sure that both voice communication and datalinks would be disrupted with a press on the button. Oliver laughed "Ofcourse I can jam their electronics. Radio's, data links and some of the used radar frequencies too. But their radars are probably frequency agile so once they notice their radar is distorted they can switch to a different frequency. So we better use that last option once we start shooting. It will make the confusion on their side greater" He paused for a bit as he realised that he was talking a lot of technical stuff again. He might be an extravert, woman chasing tiger but deep down Oliver was also a bit of a nerd.

With a few presses on the controls for the electronic warfare / sigint modules of his GEAR Oliver started to jam the frequencies the emeny was using for their communications and data sharing. Any attempt by the enemy to use their radio's for voice communications would result in an absolute silence. Any monitors that were previously showing positions and stuff now only showed a no data link message. "This is Oliver for the recon team. Enemies communications are being jammed since right now. We better go and kick their asses" Said the tiger as execitement started to take over. Oliver was clearly looking forward to the confrontation as he unlocked the savety from his weaponsystem. He might not be the best shot but he still enjoyed firering weapens as it gave the tiger a kick.
Yay, more female characters :D

I guess it is time to start working on a post^^
I'll be waiting for Aristo's post before I'll post again. Afterall, it's Myria who has to boss me around :D
So true. But someone has to lighten the mood a bit between all those groomy and serious characters^^
Why do I have a feeling my character just earned himself a nickname XD
Oliver heard his radio turning on as Myria opened up a private channel to scold the tiger some more. His little stunt of using his recon drone to check out a female's ass didn't fell too good with the more serious members of his team. It seemed like they don't appreciate a well formed female butt at times like these. The only things that Oliver was surprised about was the ferocity of Myria's comments and the remark about embarrassing herself. Skinned alive and being turned into a rug was a new one. None of the instructors during basic training used such words in their efforts to turn the tiger into well disciplined and professional soldier. They usually went directly to the "do 100 pushups". Not that it helped much. Oliver opened up a private channel to the recon team's leader "Don't worry about it. Even with an idiot on your team you're doing fine. Just see it as an opportunity. If you can make me follow, no one can deny that your leadership skills are top notch" Responded Oliver joyful towards his superior. It might come over as a small joke to lighten the mood but there was some truth in the tiger's words. Most of his commanding officers during training where driven mad by him, including instructors as Oliver would mess around on a regular basis. It gave the young tiger a reputation of being undisciplined, unprofessional and generally hard to work with.

Just when the tiger closed the channel with Myria he heard the colonel's voice coming over the radio. He pretty much gave Myria the order to decide what to do with the GEARS that are guarding the bridge. Oliver was pretty sure she would give the order to engage. Myria seemed to be the kind of girl that wanted to prove herself, judging from her earlier response to Oliver's little stunt. Also Shona's voice came in. She seemed to hint to her and Oliver engaging the three makeshift GEARS near the bridge. Oliver quickly judged the situation. The opposition was equipped with makeshift GEARS. None the less they would pack some punch with their GEAR assault rifles and rockets. More than enough firepower to turn a lightly armored GEAR like his into a pile of junk. Oliver was well aware of the fact that his GEAR was not equipped for heavy combat as he was armed with just a standard GEAR assault rifle and two 5.56mm machineguns. If he was to engage the enemy, he would have to put his GEAR into range of the enemies weapons. The tiger opened up the comlink to the recon team. "Looks like it's time for a little action. Shona, if you want we can move into fireing position. I can cover you and engage any GEAR that comes to close while jamming their communications. That way you just take em out from a distance while I kick back and relax. Sounds like a perfect balance of the workload to me. And the best of all, no enemy re-enforcements. What do you think of it Myria?"
Maybe next time we can have like a map thingy in the ooc so that we can get a bit of a picture about positions and such^^

I'm off to bed now. Did already start working on a post. Will be finished tomorrow. Proberbly be up in about 10 hours. Depends a bit if there is internet in the train to work tomorrow :)
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