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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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I'm considering to add another part to my post where I would scout the main target area with my drone. That way others might have something to do^^
Smoke and earth reached to the sky as Oliver piloted his GEAR through a hailstorm of mortar shells. It might be all practice shells but none the less the tiger found it exciting to avoid the virtual destruction that rained down from above. He could feel his hearth pumping as the next shell landed even closer to his GEAR then the previous one. Adrenaline rushed through Oliver’s body as he piloted his GEAR with great precision through the desert like terrain utilizing both his legs and wheels to make tight turns, boost up speed or as an emergency brake to avoid virtual death and the humiliation of being the first to get knocked out of his unit. The young tiger might have a reputation of misbehavior, disobedience and being a poor soldier in general, but today he showed that he could pilot a GEAR with a skill level that was way beyond of what was to be expected from someone fresh from basic training.

One of Oliver monitors flickered as it showed and overview of the battlefield the recon team was fighting on. From the corner of his eyes he could see how Myria charged her GEAR forward to engage the last remaining enemy in the area. Oliver’s team leader seemed to understand that Oliver was pushing his luck dodging mortars and that it would only be a matter of time before she had to continue the trainings mission with one team member less. For a moment he wondered what pushed Myria to put herself in harm’s way for the one guy that had put up shenanigans on their first mission. Oliver found it hard to imagine that she’d do it to save the tiger’s ass. None the less he was happy that Myria made that split second decision that would allow him to turn off his jamming antenna. After all, the powerful radio signal that was coming from the antenna put a giant target on his GEAR. As the tiger followed Myria’s ferocious assault on his monitor he totally missed the next incoming mortar.

The sudden smoke and dust blocked the visual sensors as bright red flashes in the GEAR’s cockpit indicated that Oliver’s GEAR had taken some damage. “Damn it!” cursed the Young tiger as he frantically tried to assess the situation as his GEAR came to a halt. With one look around the cockpit Oliver noticed that most of his systems where still online. He looked at the monitor showing the drone feed just in time to see Myria finishing off the last enemy GEAR with her blade. Quickly Oliver *flipped the switch and stopped the radio jamming. He could only hope that enemy artillery would cease fire now that they had nothing more to lock on too. Luckily the radar screen stayed empty. He opened up a channel to Myria “Thanks for saving me from virtual obliteration.” Spoke the tiger as he checked his computer for damage reports. Apparently the computer had decided that shrapnel has penetrated some of armor plating on the legs, damaging the hydraulic system and reducing the GEAR’s speed with about 20%. Luckily for Oliver, the damage seemed only minor.
I'll proberbly get my next post up somewhere tomorrow :)

And death by marker bullet sounds like epic fail XD
Oliver watched the recon team taking firering position. His teammates didn't waste any time to start the engagement as the sound of roaring guns filled the air. He could see how Myria and Shona started to fire upon the 3 makeshift GEARS from the river crossing. As the tiger moved his GEAR into position to support Shona against any treat that would dare to come close he could feel the tension rising. This was the moment they had all been looking forward too. Time to prove that they were all at least slightly competent at doing their jobs. The tiger watched how Shona took her first shots. The first on missed but she quikcly corrected and damaged the GEAR forcing to crawl for cover Oliver opened up his radio "Shona, I got you covered"

Oliver had barely spoken or his cockpit started to glow with warning lights. His radar has picked up incoming mortar shells. Only a second after, Myria's voice came over the radio with the order to relocate. Oliver quickly used his GEAR's computers to calculate the trajectories and impact locations of the mortar shells and quickly noticed how all the shells seemed to land more closely to his GEAR compared to his teammates. With all the enemy radio's jammed it is impossible to use it to send coordinates and the tiger was pretty sure that the 3 GEAR's they where ambushing could not have given through their location because he was transmitting the jamming signals non-stop. Then the realization sank in that they the enemy mortars where targeting the broadcast location. Oliver quickly started to fall back to avoid being hit and opened his radio. "Fuck, they are targeting me. Or to be more precisely, they are using my jamming signal to determine our location!"

This fact placed both Oliver and the recon team for a tough call. If Oliver would stop jamming the last remaining GEAR would be able to signal through their locations and the recon team would still be under fire from the mortars. Also the precise composition of the team might become known to the enemy. With such vital data, the enemy could use their assets to defend more efficiently. This would definitely make their job more difficult when assaulting the main camp. It was pretty clear to the tiger that the enemy formation would have to be destroyed before he could cease jamming their communications.

Oliver suddenly broke his GEAR out of formation without much warning and boosted his GEAR up to full speed while trying to avoid the incoming mortar shells. To an outsider it might look like the tiger was fleeing the scene with his tail between his legs but the next mortar shell impacted further away from his teammates and closer to him. Luckily Oliver's Saxknot had excellent radars and computers that he used to calculate the points of impact. The tiger tried to navigate his GEAR through the barrage of mortar shells without getting hit. None the less, every next shell seemed to land closer to his GEAR. Oliver could feel the sweat running across his forehead as he piloted his GEAR with far more skill then people would expect from a rookie soldier. Even so, Oliver know that it was only a matter of time before he would receive the first damage of the day. The tiger could only hope that his team would take out the enemy GEARs before he would receive a direct hit.
I'll write my next post tomorrow :)
I hope so^^
I already did the booty spotting. Need something creative, somethin unexpected, something that will impress the audiance that is watching. But not neccecerily in a positive manner ;)
Yes, the ic needs more aristo posts. Otherwise i am forced to have my character go around doing whater he pleases XD
That's pretty cool :D
My character would never say or do anything inapropiate in front of a lady :P
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