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Current I do be minty doh
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In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Alright, here's my shot! Hopefully he'll seem adequate; left a few spots blank, but it's all stuff that isn't prudent to his case, really. At least it shouldn't be unless I seriously screwed up lol

In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Fair 'nuff; it's never easy to jump in late. Real quick question, given that everyone has used realistic references for their characters. I was thinking of making someone who is more severely affected by their metahuman ability to the point of having a monstrous appearance. This would, of course, mean I can't really use a normal piece of reference art for such a thing, so basically I'm asking if that could be something on the table? If not, though, I can workshop something else.
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Gosh, I remember seeing this RP waaay back when it was first brought up; guess I totally blanked on marking this page down. Still, I see it's open, so is there any chance for a little late addition? Although I'll actually have to brew up a character concept lmao

New Bark Town ----> Route 29, Morning

Crikey, there were way more winners that she would've thought. Ginger expected, like, one more after her or somethin', not THREE! 'F course, there was the original lad who was here before her, but she hadn't paid him much mind. That was, until she caught him lookin' her down, which he broke in a hurry. A smug look crossed her face. Sure, Ginger didn't feel like being bothered right now, but it wasn't like she tried to look this way to not stand out. Plus...He was cute enough. The adorable little pup that was his helped as well; while she wouldn't dare let it show on her face, she couldn't help but think how cute it looked darting to and fro as it introduced itself to the other Pokémon who were out and about. It also made her thankful she'd kept Chili Pepper in her ball; she somehow doubted they would make the best first impression...

The next one up was a lass (the only other gal amongst them, she noted with some disdain), who clearly hadn't prepared herself to actually meet the Champion face-to-face, judging by that complete Darumaka-shite introduction. Didn't even give a name. Talk about improper. Ginger's eyes turned to size up the diminutive Pokémon she had on her shoulder. A Ralts, eh? Rare one for sure, and Hoennian in origin, if she was remembering right. Still...That sentiment didn't seem right for the girl herself. Something about that crap she was wearing marked her off as odd (like she was one to talk though); like something a schoolgirl would be wearing. What, did she think they were all gonna go off to Trainer School with all the pre-K goblins to learn that Fire beats Grass? She snorted to herself while her attention flickered to another newcomer.

Wow, now that? That was awkward. She'd have to give the lass more credit; she at least said something. Was this bloke even apart of the winners circle? Maybe not. Least it'd be one less face Ginger would have to remember, if that were the case. Then that left...Oh sweet Arceus, that tyke was leaking nervous energy. Still, she'd give him the point for tryin', unlike the secondary brooding benchwarmer. It was obvious though that even if he was meant to be here, he was absolutely unprepared for it. Suddenly, given her 'competition', Ginger was feeling a lot better about herself...And in turn, a whole lot worse about this journey at large. Of course, she'd have been remiss to ignore the new pup who was now prancing around the group, quick to get cozy with both its fellow dog Pokémon, as well as....The Champ. Yikes.

...Still, Ginger was definitely jealous. Rockruff was such a cute Pokémon, but she'd never been able to find one back home. Even if she had, it probably wouldn't have liked her all that much...While her face didn't change, the more perceptive of the bunch could tell that Ginger's eyes gained a venomous edge. Speaking of that pup, the Champ soon spoke up about its carefree attitude, and...Ginger would have to agree. Sure, he seemed like a lovely little guy, but she also knew that Rockruff were prone to getting, well, rough at times, even ones that are normally well-mannered. Not to mention that, in general, letting your Pokémon just wander about is an easy way to get into trouble...She'd know.

Ginger continued to listen as the Champion spoke, telling them of their plan to cut through Route 29 and make a stop on 46 partway through to give 'em some breathing room....Seriously? If the plan was to just walk the bloody Hell back through the route, then why even make them all meet at the start of it?! This all coulda just happened at Cherrygrove! While she didn't hide a grumble of discontent, she wasn't ready to step into the verbal ring with the Champion. That is, until something else he said rubbed her the wrong way.

...Nothing worth catching? What was that supposed to mean? Sure, Ginger'd be the first to say that all the little rodents and birds that mainly populated the Route weren't exactly impressive (though at the very least it was more diverse than the region had been in the past; migration patterns or the like, she hadn't paid too much attention to that crap back in school), but to say they weren't even worth their notice, effectively, was...Cruel.

"Yeah, I got a question." Marching forward from the sidelines of the gathered lot, Ginger took center stage, not hiding the disdain in her glare. "Th' shite didja mean when you said there ain't nothin' 'worth catching'? What, they not strong enough for your tastes, oh mighty Champion?" Was she doing the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a flame that would've died off in seconds otherwise? Yes. But she didn't care; what he said had pissed her off, and she wouldn't take it sitting down.

Interacting With/Mentioning: Everyone (primarily Isaac)

Cherrygrove City ---> New Bark Town








Early to bed, and early to rock, that...Wasn't, like, a motto or anything, but it was at least what Ginger Lockhearte had ended up doing this fine morning, her guitar hooked up to an amp to let her early jam session really go to 11! Plus, this place wasn't nothin' like Galar; there were so few folks in this 'city' that she really wasn't concerned about bugging anyone. Besides, most of the old folks could probably sleep right through this...

As Ginger kept riffing away on Roxie's OG hit single (though she was more partial to her latest hit, Baneful Bunker), she hadn't even noticed that her mum had knocked on the door at least five times, and having given up being acknowledged, had still rather politely opened the door to her upstairs room in a very quiet and subtle nature, waiting for her daughter to reach a lull in her session. Which she received by chance, when Cheepy, who had mostly been enjoying the rockout her trainer was delivering, had abruptly decided to waddle her way off the bedside and go messing with her amp, unplugging it midway through the next verse. "Wha-?! Cheepy! Why, you lil' bugger!" She brusquely nabbed up the bratty little Poison-Type, wrangling her away from her precious gear, when her mum's singsong voice echoed throughout the room, now devoid of ear-blasting sound. "Dear? Do you know what day it is?"

Only just now realizing her mum was in the room gave Ginger a bit of a start, but she recovered quickly enough, plopping Chili Pepper back onto the bed. "Whatcha mean? S'just a Wednesday, right?" Her mum, with what felt in the moment like an all-knowing smile, quickly pulled out a ticket, and it all came flooding back.


"Indeed it is, sweetheart! You'd best not keep a Champion waiting, it would be awfully rude, and besides, I'm sure you've been looking forward to today!" With that heart-melter of a smile on her mum's face, Ginger didn't have it in her to tell that she'd been dreading it more than anything. Putting on a smile for her sake, she responded. "Yeah mum, f'course I have! Guess I....Better get ready." "Well, it's nice to be eager, but I want to make sure you get a good breakfast in beforehand! And, well...I'm not sure whether they have some other method of knowing you're one of the winners, so you ought to keep the ticket with you when you go." Being quickly handed the winning ticket, her mother began to leave back downstairs. "Be sure to come down once you're all packed up!"

Some time later...

Ginger's mum was great, but her doting nature had made actually leaving the house for this journey troublesome. Between making her breakfast and then expecting her to even have seconds of the darn thing (....which she did), and her fussing over her appearance (she still thought Ginger should lose the hair dye, but she put way too much work into this look to just toss it!), she'd been held up way longer than intended, but fortunately, making it to sleepy ol' Bark Town was as simple as a hop, skip, and jump. Just had to pass through Route 29, which she'd been through a dozen times at this point. Even while keeping Chili Pepper in her ball, most wild 'Mons steered clear of her on her path through, especially the poor bird Pokémon who were far from eager to get caught by a Nuzzle yet again.

Avoiding any major catastrophe, Ginger had made it to the end of the Route, and, well...The Champ at least made it easy to find them, with their signature Blaziken chilling outside their ball like they owned the place. Seemed she wasn't the first one here...And even more surprisingly, not the last, given how held up she'd gotten. With a deep sigh, Ginger strutted her way over, waving her ticket around as her sign of officiality. "Yo. 'M one of the winners. Judgin' by them," She commented, thrusting a thumb towards the stoic Blaze Pokémon. "I must be in the right place. Ginger." With that last bit, she motioned to herself to clarify that it was her name, and wasting no time, went to hug the other end of the exit to New Bark Town, leaning against the treeline away from the Champ and that other kid. It was way too early in the morning to end up in a proper chat, by her margins, and besides...She felt way too awkward trying to talk to the Champion, especially with their ace just casually out and about! Talk about intimidating. She couldn't even imagine measuring up to a Pokémon like that...

And so, having made her piece, Ginger was all too happy to keep her distance, tousling her multi-colored hair of the way as she went about re-tuning her guitar after the morning session.

Interacting With/Mentioning: Isaac, Danny
Gotta love a group that'll come out the gates swinging....

On each other, that is. xD

Here's my hat into this metaphorical ring; hope Ginger and her little brat baby are up to snuff :3

He couldn't sleep.

In fact, if we were being more accurate, Kane hadn't obtained a good night of rest for nearly a week, barely able to squeeze out a few hours of rest before his mind would catch up with him, or rather, his heart. He lied on his messy and small apartment bed, staring vacantly up to the ceiling, as if God himself would inscribe a divine message for him to decipher. Of course, things weren't that simple.

He needed an answer, and fast.

With a begrudging grunt of effort, the young man hauled himself off, having to halfway wrestle the sheets from off of him. Still groggy and disoriented from his lack of rest, he bungled around for the lamp on his nightstand, nearly knocking it over in the process. Or, well...In truth, he did actually knock it down, as it careened towards the ground near his feet, threatening to shatter and give him more than a few nasty cuts. However, just before it made contact, a hand lunged forth, grasping it firmly as it placed it atop the stand once more, and opted to light it for the barely awake man as well. "Uh...Thanks?"

That thing again....

It had been a month at least (though probably longer; he wasn't exactly keeping good track of time as of late) since this entity became apart of his life, but he was still just as confused and baffled as to what it was from the start. He knew talking to it was a waste of time; it said nothing, and responded to...Well, not exactly nothing. At that exact thought, he casually had the scuba-like specter trail off into his cramped kitchen to find something for him to eat in the fridge. It didn't speak, but it listened to him on some subconscious level. Not only that, it had far stranger abilities than simply being some kind of creature permanently tethered to his person. Still, that wasn't important right now.

Now on his slightly staggering feet, Kane stumbled his way over to his desk, the laptop still burning brightly into the night. Either he hadn't been asleep for nearly as long as he'd hoped, or he'd finally managed to sleep...Through an entire day, that is. Neither prospect really pleased him, but at the very least he was thankful for the extended leave he'd gotten from work for the time being. It gave him a chance to at least try and collect himself, which also included some personal inquiries of his. That much was clear from what the monitor displayed; an article about the infamous Prowler's latest victim, one Megan Baker, aged 19. As like all the other cases, they were grossly in-depth into the incident (at least, as far as they could with even the police's flagging evidence), and despite claiming their hatred and disgust at the killer, it wasn't too far below the surface that one could tell they were eating it up, if only because these awful acts raked in viewers.

Kane pressed down on the power button. This was the last thing he needed to see right now, and besides, it was information that proved extremely pointless. No, he already knew where his current shot was...His workplace had its perks when it came to looking into these sorts of incidents, as it turned out. He already had done the preparations for his scheme, though what stopped him now was crippling fear. He was about to break the law, and if he got caught, who knows what might happen to him? He'd certainly lose his job if it came down to that, and much worse could happen as well. Hell, he could just get shot on sight as an invader, and that'd bring an awfully quick end to his story here. Overall, the only thing he could rely on was...


Kane nearly jumped out of his skin as the apparition-esque humanoid peeked around the corner, a greasy pizza box in hand. Leftovers from yesterday...Or maybe a bit later. Hard to say for certain. Regardless, once he'd caught his breath again, he merely motioned for it to pass the cardboard housing his hasty meal, to which it obliged. And so, rather unceremoniously, the young man sat on his bed, chowing down on a few chilled slices of meat lover's pizza. He probably would've heated it up under normal circumstances, but he already realized he'd wasted too much time when he saw it was well into midnight. This was his best chance...As doubtful as it sounded in his head.

Finishing what was left of the Italian cuisine, he had his personal ghost chuck it into his trash, though the force with which it did so made him startle yet again. This thing was strong, stronger than he probably understood himself. Granted, the tense musculature of its arms and legs hinted towards it. Shaking it off, he got prepared, opening his closet. He put on mostly black; if he was going to sneak into somewhere, he sure as hell wasn't going to be wearing a bright white coat. Beyond that, he took his bag. Normally stuffed with nutrient bars to carry him through a day, it instead held a different payload tonight. It had all his essentials, of course; the keys to his apartment and car, his phone and wallet, and....

He opened the bag, pulling out a silvery pin that he quickly clipped on. It was rather innocuous, with little styling apart of it beyond the emblazoned 'M'. To others, it meant nothing. To him...It was a promise. He had to see this through. Swallowing the fear churning in his gut, he rifled through the rest of the items to ensure his supply. Yup, there they were; a bandana and heavy-lensed goggles. Not perfect, but it was less conspicuous than buying a hockey mask or something. With these, once he was inside, he could cover up most of his identity. And, while gloves should be obvious to someone in his line of work to avoid any fingerprints, he had a trick up his sleeve for that...

With a resigned sigh, he looked towards the entity once more, which stared at him blankly and expressionlessly. To be honest, it sorta gave him the creeps. Still, if there was any chance of Kane figuring out this mystery, it would be with it. Making his steps to the exit of his apartment and out to the big wide world of New York City, he spoke to the figure once more. "We've got a highly secure Forensics building to break into. Let's go....Diver Down."

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