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In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ahh, I see, a Midjourney wizard! :) lovely.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Haha, omg! These are soooo good! How did you make these?
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
🤭 cute, right? I figure Laura is the kind of chick that likes to read those magazines, and watch something like Paradise Hotel lol.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae Really sorry for the sudden 180, but some IRL stuff has come up, and as such I need to back out of this RP. I told rabidbacon they are welcome to use the WIP stuff I provided them as background or NPC material as they see fit, as well

Oh, nothing serious I hope? :( real life comes first, so no worries honey. You're welcome back any time.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Aeolian>

Your comment inspired me to dread there will be a "Only Regalia" accounts on the net.

On a side note, I am deep into Nibelheim lore. In the middle of a version 2. Just incase anyone was thinking of any connections there so we can align up. I have spoken to Aeolion who said about their character being from there originally, so expanded the mythos!

Short version is Gaelic-Norse inspired with some very old and deep traditions. This has a duality with its capital, which is become like a mini-Hollywood with the commercialisation of the mythology and culture with movies and tv series, bringing around a new way. So Pagan and Neo-Paganism within the land, as it were.

I'm from Sweden, so I look forward to reading this :) I love it when Norse mythology is in media. I was a bit disappointed by how Odin was portrayed in the "God of War" game, but eh, can't have everything.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Aku the Samurai
Thank you, thank you :) Sorry I didn't tag you in the general message, but I edited it in! I'll look at this today.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I think this is everyone. So, a message: I'd like for character sheet applications to be ready and submitted by this Sunday. That's your Sunday, depending on where you are in the world. Also, as you can see, there's more than 8 people applying, so I'll have to cut a few. This kind of story and genre doesn't fit well with a huge cast, unfortunately. But, we can talk as much as you want and explain why I chose one over the other, if you want. There's also the future, and people dropping off, so I'll keep everyone in mind that aren't there in the beginning.

edit: @Aku the Samurai!

<Snipped quote by Sylvan>

Sounds great, looking forward to it! Though, are we permitted to do something like this, @Mirandae? I worry that having all three in one nation might run counter to something you had planned.

Though! If Votara is some sort of border / buffer standing against @Tlaloc's prosperous theocratic nation, maybe it makes sense to have them there? Perhaps my Regalia is also harvested for resources alongside being used as some sort of soldier-y person (as she is a criminal and may have less rights than your usual upstanding citizen).

Just brainstorming, very open to suggestions!

It's okay. Every nation will have 1 or more Regalia. Although, if you're working together, maybe put Garuda in Glasia? Neighbor to the east. This way, you can still mention the collaboration between Garuda/Ramuh, but still keep things open for a potential player in the future.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lovely discussions :)

Thank you, thank you. I will look at this today.

The only thing I thought of for this was that the Regalia's mind is the only thing that remains human in the Dominant Form. The Dominant can't control the Regalia's action, they can't control what is said, or anything else. However, your internal communication with the Dominant will be strong in the Dominant Form. I think I wrote somewhere in the lore that if the Regalia does too much weird shit that the Dominant doesn't like, the Dominant will eventually leave the Regalia. And, being Regalia is quite addictive, so having been abandoned is harsh.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
No problem :) take your time with it. If there really isn't anything that fits, then leave it - that works too.
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