Avatar of Mistress Dizzy


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Don't worry, I will be the same way. I'll try to get a post up tonight.
Name: Kassandra

Age (18+ please): 153, considered a young adult for a dragon

Gender: Female

Race: Water Dragon Shifter/Human

Appearance: Kassandra is chubby with dark skin and seafoam white hair. She has strange, forked ears that mark her as inhuman, but they don’t look elven and she’s too tall to be a dwarf. She usually dresses a bit outside of fashion as she can’t quite keep up with trends over the many years. Her dragon form is a pastel blue and white.

Personality: Kassandra is gentle and caring, and looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly. In truth, she could do so easily, but only if the fly was hurting others. Despite being a village guardian, she is rather on the shy side. She’s been run out of town too many times while traveling, and always feels in between due to her shifter nature. While she has few friends, she tends to take good care of the people under her watch. Beware her if you ever get her angry.

Strengths: She is an excellent swimmer, both in dragon form and human form. She is good at cooking and living off the land, skills she learned from both parents. Once she was older, she learned staff combat from her father, and water magic from her mother. They taught her the staff since it could easily blend in as a walking stick. Her mother knew acutely that a shifter’s life may mean not being quite welcome anywhere. While she mostly uses the staff as a defensive weapon, she can and will strike heavy blows with it if necessary. She could easily crack a skull if she truly found it necessary.

With her water magic, she has a recent rage of what she can do. At the lightest, she can make a small localized rainshower. Good for getting clean or cooling off on a hot day, but not much more.

At the heaviest, she can cause someone to lose all the liquid in their body. However this would probably leave her laid out for days, so she won't be doing that unless it's a last resort. Her mother taught her that one; Daddy did not know about this little lesson.

Mostly she uses her staff as a focus and shoots water like a fire hose, knocking people off their feet and half drowning them with congealed balls of water.

Weaknesses: Obviously, anything enchanted to be anti-dragon will work well against her. She is highly susceptible to bad food and tainted water. Either will put her off her game for longer than it would a regular human, especially the water. Hot days slow her down because she is easily dehydrated. Water dragons are meant to live in or very near the water. While Kassy is used to living in harsh climates, a desert like climate could very well kill her if she didn’t have access to a regular source of water around the clock.

Brief Bio: Kassandra’s mother was a shifter dragon, and her father an ordinary human. They brought up Kassandra in the wild forests, with plants and animals for her companions. Unfortunately, illness took her father early. Her mother, while loving, was grieving too hard to take very good care of her daughter. So Kassandra more or less raised herself during her teenage years. Once she became of age, she and her mother parted ways.

Kassandra has served as the local fishing village’s guardian for over 75 years, and after much toil, has earned the trust of the humans there. She helps with large catches, rescues people in storms, tosses brigands out of town, and sometimes teaches the children when their parents are off on sea voyages. She has not left the town in some time, because she is comfortable there. Unfortunately, life isn’t all comfort. Being chosen will test everything she knows, and is.

Other: Kassy loves to sing, but it’s rare that she does so in front of others. She has a rich and husky singing voice.
She probably doesn't know what the word means, but she realizes she's suggesting something that may not be welcome. Which is why she's all shy about it.

Also the tech eyepatch thing is stuck in my brain. That or a device very,very much like a DBZ scouter that serves the same purpose.
I don't know if you played Metal Gear Solid 4, but there's a character who has an eyepatch that does exactly what Jinny's talking about. It's basically just compiles data about the environment and enemies and stuff.
Jinny grinned happily as her weapon choices were approved. “I’m glad you like them. They just said ‘pick me up’ so I did.” As she was presented her choices for the time being, she paused. While she did want to learn to use them, and soon, the prospect of clothes perked her interest.

“I want a costume! Can it be anything I want? Well…” She thought about that for a moment. “Probably not anything. It’s gotta be made out of special material, right? To make sure I don’t get shot or chopped in half? Is it going to be made of the same stuff your suit is made of?”

She paused again, and smiled sheepishly. “I don’t want it to be orange. Um. I’m sure it’s a nice color and you like it and everything but I don’t. It’s like… looking at a juice box.”

“I think I want my outfit to be purple. Not all the way purple, just some.” Her mind was already racing with ideas of what it could look like. “Can I have a cape too?”

She started to pace again, brain going.

“And that means I get a mask, right? I have an idea, but...” She looked down, displaying a sudden and unusual bout of shyness. She rubbed the back of her neck, not meeting his eyes.

“I kinda want an eyepatch, but instead of making it dark, it has like… computer readings and data and stuff.” Jinny had grown very interested in the workings of computers and technology.

“The eyepatch is so people look at it and think of you and get scared before I even start fighting. But only if you think it’s ok.”
@Bitterblue111 I am actually working on it now. Going to PM you aside so I don't clog up the thread.
"Well, Roxy's allergic to eggs, so the breakfast for dinner place that we like is out." Devika said musingly.

Tim nodded but didn't say anything, waiting for one of them to choose.

"Oh, I know. Roxy, have you ever been to a churrascaria? It's a place where they serve all different kinds of meat and sides. It's very casual and the portions are huge. Plus, everything is delicious. We have one in the neighborhood. That's where I want to go."

"That decides that, then." He nodded, then looked down at himself, still in his work suit. "I should change."

"You should change." Mara murmured, giving him a friendly swat as he passed by.

Devika groaned low and covered her face. "Could you guys attempt to be less twee in front of company? Please?" A minor trickle of embarrassment was coming from her.

"No!" Said both parents, nearly in unison.

Devika snickered faintly, shaking her head. "Roxy, I'm sorry that they're so..." She gestured in the air for a word and came up empty. "Them."
Sweet. Thank you for doing that. I will get to writing.
I... I mean they HAVE to do the costume thing. I squealed a bit when I read that. Mostly because it means that I have art ideas again. I should have a post for you soon.

Oh! Could you please add a dialogue line with something to the effect of giving Jinny her choices? That way I can hop right into it.
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