Avatar of Mistress Dizzy


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It's a pity that they don't. I love dwarves.
Picrewの「RPG: Classic Mode」でつくったよ! picrew.me/share?cd=sWRExl4FZW #Picrew #RPG_Classic_Mode

I think the link should work. You'll have to translate the site to English though.
What Moonshadow said. Take care.

In other news, I made a small Kassandra.


Thank you for saying that. It's kind of rude to assume the actions an entire group.
Kijani shook her head. "If I'm going to learn to be a real Jedi, I'd better get used to sleeping in some less comfortable spaces. I'll take the tent. Just... remind me how to put it up, again?"

Then Artoo came up, and she felt a distinct jolt of panic. What could it be now? They had only just gotten here, would they have to leave? She relaxed a bit when she saw it was just her father.

"Hello Father!" Kijani smiled broadly. "You haven't interrupted anything. Training starts tomorrow. We're just settling in for the night." She gave him a quick rundown of events, but left out the part where Adam would technically not be training with her. "Have we missed anything important?"
@DraconiWarlord Whatever you changed the font to, I can barely see it.
I'm done. It sucks but there it is. I apologize for making you all wait.

Kassandra awoke suddenly, barely breathing as if someone had punched her in the chest. What a strange, strange dream that had been. That was followed by a feeling of deep certainty, as obvious as the ocean. That was no dream. Someone was trying to speak to her – and if she believed it, 5 others as well. The Forbidden Grove, 2 days… she could make that, she knew the route. But why was she chosen, out of all people in this world? She was nothing much.

She started to dress and pack quickly. Traveling clothes, cloak, rations enough for 3 days, because you never knew, her best boots and her favorite water jug that could be carried on her back. Finally, her staff, hooked to her belt. It looked like an ordinary carved walking stick, but could easily be used for more.

She exited the little cottage at the edge of town, to find the fishing village of Northclaw was already up and bustling as usual. As she walked through the town, she was greeted by townspeople left and right. It made her heart hurt to think of leaving them. But if this dream, this prophecy was true, it had to be done. This Vaeros would destroy everything – if nothing else in that prophecy stuck with her, it would be those images of destruction. If it was too much to save the world, then she would save her town.

Midway through town, a group of children found her and happily surrounded her. They were the younger ones; not yet of age to help their parents with work. Most of them were her students when she helped to teach.

“Good morning, Miss Kassandra! Are you going somewhere?” One of the children piped up.

“Good morning Helena. Good morning, little ones. I am going on a journey. I will be back as soon as I can.” She ruffled the child’s hair in a fond way. “Be good to your parents, all of you. Especially you, Anthony.” She waggled her finger and the children giggled. As one last treat, Kassandra pulled out her staff and summoned some very large bubbles for them to play with. They lasted just a bit longer than regular bubbles, and were much larger. The babies were always delighted.

As she headed toward the village gate, ready to leave, she turned back and sighed deeply. She would be homesick the whole time, she just knew it. Maybe it was a mistake, and this red-haired human meant another Kassandra?

She took the road out, making a beeline for the thick forest.

Two Days Later

It wasn’t a terrible trip. She was happy to discover that her foresting skills had not worn down with time. If you knew the forests, there would be plenty of things to eat, and cool places to sleep. She hadn’t even touched the dried fish and spiced seaweed that made up most of her rations. Approaching the Forbidden Grove, she pulled her staff out and used it as a walking stick. She also pulled up the hood of her cloak, to hide her odd ears. She wasn’t sure what she would find, so it was best to play the traveling human.

Wouldn’t it be funny if she was the only one here, and had come for nothing at all?

That idea died as she heard voices ahead. Peering through the trees, she saw 5 other figures already there. It looked like she was bringing up the rear.

Nothing to do but go forward, then.

“Ahem.” She stepped through the trees with barely a sound, her cloak hood still up. “...good morning. I suppose I am to join you.”
*grumbling sigh* I've got half a scene written but it's not coming together.
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