| NAME |
Kassandra Keigwan
| AGE |
Y06 - Mirage
Kassy is about 5’8'' (5’10” in aquatic form) and rather pudgy, with dark skin and thick, curly white hair. Her eyes are bright orange, with wide pupils. She has a long orange tailfin when in full aquatic form.
She usually wears feminine clothing, skirts and flowy tops and lots of jewelry. She dislikes shoes.
Her hero costume is a work in progress because her writer can’t decide on a design. Skintight fish leotard is kinda boring, Mera.
She usually wears feminine clothing, skirts and flowy tops and lots of jewelry. She dislikes shoes.
Her hero costume is a work in progress because her writer can’t decide on a design. Skintight fish leotard is kinda boring, Mera.
| BIO |
Kassandra was born with a rare type of magic, one that had been systematically expunged from her race's DNA. Her grandfather could read minds. Her mother could speak to the dead. Kassy herself can cast illusions of all sorts. Her mother and father traveled the seas, never staying in one place for a long time. Her mother took work from those who didn't hate her power, and they lived this way until Kassy was about eight. Her mother's spirit was taken from her body during her work, and her body ceased to live. Her distraught father took her to the home of her aunt, promising to return for her soon. He never did.
Young Kassy grew up isolated. She was shunned by the townspeople, and shamed by her aunt. Her aunt considered her a freeloader and a sociopath, and was determined to beat the magic out of her. Her uncle did nothing to stop his wife's poor treatment of their niece. Kassy's only solace was in her cousin Leonce, who ignored his mother's opinions and treated her as a sister. The two grew up close, and he was her savior.
Unfortunately, her aunt was not much kinder to her own son, and as soon as her cousin became of age, he married to someone and moved far away from home. While he did offer to take Kassy with him, she declined. Left on her own, Kassy honed her magic in secret, growing more controlled and powerful by the turn of each tide. All she had to do was make it five more years, and then she would be an adult in the eyes of the law.
Five years proved to be too long. After one particularly rough night, Kassy gathered what she had and left home, determined to find somewhere that she belonged. She swam on and on, only stopping permanently in the massive city of Atlantis. When browsing the market for food, she ran into - and stopped - a robbery attempt with quick use of her magic. She didn't have time to consider the consequences of using her magic in such a public space, and word spread like squid ink in clear water. Several guards appeared to take her to the palace for questioning, and Kassy was certain she was going to die in prison. Luckily for her, that was not the case.
King Arthur and Queen Mera found her abilities quite interesting. After much negotiation and politics, Kassy was taken in as a mage apprentice. She was gifted a staff of the elements, a costume, and a proper training regiment.
Young Kassy grew up isolated. She was shunned by the townspeople, and shamed by her aunt. Her aunt considered her a freeloader and a sociopath, and was determined to beat the magic out of her. Her uncle did nothing to stop his wife's poor treatment of their niece. Kassy's only solace was in her cousin Leonce, who ignored his mother's opinions and treated her as a sister. The two grew up close, and he was her savior.
Unfortunately, her aunt was not much kinder to her own son, and as soon as her cousin became of age, he married to someone and moved far away from home. While he did offer to take Kassy with him, she declined. Left on her own, Kassy honed her magic in secret, growing more controlled and powerful by the turn of each tide. All she had to do was make it five more years, and then she would be an adult in the eyes of the law.
Five years proved to be too long. After one particularly rough night, Kassy gathered what she had and left home, determined to find somewhere that she belonged. She swam on and on, only stopping permanently in the massive city of Atlantis. When browsing the market for food, she ran into - and stopped - a robbery attempt with quick use of her magic. She didn't have time to consider the consequences of using her magic in such a public space, and word spread like squid ink in clear water. Several guards appeared to take her to the palace for questioning, and Kassy was certain she was going to die in prison. Luckily for her, that was not the case.
King Arthur and Queen Mera found her abilities quite interesting. After much negotiation and politics, Kassy was taken in as a mage apprentice. She was gifted a staff of the elements, a costume, and a proper training regiment.
*Illusions - Kassy's most versatile ability is that she can form illusions of all 5 senses. Sight and sound are the easiest for her; tactile illusions a bit more difficult. Smell and taste are possible for Kassy, but she's not very good at them; mostly because those are quite subjective. Her favorite tricks are to make herself invisible and soundless, leaving her able to easily surprise unaware enemies.
*Resistance - Kassy has a natural resistance, and in some cases, immunity to mental attacks. Another illusionist will be ineffective against her.
*Human Shape - While Kassy does usually go around with a tail, she can walk on land for hours at a time. How long she can manage depends on how hydrated she is at the time, but she will have to go into water within 24 hours. Usually she has to spend her nights in a bath or pool.
*Staff combat – Kassy’s magic staff is very durable, and she’s learned to use it as a physical weapon. The octopus figure topping it is weighted, and packs a punch.
*Knife combat – While she would much prefer to stay out of the action, if she has to, Kassy can also defend herself with a small hooked fishing knife.
*Swimming – Kassy can swim in all forms with great speed and grace.
Equipment: *Elemental Staff – The staff Kassy carries is made of metal with a magical core, and it’s covered in various runes. She has elemental spells ‘programmed’ in, ones that she can use at will to control fire, water, air and earth. There is a figure of an octopus that tops the staff, whose eyes light up to correspond with the running spell. (Kassy has named this figurine Damiek.)
*Fishing Knife – Kassy has a medium sized fishing knife mostly used for hunting and last- ditch self defense.
*Resistance - Kassy has a natural resistance, and in some cases, immunity to mental attacks. Another illusionist will be ineffective against her.
*Human Shape - While Kassy does usually go around with a tail, she can walk on land for hours at a time. How long she can manage depends on how hydrated she is at the time, but she will have to go into water within 24 hours. Usually she has to spend her nights in a bath or pool.
*Staff combat – Kassy’s magic staff is very durable, and she’s learned to use it as a physical weapon. The octopus figure topping it is weighted, and packs a punch.
*Knife combat – While she would much prefer to stay out of the action, if she has to, Kassy can also defend herself with a small hooked fishing knife.
*Swimming – Kassy can swim in all forms with great speed and grace.
Equipment: *Elemental Staff – The staff Kassy carries is made of metal with a magical core, and it’s covered in various runes. She has elemental spells ‘programmed’ in, ones that she can use at will to control fire, water, air and earth. There is a figure of an octopus that tops the staff, whose eyes light up to correspond with the running spell. (Kassy has named this figurine Damiek.)
*Fishing Knife – Kassy has a medium sized fishing knife mostly used for hunting and last- ditch self defense.
*Dehydration – Too long without water will kill Kassandra far faster than it will kill a human. Even after a few hours she feels weak and fuzzy headed. 2 days, maybe 3, and she is toast.
*Confidence – Strange for the usually bold hero types, she is definitely on the shyer side when out of combat and costume. This could easily be exploited by someone close to her.
*Alien Chemistry – Drugs behave strangely in her system. Even something as innocuous seeming as caffeine or alcohol may have strange effects. For example, given a cup of strong coffee, Kassy becomes extremely hyperactive and bubbly for a few hours. Then she sleeps so deep an earthquake couldn’t phase her.
*Confidence – Strange for the usually bold hero types, she is definitely on the shyer side when out of combat and costume. This could easily be exploited by someone close to her.
*Alien Chemistry – Drugs behave strangely in her system. Even something as innocuous seeming as caffeine or alcohol may have strange effects. For example, given a cup of strong coffee, Kassy becomes extremely hyperactive and bubbly for a few hours. Then she sleeps so deep an earthquake couldn’t phase her.
Alien Phisiology: Kassandra is an Atlantean variant, from somewhere deeper in the ocean than Atlantis. As such she has a humanoid form, and an aquatic form. The aquatic form is akin to a mermaid, despite her insistence that she is not, in fact, the little mermaid. Her bones are harder than usual, her skin is oddly smooth and nearly hairless, she has sharp teeth befitting a carnivore, and her temperature runs cold. She could be mistaken for a human at a quick glance, but anything past that would show her as non-human.
Trivia: *Kassandra sings like a honey-voiced angel. No one knows this, as she only sings when she's alone or, at least, thinks she is.
*The staff can do more than Kassy knows it can do. She has not fully unlocked its potential.
*Instead of a bed, Kassy sleeps in a large saltwater pool on the bottom floor of the tower.
*Kassy has a small tattoo on the back of her neck in the shape of an eye. All of her people have these, as designations of family lines.
Trivia: *Kassandra sings like a honey-voiced angel. No one knows this, as she only sings when she's alone or, at least, thinks she is.
*The staff can do more than Kassy knows it can do. She has not fully unlocked its potential.
*Instead of a bed, Kassy sleeps in a large saltwater pool on the bottom floor of the tower.
*Kassy has a small tattoo on the back of her neck in the shape of an eye. All of her people have these, as designations of family lines.