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Jinny took the gun silently and clutched it tight. She took it to her shoulder and made sure it was securely set. She had been taught to shoot, but only little red plastic targets. This was something else entirely.

Her lips moved as she calculated and the rabbit drank.

Exhale. Steady. Squeeze, don’t pull, the trigger. And -

The little bullet flew out faster than she could track. Birds and creatures scattered from the water. But not the rabbit. It lay there in an ever expanding pool of it’s own blood, twitching very slightly as the life drained out of it.

Jinny pulled back the rifle and stared at the animal. Splashing through the little creek, she approached it and crouched down. She gave it a little tentative poke just to be sure. It was definitely, absolutely dead.


Jinny kept staring, half aware of the blood getting on the tips of her shoes. The area around the stream had gone quiet, as all the wildlife had promptly left.

Slowly, she looked up at her uncle.

She felt…

She felt…

Absolutely nothing.

Frowning, she looked back at the rabbit. “It’s dead. I did that. But… is something supposed to happen? Like… here?” She pointed at her chest. “I killed it but I don’t really feel anything. Not sad. But not happy either. It’s like potato chips. You kind of eat them and for a second they’re there but then they aren’t, and then… well, you’re still hungry afterward.”

Her frown deepened.

“Uncle, am I broken?”
Six weeks was a long time, and no time at all.

In Adam’s absence, Kijani threw herself into her Jedi training. She and Yoda worked day and night to mold her into a proper Jedi.

She could command the fauna of Dagobah with her Jedi mind tricks. She was getting stronger by the day, being able to lift boulders and even most fallen tree with Yoda’s assistance after a storm with the Force. Her body was trim and fit, and the princess was getting calluses on her royal hands.

It seemed she had left the softness behind her. She wasn’t even cold anymore, most days.

Nightly, Yoda told her stories of former Jedi, how great they used to be. These stories fascinated Kijani; the more she learned, the more she wanted to live up to millennia of expectations. She asked, just once, why there were barely any Jedi left, but Yoda had looked so ill at the question that she dropped the subject immediately.

Every day, she grew. Every day, she got better and better.

And yet.

What was the point if Adam was not here to share her triumphs? He was the only one who would really understand what she was going through. She hadn’t heard from him since he’d left. Her father kept her updated on his piloting exploits. It seemed he was making a name for himself, and she was proud.

Unfortunately, with the way things had been left, she was too much of a coward to contact him. Her own feelings were a mess. Kijani still didn’t know what she wanted. All she knew was that she missed him terribly. The way he encouraged her. The way he always seemed to listen. The way he smiled. Even the stupid beard she didn’t like, she missed.

No amount of meditation kept him from her dreams.


As the massive silver ship sped overhead, Kijani frowned. Who was this? It couldn’t be her father – there was no way he would travel in something so ostentatious. It didn’t look like an Empire ship either. If they had somehow known where she was, they would have fired first and asked questions never.

So… who?

With a sigh, Kijani took off at a loose jog, headed for the ship.

Location: Happy Harbour Obstacle Course
Interaction: Team Arrow, specifically @DClassified

Once Aleen’a burst a hole in the wall, Kassandra climbed through after some of the others. She brushed the grit from her uniform and hair, and frowned as she noticed the other set of trainees being led to the other side. Had they finished sparring already? She felt a little burst of frustration. They had definitely been meant to go over the wall, and a lot faster, too.

She looked at the monkey bars with unfamiliarity. What exactly were they meant to do here? However, Kila inadvertently showed her the way as he jumped and leapt across them with ease. She felt like applauding somewhat. It had been a very graceful display. She inhaled, then took off running. While no one was going to call her a speedster, she wasn’t exactly slow. Kassandra leapt and hit the first bar hard, her palms clanging against the metal. A quick-timed release had her on the next and onward, but she nearly ran out of steam by the end. She started to swing back and forth to get more momentum.

“This is-” She grunted as she swung, further and further with each repetition. “Harder than it looks!” She finally leapt for the last bar, catching it just barely with her fingertips and then dropping to the other side. “You are very nimble, Kila.”

She turned to watch the other team rolling massive tires. Part of her wanted to continue on, but they were supposed to be a team, right? She stayed put, wondering if they were also going to spar with each other when this was finished. That tiny, dark friend in her head whispered the hope that she'd be paired against Zachary.
-Okay. Let me know if you need anything.-

It was impossible to convey emotion through text, but Devika really meant that. If Roxy needed anything, Devika would help the best she could. She considered the other woman a friend, though she still wasn't sure if it was mutual, and at this point, was still a bit afraid to ask.

The server showed up and took everyone's drink orders. Mr. Jones ordered a few appetizers for the table, and put in an order for the first round of meat. This didn't take long - soon enough the server came by with fresh grilled beef as well as the 2 appetizers, both of them some kind of grilled vegetable.

"Oh man, just looking at it makes me hungrier." Devika said with a big smile. She politely sliced off a piece and popped it in her mouth. "Mmm.. heaven. I wish I could cook like this."
Thank you. I thought she had one but I wasn't sure.

Also, I know absolutely nothing about guns so I'm just going to roll with what you say.
"Goodbye, Adam. Be safe out there." Kijani watched her friend turn his back and leave. Soon, the ship was taking off, and she was left alone. For some reason, tears were prickling at her eyes. She exhaled, and did not cry, letting the emotion flow away as she had been taught.

Had she said the right thing? Had she hurt Adam's feelings? She honestly didn't know. There would be time to rectify it later, she was sure. But for now, perhaps they both needed space.

With a soft sigh, she headed to Yoda's home, lightsaber strapped to her belt. She didn't want to think about this now.

"Master Yoda? Good morning." She approached her new teacher. "Adam has left us. It's just me, now. I hope I won't disappoint."
Location: Happy Harbour
Interections: No one really

Kassandra’s orange eyes narrowed as she was chastised, yet again, by Zach. Her hands tensed into fists. What was his deal? What had she done wrong to make him angry at her? She wanted to say something, but realized it didn’t matter. Of course he hated her. Everyone else did. It didn’t matter the reason.

She felt her logic was sound, going over the wall. Aleen’a was a surprise to even their trainers, which meant they had not considered super-strength in their training. Breaking through the wall would be impossible without her. Therefore, she wasn’t meant to be helping in that fashion. In conclusion – over the wall, not through it.

But she kept it all to herself, even after Felix and Kila (or was it Ja?) seemed to agree with her. She shot them grateful glances, but kept her mouth shut. It had been made very clear that her opinion didn’t matter here. Why bother trying to convince them otherwise?

So, she waited, hoping the wall would indeed crumble under Aleen’a’s strength.
Kijani went from despondent surprise to genuine shock at Adam's sudden confession. Her head spun.

Could loving someone really lead them to the Dark Side? She had been taught to let go of attachments, but she'd always meant that to be the physical things, the money and the clothes and such. But attachments of the heart were off limits as well? How?

Usually love was a good thing, something that most people experienced. But now it was a precursor to- She had to forcibly halt her own mind to drag it back to the issue at hand.

Adam hadn't said it in so many words, but he loved her.

Loved her.

Loved her!

He could probably read the confusion on her face, but she had yet to speak. Mostly because she didn't know what to say at all. This was not the first time someone had said that. Far from it. It was, however, the first time she'd heard it from someone who truly mattered to her. Which set her spinning, like a ship with no gravity.


She spoke without meaning to. "I mean, I get the crush thing. That happens. More than I'd like, actually. It's the celebrity thing. But you, I thought you were..." More sensible. Safer. SANE. None of that passed her lips. "I thought you just saw me as a friend. I never knew you... I..."

She could feel her heart starting to thump rapidly in her chest. Without at all meaning to, Adam had brought up something she'd been struggling with for quite some time.

Who was Kijani? And what did she want?

Beyond the title and bloodline. Beyond the Force. Beyond all of the teachings and trappings - who was she at her core? More often than not, she felt like a piece in a grand game, ready to be sacrificed at will to some higher cause. Becoming a Jedi had made that notion much, much worse. She'd been fighting this very question since her youth, and never had a answer. And yet here was Adam with something seriously, severely personal, and all she could think of was...

"What of me is there to love?"

It was almost inaudible. She was actually shaking very slightly. Sure, it was cold, but she hadn't been shivering before.

"Is it because I am a princess, or a Jedi? Which is it? Because beyond that, I don't see how..."

She closed her eyes.

And then Kijani made the hard decision, the type of decisions that she was raised to make.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe it is better that you go, and hopefully avail yourself of this notion. I promise, you're not in love with me. Distance will surely solve the issue for you." She opened her eyes and smiled, but there was nothing behind it.

Kijani awoke with a startle, as if something was calling her name. "Yes?" She murmured, barely awake and half dropping out of her cot. "...weird." Was it the Force or some vague remnant of a dream? Perhaps just the mind playing tricks.

She dressed and got up, exiting the tent to find a surprise. Adam's few bags were packed and set to the side, as if he were ready to go. Kijani was confused and still tired, and didn't quite get why.

"Good morning, Adam. Are we leaving? Why didn't you wake me?" She paused, confused. "Wait. Why are we leaving, we just got here." Stifling, she started to braid back her dreadlocks to keep them off her face and neck.

"...I don't understand what's happening. Explain." It was rare she was commanding to anyone, but it was usually when she wasn't in a proper mood.
Should they text a little bit more or just move on to dinner?
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