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“I’m glad I’m not alone.” Jinny was still a little worried, though. If most people had a reaction to killing, and they weren’t most people, didn’t that mean they were both weird? Was she going to be lonely forever? She didn’t like the thought.

Then again, maybe being lonely meant that people couldn’t be taken away from her. Because there would be no people to take away. Thinking about that made her feel even worse.

To his question of whether to keep hunting, she shook her head. “I want to go back. I don’t want to hunt right now.” While she was trying to keep it under wraps, it would be obvious to an adult that something was amiss. She was still learning how to lie properly.

Still, she turned around and started walking, carefully stepping and picking her way through brush and leaves. Occasionally she would ask questions about what she was seeing. Such as if the berries on a particular bush were good to eat, or if a particular set of tracks was a certain animal, or if he’d ever had to take a job that involved being in a forest.

Other than that, she was unusually quiet.

Once they made it back to camp, she sat down, eyes emptily probing the ground. Then she started to nibble at her nails, something she only ever did when she was bothered.

Location: Happy Harbour
Interaction: No one really.

As the craziness died down and one of their teachers finally arrived, Kassandra found herself relaxing just slightly. It was strange to be praised, though she wasn’t sure that Green Arrow actually meant it. He seemed very out of sorts. Maybe because someone had nearly died on his watch? Or lack of watch. What had he been up to anyway?

Once Black Canary showed, things began to organize. It was clear which one of them was in charge. She watched Talon stalk off with the medical kit, and Daphne simply take off running somewhere. Kassy knew she’d have to find a way to apologize for her own behavior earlier. Yelling at Daphne probably hadn’t helped anything in the situation. Kassy knew that having powers could have drawbacks, especially when emotions were involved. At the same time, she wasn’t sure how else it could have been handled. Mostly, the young Atlantean had managed to surprise herself. She hated being yelled at, so she was shocked that her voice could get some volume behind it.

Lost in her thoughts, she started back toward the sparring area. There, she picked up her staff and started to prepare herself for battle. She honestly could have done without the sparring, but she wasn’t going to say a word to Black Canary.

“Today’s a mess, Damiek. Are we really supposed to be a team?” She just knew the others would think she was insane if she were heard speaking to her weapon, so she tried to keep it quiet. “So many of us are broken. And I don’t think these teachers are up to the fixing. I guess we’ll have to glue ourselves together.”
Heyo. Sorry that's so short. I wanted to push the scene forward but Devika wouldn't call Roxy out in front of her parents.
Devika was having a wonderful time. She was catching up on stories of distant family members, neighbors, and everyone else in her parents' lives. Her parents showed their usual goofiness and general love for each other. It was a good time.

However, Devika did notice that Roxy wasn't eating. In fact she looked a little rough, paler than usual.

"Um. Roxy. Would you mind going to the restroom with me?" Hopefully Roxy would accept. They did need to keep close for now. And she could ask the other woman if she was okay once there was some relative privacy.

That's fine by me! It will be fun.
And that would explain why she has no friends. The other kids probably think she's weird, though they probably would not be able to explain why.
Let's call it both. The trauma is obviously there, and she shows signs of being neurodivergent.

Also Slade is almost definitely a sociopath. That or he compartmentalizes.

Location: Happy Harbour
Interactions: Daphne and Talon

Kassy was pleased with their team. Kila had a clever idea about using the monkey bars, and Zach had the skill to make it happen. Was this what having friends was going to be like? Interesting if true.

Once she crossed the makeshift ladder, she noticed the other team getting launched across. That was one way to clear a chasm. Their team probably couldn’t pull that off, though, unless their new teammate Aleen’a was willing to get up close and personal with everyone.

Then things started to go very wrong, in rapid succession. Talon used a little rope to try and swing across the gap. But the branch he attached the rope to wasn’t nearly strong enough to manage his weight. It snapped, and left the boy clinging to the side of the chasm. Both Casper and Daphne went to help, but she couldn’t quite tell what was happening next. All she heard was Daphne’s desperate cry for help.

She moved without thinking.

“Hang on!” The usually quiet Atlantean shouted sharply. She ran toward the edge that the others were on, and took in the situation quickly. If nothing else, it reminded her of a giant squid attack. Those were common enough where she lived that she knew what to do. “We’ve got to cut the tentacles!” She pulled a small, sharp, hooked knife from her belt and started sawing at the green vines that were attached to Daphne’s head, going for the thinner places, but not ones close enough to Talon’s neck to harm him. Usually this was done with a sword, but the usual knives her hometown folks carried would do in a pinch. Daphne’s vines were surprisingly clingy, but she did manage to slice through two that had wormed their way around Talon’s neck.

Was he breathing now? She hoped so.

Second problem was actually stopping Talon’s fall. Without thinking about it or what it would mean for her team’s progress, she reached down her hand for his.

“Please stop crying and help me pull him!” There was a surprising amount of force behind her voice, considering she hadn’t even spoken to Daphne before.
Eskel would soon hear the sound of approaching footsteps as Kijani made her way over.

“...hello?” She responded in kind. Then her eyes widened, and she frowned as she realized who it was. “Prince Eskel? Why are you-” Kijani then went quite still as she realized exactly which part of the swamp they were in. “Prince Eskel, listen to me very carefully. I want you to walk toward me, slowly. Do not look away, and do not look in the water, please.” She noted how his clothes looked, and wondered if he had somehow come alone. If so, that was not a real smart choice. At all.

Still, there would be plenty of time for that later. First, she had to get him out of danger without him panicking and setting off the Dragonsnake. Eskel was probably coated in enough mud that he didn’t smell too foreign, which was probably saving his life right now.
Got it. It might be too large for her to carry currently.

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