L O C A T I O N : Sadie's Party
I N T E R A C T I O N S : Princess Sadie @Potter
M E N T I O N S : Drake Edwards @Lava Alckon

Sadie had a way with other people that Prince Felix admired. She could make anyone and everyone feel comfortable and at ease. Personally, it was not his way of doing things, but it worked beautifully with Sadie. The Prince was quite honored to have her as a sister.
When the letter arrived, he assumed privacy for the Princess, but she pulled him in close. His eyes narrowed as it continued down the letter. Who was this man? His eye glanced at Sadie and studied her reaction. The letter was written by a buffoon. Although, his words could not be closer to the truth.
Prince Felix sat quietly for a bit after rereading the letter once more. Alas, he decided to speak quietly into the Princess’ ear. “I doubt his honesty, as flattering as his letter may appear to be. I would only advise caution, dearest sister.”