Avatar of Mole


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current I dyed my hair bubblegum pink. I feel like a pretty Sailor Guardian, now. (°◡°♡)
21 days ago
Entering my first round of Immersion Therapy. Wish me luck! 🍀
26 days ago
Today was genuinely a good day. Nothing special happened, but it reminded me what it was like to have a good day by simply being what it is. I forgot what this felt like. Here’s to the future.
1 mo ago
Last night, I had a dream where I was having a hard time piecing together all the Brio tracks for my toddler. Tough times, man. Better luck tonight, hopefully. 🚂
1 like
1 mo ago
I was stressed the electricity would go out this week; but it didn’t. So, here’s to getting caught up on all the laundry preemptively. 🍷

Most Recent Posts

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Riverbloom, The River
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @13org, @Conscripts
T A G S : @13org , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Rowan studied Barrock. His silver-blue eyes narrowed. His posture was more erect and formal, now but with folded arms. “More than you are expecting. I can assure you.” The Light Elf closed his eyes and drew in a calm, calculated breath. When he opened his eyes, a cunning smirk had marked his mouth, and his eyes were more tested. “You will gain freedom from the Dark Elves alongside a high honor for your established efforts.” His eyes were glittering in the daylight, now.

“We would be honored to have you join us,” Aurora added. Her voice was light, trying to carry the same air of confidence that her brother was holding. Her milky eyes cast downward. “I believe it is a good sign that we have crossed paths.” She wanted to show the same confidence as her brother.

They were both prone to worry, but Rowan understood how to turn his worry into determination. Aurora, on the other hand, could feel her worry draining her powers of insight, at times. It was no wonder that they made her brother the leader. The best she could do was hope neither Zora nor Barrock could feel her sense of unease. And with that, she turned to Zora and offered her a pleasant smile. She could never be more thankful for Zora's strength in character.
Banned for making a notable point in toy distinction.
We finished the One Piece live action.

My overall review:

I must now convince my husband to dress as Sanji for Halloween. ‘Nuff said.

P.S. — As already stated, bring on Season Two!
The One Piece live action series was good. Not 'good for an adaptation' just straight up good. Unless you're a stickler for 1:1 replication then you'll probably be mad within the first five minutes.

Bring on a season 2.

I just got finished watching the first episode of the Live Action One Piece with my son. I can’t say much about how good it is as an adaptation, since I haven’t watched the anime or read the manga (yet, anyways). However, we both thoroughly enjoyed the show, and personally, I am glad a show like this exists. I can’t wait to watch the rest. Hopefully, the entire season is just as wacky, subtle, and fun as the first episode. 🤞🏻
Banned for being a hypocrite, yet again.
Banned because you're not here to enjoy my Pokémon Halloween porch display.
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