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Looks like there's going to be plenty of competition for Clark.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan on setting a limit on the number of players in a sandbox game. So whether we have fifteen or fifty people, we're still going to be accepting.

I'll likely put the OOC thread up sometime this evening if that's agreeable to everyone? With the amount of chatter going on in here I think it's probably for the best. I won't start the game for another day or two (despite being raring to go) if only to make sure people are actually interested and aren't caught up in the hype. Plus it will give people time to work on sheets/opening posts/make plans.
Marvel and DC characters literally exist in one universe. It's not a one-time crossover event. They have shared histories, mutual friends, mutual enemies, and the like. For example, maybe Matt Murdock went to law school with Harvey Dent and Ted Kord and Tony Stark bump into one another at cocktail parties from time to time.

So keep that in mind when filling in the "History" and "Supporting Cast" sections of your character sheet.
A word of advice for those getting a head start on their character sheets: this is a One Universe game, not a Marvel or DC game, and I'll look favourably on sheets/interpretations that are faithful to that.
As with GL Ben Grimm or Firestorm Scott Summers, I'd be willing to hear the case for it once the OOC thread was up.

I want this game to feel interconnected. For the characters to know one another and for many to have worked with one another before. Interaction is the lifeblood of any good game and I'd like for interaction to come thick and fast. This isn't fan fiction, after all. So if you can convince me that any change you make to a character or the game's timeline would aid in creating that atmosphere I am sure I would be receptive towards it.
Yo, Black Widow would be pretty dope on Luthor's JLA.

Just saying.
Yes, I was interested in Wraith's game and he popped me over here. Very much into a superhero game. And it's Modern DC/Marvel as well.

And I am so far outside the usual bunch, you're gonna be glad you got me :D


The more the merrier!
Was redirected over here I suppose? This a thing?

This is a thing. At least, it could/will be a thing soon.

Are you interested? It would be great to have some people outside of the usual bunch. (Not that there's anything wrong with the usual bunch)
No wonder you guys wanted to set the game in the Sixties. You're so old you can almost remember them.

I kid, I kid. You only have me beat by a few years. I'm twenty-three.
@Gowi "Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?"

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