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The New Frontier: A Marvel/DC One Universe RP
Inspired by Darwyn Cooke’s “DC: The New Frontier” and Superman: TAS.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
-- Christoper Reeve.

Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Chaotic Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good
Lord Wraith

Captain America
Lawful Good
Blue Demon

Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Neutral Good

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Lawful Good

The Fantastic Four
Lawful Good
Morden Man

The Flash
Lawful Good
Eddie Brock

Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
Neutral Good

Green Arrow
Neutral Good
The Grey Warden

Green Lantern (Kai Ro)
Lawful Good

Harvey Dent
Lawful Good

Hourman (Rick Tyler)
Lawful Good

Iron Fist
Chaotic Good

Iron Man
Chaotic Good

Jean Grey
Lawful Good

Kitty Pryde
Neutral Good

Moon Knight
Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Neutral Good
Eddie Brock

Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Neutral Good

Neutral Good
Morden Man

Chaotic Good
TimeMaster X

Chaotic Good

Wonder Woman
Chaotic Good


Walking the Line
"Self interest makes some people blind and others sharp-sighted."
-- François de La Rochefoucauld.

Black Widow
True Neutral

Damian Wayne
Chaotic Neutral

The Hulk
Chaotic Neutral

Poison Ivy
True Neutral
Blue Demon

The Punishers
Chaotic Neutral
Byrd Man


"I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust."
-- Patrick Bateman.

Captain Cold
Lawful Evil
Byrd Man

Dr. Doom
Lawful Evil

Lawful Evil

Lawful Evil

Killer Moth
Chaotic Evil

Lawful Evil

Lex Luthor
Lawful Evil
Morden Man

Purple Man
Neutral Evil

Neutral Evil

This space is to keep you updated about IC deaths, marriages, children, and bar mitzvahs. You know, all the important shit.


This space is for information/rosters about IC teams. For those times when you need to roll deep, homie.

Lex Luthor - Vandy Morden Man

Captain America - Blue Demon
Black Widow - Hexaflexagon
Thor - TimeMasterX
Zatanna - NPC
The Flash - Eddie Brock
Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - Gowi
Aquaman - Hillan Vandy NPC
Ant-Man - Natty

The New Frontier: A Marvel/DC One Universe RP
Inspired by Darwyn Cooke’s “DC: The New Frontier” and Superman: TAS.

In Character Info:

It has been four years since the first reports of beings with extraordinary powers began to appear in America’s newspapers. A red-blue blur in Metropolis, a Bat in Gotham, and a streak of red in Central City chief amongst them. Billionaire Tony Stark offered one explanation: advances in technology had allowed certain individuals the ability to augment themselves beyond the point of human limits. He was laughed at until he unveiled his Iron-Man suit to the world by way of example. Even then the individuals behind the acts of heroism remained nameless and out of sight. It took the bravery of one man – Professor Charles Francis Xavier – to offer an alternative explanation. “Mutants,” Xavier called them in an address to the United Nations. He was one of them. Children of the Atomic Age born with capabilities unimaginable to the human mind – the next step in human evolution.

Xavier’s confession was met with fear across America. With SHIELD Director Nick Fury still underground after his SHIELD-sanctioned space expedition led to the disappearance of Reed Richards and three others, America looked to another man for answers – Senator Robert Kelly. “The Mutant Registration Act” would curtail the worst excesses of the mutant strain until humanity could cure it. Congress would pass Kelly’s Registration Act with bipartisan support and within six months of it Senator Robert Kelly would become President Robert Kelly. At Kelly’s swearing-in he would come under attack from the mutant terrorist known only as Magneto and the first of America’s protectors would make himself known.

His name was Superman. A being from a world unlike ours that embodied the best humanity had to offer and powers unparalleled by any that would follow him. Leading a makeshift team of powered vigilantes Superman would thwart Magneto’s attempt on Kelly’s life and force the mutant into exile. Outed to the world, Superman would use the opportunity to decry the unfairness of the Mutant Registration Act and call on America to turn their back on the politics of fear. His call would go unheeded and Kelly – emboldened by the attempt on his life – would press on with his attempts to round up America’s mutants.

America’s richest man, Lex Luthor, would cease the moment and use his fortune to create the Justice League of America – spearheaded by none other than Captain America, the perfect recruiting tool for the Justice League’s cause, with an Asgardian god by his side. Masked vigilantes come from far and wide to stand shoulder to shoulder with America’s first superhero and a would-be photographer by the name of Peter Parker is sent to the Justice League’s unveiling. It would be a day that would go down as the beginning of a new chapter of American history – A New Frontier.


December 19th, 2011: The first reported of the so-called "Bat-Man" on Gotham's streets.

April 12th, 2012: Professor Charles Francis Xavier announces the existence of mutants to the United Nations.

May 24th, 2012: The Mutant Registration Act - known as "The Kelly Act" - is passed by Congress.

November 6th, 2012: Senator Robert Kelly (R) is elected President of the United States.

January 23rd, 2013: The attack on President Kelly at his inauguration by the mutant terrorist Magneto is foiled by Superman et al.

April 11th, 2013: Lex Luthor holds a press conference to announce the formation of the world's first super team - The Justice League of America.

February, 2016: Our game begins.


I. This is your game as much as mine. If I'm being a dick don't be afraid to tell me. I want your input on how this game is run, its future, and where it's going. God knows we've had enough turnover between comic book games in this section. I want to try something a little different in the hope it helps this one stick around for a while. Take ownership of this game, treat it as your own, and maybe it'll still be around in six months time.

II. Mainstream Marvel and DC characters only.

III. This is a One Universe game, not an Ultimate game, that means only minor deviations from the mainstream versions of the characters are allowed - these deviations have to be explainable by their having lived in a shared universe. For example, in the Frontier universe Hal Jordan may not have the strongest will or Stephen Strange may not be the strongest mystic.

IV. No smut. If you're interested in writing page after page of Green Arrow getting down and dirty with Black Canary there are places for you to do that. This is certainly not one of those places.

The New Frontier: DC/Marvel One Universe RP application:





Supporting Cast:

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:

Post References:
Yeah, I'm far more partial to shorter, back and forth-style interaction that Titanpad collaboration posts that take three weeks to write. I don't expect 1,500 word posts from everyone. That's not what "Advanced" is as far as I'm concerned. It's about quality - emotional weight, depth, consequence, a sense of direction. You can achieve that without every post being an eighteen part epic.
It also makes us tired and consume our time, haha.

Getting your excuses in early, I see.

On a more serious note, I do hope people aren't dissuaded from joining if they miss out on the character of their choosing. I wanted to make this game because I wanted to play with you guys, not because I wanted a specific character, so if I miss out on somebody I'll happily pick someone else so I can play my part. Back on the Hype all of the marque characters would be snapped up within a day or two and if you arrived late you'd end up playing someone like Shocker or Colossus just to tag along for the ride. And the game was better for it.
Honestly wanted to have a go at playing Killer Moth myself as I have an idea i've been dying to try for ages! :P However I can't be bothered to compete with you


Competition makes us strong.
I'll have the OOC thread up in an hour and fifteen.
I have some back-up's but I have a lot of hope set on Supes. Believe me that I will fight for this.

@Morden Man How is the setting going to be handled?

Is the game going to take place or be centered around one specific city?

You have the whole universe to play with should you so wish. There's nothing stopping you from sticking to a single city but given this is a sandbox game the freedom to go elsewhere is entirely yours.
Would like to throw my hat into this if you don't mind. Though I mainly play in the Casual section, I'd do my best to keep up with the rest of you.

Honestly, you'll be fine. Don't let the old "Advanced" tag scare you.
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