I think twenty four hours is probably a good bet. Twenty-four hours for everything - from application to acceptance and for voting. Of course, if the vote gets out of hand before then we can always call it.
Like @Vandy, I am a little worried that this Supes is coming across a bit too political, too sharp-edged, but I trust Morden's ability to get me to buy into it with time.
Alright, alright *throws hands up* if you say so, you're the boss. I will say though I don't think that's such a big deal to change if I want to play the character.
P.S. Not trying to undermine your authority or anything, really you are the boss I don't want to cause any trouble.
Lex had always hated Superman because he is the one man in Metropolis more powerful than him. Sure in the beginning he would have tried to manipulate him but now we're four years in. Plus if Lex built the Justice League he sure doesn't want Supes over shadowing him on his own super team. Lex is incapable of being second place to an unhealthy and obsessive degree. Superman is the one person he really thinks overshadows him.
If the invitation comes from Cap that'd be fine but Lex certainly wouldn't be happy about it. Lex has been willing to work with Superman only in extreme circumstances and is on the Justice league in the comics right now so he can undermine Superman's own team. He doesn't want that to happen to him.