Brorin Foul
Plagueborn Human
This young man is in his late 20's, and has striking eyes, one a piercing green and one an empty gaping eye socket. His black-and-white hair is cut short and unkempt. He is tall and pale from his banishment, but almost half of his body is heavily scarred, pitted, and discolored a purplish brown, all the way up to the left side of his face. He wears dark robes as a warning to others, and a half-face mask which covers his 'regular' skin and leaves his plagued side exposed for all to see. He often walks using a cane.
Brorin is standoffish, but not in a shy or reluctant manner. He stands fast and has fully accepted his monstrous appearance, and uses it without remorse to intimidate and keep others at bay. He chooses to mostly associate himself with people that are like him - different, downtrodden, diseased. He views the world through one core principle: that everything has an equal and opposite reaction. Everything that lives, dies. Everything that thrives, withers. Everything that is beautiful, will become disfigured. And he has no qualms helping this along when it suits him, though he does have a strange sense of etiquette about this. Still, every now and again he has outbursts in which he seems... not fully himself. After these, he often scourges himself, but whether this is truly for penitance, even he himself hasn't figured out yet.
Brorin is a Plagueborn, a human born to parents during a time of great plagues. Brorin survived, but with one side of his body permanently scarred, and with a ragged, impotent breath. He doesn't know what happened to his parents, all he knows is that they gave him up to the mercy of the church. There he learnt The Holy Law via the whip's teachings, and was put on tasks befitting to one of his nature: corpse cleaner, grave digger, rat catcher. He met other Plagued on the streets during this time, and offered them the Law's solace, according to his own interpretation. In time, he got to know most of them, and knew he could count on them whenever he needed help. The other church-wards quickly awarded him the surname he lacked before: Brorin "Foul". Their whispers, the condescension in the priests' voices, the envy of their normalcy stirred parts of his heart he'd try to bury, but strange whispers started calling in his sleep. Swarming voices that spoke to his insecurities, his jealousy, his grudges. And one day he gave in. Even to this day he doesn't know exactly what came over him besides the short flashes of remembrance he has every now and again, but he does know that when it was done, the church had gone up in flames. He was cuffed before long and cast into the banishment of the Maw to suffer his own chosen path. Though life in the Maw proved hard and filled with suffering, he was quickly welcomed by others like him, others who somehow knew of his title. The Foul Gang was born, and though small, they managed to carve out a small territory for themselves which they held with a fierce, some would say ruthless, devotion.
Brorin has a high resistance to poison and illness due to his Plagueborn nature, as well as a high pain tolerance, to the point of near-feelinglessness on his plague-affected side. He and other Plagueborn often share an immediate solidarity, a stark contrast between non-Plagueborn, who are quick to shun and avoid him due to his monstrous intimidating appearance. He has an intimate knowledge of the Book of The Holy Law, as well as knowledge of alchemy and medicine from his tutelage in the church. These he has adapted to create various types of bombs (such as acid, freezing, and smoke bombs), as well as mutagenic substances which, when imbibed, can temporarily alter his Plagueborn's tissues into things truly horrifying (such as claws with paralyzing venom, quickly healing chitinous armor, or a hive structure housing insect-like minions).
Due to his lacking breath and constitution, he is bad at tasks requiring very high amounts of stamina or strength without taking a mutagen. He is quick to judge others, and has a habit of isolating himself. Every now and again he has strange outbursts in which he seems not fully himself.
Brorin owns a horn-carved cane which doubles as a
bomb-throwing lever, and as a scourging whip. He also has a satchel with inside it a ragged copy of the Book of the Holy Law and some simple alchemy tools. He wears a simple leather vest underneath a dark hooded robe, and a half-face mask.