Alvis Juneberry HawesAge: 28
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Professor of: Divination
Biography: A single child from a full-blood family, he always seemed a bit different from other wizarding children. He would stare off into space muttering strange things, stand up and abandon toys precisely when others wanted to play with them, dislike certain places seemingly without reason only for unpleasant things to happen there later, answer questions that hadn't been asked yet. Soon enough it became clear that he was a
clairvoyant: someone gifted with a cryptic and dreamlike future sight. His time at Hogwarts was a mixed bag for this reason. He was seen as awkward, offbeat, distracted, and though his few friends learned to accept his peculiarities, most others found his comments unnerving. His friends tried to enroll him in the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a seeker for obvious reasons, but he never was good at flying, and he crashed his broom at the first opportunity, so that went nowhere. And due to his difficulties focusing in class, when it came to schoolwork, he often had bad grades as well. Until Divination classes came around, that is, which is where he found his true calling. After his studies at Hogwarts, Alvis became a detective at the Ministry of Magic, where he quickly became well-known for using his clairvoyance in investigations. His ideas had admittedly mixed results, but they were always
interesting at least, his office being a sprawl of ever-changing connections, scribbles and zany theories. One of his most famous cases -one that made the Daily Prophet, even- was The Case of the Stubborn House Elf. In it, he investigated a house that neighbours said became haunted after its owner's death, but its house elf Mopsy denied this wholeheartedly and refused to leave. As it turned out, Mopsy was right: the owner had faked his death and was hiding in a secret room to avoid the loan sharks from Gringott's Bank. Mopsy, grateful for the owner's safe return, has since started to show up unannounced and unexpected -even to Hawes- to provide 'assistance', to many of his colleagues' amusement. Now, Hawes has accepted the rather comfy teaching position of Divination at Hogwarts, but the tea leaves suggest his story is only just beginning...
Favorite Hogwarts Memory: That one time when Alvis had a dream in which he failed one of his most dreaded exams - History of Magic. Upon waking from this obviously prophetic dream, he quickly wrote down the exam questions and set out to the library to solve them. He then secretly sold these cheat sheets to some of his less-studious classmates for butterbeer and pasties. Then the day of the exam came, and he realized the dream was only
partially true: the questions were all different… But hey, he
did fail the exam, at least!
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