Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny. Name:
Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.
Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)
Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.
Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.
RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my sole attempt on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.
There was also a Isekai RP I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.
Other interests: Videos
I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like Kings and Generals and The Mighty Jingles, and I’ll also watch things like Stimpee or Trick2G to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.
I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.
I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.
I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.
Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.
Yuki’s eyes widened when he fell out of her path and let her crash through the wooden walls of his home. Tumbling as she crashed through into his humble home as she was laid out in a pile of debris for a moment. Starting to grumble as she laid there for a good moment to clear her briefly dazed mind and to ponder what had just happened.
She begun to push and brush off the various bits of wall that she had found upon her as she slowly stood back up on her feet looking down at herself as she dusted herself off rather sheepishly. The incident being more embarrassing than it was painful as she felt rather foolish. Though it had at least snapped her out of her anger filled state as the lightning had dissipated, and her claws and features returned to normal.
Taking a moment to survey her surroundings and the swordsman’s rather humble home. It wasn’t much, but it was more than she was used to having herself during her time living in the mountains. But he seemed to be a simple enough man that didn’t need the creature comforts to get by. Moving over too his table and taking a cup from it as she gave it a sniff. Taking it with her as she made her way to the hole she had created while the others seemed to be in discussion.
Taking a swig of the cups contents as she wrinkled up her nose as the taste wasn’t the greatest. As she peeked through the hole at the others just in time to catch Kazenosuke’s comment and Io’s response. “I’m not married to him as well, in fact I only recently met him as well as Io, also whatever your drinking, I think has burnt out any taste buds that you had” Yuki remarked as she hopped through the hole in the wall to the other side. Leaving the cup with its contents behind as she clasped her hands behind her back as she made her way to Shizuka and Io’s side.
Blinking her big blue eyes as she flinched ever so slightly from the flick “That is true….though I’ve not heard anyone mention that we share the same family name, but then again I’ve not ever really talked to anyone about it, so maybe they know but don’t feel like saying anything or don’t have a reason too, I guess its not that important in the end huh?” Reaching her hand up to her forehead to give it a gentle rub as she moved her hand to the back of her head following the rub.
Thinking for a moment as she considered all that had happened. It was as if something had ensured her safety. That something kept her from getting ripped to pieces. With what injuries she did receive, being gone just like they had never happened. It was an unexplainable and unexpected outcome, as she had fully expected to come out of the situation a lot worse for wear. But here she was, chatting away with her sister, feeling better than ever.
Her eyes focusing as she snapped out of her thought upon hearing her sister’s voice. “I see…that is good to hear,I bet he will be up and dunking again in no time, but even still, I wonder just how or why it has happened, I mean I don’t believe anyone of us are any different then anyone else, but whatever the reason, it seems we have gotten lucky, I fear without the luck we may not be sitting here right now” being pleased to hear that she wasn’t the only one experiencing this strange phenomenon. Whatever was causing it, at least it was beneficial or else they surely would have suffered far greater losses and injuries.
Glancing down at her clothing as her sister pointed it out. She let out a laugh while rubbing the back of her head as she got a stupid smile on her face. “It doesn’t look like they got blessed with the power to magically repair themselves like the rest of me, well besides the hair of course” Poking her finger through a few of the tears. “As for extra clothing, well you see I didn’t take my stuff off the bus and I didn’t really think to grab it when I was wrestling with that telepathic monster, so I don’t have any other clothing” Sheepishly looking over at Ayane as she responded as her belongings had been the last thing she had on her mind during the chaos.
Glancing over at the two love birds as she furrowed her eyebrows, deciding it was best to just let them be. She took a seat next to Ayane seeing her offer her a spot by shifting to the side. “Oh, that is likely true, it isn’t uncommon for to me have lunch alone any other time normally, people seem to be more nervous around me, especially around lunch time.” Not seeming too bothered by that fact. Looking around the area as her gaze drifted from grouping of students to grouping of students. Each student seemingly drifting off too their respective groups as they would any other regular school day.
“I doubt most of them even know or realize that we are even related at this point honestly, so that is fine, we never had similar interests or goals, but being classmates sounds like a fine idea that I think I can agree with you on for once” turning her sapphire eyes towards her sister. Just in time to catch her smile as she seemed surprised by her comment.
Reaching a hand up to the burnt, crisp end of what use to be one of her two tails. Taking the burnt hair into her fingers as she let out a sigh and a shrug of her shoulders. “It was a necessary sacrifice, I couldn’t just run and hide and leave Shun and Yuudai alone to face one of those beasts…..I don’t mind having to look like this, if it is for the sake of my fellow classmates, besides it could have been far worse then just a lost bit of hair” Her mind drifting to another thought as she considered it in her head. Wondering if it would be worth mentioning to Ayane, though she did ponder how she would react to it.
“Speaking of good health….I know that I got a lot of little scratches, burns and other little things, but when I got out of that bus, and finally had time to look and pay attention to it, I couldn’t find a single burn or scratch or even a bruise anywhere on my body, but it doesn’t quite make any sense to me….though my hair of course has remained the same, but I don’t think I was just imagining things….” Expressing her thoughts openly with Ayane as it was something that had been eating away at the back of her mind. A small frown on her face as she leaned back stretching out her arms and legs as she felt better then ever despite her battle with the wolfbear.
Dusting herself off after noticing some dirt and bark left over on her clothing. Ayana was quite satisfied with the amount of wood that they had been able to bring back. Though it had been quite an ordeal for her as she had tripped over a tree root and scattered her entire load of wood as she got near camp. Outside of that she was quite happy that no other major events occurred and that they had all made it back without issue.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed someone was waving at her as she turned her head towards the source. Being quite surprised that it was Ayane of all people that had been after her attention. The klutz shrugging her shoulders as she made her way over to the group glancing around to take in everyone that was with Ayane. Noticing that Fujita and Ayano were the two accompanying her half-sister. It wasn’t often that Ayane sought her out or wanted to interact willingly. So Ayana surmised that Ayane wouldn't seek her out unless she had a pretty good reason for it. Figuring she may as well find out what it was at the very least. Plus it had the added benefit of getting to know Ayano and Fujita a bit more.
“You wanted to see me, Ayane? is there something that you need?” Ayana questioned as she reached the group tilting her head with a quizzical expression on her face, her sapphire eyes looking over her half-sister. Before she turned to face Fujita and Ayano bowing her single tailed head to them both in a gesture of greeting. “It is good to see that you both seem to be well and in good health, I wasn’t sure who all was in rough shape after we got attacked” Feeling a sense of relief that some of her fellow classmates, including her half-sister all seemed in good spirits and shape. Even though she wasn’t the most familiar with either of the two, she still didn’t want anything to happen to any of her fellow colleagues.
Though she likely wouldn’t say it aloud, she was glad that her half-sister was safe and sound. Despite their differences and their issues, Ayana still cared about her. They hadn’t always had the best of relationships, but at the end of the day, if Ayane ever needed her help. Ayana knew she wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever she could to help her out. After all, despite their hesitation to associate with one another publicly, they were still family after all.
Yuki gave a quick and curt nod of her head in acknowledgement that she had heard Shizuka. Her eyes as sharp as her claws as she kept them locked on Kazenosuke. Waiting for Shizuka to make his move and follow up on Io’s spell. Waiting for the right moment to make her own move, waiting for the opening that she sought. Knowing that would be the most advantageous to her next strike as she tensed up her muscles in preparation.
Watching as Kazenosuke blocked the beam from Io with his scabbard as he discarded it only for it to shatter upon impact with the ground. Yuki saw him try to then defend against Shizuka three strikes, but it was clear that his defenses where being overwhelmed by the multiple angles of attack. “it’s been a long time since I had to rely on this….but don’t say that you didn’t ask for this….” Yuki muttered, a little bit of electricity beginning to crackle from her horns. Before it reached down to her claws, the electricity crackling in the air as Yuki immediately and without hesitation went straight at Kazenosuke. “If it is not over yet, then I will make sure it is over….you won’t be standing for long….!” Bringing her electric claws towards the swordsman while he had his back against the wall.
Knowing that it would restrict his movement with his back against the abode as she aimed for his shoulder wanting to get him to drop his sword and his guard. Knowing that he likely would keep fighting as long as he could raise his sword to confront them. The Oni being in a rather foul mood as she didn’t hesitate to go straight for him even while he was on the back foot and clearly injured by Shizuka’s previous strikes. The only thought on her mind to get a bit of payback on him for his earlier strikes.
Ayana finally had some time to recover from the rush of adrenaline and the subsequent pushing and stomping of the fire by Tsubaki. She was starting to think, that no matter what creature or threat that they came across, that it would always pale in comparison to Tsubaki. Beginning to believe that Tsubaki was quite scary in her own right when she wanted to be. She was at least thankful that Tsubaki had put the fire out, even if it had cost her one of her twin tails. Even with its loss, she didn’t bother to change up anything else and just let it be for the moment.
There were far more pressing concerns and matters to be handled now that the primary concern and threat had been taken care of. There was the matter of survival still at hand which needed to be addressed. Wood to be gathered, water to be collected, shelter to be built, it was quite a list, but one that none of them could hope to live on without.
Not even the incredulous gaze of her half-sister caught her attention in the moment. There was a lot to consider, but not a lot of time to consider it. However, Ayana knew what task she would excel in the best at the current time. After all she was in a lot better shape and condition then a fair few of her fellow classmates after the wolf bears had wreaked havoc. She had also noticed that the scraps, bruises and burns she had gotten in the brawl with the wolf bear all seemed to have faded away like they had never happened. Though she had been quick to note, this same fact didn’t seem to apply to her lost tail.
“Aye Aye Captain” bringing her hand up to her forehead in a salute upon hearing Hiroshi’s request. Taking a rather rigid pose for a moment as she held the salute. With what he said under consideration, she knew she would be best served to go fetch the wood. As it seemed to her to be the most strenuous activity with the most foot work. Figuring she would be one of the best to venture out with the shape some of the others where in. As she still felt quite energized for some reason, which came as a surprise. But she didn’t have time to think about it too hard, the faster she and the wood gathering group got going, the better.
As she got situated and figured out who was all part of the group. She noticed that amongst the other three, she was quite unfamiliar with all of them. She had not ever really interacted with Sasuke, Kumi or Juro before in the past. This could prove a useful opportunity to know them better and even maybe make some friends along the way.
Taking a deep breath before she expressed her thoughts to them. Feeling quite nervous as she gathered up her courage. She wasn’t used to speaking up too often. Nor was she all that fond of being the one in charge as it usually led to disaster. But, she felt in this moment she should share her thoughts about how to proceed.
“So, about gathering the wood, I think it will be best to try to fetch wood from further out from the camp, if we gather the stuff close to the camp site, we will exhaust our resources far quicker, if we leave the stuff closest to us, it allows us to gather it when we need it in case of emergency, at least that is my opinion about how to gather it, plus it will give us the chance to learn more about the surrounding area” Her Sapphire gaze moving between the trio of classmates as she finished up. Though she tried to keep it cool, her nerves were at a all time high. Trying to hide any sign of them behind her best attempt at a stern and serious expression. Which didn’t seem all that serious or stern as one of her eyebrows was twitching at the effort.
The taste of the wolfbears rancid fur filled her mouth as she tried to hold in her disgust.The taste far worse then any medicine or vegetable she had ever been forced to take or eat. Her efforts squishing up her face as she felt the impact of her move on the wolfbear. The sound of twisting and bending metal filling her ears as the wolfbear and herself went tumbling through the bottom of the bus. The impact sending a jolt through her body as it felt like her lungs were about to burst and her back felt like it had been nearly broken in half. The taste of the wolfbear, the smoke of the fire and burning debris not doing much help to her already struggling lungs.
Ayana tried to get back up to her feet quickly, only to be caught by surprise when a pipe went whistling right by her face and embedded itself like a javelin into the side of the bus. “Woah! Hold on now! who said anything about these beasts using magic to hurl stuff!” Both the wolfbear and Ayana scrambling in the debris as the wolfbear tried to make its escape once it had burst free from the bus. Ayana willing her legs and body to jump out right after it as she skidded across the ground on her heels. Her eyes and head shifting side to side as she tried to track down where the wolfbear had scampered off.
“Hey get back here you coward! You taste horrible! I’ll never be able to get this taste out of my mouth!” Ayana complained as she tried to spit the remaining fur out. Bringing up both of her hands to her tongue as she stuck it completely out, trying to use her hands to scrub it clean as best she could. Wanting to get the taste out of her mouth as much as she could as she watched the Wolfbear scamper off. “You bweeter nut com bwack, newxt tiwme iz rouwd twoooo!” Trying to trash talk even while cleansing her tongue.
Deciding not to pursue it, after all it had only been thanks to Shun that she had been able to get the jump on the wolfbear. Without Shun around to distract it, Ayana wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle it all on her own. The fact that she was also unfamiliar with the surrounding area also seemed like it would be more trouble than it was worth. Not wanting to get lost in a forest likely teeming with more danger.
Taking a moment to try to recompose herself and gather her strength back, the effort of slamming the wolfbear had taken quite a bit of her energy. Leaving herself covered in soot and other various bits and pieces of debris, little cuts, burns and bruises covering her arms, legs and her clothing. Wrestling a wolfbear in a burning bus was definitely not the most logical thing to do, but Ayana felt like she had no other choice. Finally catching her breath as she turned her attention to Shun and Yuudai.
Seeing that Yuudai seemed to still be alive and conscious as that was a bit of a relief after all that had happened. Letting out a sigh as she wiped sweat from her brow from the heat of the fire as approached the two. “Those things are pretty clever and tough, they have some kind of magic power, first they threw my shoe back at me, then that one hurled a pipe at my head, luckily it missed….” Ayana remarked as she crouched down by the two looking over Yuudai. Completely unaware that Shun had been the one that had actually thrown the pipe. Having a mistaken belief that the wolfbear had some kind of mystical power after the earlier two incidents.
“So how are you two doing? Hopefully neither of you two got hurt too badly….” Concern filling her voice as Yuudai looked a bit worse for wear. As her focused had turned towards the well being of her classmates now that the adrenaline had worn off and the coast seemed to be clear for the time being. However, going unnoticed by Ayana, one of her twin tails had caught fire when she had burst out of the bus in pursuit of the wolfbear. Her attention so focused on the wolfbear, then the well being of her classmates that she hadn’t even noticed.
Stumbling back from the unexpected spinning kick, she felt his blade contact her. Grimacing and letting out a sharp cry from both blows as she hadn’t been anticipating him coming towards her first. Finally getting her balance back and her feet steady and stable underneath her as she took a step back. Taking a moment to recompose herself as she let out a low growl underneath her breath as she winced. "That hurt damn it....what was that for...." Not being pleased by the stinging of pain he had delivered, as it had stirred up the anger within her. Losing her jovial and joking mood and becoming much more serious about the situation.
“That was unwise, I was in a good mood before, but now you have just gotten on my bad side….” Muttering with slight annoyance in her voice. Rubbing her side gingerly for a moment with one eye shut as she tried to shake off her initial surprise and discomfort. Her crimson gaze shifting towards the swordsmen and his spinning blade as both of her eyes focused on him with only one thought in her mind. Yuki having lost a bit of her composure and her usually cheery mood turning sour. Before holding out both of her hands too her sides as she let her claws out. Baring her sharp little fangs as her eyes begun to narrow as she homed in on Kazenosuke. Wanting to get a little bit of payback now for his earlier attack.
Yuki saw what Shizuka was up too, as she quickly tried to get herself into a position to make it awkward and difficult for Kazenosuke to defend himself. “I don’t like having to bring out my claws, but you are asking for it swordsman!” Yuki shouted trying to come in at him from an angle from his lower right-hand side. Bringing one of her claws towards his rib cage wanting to strike a blow back for the two that he had given her already. Trying to overwhelm his defenses alongside Shizuka, having decided to take a more direct approach to assisting him. Having intended to only support him from behind, until Kazenosuke had drawn her ire.
Welcome to the guild, I hope you enjoy your time here. And as Yankee said, most people are generally, nice I know for a fact that I won't bite at the very least.
[color=00aeef][center][h1][b] E M B R A C E H O P E A L L Y E T H A T E N T E R H E R E[/b][/h1][/center][/color]
Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.
[indent]Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.[/indent]
[indent]Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)[/indent]
[h1][/h1][color=00aeef]Preferred RPs:[/color]
[indent]I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.[/indent]
[h1][/h1][color=00aeef]Preferred Roles:[/color]
[indent]I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.[/indent]
[h1][/h1][color=00aeef]RP Conquests:[/color]
[indent]I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/191264-legend-of-benkei/ic#post-5480335]sole attempt[/url] on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.[/indent]
[h1][/h1][indent]There was also a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189887-expedition-to-isekai/ic]Isekai RP[/url] I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.[/indent]
[h1][/h1][color=00aeef]RP's in progress:[/color]
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/191774-symphony-on-high/ooc]Symphony On High is my father, which I love and respect.[/url] [/indent]
[h1][/h1][color=00aeef]RP Graveyard:[/color]
[indent]I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.[/indent]
[h1][/h1][indent][color=00aeef]Other interests:[/color]
[indent]I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like [url=https://www.youtube.com/@KingsandGenerals]Kings and Generals[/url] and The [url=https://www.youtube.com/@The_MightyJingles]Mighty Jingles[/url], and I’ll also watch things like [url=https://www.youtube.com/@StimpeeYT]Stimpee[/url] or [url=https://www.youtube.com/@trick]Trick2G[/url] to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.[/indent][h1][/h1]
[indent]I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.[/indent][h1][/h1]
[indent]I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.[/indent]
[indent]I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.[/indent][/indent]
[indent]Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.[/indent]
[color=00aeef]People to Insult:[/color]
[indent]Dalton is a Dingus.[/indent]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/jvAxw58.jpg" /></div><br><font color="#00aeef"><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h1"><span class="bb-b"> E M B R A C E H O P E A L L Y E T H A T 	 E N T E R	H E R E</span></div></div></font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font><font color="#ffffff">_</font></div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><br><br>Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.<br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">Name:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.</div><br><font color="#00aeef">Age:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">Preferred RPs:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">Preferred Roles:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">RP Conquests:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/191264-legend-of-benkei/ic#post-5480335">sole attempt</a> on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><div class="bb-indent">There was also a <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189887-expedition-to-isekai/ic">Isekai RP</a> I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">RP's in progress:</font><br><div class="bb-indent"><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/191774-symphony-on-high/ooc">Symphony On High is my father, which I love and respect.</a></div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">RP Graveyard:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><div class="bb-indent"><font color="#00aeef">Other interests:</font><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><span class="bb-b">Videos</span><br><div class="bb-indent">I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.youtube.com/@KingsandGenerals">Kings and Generals</a> and The <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.youtube.com/@The_MightyJingles">Mighty Jingles</a>, and I’ll also watch things like <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.youtube.com/@StimpeeYT">Stimpee</a> or <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.youtube.com/@trick">Trick2G</a> to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.</div><div class="bb-h1"></div><br><span class="bb-b">Games</span><br><div class="bb-indent">I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.</div><div class="bb-h1"></div><br><span class="bb-b">Drawing</span><br><div class="bb-indent">I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><span class="bb-b">Music</span><br><div class="bb-indent">I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.</div></div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><font color="#00aeef">Personality:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.</div><br><div class="bb-h1"></div><br><font color="#00aeef">People to Insult:</font><br><div class="bb-indent">Dalton is a Dingus.</div><br><br></div>