Avatar of Nakushita


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current I tried to walk like an Egyptian, now I have to see a Cairopractor.
5 days ago
I used to work at a shoe recycling shop. It was sole-destroying work.
15 days ago
A horse goes into a restaurant. The host says, “Hey!” The horse replies, “You read my mind.”
23 days ago
Someone glued my deck of cards together. I don't know how to deal with it
26 days ago
A kid started a business tying shoelaces on the playground, It was a knot-for-profit




Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.
Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.

Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my sole attempt on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.

There was also a Isekai RP I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.

RP's in progress:

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like Kings and Generals and The Mighty Jingles, and I’ll also watch things like Stimpee or Trick2G to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.

I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

Let's go, let's go, LET'S GO!!

All of this sounds pretty awesome so far! :D

Right now, I'm deciding between:

a Robin Hood-like figure(whose former partner had joined the Denizens after said Robin Hood person turned him down romantically, and now he still wants revenge, even though he's already burned down her home town and killed her parents)

a small, anthro sand cat(look it up; it's real), who wears a plague doctor mask because they're shy and wanna hide their identity, as well as being mute and using a magitek-powered, robot crow as their "voice" and constant companion;


an older character- either a sapient, Ent-like tree(who's way smaller now because of lack of nutrients from the ground and the fact that their clan/family(the other trees/plants) all got killed/burned down a short while ago because of the Denizens/a fight between a Denizen and a random do-gooder) or a tall, portly clockwork robot- that joins the party because the Denizens either burned their home down(the Ent-tree-thing), or tried to use them for things they didn't really care for, and without a choice as well(the clockwork robot)!

You will have a fair bit of time to come to a final decision, I plan on working on a proper character sheet so those interested can start tinkering around with it and figure out some of the finer details, will also have to put out a explanation section for each attribute, but its shouldn't be too complicated, plan on keeping it all relatively straight forward and basic.
Not a problem, I never mind hearing out ideas or questions.

As for the idea, it is acceptable, I have no qualms with you taking that approach. I'm not particularly picky when it comes to how players decide upon their characters lore/background/etc. The only thing I would have any say about is if it interferes, or supersedes something that is established. I'd only request that whatever power this goddess has, is limited in scope, but from your description it sounds like she very well is to a good degree. So for that reason I'd be totally fine with it, if that is the route you wish to pursue. I figure in this style of world, there will be many different beliefs, some more obscure then others, so there is flexibility when it comes to that area.

I also want to leave up the motivations for why each players character joined the team against the Denizens. As it feels much more natural that not all of them are in it for the greater good aspect, which leads to natural conflict and disagreements between allies, which only seems human. So you have the green light as far as I'm concerned with how you would like to approach this character you have in mind.
Figure I should bump the thread with a small sleuth of questions and hope for some more traction. The hype in me has only been rising since Tuesday!

- How many players are you hoping would join? Do you intend on making a PC yourself or will you stick to being the GM? Do you have a clear cut idea for each weapon and their zones?

- Concerning stats, does Mind refer to how smart someone is or how cool headed they are? Does Agility stem from one's physical finesse or is any gear accounted for as well? Is Dexterity and sleight of hand also accounted for in Agility?

Thanks for the bump, I had been working on the thread a bit more the past few days but hadn’t thought to push it back up to the top.

I’m that the idea is resonating with you, and I’d be more then happy to answer those questions.

As far as player amount I’m shooting around 5 or so currently, I’m not that well known in the casual section so I don’t pull any interest from previous experiences. So I figure 5 would be a nice safe number to aim for, now of course if I get more interest then that, I’d be more then willing to accommodate a larger number up to 8 or so.

As for what each weapon of the seven is and those zones of location, I do have the first few in mind already, I figure once a few as completed I’d turn my energy to the next couple and learn a few things from the course of the RP to make any modifications or adaptations that I think will be necessary.

As far as what I’ll do character wise, I do intend to have a few personally, as I find it easier to guide along things with involvement of my own characters to drive forth the plot, or serve as important figures, and of course all members of the Denizens.

I plan on making a more detailed section for each attribute in the future to help clarify those points. But for now, Mind does not govern personality related behaviors like how coolheaded someone is. It also isn’t fully just the intelligence. Mind will govern how well a character can accomplish certain puzzles, figure out traps, withstand certain magic, such as Illusions.

As for agility, that is the speed of the character, and how nimble they are, so basically how well one can dodge an attack, or how well one can maneuver through a tricky trap or obstacles. Sleight of hand and dexterity can fit into this area, and of course depending on gear, it can either lower or increase one’s agility. However Body also comes into play, as the higher body total, the less effect certain gear will have on agility of the heavier quality. So one can either be a little bit balanced and inbetween or specialized heavily into one or the other.

Hopefully this answered most of what you wished to know, I’m currently on my phone so it makes it a little harder at times to make sure I fit everything in.
That is a great way to put it now that I think about it, very accurate description of what I was trying to explain. Sometimes its hard to find good comparisons that others understand, but that one definitely works.
No time period in particular, however the setting within the cities will be Magi-tech based, so think of a somewhat futuristic society that has slightly more advanced technology then modern day humans. Which revolves around magic as its source of power. So older tech that operates off of other sources of power is still a possibility if desired, but the world is more of a cross blend between fantasy and sci-fi, as magic plays a pretty big part, but the weapons and such are a blend of swords, bows, staves, guns, etc. Either with magic blended in, or just regular tech blended in if that makes any sense. Sort of like the world of Fire Force, but instead of everything being powered by the eternal first flame, it is powered by magic, so the world contains a lot of older things, but also a lot of more futuristic things at the same time.

As far as skater stuff is concerned, I don't see that being an issue, it is a fantasy/sci-fi type of world so a skateboard wouldn't be out of the question and I see no issues with it personally.



Wiping sweat from her brow after the effort with a big sigh of relief. The energy exerted thus far on the construction of the shelter having been more then she had been anticipating. Ayana was pleased and relieved to have finally been given permission to go eat. After her encounter with Kumi earlier, she had been craving even the tiniest morsel of fish that she could get her paws on. Totally unaware that she could have had a bite earlier if she hadn’t so frantically ran off before Kumi could answer her.

A lot of work still had to be done to truly finish the shelter, but it was a start at the very least. Ayana wasn’t about to question Haruko, not with food being the prize as her stomach was growling. “An interview? I see, what kind of job is he interviewing for? well ….I hope you get the job Fujita, best of luck!” turning to run off as fast as she could towards the nearest source of food. “I’ll grab some for the others, but no promises that I can resist taking a few nibbles while I bring it to them!” she called out as she swiftly reached Kumi and the fish.

Being quite satisfied that Kumi had been thoughtful enough to set aside Ayana, one of the bigger fish. Her big blue eyes filled with joy as she brought it up to her lips and began to gnaw away. Like a cat with a fresh catch, she held the fish in place with her mouth chomping down on it as she gathered up a few other fish to bring to the boys. Voice muffled by her prized fish, she tried to thank Kumi before she headed off to bring Asashi, Masato and Duncan some fish to enjoy.

Right as she reached them, she came to an abrupt halt as her eyes came upon Duncan. Her sapphire gaze locked right onto the alarming but confusing events unfolding right before her eyes. Eyes widening in shock, it nearly made her drop her fish right out of her mouth. Shock settling in as she brought up a fish filled hand pointing in alarm at Duncan’s stomach. “I dun’t thunk itz s’pose to bee guld!!!!!” Was her first exclamation muffled by a mouth full of fish. Her initial concern about his blood being gold, and not the fact that his stomach had burst open.

Tossing the fish she had gathered up for the trio of boys towards Asashi and Masato as she rushed over to Duncan."Fizzh fur yu twooo!"Not waiting for either of them to act, as she went straight in to help Duncan without hesitation. Coming to a sliding stop by his side as she kneeled down beside him. Only to realize that something was not quite right beyond the fact that he was bleeding golden blood. The grass around him was growing up and into his open wound, his golden blood absorbed by its roots as if the grass had obtained a mind of its own.

Ayana wasn’t quite sure what to do initially, as she took her hands and tried to grab at the tendrils of grass as they snaked into his wound. Trying to pull them away from his body, finally letting the half eaten fish fall from her lips as her concentration shifted to helping Duncan. “I’m no doctor, but I don’t think that's supposed to happen….I’ll try to stop the bleeding…..but this grass, its like its trying to consume you at the same time” a serious concentration being evident in her sapphire eyes. Which replaced the usual aloofness which was her primary state.

Taking both of her hands as she tried to press them against the open wound to staunch the blood. She knew she needed something more to try to stem the flow, reaching down and she ripped free a piece of cloth from her skirt as she balled it up and tried to jam it in his wound. Though she had zero medical experience, she had seen enough television and action movies to know that cloth could help soak up some of the blood. Her hands now being covered in his golden essence, its warmth feeling surprisingly pleasant against her skin. Like their was life emitting from its very existence. "Try to hold on, I'll do as much as I can to make it stop, but these plants are not making it easy...." concern and determination in her voice as she tried her best.

I think this scenario has a lot of promise. It's been a while since an interest check piqued my interest. I'd be interested in learning more about the world itself and what kinds of rules we can operate within for character creation. As well as what would bring our characters together at the start of the RP. The only thing I'm a little shaky on is the dice. I'm fine with attribute stats governing how good someone is in a particular area, but how would you handle the dice rolls? Are you going to trust the players to roll themselves for every action, or would we have to wait on you for the roll results in order to try and do much of anything?

As far as the dice stuff is concerned I do not intend for it to be heavily used for everything, it will only be used for more significant tasks that will be far more of an occasional thing. So the vast majority of actions your character takes isn’t governed or limited around the clock by it. But it’s more so a infrequent little barrier of sorts. As far as rolling is concerned, I don’t mind it either way, players can roll if they desire it, if they want me to roll then I can do so. I will likely use the system built into the forum. Though I would not mind if enough players came to me and wished to proceed without the dice system as I’m fairly flexible on that front. I’d also plan on moving the thread along every 1-1.5 of a week with an update, but open to changing the interval based on player feedback.

As far as the reasoning for players to come together and form their team. I figure it can either be hashed out through character sheets, and be left up to the player for determine what motivations they have with joining, whether good or bad. As far as the world and the rules of operation, technology and magic are both available for use, the powers will be restricted to stuff that is what I’d call city block size levels of destruction. With characters durability being increased from normal human levels to withstand greater falls, jump higher and move faster. Typical anime like hijinks, I’d likely gauge around Mob Psycho level of power scale when not factoring in the 100% or beyond 100% zaniness. Around A Certain Magical Index level of mob psycho isn’t known of. So some crazy powers but nothing that can destroy an entire city outright or directly. But can cause great destruction to a city block level of area. Of course one doesn’t have to put a skill into destructive means, they can also develop skills that are more niche and have their power rely on less destruction forms of usefulness.


There is a legend told to children throughout time, of a great and wondrous world of the past. After many centuries have passed, most assumed it was just a fanciful tale. Evidence of this previous civilization was scarce, its history only existing through folk tales and stories passed down through the generations. A glorious empire of immense power, filled to the brim with riches, greedily expanding using seven weapons of destruction. This greed led to its eventual demise, civil war and mass destruction consumed what was once a grand society, erasing any evidence of these seven weapons.Through the years many adventurers, explorers, researchers and nations hunted for any sign of the location of just one of these weapons. As time passed on, the number of those who sought them dwindled.

It wasn’t until a random chance discovery of an ancient map during construction of a new housing complex that interest once again stirred. This map contained the seven locations of the once mighty tools of destruction. However, after the passing of many centuries the map couldn’t be used to easily find all seven using its guidance. It did help to stir up interest in many groups to obtain these tools for themselves. Both good and evil intentions fill the hearts of these new ambitious hunters. Seeking out these tools once thought as mere myths and children tales.

Eventually competing sides formed opposing one another. Those that intended to use the weapons for their own personal gain, and those that sought to use them to protect and enhance society. Each one of these weapons held unique powers that granted its owner the ability to reshape aspects of society for better or for worse. For peace or for chaos and destruction, for prosperity or for death.

It has long been believed that when all seven are brought together into one place, an old magic will bring peace to the world. Whether this has any truth to it remains to be seen. It is up to the heroes of this new age to band together to gather all seven. The Denizens Of The Damned oppose them at every step. Seeking the weapons for their own purposes of carving out a new glorious empire more magnificent then the first. Led by a mysterious shadow, they will not stop until they have obtained ultimate power.


The world of Avaris is one filled with both science and magic. Often blended together to create new inventions that utilize the best of both practices of Magi-tech. Some prefer to use purely magic as their means of doing things. While others prefer to rely on technology alone. The choice is left to the individual and both sides usually end up working together in the end.

Its cities operating off the power of magic as its primary power source. Many are advanced with all the technology and comfort that one could ever hope to have. Whether it is transport, electricity, communication or otherwise. It all runs and operates off of magic. The cities are built much like any other, modern and futuristic, with some rustic more ancient qualities thrown in. Bygones of the previous era, kept around as a link to the past. Cities are bustling with activity and life, lit up with bright lights powered by magic, old tech and magic being brought together in perfect harmony.

Avaris consists of many elaborate biospheres, often unexplored and unmapped as most society remains safe within the confines of large cities. The dangers of the outside world often dissuade them from venturing beyond the boundaries of their nation to other nations. Wild lands exist between these large nations, which is believed to be the location where the seven weapons are currently hidden away.

These wild-lands are diverse, volcanic wastelands, vast cold tundras, oceanic islands, immense jungles, and more await any who venture forth. Teamwork and a wide variety of skills will be needed if one hopes to survive. Not only will these skills be needed, one must be skilled at combat. These wastelands teem with monsters of both organic and inorganic nature. Often seeking to rip apart, crush, incinerate, decimate, or eviscerate any who are unlucky to come across their path.


United only by their desire for personal gain, power and greed. The Denizens Of The Damned seek out the Seven Weapons to bring them together in one place. Believing that if they are brought together it will reincarnate The Dark One. A being said to be so powerful, and so evil that it had to be split into seven parts to forge the weapons. Its soul being what grants each weapon its legendary status and power. The Denizens mostly come from the lowest rungs of society, seeking to throw the current world order into chaos. A world order that has wronged many of them in the past.

Referring to themselves as the Damned, society having kicked them to the curb, they want to even the odds. Knowing that if the legend is true, that bringing back the Dark One would flip society upside down. Tossing those comfortable at the top into the depths of despair as their prestige and prosperity is ripped from their grasp.

Believing the world has become far too peaceful, and those leading it fat with greed. The Denizens will stop at nothing to meet their objective. Whether it is stealing, killing, kidnapping, they will not hesitate.

Despite this the majority of society has overlooked their growing and looming threat. Viewing them as common street rabble, believing in a children's fairy tale. Soon they will come to regret their ignorance and arrogance. Soon they will be the ones suffering and soon the Dark One will return, bringing darkness to the world once again.

The few people of society that understand and know the true threat of the Denizens, they strive to put a stop to the path of madness. Opposing the Denizens at every step, in the desire to prevent them from gathering the Seven Legendary Weapons. They believe that if all seven weapons are brought together by the Denizens that the world as we know it will cease to exist.

Wishing to keep this order intact and the world at peace. They will take under the arduous task of locating all seven weapons themselves. Facing not only the perils of the wastelands and the defenses left behind by those that hid away the weapons, but the Denizens who eagerly lurk within the darkness.

Their motives and reasons for opposing the Denizen's may be varied, but they all share the same goal. To stop the Denizen's plans of destruction and to unite the weapons themselves. Believing in the legend that if one of pure of heart brings all seven weapons together. Not only would the Dark One cease to exist, but it will bring harmony to the world. The seven weapons protection being bestowed upon the innocent and the needy.

Powers, Skills and Weapons

Skilled fighters have many paths they can choose to pursue. With two primary groups, those that prefer close melee combat and those that prefer to stay at a range. In a world of both technology and magic, many have developed skills and abilities that compliment their preferred method. Magic can be used for offensive, defensive and supportive means. Each member will have a specialization that they fit into amongst this grouping.

However, technology still plays a major part, often merged together with magic. There is a wide choice of various Magi-Tech weapons and gear available for use. Whether it is a bow, sword, spear, staff, gun or some other implement of a users preferred style, it often receives its power through magic. Many having learned how to blend their own skills with their chosen weapons to make them even more effective.

Magic is broken down into multiple disciplines, elemental, black magic, enchantment and Illusion. Most are able to only use one or two of these disciplines at most. Learning them taking a lot of effort and talent. Some disciplines naturally being attuned to a user at birth. With it being easier to grasp and use a certain discipline for those that are so lucky.

Elemental Magic: Your typical elements, fire, water, wind, earth, shadow magic, some stronger for offensive means like Fire and Wind, while others are more useful for defense like Earth, however it is up to you regardless of element of which path you prefer offensive or defensive.

Dark Magic: Magic of a darker nature, where you find necromancy, curses, and other spells that most would consider unnatural.

Enchantment: The ability to increase the effectiveness of a weapon, gear or item with the use of magic to empower its offensive, defensive capabilities, for instance, using a spell to make ones sword more powerful then it otherwise may be, can also be used on allies weapons as a supportive skill.

Illusion: More trickery form of magic, used to sow confusion amongst the foe if they do not have the capable will power and mind power to see through it. Can be used to trick lesser foes either as a means to avoid them, leave them open for an attack, or as a means of defense.

The power of magic is great, but even it has its limits. The highest level of users are only capable of the destruction of a city block at most. With there also being limits to the amount of times a user can produce powerful spells in a short amount of time. The effort often being enough to drain a user. When facing dangerous opponents, it is best to use your powers wisely, or else face potential defeat.


Your character is allowed to have a signature skill or ability that is unique to them, think of this as your most powerful ability that is only able to be used sparingly. Most often you are only able to use it once or twice in a major battle. When you submit your character sheet, I will go over this skill and either approve it or help you refine it to a level that would fit within the RP. Remember, keep abilities reasonable, nothing beyond the scope of the destruction of a city block at most. Be as creative as you wish, it does not even have to be a offensive skill, or even a skill that pertains to battle solely.
General Information:

The players will form one side, while the Denizens Of The Damned will oppose them. The name of the players group can be decided amongst the players.

This RP is pretty anime based, so the skills, powers, and other material will likely reflect this. At the start of the RP, during character creation you will be given 100 points to distribute amongst five attributes.More points will be given out at a variety of times in between stages. There is likely to be at least seven stages, one for each weapon. There will be downtime in between each of these stages. To give players the time to interact with each other, recuperate, and to help keep the pacing at a sustainable level. On top of this every character will be able to start off with one skill. This can be basically whatever you desire, when you create your sheet, I will want you to list out the strengths, limitations and weaknesses of your character's ability/skill. I will review this area and if I think anything needs to be adjusted for the sake of fairness or balance I will help you come up with a solution. Each character can also choose if they want to rely primarily on technology, magic, or magi-tech. Whether they specialize in close combat or prefer ranged tactics, or if they are more of a support type. I want to allow for extreme flexibility in character creation.

Now, as mentioned, I intend to have an attribute system which will consist of Mind, Body, Agility, Craft and Magic, which are subject to feedback. I also intend for this to operate within a threshold system. I intended to keep it fairly basic and easy to understand. It will operate off a 10 sided dice system. At 0 points in an attribute you start off with one 10 sided dice. At 10 points you will have two, and for every 10 points you get another dice to roll. So let's say you have 50 points in an attribute, you will have 6 dice to roll.

So far example, with this same 50 points in an attribute you come across a task or situation that calls for a 40 in that attribute. You roll 6 dice, if you roll a 40 or above you complete the task perfectly with no consequences. However if you don’t get at least 40, then negative things can occur. For example if you roll a 20, which is 20 below the threshold, the consequences are going to be more severe, though the task may still be accomplished. If you roll a 39/40 the consequences are likely to be negligible.

Now this isn’t to say you absolutely need to be higher than a threshold to accomplish it. For example it is still possible with an attribute of 30, to complete a task that has a threshold of 40, Which is why I provided the extra dice starting at 0 to help players at least have a chance at a threshold they are below but still somewhat close to.

Also, if your attribute is 25 points above a threshold, then you skip the roll and it will be met. So if a threshold for a task is at 50, and you have 75 in an attribute you do not need to roll and your attribute is high enough to skill it.

The system will also only be used for major events, obstacles or other incidents that are beyond normalcy throughout the RP. It will be used sparingly and the player will have the choice of rolling for themselves when those infrequent times occur. Or they may request that I roll for them, which I will do using the built in dice system on the guild for both ease of use and visibility.

This system is still open to suggestions of course and I was thinking of moving around the numbers a little bit. I’m still ironing out the fine print, and it's something new I’m trying so bear with me.


Mind:Refers to a characters resistance to illusion spells, and other tricks that may target the mind. Their ability to solve complicated puzzles and traps that may arise in the adventure.
Body: Refers to the durability, strength and fortitude of a character, how hampered they are by certain tasks, how well they are able to take hits. How easily can they wield weapons and gear of larger weights.
Agility:Speed of the character, and how nimble they are, so basically how well one can dodge an attack, or how well one can maneuver through a tricky trap or obstacles. Sleight of hand and dexterity can fit into this area, and of course depending on gear, it can either lower or increase one’s agility. However Body also comes into play, as the higher body total, the less effect certain gear will have on agility of the heavier quality. So one can either be a little bit balanced and in-between or specialized heavily into one or the other.
Craft: Characters ability to create useful tools, items and other useful items that they discover during the adventure. They also are able to disable traps that they encounter if they are of a high enough skill.
Magic: Characters ability to use certain magical abilities, the higher the level the more spells they are able to use before exhausting their powers. The more powerful the spell, the bigger the drain on the users magical pool in a given fight.

Character Sheet







MAGIC BRANCH: If Applicable.




As Ayana was on the return trip back to the makeshift camp by the lake, she exchanged smiles with Tsubasa. It wasn't long until the aroma of whatever was being cooked began to fill her nose as hunger finally had time to settle in the pit of her stomach. It gave her the urge and desire to hurry back as fast as she could. Picking up her pace until she was nearly at a run as she finally came into sight of the others. Only for her efforts to be all in vain as she came into view of Kumi who was already munching away on the tender meat that had just been prepared.

Her hopes dashed the moment Kumi informed her of the current stipulations to get some of the food. “Awwww mannnn! That looks really good too, can’t I have just a little nibble? I promise I won’t eat it all…just a small little morsel….” giving Kumi the best puppy dog eyes that she could muster up. Nearly dropping to her knees to beg as each bite Kumi took, it nearly drove her insane. Acting like a child when their mother told them to clean up their room if they wanted dinner.

“I promise I’ll work all day and night if I have too, but it looks so good that I can’t resist….I’ll gather all the wood, build all the shelters….collect all of the water……” Ayana tried to bargain and reason with her. To show that she was serious she quickly ran off to the side to begin trying to pull branches and limbs off the nearest tree she could find. The limb she was tugging on breaking free as it sent her tumbling backwards, but she somehow managed to land back upright on her feet. Without missing a beat, she quickly ran over to begin helping with the building of the shelter, dragging the limb she had yanked off along with her figuring they might be able to use it. Shaking off the incident as if it had never happened in the first place.

“Alright let's get this thing built! I’m hungry and there is food with my name on it!” Starting to pitch in as best she could alongside Shun, exuding a load of confidence. Until a thought dawned on her suddenly “You know, I don’t actually know how to build anything, so I’ll just follow the rest of you and pretend like I do if that is all good” Openly admitting to her inexperience, but she was going to help out as much as she could. That food fully took hold of her mind as she couldn’t shake it from her focus. Doing whatever her classmates needed her to do while they set up the best shelter that they could manage for such a large group of students.


Seeing that the immediate threat of the war dogs had been dealt with with help from Lunatea and the spell-caster. Yuki moved to assist the remaining refugees in the aftermath once some of the chaos had begun to calm. Escorting as many of them as she could to a more secure and safer location deeper within the temple as she decided she would stand watch over them. Guarding the main entrance even as the sounds of battle could be heard from her location.

She had to rely on her fellow members of the task-force to handle the main forces of the enemy. After the incident with the war dogs and the few forces that had trickled behind the main lines. Yuki was more determined than ever to stay in the back and guard against any further enemy incursions into the deeper parts of the temple while the refugees took shelter.

“Fear not, I will make sure no harm comes to any of you, I will do whatever it takes, even if it means having to sacrifice myself to ensure all of your safety, please remain calm and as quiet as possible, we need everyone to be thinking rationally and calmly, as to not alert the enemy, but also to ensure everyone's safety, it is much easier to fight if no one is panicking and everyone is sticking together” Yuki begun to speak to the gathered refugees that she was with. She could sense how much fear was in the air. She knew they had the right to be scared, but she knew she had to try to keep them all calm and try to comfort them.

Wanting to make sure they all could trust her and that they remained calm. She knew the worst thing that could happen right now was for any kind of panic to spread. Defending everyone if they stuck together was far easier than having to defend everyone if they panicked and spread too far apart. She knew that the enemy could try to attack again at any moment, as she remained on guard. Her eyes intense and her ears focused for any sign of threat that could be approaching. Hoping that her allies would be able to handle the rest of the enemies and drive back their forces.
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