Looking into the sky as unnatural rain poured down upon her, Oros spread her arms out to either side, leaning her head back as she laughed. “Oh, what a mess, what a mess, Pack-A-Punch Shun really went overboard this time….oh my, oh my….who will ever clean this up….” Oro’s soaked it all in. Letting the downpour finish before shifting her gaze towards where Shun had fallen. Staring with great intrigue in her sapphire gaze, a smile plastered across her face.
Slowly and with great purpose, Oros began to make her way through the carnage around her towards the bottom of the tree that Shun resided. Stepping over chunks of flesh and the remains of the great beasts that Shun had torn to shreds. Oros was quite impressed with all that Shun had done all by her lonesome. Grabbing a few chunks of meat from the remains of one of the beasts as she took a hearty bite from it to fill her own belly. Feasting on this free meal as she tried to sate her hunger.
Coming to a stop a short distance away as she began to clear a few broken branches out of the way, standing over the prone and injured Shun. Oros smiled down at her pathetic form. She crouched down, her inverted face inches from Shun’s own as she reached a hand out to caress her cheek. Wiping away some of the blood from her face, whether it was from the beast or Shuns own at this point would be impossible to determine. “Look at you, what a fine job you have done, but what a terrible mess you have created, both around you and with what you have done to yourself…..was it worth it?” Oros remarked after getting her first full view of Shun. Her devastated body and severe injuries quite obvious to even someone with no medical background like Ayana.
“It was destiny that we have crossed paths once more, wouldn’t you say? After all you have something that belongs to me…it is a shame that you didn’t make use of it, but….” Pausing briefly as she took a look around them before her gaze slowly drifted back to Shun. “Perhaps you aren’t an honored one….one meant to accept and see the truth…though fate is a fickle thing…wouldn’t you say…” Her voice lowered to a quiet murmur. Her eyes shifted away from Shuns face and towards her broken body.
Her hand on Shuns cheek slowly began to trail down towards her neck coming to a rest against her throat. “It is time for me to do what must be done…and to obtain what is rightfully mine….but first we have to take care of you….” A wide beaming grin across her face as she laughed. It had become clear to Ayana, no to Oros, that Shun was in no shape to fight or resist.
Taking a hand full of meat that she had picked up while approaching Shun, she lowered it towards Shun’s mouth. “Oh, you thought I meant something else didn’t you?, even if you took something valuable from me, I have no intentions of killing you…now eat up Shun, your destiny isn’t to end here….no you still have a role to play…” Laughing as she moved her right hand away from Shun’s throat.
Leaning her forehead into Shuns “after all, even if you aren’t honored, you still have seen a bit of the truth…I can see it in your eyes…and there is no way I would let one of my very first friends die if I have a choice…I need you nice and healed, there should be enough meat here for the both of us for as long as we need it…” Closing her eyes as she remained where she was at. Keeping a steady supply of meat nearby, knowing that Shun would need a lot of it to recover from the kinds of injuries she had suffered. At least long enough until she was able to make it back to Duncan and Asahi.
Oros felt relief to be reunited with Shun, even under these circumstances. Shun had treated her with respect and kindness, things that Ayana valued dearly. Even holding on to Endless Eclipse while Ayana was out of commission and not just tossing it away gave Ayana a reason to respect her. After all, since she had remembered her true identity, the others had all mostly seen her as insane. Looking at her with eyes of concern, contempt, and distrust, even as Oros had tried to make them understand. To make them see the truth that was right in front of them.
Much work still had to be done before her mission was accomplished. A mission that Shun still had a part to play in, as far as Oros was concerned. Fate and destiny brought them together for a reason, the future always shifting. Oros and her Endless Eclipse would be ready to tackle this challenge, until her classmates finally opened their eyes.