Letting out a sigh as she cast disinterested eyes towards the turtle like beast that lumbered before them. Masato’s reaction and response told her all that she needed to know about the current situation and where his mind was at. It was disappointing to say the least, she had hoped he had learned something by now from the previous events that they had been subjected too.
It was quite clear that more needed to happen, that he still need another jolt too his system. To shake up his thought process, to awaken him to the reality and truth that Oro’s had to offer to him.
“You disappoint me Ma-Sa-To…..I’m more focused on what we came here to do then you are, you see, I have accepted and come to terms with reality, to terms with the truth….but it is clear that you are still blind, like a naive child…..” sighing as she finished her last word, before positioning herself to block off the escape route of the turtle beast.
Sapphire eyes narrowed, fists clenched as she stared down the beast as it lumbered in her direction. Muscles tensing in her legs and back as she braced for her next act. Crouching down, loading her legs like tense springs as she finally leapt forward. Getting as much speed, momentum and power that she could muster to propel herself up above the beast. Rotating her body to spin herself forward head over heel, spinning quickly as she extended both of her arms to either side of her to control her rate of spin. Bringing both of her feet together as she brought both of her heels down towards the creature's head with as much force and speed that she could muster from the rotation and height of her approach.
She had not waited for Masato’s next order or command, having gone after the beast with little to no hesitation. She knew as well as anyone that in his eyes, she was just good for being bait in this kind of situation. As long as he remained blind and determined to remain so, then he would never become blessed with the truth as Oros had become.
“No, no, no…….what you have said are the words of a blind and misguided fool…..if you did understand then you would know that what you have said have only proven to me that not enough people have perished…..for if enough had truly perished then you would have been more open and willing to accept the truth into your heart and into your mind….to be honored and blessed…..no….you still haven’t come to terms with reality….with what I have offered to everyone….you see me as nothing more than a crazed lunatic….but I’m far more sane then any of the rest of you….who seem to be hell bent on repeating the same things over and over against expecting different results…..that is the true meaning of insanity….so ask yourself….Ma-Sa-To…..who truly is insane…..If you are incapable of accepting this new reality, then perhaps you should end my existence….it would make everyone's lives so much easier back at camp wouldn’t it….? ” A frown replacing the usually unhinged smile that had taken over her expression ever since she had once again accepted her true self.
Trying to prove a point to Masato, if he truly continued on this path, then it would only lead to more suffering. To more classmates perishing and losing their lives needlessly, if he chose to see her as nothing more than a lunatic, as someone who had lost their sanity. She could do nothing more to convince him. Not until more classmates met their grisly demise. At which point Oros didn’t know if there would be anyone left to accept the truth.