Avatar of Nakushita


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current I used to work at a shoe recycling shop. It was sole-destroying work.
13 days ago
A horse goes into a restaurant. The host says, “Hey!” The horse replies, “You read my mind.”
20 days ago
Someone glued my deck of cards together. I don't know how to deal with it
24 days ago
A kid started a business tying shoelaces on the playground, It was a knot-for-profit
25 days ago
Why did the roofer go to the doctor? He had shingles.




Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.
Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.

Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my sole attempt on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.

There was also a Isekai RP I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.

RP's in progress:

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like Kings and Generals and The Mighty Jingles, and I’ll also watch things like Stimpee or Trick2G to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.

I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts


@BrokenPromise@Vertigo@The World

Himiko had decided to try something a bit different this time around. She had spent a fair bit of time messing around with Puddy and Gemini already.

She still had business with Puddy to handle, not to mention the Clockwork Killer. Though she supposed she should also eventually get around to the current team leader of Gemini as well, Tighty Brighty. But that could wait until later.

It was time to see what Maverick had to offer in comparison.

Though she had no real affinity for either organization, both had their issues after all. Issues that she couldn’t see either ever taking care of or changing.

But they paid well enough and it provided her with more than enough entertainment to keep her busy. Which was what mattered the most at the end of the day. Besides, it also allowed her to take care of her own business and do some of her own scouting in person.

Having made her way to the meet up location in no real hurry. She arrived with a little time to spare. Though from a distance she could already see there was something far more interesting than she could have ever dreamed for.

A golden dragon, now that was something that put inspiration into her own golden heart of greed. A wide grin hidden beneath her mask formed as she tilted her head to the side. She just had to make him her own somehow, no matter the price or task. She just couldn't pass up this golden opportunity, she couldn't believe her luck.

It was show time, the other two espers had already arrived.

One she recognized from before during the operation to secure the water. She hadn’t really had the chance to speak with her for too long, but she was the bold and brave type. The one that would throw herself into the fray at a moment's notice. That would make Himiko’s job a fair bit easier at the very least.

Though the other esper wasn’t one she had encountered before. Meaning she must be the Maverick representative, along with that Golden Stallion of course.

With that observation made, she decided to circle around a little bit and approach from the other side of the Golden Dragon. Moving with a swift, almost graceful silence as she leapt atop of the Dragons back. Peering down at the Esper who seemed far more interested in her phone then she was anything else.

“Ditch them?, my my, that isn’t very nice, I would have missed out on this glorious golden creature, that just wouldn’t do….so what’cha looking at? Some cute boys? Maybe one that is as cute as a button? Orrrrr are you more of those Tick Takers, or whatever that thing is called….” putting her hands on her hips as she turned her gaze up towards the Dragon and away from Ciri.

“Now as for you my handsome lizard boy, with such golden glory that you are bestowing upon this world, it is only right that you join my team and we become partners, it would only be natural…we would make a perfect dynamic duo” Her own golden eyes seeming to glow at the mere thought of having a Golden Dragon around. It would just match all her aesthetics after all, it was like destiny.

“Oh…one more thing, since you're golden and all,would your insides also be golden? you wouldn’t happen to have golden blood would you? I heard it can really knock you for a loop if you aren’t prepared,enough so that you might start carrying around a pet rock, orrrrr that is at least what I heard from someone one time….Anyway….that isn’t important, sooooo how about my offer?” The mission being pushed to the back of her mind. Only the thought of having a golden dragon by her side consumed her. Just how glorious it would be to ride in, double golden revolvers blazing away atop a golden dragon. It would be so much better then her beat up motorcycle that she had struggled to slap fake gold on it that would stick for too long.

The last operation hadn’t gone completely to plan, but Himiko had still gained something of value from it. Though one of the accompanying Gemini agents had fallen, she was able to glean some important information. She had gotten a hunch during her first encounter with Gemini that they were operating shorthanded and undermanned. The fact that they only sent one other agent with Mika to meet with potentially the most dangerous esper was telling.

Though it also got her mind working, it was also possible that Gemini had other motives to send such limited resources to protect Mika. If protecting her was their true objective, they showed it in a funny way. Leaving it in the hands of a bunch of freelancers with minimal Gemini support was not something you’d do if you truly valued someone. If it had just been any random small fry job, Himiko wouldn’t have batted an eye. The fact that it was a known piece of information that they may end up face to face with Oros meant one of two things. Either Mika was seen as expendable by Gemini, or Gemini wasn’t capable of operating in more than one place at a time.

Both would serve Himiko’s goals regardless of what the actual reason behind it was. But that could be left for later. There were more important things to take care of right now. Figuring she would swing by The Great Escape and see if there was anything interesting she could dig up.

Being in mid walk as she abruptly came to a stop, her thoughts interrupted by the feeling of a familiar presence. Himiko could feel that something was in the air, as she let out a sigh. It was about time she showed her face, especially after having been a no show at the meeting point.

"Seriously?" Oros called out from deeper in the alley. "You have a four paragraph starter and the entire thing is an inner monologue? Very well, I’ll set the scene."

Oros stepped out from behind a dumpster. The alleyway was filled with shadows, but nothing could truly hide the gigantic mop of pink hair on her head. The graffiti on the walls was layered like the pages of a book. Every time a new gang took over they had to tag their turf with something. The most recent addition was the name “Aigorost,” which was made of crudely sprayed tentacles that were strangling the tags under it. The paint was fresh, and there was an aerosol can in Oros’s hand. Perhaps that was what gave Himiko the impression that she was around.

Turning to face Oros, Himiko eyed the fresh tag left behind on the wall, the aerosol being all the evidence she needed for determining just who the latest artist had been. It appeared that there was some meaning behind the wording she had plastered across the wall. Despite being Mad, Himiko had found Oros actions to always have some underlying reason. She never seemed to do anything that didn’t have some reasoning behind it, she always had a rationale, even if the rationale would be considered insane by others. “Aigorost eh? I see someone has taken up a new hobby in your free time, I don’t foresee a future within the field of art for you, a bit of an endless quest, one that will be eclipsed by your other goals” Golden eyes tracing over the words plastered across the wall with the crude tentacles lacking any kind of artistic refinement. Oros was a lot of things, but a great artist didn’t seem to be one of them.

"Whatever you say, Goldie Glocks. Just tell me if you remember what I wanted you to do." She shook the rattle can.

Her eyes now shifted to meet Oros as she let out a soft sigh in response. “The better question would be, did you remember what you wanted me to do as I held up my end of the bargain and all I found was a group of naughty nuns, a bit of your fan-fiction list and whatever you presumably stashed within the hidden compartment, now as for your little nickname, I see you have been busy and stumbled across the rather vile title bestowed upon me” Crossing her arms over her chest, clearly not thrilled about Oros throwing that detestable name out into the open. It was time to get to the bottom of this, Oros had left her hanging once already, so now it was her turn to answer the question.

But the bigger question for Himiko was where had Oros been when the meeting time had arrived. Not to mention did she know about the group of Nuns activities and that they had planned the ambush.

"I’m asking you what I wanted because you did it wrong!" Oros whipped the empty can at Himiko. She tilted her head aside letting the can whizz right by her ear, her eyes tracking it briefly before it impacted the ground behind her with a rattle. "I told you to bring Mika Fang to the church alone. You brought her, the angel, and a slew of freelancers. You got all of GEMINI involved and someone ratted your plan out to the hand. If you want to know why things went tits up, it’s because you couldn’t follow instructions."

Giving a shrug of her shoulders, Himiko straightened out her head with a small smile clearly hidden beneath her mask.. “I don’t see what the problem is, one less GEMINI agent to worry about, besides I never thought you’d be one to be concerned about either GEMINI or freelancers being present, the more the merrier if you ask me, it just confirmed that GEMINI is more rotten to the core then I initially believed, since the information was spread so quickly with only a very select few being privy to that information” Not seeing much of a problem with anything she had done personally. Though perhaps she had misjudged Oros, she never took her as one to be cautious or hesitant. At the end of the day, Himiko had gained more profit than she had anticipated, even if that profit was information only.

After all, what did Oros have to worry about?

"You think I didn’t know the secret agents had a bad actor? The only thing you confirmed is that we can’t work together. I gave you a simple task and you fumbled it like a virgin dropping a condom between the cushions. Talk about killing the mood." Oros grinned.

Lifting up her left hand, she gave a wag of finger with her right hand on her hip “You and I have a different definition of what a failure is. It was quite successful on my end, even if you chickened out because of some agents and freelancers crashing the party, but your loss is my gain this time around”

"I’m a chicken? Does that make the rest of you ants, or grain?" The Mad esper didn’t stop grinning. "Doesn’t matter. IYou failure was so spectacular it brought a smile to my face. I might be willing to give you an extra chance, but you gotta earn it, alright?"

Pausing for a moment as she gave it some more thought. After mulling it over, she figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least hear out Oros on what she wanted her to do this time around.

“Now, we both have different agendas, but I’m willing to hear out what you have to offer when it comes to your ‘earn it’ task.”

"I think Pax Septimus doesn’t have enough relationship drama in it." She drew her sword and gazed into its surface. "Any time I eavesdrop on you guys, you’re always trying to kill this one, screw over that one, flex on another. When you’re nice, it never advances past friendship. Where’s the romance?" She slid her sword back in its sheath. "I want you to get into a relationship. Shouldn’t be hard with all the lonely losers around. If you can get someone to be your F buddy I’ll consider taking you on again. "

Narrowing her eyes as she looked Oros in the eyes, it wasn’t a request that Himiko had ever anticipated coming from someone like them. But at the same time, was it really such a surprise? Raising an eyebrow as she came to grips with the outlandish request.

“My, my….if you keep up that kind of talk, we might have to change your name to ‘Oros the Horny.’ What do you gain from this setup? Does it fulfill some deep down secret desire you hold dear to your heart? To relive the one that got away?”

"I have my reasons, that’s all you need to know." Oros folded her arms.

Being somewhat bewildered but amused at the same time by the request. It would likely be an easy enough task, she was right about one thing. There were plenty of suckers and losers in Pax Septimus. All as easy as the last to pull the wool over their eyes if you just knew the right buttons to push and the right strings to pool.

“You know, you have a point, in the world of espers there is never any room for romance, or a future to dream of, they act so dreary and just accept their inevitable and pathetic early death, very few have the greed, the desire and the ability to see the forest through the trees. Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death.”

"Yas, yaaas!" She reached her hand out like a sith lord compelling their son to join the dark side. "But make no mistake, Goldie Glocks. This is not a mere excuse for you to hoodwink some pleb. You need to make an effort to form genuine feelings for them. As much as you possibly can, at least." The mad esper understood that Himiko would likely never love someone as much as she loved her ‘wealth,’ in whatever form it took. "Because if the world is filled with starving idiots, isn’t it about time you feasted!?"

“I’ve been feasting my entire life, whatever I desire, I make it mine through my own means, the only genuine feelings I have, are the ones that exist for my ultimate goal, some believe money is all you need, that money is the only thing that holds true value, but they are wrong, I come from money, I have had money, no…the true thing that I desire is ultimate knowledge, it is far more valuable than any treasure or money, to pursue objects of knowledge, or objects that hold some sort of special connection are the true wonders of this dreary world, do you really believe some piece of scum would ever be able to draw out even the smallest inkling of compassion from my golden heart?" cooly responding as Himiko saw very little value in love and in feelings. Emotions that often got in the way of her goals, and made those that she dealt with be much more troublesome than it was worth.

Sure she had a fondness for certain people, but they provided her with useful knowledge, tools or entertainment and had a value attached to them. A value that she set upon each and every person she ever met, it only took her a short time of evaluating before she labeled someone. Most of it was for her own personal enjoyment, and so far out of the espers she had come across only two had drawn serious interest and intrigue. Puddy and that Clockwork boy, which Himiko had noticed Oros also seemed to have some sort of interest with as well. A coincidence that Himiko knew had meaning, which only made her more interested in the both of them.

Especially Puddy, Himiko wanted to pull out the darkness within her, something buried deep within that tormented girl's heart and soul. To free her from her shackles, and let her experience the true greatness of life without the machinations of GEMINI looming over her.

"To believe anything about your ‘golden heart’ would require me to dedicate headspace to it first. I’m not even willing to untangle half the things you say. But your actions? I’ll be keeping a close eye on those." Oros turned around and dismissed Himiko with a wave. "You know what I want. Up to you if you go through with it. We’ll talk again, either after you cuffed yourself to someone or on a future battlefield." She walked away. Her hair swung behind her like a massive pendulum.

“I’m sure we will see each other sooner rather than later…”

Watching Oros leave, Himiko let out a sigh and gave a shake of her head. Dealing with her was always a hassle, but she at least gained something from each encounter. As far as going through with what she wanted, now that was a whole different situation. Himiko doubted she could ever truly have feelings of that level of intensity. It would always be a farce, an illusion to progress her ambitions further. Regardless of whether or not she went through with it would remain to be seen. But the one truth she did know, they would cross paths again. It was inevitable after all, especially with the current world events.

Himiko had some other business to take care of, turning to take her own leave. Mulling over the conversation and request that had been made to her.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

It took a moment to scan the page, her eyes tracing every word line to line. The style of writing, the title and its contents made it clear who had been the author. It may have been the scribbles and babble of a mad woman, but it still held some meaning. Each name had a brief note, some more elaborate than others. Knowing what she knew of Oro’s, these names held some meaning. Even if they held little to no meaning to anyone else.

In this case it was the existence of this Blade Diary that was far more important than the actual contents of the writing. It was proof that Oros had been here at the church at some point. The purpose behind it all still remained a mystery. But one thing was clear, they appeared to be on the right track.

Shuffling through the pages, she quickly skimmed through them to ensure that nothing important or useful would be overlooked. Mika on the other hand seemed much more interested in inspecting the podium itself. Hearing the creaking of the trap door being opened wide on the back of the podium. It drew her attention away from what little the papers had to offer as it was clear Mika had come across something. Himiko slowly shifted around to the back of the podium, letting her left hand glide over the papers atop it.

Her golden eyes shifted towards Mika when it was clear that her attention was on her for once. It didn’t take her long to understand why, her own gaze finding the reason for Mika’s particular reaction. Placing her hands on her hips she let out a laugh, glee shimmering within her golden eyes.

“Oh my, my, what do we have here? Who knew your new nickname would spread so quickly….would you look at that Puddy, you are popular aren’t you? A real cool cat!” Crouching down as she got a closer look at the engraving for herself. Placing her right index finger onto the cold stone, tracing it over the animals carved into it and down onto the chiseled message. Coming to a rest at the trough that led into a hole.

It was clear what needed to be done, holding out both hands palm up as she created a small but sharp blade of obsidian. Giving Mika a small glance “Bet you didn’t even know I could do that huh Puddy? So how about we give this thing what it wants…..” Her golden eyes locking onto Mika as she turned the obsidian blade over in her hands.

Himiko let the tension build for a moment as she took a firm hold of the blade by its handle. Her eyes still not moving from Mika as she held out her left palm and ran the obsidian blade across it drawing her own blood. A smirk clearly hidden behind her mask, eyes full of amusement as she continued to toy with Mika. Squeezing her hand shut as the blood pooled in her palm, she turned her fist sideways and let it begin to drip out into the trough. "Skulls for the skull throne...."

If they wanted to find out what would happen, this was the only way to do it. Waiting patiently to see what would result from her donation of blood. Sure it had asked for Mika’s blood, but Himiko figured she would be reluctant to give it up. However, she had no such qualms herself if it meant getting to the bottom of its mystery. Whether it mattered whose blood it was remained to be seen. But there was no way of finding out if she didn't give it a go.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

“Who? Lil ole me? If it wasn’t for you I surely would have been a goner…you’d be surprised in what ways I would be able to help…” giving Mika a wink as she left to start exploring the rest of the church for any leads. With what she had to say out of the way, Himiko was satisfied with this little excursion. Knowing that her words would take root in Mika’s mind, even if she refused.

As for the fallen Gemini Agent, well that wasn't of Himiko's concern. There wasn't much value to be gained from someone who was no longer amongst the living. Plus she had no connection or relationship towards that particular esper. It was a shame to lose a potential client down the road, but Himiko did not let her thoughts dwell on it for long. Death was always around the corner, so there was no sense in worrying about it. If you knew the right paths, then you could always just keep one step ahead of it.

Sure, things hadn’t gone as expected, and Oros was still yet to show. Yet there was much more she had gained from this then she had anticipated heading into the operation. With each operation she got a better gauge of not only her fellow FreeLancers capabilities, but those of Gemini. Information that she was sure would prove to be very useful to her down the road.

Moving to go join with the others as they all seemed drawn to the podium. Which was the most obvious item of interest, at least in current view for them to investigate. Noticing that Marrie was still very much on alert and was serving as over-watch. The overcautious type it would seem, but if something did happen, she would at least make for an early alert system. Himiko doubted that they would be attacked again, at least by the nuns so soon after such a intense standoff. They would definitely need time to recover and regroup. The only other one that would try anything would be Oros, and Himiko sincerely doubted any amount of over-watch or cautiousness would prevent that. But hey, it was still better then nothing Himiko supposed.

As she got closer, her focus shifted onto more important matters. Especially as she approached Justin, she hadn't forgotten what she had been promised. Nor was she going to let him forget what he had promised if she could help it. Tapping Justin on the shoulder as she made her way past him with a small laugh “Read? Speaking of that, don’t you still owe me something? As for the scripture, I’m sure if you did read it, you’d find it most enlightening” Reminding him of their deal as she made sure her golden eyes met his gaze. Once she was sure that the message was received loud and clear she turned her attention to the next item on her list.

Approaching the podium, she was intrigued by what possibly could be found within the script. Perhaps it would prove valuable or useful for her, or at the very least gave her something to work with. Once she reached the podium her golden eyes drifted down towards the script as she suspected that whoever had left it behind had done so intentionally. She found it unlikely that it would be a coincidence in a situation like this to not be important. If it was important, or valuable then Himiko wanted to be one the first ones to find out. Sure money was great, but information and knowledge could prove far more profitable in the long run if you played your cards right.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

Her ploy to act as a distraction had worked just long enough for Marries' attack to deal with the remaining gunmen. Before she could even start to implement the plan she had in mind to deal with them once she had their attention. But Himiko wouldn’t complain, that just meant a lot less exertion on her own end. The fight as a whole seemed to wrap up rather quickly at the end of it. The nuns retreating from the confrontation, leaving Himiko both disappointed but relieved that she wouldn’t have to use up any more resources then she already had.

It was also of benefit that Puddy’s help had given her the ability to move and act more freely. Of course she could just heal herself if she felt like it, but it was so much better to have someone else on hand to help alleviate part of the issue. With a sigh, she finally holstered both of her revolvers as a glint shot through her golden eyes. It was time to make the next move, and with that in mind she finally decided to heal herself as best she could to move around with more ease.

Moving over towards Mika now that the fight had finished up as she climbed her way up to the balcony. Sure she didn’t get to the bottom of what Oros desired with Puddy. The nuns had put a stop to that for the time being. Whether they were associated with Oros, or had their own agenda Himiko could not be certain. However, that mattered very little, as Himiko’s own agenda remained right on course.

Once she reached the balcony she spotted Mika leaning against the frame of the window. Approaching as she slung an arm around Mika’s shoulder as she gazed out the window “Boy, you sure look a lot worse for wear eh Puddy? Its like you just had the fight of your life” Himiko let out a laugh as she pulled Mika closer. It was good to have Puddy mostly alone and isolated for this brief moment, it would make things much more streamlined. With Bedhead down below, Marrie a decent distance away and Noble Spark a short distance off, this was the best she was going to get. Though with both being free lancers, it didn't worry Himiko too much.

“I appreciate you caring so much about me as to go out of your way during such an intense battle to protect me….perhaps I owe you a little something, I don’t take requests often, but if you have one, and I deem it reasonable then I will fulfill it….” A hint of teasing and sincerity behind her tone and her offer to Mika. She enjoyed having new material to use against Puddy, but she also appreciated her help.

Though it was a shame that Puddy did seem so embedded with Gemini. It would be fun to form a little team of their own and grow it from there. But she doubted Puddy would be receptive to such an idea, though it didn’t mean it was worth taking the shot. “You know, if you ever get tired of getting bossed around by Neonbrite, Jar Jar Binky and Dr.Freeze and feel like leaving Gemini, you are more than welcome to join up with me, I know that one boy in Gemini that I met before is cute as a button, so it might be hard to leave him behind, but the offer will remain on the table for you….after all you can only do so much while being a member of Gemini…and I can tell you have ambitions of your own that may not totally align with the goals of the organization…ambitions that I can better help become a reality” There was no laugh, or teasing this time. Every word she had said, she had meant it. But it was up to Mika to make that determination for herself when the time came.

Himiko had no dislike or grudge against Gemini. They had a part to play in everything after all. One that was more beneficial for Himiko more times than not. Though it was easy enough to tell that once you join an organization like Gemini, it limits a bit of your freedom to do what you wished so freely. Rules, regulations, they all had their purposes and needs and a chain of command. All things Himiko felt only served to hinder her own goals and aspirations. Things that Himiko felt that Puddy might value as well.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

Just as Himiko had started to get cozy and comfortable where she lay, she noticed her first visitor. She hadn’t expected Mika to try to help her out honestly. But that just meant that Puddy cared far more about Himiko than what Puddy was willing to admit. Next time she chatted with Puddy, she had a little more ammunition to use.

But those warm thoughts started to get even warmer, and her time of relaxation came to an abrupt end. A stream of napalm rained down from above catching the attention of her golden gaze. What a shame, she had hoped she could just lay here unnoticed for a good while longer. But all good things must come to an end at some point.

Going into motion, Himiko quickly rolled out of the way of the napalm. While shielding herself just in case any of it managed to get on her. Knowing that it was nasty stuff that would stick to her body and burn her to a crisp otherwise. Using the momentum of her roll to roll back up onto her feet. One to her feet she started to dust herself off with a disappointed sigh. At least the time she had spent laying there had given her enough time to mostly recover her senses. But it was a shame that she couldn’t bask in the satisfaction of receiving help from Puddy for just a little bit longer.

Her golden eyes scanned the scene around her, taking it all in and most importantly finding the wretch that had interrupted her peace and enjoyment. She was going to pay for trying to cook Himiko like a baked potato. Plus she had the audacity to interrupt a touching and warm moment from Puddy. Two things that Himiko wasn’t about to let slip without repercussion. Though it seemed like Bedhead was already in the process of taking care of Mojo Bobo for her.

Which meant, she could turn her attention back to those pests hiding amongst the smoke. She had played nice earlier, but her patience had worn thin and her desires had grown ever more ambitious. Bringing her revolvers back up, she unloaded both into the smoke screen to get the attention of the gunmen as best as she could. Once she had their attention, that would be the time to give them a little surprise.

She was greedy to desire more time basking in the satisfaction of getting Puddy to crack and show some sign of compassion. But why not eliminate the interruption so she could get more of what she truly desired?


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

Feeling the thuds of the bullets impacting her body, soon followed by the radiating pain that surged from head to toe. Himiko was taken off of her feet, her left leg having been struck followed by a number of rounds that knocked her back. Having taken away her stable base as she hit the floor with a groan and a thud.

Not being able to observe the results of her own shots, she was left to hope that they had hit their mark. She knew what she did was rather foolish, but at the same time it was something she could use to her advantage. Sure it hurt like hell, and she wouldn’t want to get shot too many times if she could prevent it. It nonetheless opened a different option for her to take in all of this chaos.

Instead of trying to get back up to her feet, or get back into the fight. Himiko remained where she lay, keeping herself as motionless as possible. Having decided that it would be best to play possum in this situation while the others took care of the rest of the riffraff. After all, why exert the effort if the others seemed so willing to do it all for her.

She had faith that they would be able to handle the nuns and what remained of the henchmen without her help. Besides, getting shot still hurts like hell, so she had her excuse to play dead for the time being. It had been a calculated risk, but the calculated risk seemed to have more or less a mixed result. She was still alive, but she didn’t know if the same could be said of her targets.

Regardless of that, if Himiko hadn’t hit her mark, she at least knew the others would be able to handle what remained of them. In the meantime she was going to lay here, in pain and observing the ongoing fight around her. If both the enemy and the other espers thought Himiko was dead, it would draw the attention away from her. After all, she hadn’t come here to fight a bunch of nuns in the first place. She had other aspirations in mind, ones that would likely need her full strength and resources to pursue.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

Himiko couldn’t help but to smile, the gunmen having targeted her like she had been expecting. She had a choice to make, either focus on defending herself, or on taking out the gunmen that remained hidden and obscured by the smoke. It was a choice that seemed easy enough to decide. She might not get another chance to pin down the gunmen otherwise. It was a lousy choice to make, but one she was willing to risk.

Deciding to take shots, while keeping her golden eyes locked on the trajectory of the bullets. Her eyes tracing the path that they carved through the smoke. It helped give her an idea of the location of the remaining gunmen.Once she had gotten a rough gauge of where the shots had originated from she knew she had little time to waste. Hoping to prevent the gunmen from repositioning, she raised her revolvers firing off three rounds from each into the areas she had observed the bullets having come from. If it meant having to get shot herself in order to eliminate the remaining gunmen she would take that risk willingly.

Hoping that her own bullets would find their targets on the other side of the smoke to repay the favor. Having used the brief time she had to defend herself to get off a counterattack instead. Knowing that if she had focused on defense, it was likely she would have lost track of the shots, and that the gunmen would have the chance to move from their previous firing locations. Which would leave them as a threat to not only herself but Puddy and the others.

Now she hoped that she got lucky and the gunman 's shots wouldn’t do too much damage to herself or worse. Bracing herself for the impact of the bullets. Hoping she wouldn’t be injured too severely so that she could help out with the nuns. Otherwise she would have to put all her remaining faith in Puddy and the others to bring them down. Normally she would have just defended herself and focused on trying to gain something valuable for herself. But something about Puddy changed her normal calculus, she was being greedy in a far different kind of way this time around.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

With a small shake of her head, Himiko realized just what Lenore had done, letting out a small sigh. “Oh, that's an oopsie….” muttering quietly as she watched her bullets fly towards their new unintended target. "Just remember that even if I shoot you, you still owe me that comic!" With a shrug of her shoulders she put that problem out of her mind quickly. She figured that Noble Spark would be able to handle that problem, especially since they had just been fired normally.

Returning her attention to the gunmen as Mika charged at Lenore immediately after making her request. Taking a brief moment to reload as she got out a quick response back “Make sure you don’t get too hot-headed now Puddy, getting ahead of yourself doesn’t end well, keep your wits and your emotions in check…as for the gunmen, they might as well already be dead….” Keeping an eye on Mika even while turning her aim towards the gunmen stationed nearby.She had her doubts about Mika being able to handle Lenore all on her own. But she figured at the very least it would keep the nun distracted while Himiko picked off the gunmen.

If Puddy wanted them eliminated, then that was just what Puddy was going to get. Though she better make it quick, as she had reasonable suspicion that Mika would have some difficulty in handling the Nun alone. So the sooner she could eliminate the small fry, the sooner she could help topple the heavy hitters.

Once Sovereign got her target's locations figured out, she took aim at the nearest two gunmen that had positioned themselves beyond Lenore. Rattling off a round each at of the two as she started to run herself, trying to get into a better position on her left so she could get eyes on as many as the gunmen as she could at once. Wanting to get a gauge on their numbers to get a clear picture of the situation. In all of the chaos, debris and smoke it had been difficult to figure out just how many of them had been part of the ambush.

Even as she moved, she made an effort to keep Mika within a close distance and view. Not wanting to separate too far from her and out of range of being able to help if the situation required. Puddy was a tough customer, but Lenore was trouble. Himiko had learned long ago, stacking the odds as much as you could into your favor before taking a huge risk for a huge reward was always the most profitable. Not to mention she had made Mika a promise after all, and it was one she fully intended to uphold.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

Sovereign could tell the moment she had made her demands that the air between them had quickly become tense. As much as she suspected, they wanted to take Mika and leave without any questions or requests. Something that Sovereign wasn’t interested in one bit. Something about these nuns was giving her a funny feeling that she didn’t quite like. Not to mention the talk of selling children led her to believe that they possibly weren’t in league with Oros the Mad. After all, what would be the point of Oros wanting her to bring Mika here, just to sell her?

But before she could make a complaint, or go into action, the nuns struck first. Grateful for Noble Sparks melody as it took the brunt of Lenore's swing for her. Being sent off balance with a surprised grunt as she was sent flying into Mika, feeling herself tumbling across the floor with her until they came to a rather abrupt and rough stop.

Remaining atop Mika for a moment as she gathered her thoughts and cleared her mind after the tumble. As her eyes came back into focus, Himiko realized just where she was at as she gazed down at Mika beneath her. Letting out a laugh, “Oh hey Puddy, what an odd place to bump into you all of a sudden” cracking a joke, even with the situation being as dangerous and chaotic as it was.

“How about we work together this time around Puddy? I knew we had trouble as soon as I spotted the first nun, I’m just thankful they aren’t wielding the most deadly weapon within the arsenal of the nunnery, not a single one has a ruler or yardstick, so we have a fighting chance…..” Rolling herself off the top of Mika and onto her feet she kneeled on one knee as she helped Mika back up. Both revolvers drawn and at the ready as her golden eyes lit up with excitement at this unexpected chance to team up with Mika. Not to mention the chance to settle a grudge and get to the bottom of all of this. "I'll follow your lead, since you seem pretty adept with close combat, I'll be your support Puddy...." Giving Mika a big pat on the back before turning her focus to the Nuns.

Whether the nuns worked for Oros, or where a separate party entirely she couldn’t be certain of. But that wasn’t what was important right now, they had struck first, and Himiko wasn’t about to let them off the hook for it. Aiming both of her weapons at Lenore just in time for Marrie to launch her own attack on the eye-patched nun. She let loose a volley of rounds in support of Marrie keeping her aim precise and towards Lenore's legs to minimize the chances of friendly fire. Also to try to hamper Lenore’s movements to help Marries attack be more successful.

She did owe Mika some uses of her abilities, but she held them for the time being, until she could get a better picture of what Mika wanted to do. Also using the results of Marrie’s attacks to get a gauge on the Nun’s abilities.
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