Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate

Kristina looked up towards the black horse as she tried to calm the spooked beast, trying to be as nonthreatening as possible towards it, she would look over her shoulder seeing as some of the other people in the fields scrambling to try and calm down the other three horses. "Calm down, and i'll treat you to some carrots or something wouldn't you like that buddy?" Kristina said with a soft smile, as she watched the horse slowly start to calm itself down. She sighed softly as she slowly approached the horse and ran her hand over it's nose, sighing softly and smiled at it. "That's right, relax big guy." Kristina said calmly as she gently led the horse back towards the stables, she watched as Guy had managed to calm down another one of the horses and led it back towards the stables as well.

The two of them haven't gotten along that well since she had been here, she assumed he still held a grudge towards her for his current assignment. Kris didn't speak much to him, and only really talked with James whenever the two of them worked together as Kristina took the horses reins and tied it down onto the post so that it wouldn't run off again. Kristina watched as the others were slowly reigning in the horses back towards the stables and moved out of their way, Kris sighed slightly as she looked towards Guy and gave him a slight nod as she turned around and headed towards the fields to help tend to the crops now.

Sophia Harris

location: The Streets of Newnan.

"Those things can be pretty smart, so it's highly likely that it could have done it." Sophia said with a slight shrug as she ran her right hand through her hair as she looked at the little girl and gave her a soft smile and then looked towards Niesha noticing that she had leaned in closer to her and blushed slightly. She wanted to give the woman a kiss on the cheek but she decided to back out from that, she didn't know if Niesha felt the same and shifted awkwardly in her wheelchair and nodded towards Niesha and gave her a soft smile. "A little bit warm, but its Georgia after all, i'll be fine really." Sophia answered.

Then Sophia caught a glimpse of Bridgette running down the street on Cadence going past them, probably thinking that Bridgette wanted to give the massive beast a bit of exercise. Sophia shifted in her seat as she tried to get a look at where she was going, she gave a slight shrug as Sophia sat back down. She would probably end up bumping into her again later on in the day for more of her physical therapy as Bridgette called it. "Looks like she's getting Cadence some exercise for the day." Sophia said softly as was moved closer towards the Mess Hall.

"I'm kind of thirsty now that I think of it, maybe we can stop inside the mess hall?" Sophia asked and looked at the little girl who had joined them and helped Niesha push her towards the destination. "And maybe get her something to drink as well." Sophia said with a soft smile towards the little girl.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Arnco Mills, Sugar Magnolia Deli

Raymond turned around to look over his shoulder and noticed several walkers coming down the road, and of course some of them took note of him and Laurence. Raymond quickly turned around to look at the Asian man he looked like he was about to shit himself or something, he of course wasn't ready to die yet and he didn't like the chances of several against a single walker. Raymond quickly shoved Laurence out of the way and opened the door, as he looked over his shoulder they were getting closer. And staying inside a building would be much safer then being outside with more then a dozen.

"Well good luck man." Raymond said as he quickly closed the door behind him and locked it, Raymond turned to the single walker that was inside the deli. He drew out his machete and swung it at the walker's head lodging it inside its skull, Ray quickly pulled out the machete. The walkers were gaining more now as Raymond quickly went towards a shelf and quickly shoved it in the way of the door effectively blocking the entrance.

Ray then took out his machete again and started to walk around the deli to make sure that there weren't anymore then the one that he had just dealt with and tried to search for anything that he could restock on as well.
I will be posting later tonight.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she glanced at her and then over towards Cynthia for a moment as Cynthia said those words and then looked at her sister she was confused. She never viewed herself as popular though she remembered getting a good turnout whenever she was asked to play at their high school events. "Maybe you have a point, I mean a lot of us were in that picture so we were popular at some point with the school I guess?" Riley said with a slight shrug as she looked towards Cynthia for a moment, maybe something in that crazy head of hers Cynthia might have known the person who was doing all of this. Riley sighed slightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose she just wanted to catch up with her friends and classmates.

She looked towards her sister as she simply just tried to laugh it off, it could be very possible that someone who was a complete outcast was jealous of all of them. Though Riley was scared at the thought of seeing the classmates that she had become very close friends with over the last few years. "What time is the picnic and where is it again?" Riley asked, she just simply wanted to change the subject again that didn't seem to try and get away.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building, Apartment 3C, Riley & Cecily's Apartment

Riley watched as Ronni dug into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade from his pocket, hearing the blade coming out as he pressed it and then closing it, then taking her hand and putting it in there. Riley bit her lower lip for a moment she had never used a knife on anyone before, but she hoped it wouldn't come down to it. "I wouldn't trust me with a gun either." Riley said with a slight laugh as she set the knife into her pocket. She knew that she could be getting in way over her head in this, but she was more then willing to try and help out and solve what happened to Danica. As Riley grabbed her purse again and grabbed her car keys, she looked towards Ronni and gave him a quick nod as Riley walked towards the door. "I'm ready." Riley said as she left her apartment and closed it from behind and locked it, she didn't trust anyone that much in this town.

As Riley walked out and made her way towards her car Riley unlocked it looking towards Ronni as she took out her phone and handed it towards Ronni. "I'm trusting you with my phone number, put it in and also if you can send that email to me in case anything happens." Riley said. "Also don't give it out to anyone I don't want fans spamming my phone. Unless its someone you really do trust." Riley said as she got into her car, and closed the door she strapped herself in and started up her car as she pulled out and started driving towards Roller Derby rink.
@FantasyChic Your on day 3 so you should be fine.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley turned to look at Cynthia again it seemed like the voices had suddenly just returned to the crazy girl and started her usual crazy talk to herself. She would sigh slightly as she ran her hand through her hair and then gently patted Cynthia on the shoulder, Riley did feel bad for her, maybe she would help her out after this grim reunion would end. Riley looked back towards Tuesday and laughed softly and shook her head while Cynthia started to sing. "Then i'd need some backup vocals, which I think you would be good at." Riley said as she nudged Tuesday back with her elbow. But then of course the grim subject returned as Tuesday brought it up again it seemed to be something that wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Well certainly not Atlas who I thought was because you know he was a douchebag back then. But now he is taking the never ending sleep if you will. I really have no idea who or why someone would even do this sort of thing to anyone." Riley said as she bit her lower lip when Tuesday suggested going back to her tour, which she had canceled at the very last minute to come here for the reunion. "As much as I want to, I really can't because I canceled my tour to come here at the last minute. So they probably pulled up another band the very last minute." Riley sighed slightly.

"And I can't get any bodyguards right now without having to wait several days, and can't rely on the cops because well they already got a shit ton on their plates." Riley said with a slight shrug as she looked at Tuesday gently patting her on the shoulder. "But I can handle myself, had a few run ins with some crazed fans ended up taking some defense classes and what not."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Arnco Mills, Sugar Magnolia Deli

Raymond watched as Lawrence turned around and instantly got into a combat stance as if to fight him, he couldn't blame him for that it was very rare for anyone to come up to a complete stranger that didn't want to take your supplies or anything of value. Before he could even answer though Raymond heard the gunshots, which he wasn't sure where it had come from, and gunshots were bad which could draw Walkers in. Then Ray heard a banging on the glass and saw a Walker was inside, Raymond turned calmly towards Lawrence once more still trying to be as calm and relaxed as he possibly could he was a stranger as well and anyone would do anything these days just to survive.

"Hey listen man, calm down if I wanted your shit i'd have killed you already. But i'm not that kind of guy. The name is Ray by the way." Raymond said as he looked around before slowly taking off his backpack his eyes still trained on Lawrence. "Found a fox here, if you want we could share ya look hungry." Raymond said as he opened it to reveal the dead fox within his pack. "And those gunshots would probably attract some walkers. Maybe find a place to hold up and make sure things are clear?" Raymond said trying to be as friendly towards him as possible he hadn't been with a group in such a long time.

I shall post tomorrow.
I shall post tomorrow.
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