Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@FantasyChic Dont worry Ray may have let Pants Shitter to die, but he isnt going to let someone else die otherwise he would be bad luck. :P
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Roller Derby Rink

"I can deal with hand holding and your arm around my waist so i'm cool with that." Riley whispered back towards Ronnie, might as well play the act as a couple here just to hide better in the crowd. She followed alongside Ronnie towards the concession stands and watched as Ronnie bought himself some pizza as well as a large drink. Riley decided to buy herself a large soft pretzel along with an over sized soda as well, Riley paid for her own food and walked alongside Ronnie towards the upper bleachers that overlooked the whole room. "Honestly i'm not that familiar with Roller Derby." Riley said to him as she leaned back as she unwrapped her pretzel and then took a bite out of it. Riley looked up towards the screen as it showed the roster of the members of each team Juno and The Dragons.

Riley took another bite out of the pretzel as she looked over towards Ronnie and moved slightly closer towards him, she didn't feel comfortable but then again they were acting like a couple here. Riley watched as the derby girls did their practice runs, all she really knew about the sport was them trying to knock them off it looked like a violent sport. But she truly didn't know any of the rules about the game. Riley raised an eyebrow towards Ronnie when he mentioned Team Juno hadn't lost in three years, which to her felt a little bit suspicious. "So do you think that Juno is cheating or something, since they haven't lost?" She wasn't sure how many other Roller Derby teams were in Justice.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel, the way to the picnic.

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she watched her sister climbing into the back seat of her car, she was hoping that Tuesday would sit next to her but she couldn't force where her sister wanted to sit and she knew that Cynthia would probably like sitting shotgun. She saw Cynthia's hair and smiled at her. "Looks like Tuesday did a great job with your hair Cyn." Riley said once Cynthia was inside her car she started to pull out of the parking lot. Even though there were so many murders that were going on since she had returned home to Grim, she wanted to meet more of her classmates the ones that she didn't get to meet yesterday. "I'm sure you are excited to see Ada soon right?" Riley asked looking towards Cynthia, she knew that the two of them were pretty close since Cynthia was locked up.

Riley then looked over towards Tuesday sitting in the back of her car, she still wanted to have that talk with her, since the two didn't really have any alone time with one another since they were bunking with Cynthia not that she minded it. "So sis, what else have you been doing?" Riley hadn't had much time to catch up with Tuesday since her work has kept her from trying to keep in touch with her, and Tuesday was the only family that she kept in touch with despite what happened in high school. Riley didn't even try and keep in touch with any of their parents since high school.
Ill be posting later on today.

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate

Kristina helplessly clung tightly to the raging horse as best as she could trying to steer the beast away from the fields which she had managed to do. But before she could do anything else Kristina would let out a very loud scream as Pestilence finally bucked her off, sending her flying towards the pile of wet manure. Kristina would let out a cry in pain as she landed on her ankle and then into the pile of animal shit. Kristina closed her eyes as she laid there smelling of animal shit, though it was far better then being covered in Walker guts that is for sure. If Maria was actually here to witness it, she would probably end up laughing at her about it, and she would probably never hear the end of it all. Kris then tried to stand up on her feet still unaware of what happened during the landing, but then she felt a sharp pain going through her feet which she made herself fall back into the pile of animal shit.

As Kris tried to crawl her way out of the pile of manure she heard Niesha's voice and looked up to her, and shrugged slightly. "Oh i'm just fine, got bucked off by Pestilence here and landed in a pile of animal shit." Kristina said with a light laugh as she accepted Niesha's hand, causing Niesha to stumble slightly. "I think I may have hurt my ankle during the landing.." Kris said as she continued to try and hold her balance.

"Could you get like a shovel or something to help me walk?" Kris asked, she knew that she would have to get hosed down even before being sent to the Infirmary. "Theres a hose back at the barn, mind uh hosing me down or something?" Kristina asked awkwardly. At least the horse was running around somewhere else, and was luckily not aiming towards the fields months of hard work planting those crops would set them back.

Sophia Harris

location: The Streets of Newnan.

Sophia looked up at Niesha for a moment and shook her head slightly. "Your doing fine, Niesha and go ahead i'll be fine here." Sophia said with a soft smile towards Niesha. "And that sounds good to me, i'll be here. And that sounds like a good plan, continue showing me around town when you get back to." Sophia said and then her face turned red when she felt Niesha's lips pressed up against her cheek, she looked over her shoulder as Meg offered to push her into the school. Was that a sign that Niesha liked her? She watched as Niesha ran off towards the outer wall to try and help.

Sophia sighed quietly as she leaned back in her seat as she watched Meg continuing teaching the little kids of Newnan, she wondered how many of them had lost their parents or if any of them were orphaned. She felt bad for them that they would end up having to be raised up in a world where people kill each other and the dead return to eat away at the living. Sophia started to think about her and Niesha as well, maybe she should tell her how she felt later on in the day, they didn't have that much time together while she spent the last few weeks in the infirmary.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Arnco Mills, 3rd Street, then woods around Arnco Mills

Raymond looked over his shoulder as he heard the unmistakable sound of Walkers, and he started to make a run towards Tiffany as he looked towards the east seeing another group of walkers and more walkers behind Tiffany and him. It was all probably because of the Man Shitter, when he was close enough he motioned for her to follow him. "C'mon there arent any of them towards the west!" Raymond said as he took out his machete to defend himself from the dead that was approaching. Ray didn't know this woman either, and wasn't sure if she was friendly or not and then he continued to run. As Raymond entered the treeline there was a walker in his way and he swung his machete at it's head cleaving it off.

Raymond looked over his shoulder to try and see if the woman would follow him or not, this was the second person he had met today the man earlier he wasn't even sure how he survived the last three years in this world. Raymond stopped for a moment as he reached for his water bottle and took a sip from it before continuing to run, he wanted as much distance away from the Walkers as possible.

Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One
Interacting With: Her laptop!

As Sam sat there for a moment slowly going through the entire footage that she had managed to get once she was in the town center, even up to the point where Chase and the creature that was named Jamila Samantha paused the video for a second. She got up and headed over towards the cupboard and reached up to grab a glass and then started to fill it up with some water. Once it was filled up Samantha turned around and headed back towards the bed and sat down and went to continue the video that she was going to be editing and then send it out to get the story out.

Just as the earth quake had happened Sam caught a glimpse of what looked like a demon, and paused it just as the video continued. "What the hell is that?" Samantha said to herself as she quickly rewound the tape to the point where the demonic looking image appeared in front of her. She wasn't even sure if she would be able to use it at all, some people would write it off as fake but then again it was the end of the world. Sam decided to pause the video to get a better look at the image and then quickly saved it, it could be used possibly later but she would have to find out more info later and do some research.
I shall post tomorrow. :)
@Lady Amalthea You certainly love using that gif huh? :P
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building, Apartment 3C, Riley & Cecily's Apartment

As Riley approached the ticket booth with Ronnie, she felt him grabbing her hand his fingers locking with hers she looked around the group seeing some of them were staring at her. But they didn't do anything else other then that, she felt awkward but decided to just play along as a couple for now. As the ticket person handed them their tickets Riley headed inside with Ronnie, she looked around the rusted and dirty looking arena it reminded her of some of the shadier places she used to play her music at before she had grew big. Riley leaned in towards Ronnie and whispered to him. "We should just act like a couple. Just don't kiss me or anything." Riley said quietly as she looked towards the arena seeing some people were already in the rink doing some practice rounds.

"So should we investigate while the game is going on, that way people are more focused on the game?" Riley asked as she stood there, she had never been to a Roller Derby game before. It sort of looked fun to her she had never been on roller skates either Riley started to run a hand through her hair. As someone walked past her and bumped into her shoulder glaring at the person who had walked past her she wanted to punch him for not saying excuse me and sighed quietly.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley watched as Cynthia's face started to turn into fear which she hadn't seen her react like that before yet, she then started to listen closely when Cynthia mentioned Ash she raised an eyebrow. She wasn't sure yet as Riley stood up from the bed and stretched slightly looking down at the two of them. "Well, how about this the three of us stick close together when we are at the picnic that way none of us will get separated during the picnic sound good?" Riley said as she went over towards the door where she had left her shoes. "And Cynthia you got me as well, I have a little self defense training and Tuesday can make her shivs and shank someone." Riley said teasingly she would never have thought her twin sister would know how to do that she seemed to innocent back in high school they were both alike and different at the same time.

"Lets head over to the picnic shall we?" Riley said as she opened up the door to their hotel room, and started to head down the hallway and went towards the elevator and waited for Tuesday and Cynthia to come. Once they were inside Riley pressed the down button as the elevator went down towards the lobby. Once they were on the first floor Riley headed out towards the parking lot and made her way towards her car, she unlocked it and then opened the passenger side door and moved the seat forward to let whoever wanted to sit in the back. Riley then made her way to the driver's side and got inside.
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