Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Maria Smith

Maria closed her eyes as Alex moved in to give her a kiss, she wrapped her arms around Alex's waste letting out a content and happy sigh into the kiss Maria really did love this woman a lot. When the kiss ended Maria frowned slightly she wanted to actually last longer she then smiled and giggled. "I sold a whole lot of hard drugs just to get those tickets." Maria said jokingly as she held Alex's hand and giggled softly, she actually just spent a whole weeks worth of rent to get the tickets for the two of them which she didn't even mind. As long as she got the time to spend with Alex Maria was happy and she knew that Alex liked going to concerts as well as sporting events. "Its the least I can do for you letting me come here and crash with ya." Maria said with a soft smile.

Her eyes then wondered over towards the TV screen seeing the news report of the same biting incident that was played earlier in the day. She quickly went over and turned off the TV turning her attention towards Alex smiling happily she was excited for going out and whatever Alex had planned to. "Does the sweet part of the deal involve with a happy ending at the end of the day?" Maria wanted to have her first time with Alex, though she didn't say anything about that.

"Anyway lets go and get some grub i'm starved." Maria said as she went towards the door and grabbed her pair of shoes and started to put them on. She knew that her hair was still wet, but it would dry pretty quickly once they were outside in the sunlight as Maria reached into her purse and made sure that she had everything ready to go.

The concert they were going to was one of Riley's she liked the girl's music for awhile now, it was actually her first concert as well and she wanted the best for both her and Alex. Even if the tickets were expensive as hell Maria stood by the door waiting for her girlfriend, though her mind started to wonder back towards the news of the people just eating one another. Something that was kind of scary and the police brutality as well made her start to worry what was going to happen if they were outside and in the streets.
@Ambiguity Thanks! :) And i'm enjoying it quiet a bit as well glad we are working things out well so far. :) And i'll do that and you do the same.

Also when they go to the concert that's when i'll introduce Riley and then the riots start sound good? :)
Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange and The Bloody Murder Boy

As Sera started to drive closer towards Altsoba she shook her head as she tried to ignore the voices in her head since the whole end of the world thing had started the voices were more active then they had ever been. She reached for her bottle of water and then opened the glove compartment and pulled a bottle of aspirin. She took two and then drank the water, Seraphina continued driving getting closer to town that's when she saw what looked like a pile of corpse piled up on the side of the street. "What the hell is that?" Sera said to herself as she started to slow down her car.

As the car slowed down and stopped nearby she noticed a woman and then a strange little boy covered in the gore from what she assumed was from the pile of corpses. Seraphina reached for her gun that she always kept in the glove compartment, she of course had a license to carry it and being a former police officer as well. Sera made sure that she kept the gun hidden in the back of her shirt, as Seraphina got out of her car she cautiously started to approach the two of them. She couldn't help but get a very disturbed feeling coming from the boy, Seraphina then turned her attention towards Sylvia.

"What the hell is going on here, and who is the kid?" Sera asked as she looked towards the town, things seem to be going to hell pretty quickly since she had left her home to come here. She started to feel very uneasy being at the epicenter of the end of the world, Sera didn't even know why she came here other then from the constant voices that mentioned it.
Maria Smith

Maria slipped her phone back into her pocket as she looked at the tv screen, the news was weird a lot of people biting into each other lately was weird it had been going on for the past day now. She shuddered slightly at the thought of being on the biting end of that, she quickly followed alongside Alex and held her girlfriend's hand. Maria was actually happy that she had met Alex they did get along really well together which she was really happy about. When they entered the subway Maria stood closely next to Alex, they didn't have any back home but it did feel like they were just simply riding a train. Maria had one of her hands in her pocket holding some concert tickets, it was a surprise for Alex and a reason why she wanted to come over to D.C. and also spend time with Alex.

The hour and a half later Maria followed Alex to the warehouse her eyes scanning the stores nearby as they stopped in front of the warehouse Maria raised an eyebrow slightly she actually wasn't expecting Alex to be living in a place like this. When the door opened Maria's eyes lit up, it actually looked really nice and roomie. "This looks awesome!" Maria said as she stepped into the warehouse loft, she turned around and smirked slightly at Alex. "I'll go and freshen up and get changed i'll be back in thirty minutes." Maria said as she moved over and kissed Alex on the cheek before heading up towards the bedroom and entered the shower.

Thirty minutes went by pretty quickly as Maria just did a quick shower, and then went through her bag pulling out a fresh set of clothes tossing them onto the bed. Maria looked down at Alex and smirked slightly as she simply put on a clean shirt and pair of jeans, she then grabbed her purse and then pulled out the pair of tickets. She headed back down the stairs and then handed Alex the set of tickets. "I bought some concert tickets for tonight front row to." Maria smiled.

Your post was perfect, I've seen your other posts they are better then mine most of the time lol. :P So don't ever feel worried if you feel like you wrote a crappy post. :)
@Ambiguity They do look really awesome. :P
@Ambiguity Sounds good to me! :D
@Ambiguity I was thinking around the evening that's when riots start to breakout what do you think?
@Ambiguity I think so to if they killed off Maggie while pregnant it would really suck if that happened lol.

Had to add Kristina into the mix since Maria is dead in the group RP she is in I wanted to continue the sister dynamic between the two of them. :)
Maria Smith

"I'm really glad that I came here, FaceTime and texting just aren't the same as having a face to face conversation." Maria said with a soft smile as she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips up against Alex's and sat back down. She looked towards the bag of clothes that she had right next to her. Then she started to listen to Alex as she spoke about her job and smiled at her girlfriend she was glad that Alex was enjoying her job. "I'm really glad that you are enjoying your work aside from the driving and the dirty football players." Maria said with a laugh. Maria's face lit up she hadn't gotten to see Alex's place yet, and she was glad that she wouldn't be spending that time sleeping in some hotel.

Maria took a drink from her beer finishing about half of it down as her attention went to the news screen and saw the caption. "It's the same weird news stories back in Pittsburgh, another incident like this happened shortly after a Pirates game." Maria sighed slightly she wasn't sure what was the sudden surge of violence with the police recently and decided to change the subject to lunch to the place Alex had suggested. "That place sounds really good, and you already know me." Maria growing up always loved spicy food, she reached out to gently hold Alex's hand.

"I first want to see your place, and that I wont have to lug my backpack around so much." She got up finishing up her beer and then laid some money out on the table. She wanted to at least repay her girlfriend for the Scotch, Maria then felt her phone vibrate for a moment she looked down and saw it was a text from her sister Kris wondering if she had gotten to D.C. in one piece. Which Maria quickly sent out a reply telling her younger sister that she did make it safely and would see her in two weeks.
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