Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@LadySierra Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you ever want to RP or chat or have any questions feel free to ask i'm sure you will find a great home here! :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley watched as Cynthia just continued to splatter condiments onto the wall singing Over The Rainbow, when Cynthia finally turned her attention over to her. Cynthia started to freak out over the word baloney going as far as to just throw an opened bag of sandwich meats onto the wall. A slice of baloney rolled onto the floor landing right by her feet, Cynthia kept repeating baloney over and over. It was definitely a clue in that crazy little head of hers. Riley quickly backed away and started searching through the yearbook searching through all the students and faculty the ones that were still alive that is Riley paused on Chris Maloney's picture. Then she looked at what he was most likely voted for she looked over at Cynthia as she thought more about what she was saying ever since she had gotten back at school. He was voted for to be the next great American director.

Now it was starting to make more sense to her, the stars were the victims so far that have been killed and a director needed stars to make a successful movie. "I think I figured it out, I think it's Chris Malony." Riley said as she looked up at Tim, as she picked up a piece of baloney off of the ground. "Ever since this all started Cynthia kept mentioning 'Stars' Chris was voted to be the Next Great American Director. And what every director needs are stars." Riley said putting the yearbook down onto Tim's desk as she pointed to every superlative that was in the yearbook.

Riley then went back to yesterday as she thought trying to remember who was and wasn't in the room who was in the room around the time of Atlas and Valencia were killed. "Going back to yesterday, I don't remember seeing Chris back in the gym around the time of Atlas and Val getting killed. Did you see him at all yesterday around the time Val and Atlas left the gym was everyone questioned after that even Chris?" Riley asked as she tried to think of something else. "The only person who saw the person run off from Trent's murder scene was Lawson. I really don't think we can get any more info out of Little Miss Crazy Ass here, it's the best lead we have right now." Riley said as she handed Tim the yearbook once more hoping that her theory was right.
Post will be up tomorrow.
I'll have a character up tomorrow.
Seraphina Adams

Location: Town Center -> Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Mitsukuri Katsumi@BlueSky44

"I'm not crazy, just being cautious. Besides I got all the permits, and papers to have it on me." Seraphina said as she showed Sylvia that the gun's safety was on. "I was an officer, well way before all of this happened. Ended up getting shot, and then forced to quit." Sera told Sylvia as she set her gun in the waistband behind her, she looked over at the burning buildings nearby. Seraphina raised an eyebrow when Sylvia mentioned demons she slightly shook her head at that comment, she wasn't much of the religious type growing up. But that weird kid started to make her rethink everything now that the world was ending and everything.

"So these demons that you talk about, what exactly do they look like?" Sera asked leaning over the side of her car as she suddenly could hear something shattering. "Let's go check that out." Seraphina said as she started making her way towards the shopping area her eyes slowly went up to the store called Forgotten Relics. She took out her gun as she could hear signs of some struggling as Sera walked into the store she stopped seeing a young Asian girl struggling against what looked like a damn zombie. Seraphina ran up and tried to kick the dead man in the head to get him away from Katsumi.

Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Kristina's Apartment) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia felt Niesha's arms wrapping around her waist she looked over her shoulder and smiled as she turned around and leaned forward and kissed her lovingly. The gesture made her feel happy and comfortable, as she held Niesha's hand she hadn't felt happy to be with someone since she had lost her husband all those years ago. "I love you Niesha." Sophia said once again as she looked over at Kristina who was already to leave her apartment. Kris gave her a thumbs up as she left the room to give the two of them some space, Sophia blushed slightly as she looked over at Niesha smiling shyly. "Lets go to the Mess Hall." Sophia said as she held Niesha's hand a little bit longer before leaving the room.

As Sophia walked down the sidewalk and back towards the Mess Hall once more for what was probably the twentieth time today. She looked over her shoulder at Niesha she wondered what would have happened that day if she didn't survive after losing her hand and how things would have gone. Sophia ran a hand through her hair for a moment as she entered the Mess Hall, she looked around the room seeing the remaining people getting their last minute meal.

She could easily smell the deer which her mouth started to water her eyes then looked over towards Astrid and Ashton the two of them having some sort of private conversation. Then she looked towards the man who appeared to be some sort of biker, Sophia stood back for a moment as Ashton headed over to the man talking about some sort of trade she assumed could be another group nearby. Sophia decided to just let them be as she headed over and grabbed a plate of the smoked deer which she couldn't pass up at all she moved over and sat down next to Kris once she had her plate in hand.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina watched the two love birds in her room when Sophia turned around she gave the two of them a thumbs up, and then quickly left the room to give them some space. As Kristina moved down the sidewalk she headed into the Mess Hall as she then went to sit down at an open seat propping her sore ankle up on the seat next to her. Kris sighed slightly as she looked over at the deer, she wasn't hungry at the moment, but the smell of the smoked deer was so good.

She sat in the room as she scanned the room as Ashton talked with Astrid then moving towards a person that she didn't know, she just remained quiet as she decided to just grab herself some deer as well. Kris didn't want to be the only one who didn't have a slice of Black James' awesome cooking. Kristina saw the door opening seeing Sophia and grabbed her own plate the older woman went over and sat down next to her.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building B (Zoie's House)

Meghna looked over at James as he shoveled the food into his mouth seeing him do that was actually kind of funny as he talked with his mouth full. "I actually haven't gotten a chance to yet, once everything settles down i'll be sure to stop by and grab something to eat. I'm sure that deer of yours is to die for." Meg answered James as she looked over towards Zoie as she waited for the southern badass to answer, still hoping that the answer would be a yes.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond opened his eyes as he lets out a loud groan in pain he looked outside of the room seeing that Tiffany was still nearby watching over the kid that had gotten hurt. He ran a hand through his hair as he tried his best to just relax, the little nap that he had was needed, but of course the pain had woken him up and he knew that he probably wouldn't get that much sleep. He laid there as he watched Sana escorting yet another kid into a nearby room. "How is the kid doing?" Raymond asked Tiffany as she stayed near the kid, which she seemed bored doing at the moment.
@Morose I'll post once @Witch Cat does. :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

"I remember the two of you always rivaled for the highest test scores back then." Riley smiled softly as she chimed in, she remembered back in school she barely gotten through high school and she always got horrible grades but she did manage to pass. She looked over towards Ronnie and smirked slightly, of course he would suggest something like that after the accident that she had last week. "I could get my Nascar buddy to hook me up with one of their fancy roll cages." She jokingly said, though it wasn't a bad idea and being in a city like this where people could gun you down for just simply blinking weirdly. "I'll be sure to add that to my long list of things to protect myself." She decided to text Cecily wondering how she was actually doing, she hadn't seen her that much lately and just simply wanted to know if she was still breathing.

"CeCe, just wondering how are you doing? Miss ya also did you want some dinner for tonight Also when are you off work?"

Riley hit send just as Marc had pulled out his phone showing a picture of Cynthia standing behind her recent painting, that surprisingly wasn't made up of blood, or ketchup and mustard packets. "Her artwork is certainly getting a lot better, and nice to see her using paints rather than blood or condiments." Riley said with a light laugh remembering the time back in Grimm during the reunion she had slapped an old classmate who was a police officer with her mustard covered hand. "I remembered a few months back in Grimm Cynthia smacked Tim from trying to stop her from painting all over the walls with mustard."
Posting later today.
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