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Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur watched Demi carefully as he continued to talk. He should be getting something to keep track of Andy's well being before they left, so he was head of the curve on that, but it wouldn't be anything personal. He took a few moments to think, considering what he could give Andy before they had to go, but he really didn't have too many personal items. He'd reflect on it and hopefully come up with something soon. He made a mental note to never yell at Demi, not wanting to either hurt him, or invoke his ire, before laughing at Demi's threat, and gleefully nodded.

At the reading of the prophecy, a part of him didn't want to get up, and that part of him was pretty much all of him. He wanted to pretend that "The Dead" could make a kid of Thanatos, but he knew it was about him. Slowly standing up, he didn't let his eyes meet anybody's. He didn't want anybody looking at him right now, and he didn't want to be at all celebrated for this awful thing he would have to do. He wanted to be with Andy, and that was about it. If anything happened to her while he wasn't there, he genuinely didn't know if he could take it, and the thought alone paralyzed him.

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oli exhaled as Woo seemed to actually listen to them. It seemed that they were lucky, and got paired with an interrogator that actually wanted to get the truth. He knew that, a lot of the time, if you were in an interrogation room, it was because the cops already decided you were guilty of something, and wanted to get you to confess to it, or give some damning piece of evidence, so the fact that they were actually ready to entertain the truth was amazing. He fidgeted in his bonds, still uncomfortable, but starting to feel small touches of hope.

Honestly, being depowered was an odd experience. Ever since getting his speed, Oli had become largely reliant on it to be effective. When you could move and think as fast as he could, moving at a slower pace like this was just, so boring, but at the same time, it was hard to keep up with things. He couldn't "slow" down and think, so to speak, because he didn't have control over his perception of time in the way he normally did. He looked between Bonnie and Niah, a bit confused at what they were talking about. He was glad they were keeping things coded, so the people who captured them couldn't understand, but they were referencing things he wasn't present for.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur gave Demi a hug as he joined the group, and thrust Chocolate forcibly into his arms. He forced a laugh at his commend, and pulled his legs in, sitting in a kind of ball shape. "I mean, Andy and I...." Arthur started to say, before trailing off, his voice catching a little. "We're uh, not gonna be able to stay together for the coming mission, and that's hard." Arthur said, clearly holding off his emotions. "So, the universe decided to gift us a puppy, which... yeah, makes things a little better. He just kinda showed up? Very cute dog." Arthur said, diverting his feelings by thinking about Chocolate.

He shrugged and said, "So, what's going on in your world? you look like you've been better." He commented, seeing the redness of his eyes. He'd clearly been crying too, so today just generally not going well for everyone, apparently. He figured whatever the commotion was related back to why Demi was upset, but he really hadn't been paying attention to any of the details. If he could get a rundown from Demi, that would honestly be ideal, rather than having to sift through second hand accounts from others later. Besides, hopefully talking through it would help make Demi feel better.

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oli face palmed at Woo, seeming to only hear the one thing out of his mouth that vaguely sounded like a confession of guilt. Between being the son of an intergalactic space tyrant and this universe's version of him being all murder happy, he wasn't sure how to unpack Any of who Oliver Sullivan was to people from this world. The endless ways the conversation could go wrong left him deciding to sit still, "Yeah, it wasn't, like Niah said, we're from another world, and we have doppelgangers here, or at least, we're pretty sure we all do. Do you have Facebook here? Just look us up on there, we should be totally different people."

A small part of Oli wished he took Woo up on the coffee, but he wasn't about to recant now, besides, he probably wouldn't be in the mood to share now. "Look, I don't know how much more clear we can be. We're the good guys; two terrorists, or supervillains, or whatever you want to call them, escaped here, and we were tasked with bringing them back. Every second you waste keeping us handcuffed to your very fancy desks is another one your world is in jeopardy." Oli's eyes darted down at the computer desk, and subconsciously made a note to to ask for the specs for these later.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

A perk of isolating himself from the shitshow that was happening over there was not having to deal with the stress, which Arthur appreciated, but the con was that he was now more detached from the goings on of the camp. He figured it could catch up in how own time, but he also needed to actually make friends that weren't Andy. He was firmly convinced that that was a problem for later, but it sat on the forefront of his mind. Maybe it was a teenager thing, and he just wasn't quite there yet, but all the drama seemed like a pointless thing for them to get caught up in when their lives were regularly put on the line.

Inviting Demi over seemed like the decent middle ground between his want to spend time with Andy and his need to be aware of what was happening with the people he lived with. Arthur nodded, and patted the ground next to him, he liked Demi, and would be more than happy to have him join them. "Yeah, we have a new puppy, we named him Chocolate, and you need to meet him." Arthur said, a completely serious tone in his voice, as he picked up the dog and held it towards Demi, thinking it would take borderline superhuman amounts of self control to resist the siren call of a puppy.

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oliver blinked as Celestine started to speak, before screaming internally. Taking action impulsively was a mistake, but at least something he understood, he did it back on the moon after all. But impulsively infodumping everything about their team's mission to the cop that was interrogating them while they were still handcuffed bordered on the criminally insane. His eye twitched, and he tried vainly to keep something that vaguely resembled a poker face, but it was about everything he had to not scream his head off at Celestine in front of everybody.

Before she had the chance to handover their personnel files to Agent Woo, Oliver nodded along with Bonnie, "That should be what shows up, yeah." Oli agreed, hoping desperately that the flow of time between the two universes was the same, and it hadn't been years since the two of them showed up. He balked a bit at Niah's suggestion, before making a sound that vaguely resembled that of a dying animal, "I'd um, rather you not go in that direction for me... It seems like this world's me is a lot more, um... fun." He said, "Look, I've spent most of the last year hoping desperately not to go to prison, and I'd rather that, if I am, it's for something I actually do." Oliver said, clearly worried at the prospect of them googling him.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur winced at the loud noise, be fire matching Andy's gaze and rolling his eyes along with her. He really would miss tbis, the two of them seemed so.... disconnected from the rest of the group, like they had this seperate world and experience, and that there was comfort in that. He would miss that most of all, he thought, and that this wasn't something that was going to be replaced by having new friends with the people he'd be questing with.

He exhaled, bowling this would pass. He didn't particularly want to deal with other people's problems right now, and he knew that might be selfish, but he didn't care. This was the last little bit of time he'd be getting with Andy, and he was going to enjoy every second of it that he could. He stayed quiet, and hoped that Andy didn't think too little of him for not wanting to intervene, and instead ace itched the ears of Chocolate.

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oliver pursed his lips as the new person entered, and shook his head at the coffee. It was a pretty basic psychological trick, "Gifting coffee, or food, or anything creates a sense that we owe him something." Oliver explained, "Interrogations are give and take, by accepting a gift now, it makes us more open to telling him what he wants for free later, since we already owe him for the coffee." Oliver explained, before smiling at the agent. It wasn't like he was doing anything wrong right now or anything, their interests were just probably opposed, given that one of them was free, and the rest were in cuffs.

Oli's hands writhed a bit, even now, he wanted to gesture when he was talking, and the cuffs made that hard, "Some information would be nice, honestly, where we are would probably be a great place to start, and a quick run down on the last... four years of American history would probably be useful as well." Oli frowned, literally incapable of accepting that he was in practically no control over this situation, "If you can open with that, I think we can submit to some of your questions, Niah? Bonnie? Celestine? What'd you all think? Sound fair?" Oli offered up dryly
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur nodded at Andy, before ruffling the top of Andy's head. "Yeah, we can let Chocolate choose who he wants to stay with, that totally works for me." God this dog was cute, he wished he had more time that he and Andy could spend with him, and really get to know their new furry friend. It sounded like it'd be really fun to have a dog around camp, and would also be excellent for nights when he had to be alone in the Hades cabin, having a cute dog like Chocolate with him would make that place feel so much less alone. Chocolate would make their lives a lot more comfortable.

As the bone snapped, Arthur made a face mixed of humiliation, pain, and sympathy. He didn't like thinking about the time he hurt Andy, it wasn't the best story in the world after all. However, without it, he knew he'd never be as close to her as he was now, so it was bearable at least. He shook his head, "Whatever they're fighting over, it's probably stupid." He said, clearly annoyed with how their peers could be sometimes. People liked to act like idiots, especially teenagers sired by divinity, it could really hammer in that feeling of immortality, regardless of the actual dangers involved.

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oli was honestly shocked that the dart hit him, but that shock quickly faded as it was replaced with unconsciousness. The next thing he knew, he was dressed terribly and kinky at the same time, though he wasn't partial to collars the glowed and blinked. His hands immediately went to it, but his brain was fast enough to realize exactly why he wouldn't be able to phase it off of him. If his powers were still working, he'd be somewhere near the molten center of the earth right now. Exhaling, he flicked at it, annoyed, before taking in his surroundings to try to come up with the start of a plan.

That is, he was about to do that, if not for the killer headrush he got not a few moments after. As fast as he could think, he had a rush of, awful new memories, the blood of countless, well not countless but almost two dozen, people who fell to his hands, not for protection of some greater cause, but for the fun of it. That, and Niah had been helping him get away with it, which was sweet of her but also mildly concerning. His eyes darted over to Niah, and then back to his own hands. He couldn't remember what he had done with his 20's now, only this noir past that dripped with blood. Clearing his throat, he tried to see if he could reach the computer desk in front of them at all, but it was to no avail, he continued to say, "People were fine, or at least alive, before we were knocked out. If they wanted us dead, we'd be it, so I can only assume the rest of our team, the injured included, are as okay as we are right now." He speculated hopefully.
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