Name: Riko
Alias: Shimmer Kitten
Age: 13
Gender: female
Appearance: Riko is shorter than most her age by about five inches, and is lighter than most would expect for her height. Her hair is golden blonde, flowing down to her knees, usually kept down, sometimes she will wear it in a twin tail fashion. Her tail and ears share the same color of fur as her hair. Her violet eyes even glow in the dark slightly, though they appear to be more of a green when this happens. Should one decide to be a creeper(or be a dentist) and look into her mouth they would notice her canines are abnormally sharp.
Casual ~
“I am royalty, bow my minions! What do you mean royalty don’t get minions?! I want minions!”
“I’m just like Serenity! What? No I didn’t cut the curtains! They were already like that!”
“I’m so formal and cute!”
"I'm the cutest person ever!"
"I'm the Belle of the ball!"
"Such sparkle, very formal!"
Hero ~
Personality Strengths:
- Caring - Despite her rather spoiled nature, Riko is actually genuinely caring. While she will let that homeless man burn in exchange for a priceless jewel, she’s going to feel really guilty about it afterwards.
- Dependable - Ask Riko to do something she’s capable of, and she’ll do it to the best of her ability. Ask her to do something beyond her capabilities, she’ll try to find someone more capable to help her. She’s never been one to let people down, unless given an impossible task, and will work hard to accomplish any task she is given.
- Bubbly - It’s not easy to get Riko down, unless you deny her something she wants, as she is often in a good mood. This bubbly attitude might be annoying to some, but others feel it’s contagious, and makes them feel good as well.
Personality Flaws:
- Spoiled - It’s obvious enough right away that Riko is a bit spoiled. She’s used to getting her way, and will more than likely throw a fit if she’s denied such. If she knows someone will deny her something, she will either ask someone else, or just do it without permission.
- Naive - Riko is new to the heroing business, and still rather young. As such, it only makes sense that she is Naive, and easily falls for traps. She’s also been known to fall for the ‘candy van’ thing at least once ~~three times~~, though luckily at those times someone else has been with her, and dragged her away.
- Materialistic - Riko loves having stuff. If you offered her a chance to save a priceless jewel or a homeless person from a fire, she’s probably going to go for the jewel, but she’ll hope her teammates help the homeless person, if that makes it any better.
- Distractible - An effect of her feline physiology. Riko will drop whatever she is doing if she see’s a red dot that need’s caught, or to chase a mouse ~~yes, she has caught, and eaten one before~~. And Umbra’s shadows, she has been noted multiple times to be batting at, stalking, and even trying to eat Umbra’s shadows.
Feline Physiology ~ Riko has cat ears, and a tail. With this comes cat-like agility and enhanced senses(hearing/sight/smell). Weakness include cat like habits, such as the urge to play with yarn balls, bat at strings, and chase those damned red bugs that vanish upon being caught! Her enhanced cat senses allow her to smell things a normal human can't, as well as hear things on a higher frequency, and she is capable of seeing in the dark. Because of her enhanced hearing, a super sonic frequency is going to incapacitate her faster than it would anyone else.
Sparkle-Kinesis ~ Riko has the ability to produce glitter at will, and manipulate it. This glitter is very sparkly and adorable. Oh, and it probably hurts like hell when it gets in your eyes. Due to the nature of it, forming an actual weapon from it is impossible, but she can form balls of glitter, and throw them, or even create a storm of glitter to conceal herself and her allies. This glitter comes in many shades. She projects her balls of glitter through her wand, making it seem like this is the source of the glitter, throwing them by swinging the wand.
Animal Talk ~ Riko can speak to animals, and they to her. To others it sounds like she’s speaking perfect human talk, but the animals can understand her, and she in turn can understand them. This doesn’t mean she can control them, and telling a pissed off bear not to be pissed off isn’t going to do much good. Of course, she can ask them to do things, but that doesn’t mean they will.
+ Animal Enthusiast ~ If you want to know what an animal is, and if your going to die of some venom after it tried to eat you, ask Riko. If she doesn’t know, she’ll ask the animal that bit you...and probably get bit herself in the process, but you’ll be glad to know, you won’t be dying alone if it was venomous!
+ Natural Hunter ~ If you have a mice problem, Riko is twenty times better than an exterminator, or rat poison. One, she’s free, and two, she’ll actually eat the mice, so you won’t have dead mice laying around. This skill extends to larger creatures as well, but she might be less apt to hunt those since she can’t eat them.
+ Glitter Bomber (Marksmanship) ~ Riko has practiced with her glitter powers, to the point where she can hit a target’s bullseye with glitter balls seven of ten times. If she throws a glitter ball at you, odds are it will hit. Her training was with her wand though, and this skill diminishes without it.
- Close Quarters Wand Combat ~ Not a skill she falls back on often, but she know’s how to use the sharp bits of her wand. Mayhaps not as effective as she could be, but effective enough for self defense in close quarters.
- Drawing ~ She’s certainly not a professional artist, more like a talented five year old, but she loves drawing none the less, and hopes to one day improve, and sell her works for a profit, or as she puts it: “I’m gonna be a gazillionaire one day when I can sell my pictures!”
- Cooking (lethally) ~ Riko thinks she can cook rather well, and if you believe the appearance and/or smell of her foods you will too. Until you taste it, and end up in the hospital due to an unknown poisonous substance. Nobody is certain how, but every time Riko cooks, it ends in disaster, but she still thinks she’s a great cook.
Kitty Claws ~ A specialized weapon designed with a very ‘magical girl’ esque appearance. It’s not entirely special, though the shaft is made of vibranium, and the blades adamantium, meaning it can take a hit without breaking, though it has limits. Riko uses her power in conjunction with this weapon, and very rarely actually uses it for combat.
While out casually, she might have a purse with her, the purse is small, and doesn’t have much room, but she keeps any change she might have in it for shopping purposes. She calls it her ‘kitty bank’.
Riko is both a mutant, and not a mutant. How is that you ask? Well, her mother was on a new experimental pill during birth, that was said to be more healthy for the child than normal prenatal vitamins. Sometime into the birth, the pills were discovered to be hazardous but, she continued taking them anyway. Because of this, the pills affected Riko’s growth, and caused her to born a little more than human. Having been born with a tail and ears, her parent’s thought her a monster, and upon being allowed to take her from the hospital pretended to bring her home, instead driving out to the woods and dropping her there.
The forest creatures heard the crying of a baby, and they took it upon themselves to care for the child. She wasn’t raised by wolves, nor bears, but rather a cougar took her in, and raised her as if she were it’s own. However, this only lasted until she was five, at which point the cougar took her into the nearby town, much to the shock of many people. There is where it left her. She had to learn to be human, and it knew this. So with that, they parted ways.
From there, Riko took to learning the ways of the human. She slept wherever she could, and would occasionally peek in on school classes with open windows, and while not having received an actual education, she learned a lot this way. In order to satisfy her other needs, she would either hunt, or in times where huntable foods were low, steal. Of course, this wasn’t a very good lifestyle for one so young.
One winter day, Riko was caught trying to steal an apple. Though, she wasn’t scolded like she had expected. Instead, the older man who owned the shop, closed up, and took her to the cafe across the street. He treated her to a meal, and a glass of hot chocolate, and even asked if she wanted to stay with him and his wife, after discovering she lacked a family of course. Riko accepted the offer, and for half a year, she lived the most wonderful life they could afford to provide.
Though, the happiness didn’t last long. You see, even without the pills her mother took, Riko possessed the X-Gene. Her specific mutation involved glitter, and when it first emerged, she woke up to her room a mess. She panicked, and assuming the older couple would hate her for her new gift, ran away. She found herself in Brooklyn, where she encountered a member of the Rogue X, and found herself joining their ranks.
Fun fact: Timothy is Onii-chan, and Serenity is Onee-chan
Theme Song: