"Don't be surprised when I used your own attacks against you!"
Name: Marie Strange
Nickname: The Jester, Dragon(Cry)'s Jester
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Marie is of average height at somewhere around 5'6", with a body of lithe muscles that are curved nicely at the hips and chest. She is a golden skin color, with short choppy white hair and thin eyebrows and a small nose and mouth. She has big red eyes pouty eyes on a soft heart shaped face with naturally blushed cheeks. She always has what she has on in the picture under her summer and winter outfit, and sometimes will wear
this over it when she doesn't want to be noticed, as well as the mask shown in image hidden under the hood.
Magic Level: A
Magic: Caster Type; Mimicry Magic. This type of magic allows the user to copy or "mimic" it's opponent's magic as well as any other Magic users' in the nearby area. The stronger the Magic copied is, the bigger the toll it takes on the user's body, it sometimes is even called a "forbidden" magic because of the physical suffering it has caused those who have misused it.
Marie also dabbles in visionary magic, also known as slight illusions.
Spells:Flashbang is one of the illusionary magics, it creating a large flash of light that temporarily will blind opponents. It is used mostly as a getaway tactic and causes no damage.
Trickery is a combination of both mimicry magic and illusions. Instead of actually mimicking the opponent's magic physically, it only makes the opponent believe that Marie is attacking them with their own spells- where, in reality, it is only an illusion.
Ghoststep is her final illusionary spell. It makes the user completely invisible to the naked eye by blending her in with the background colors, similar to a chameleon. It takes concentration, so it keeps her silent as a ghost. Any break in concentration will end the spell abruptly and even cause damage.
Mimic is her most notable spell, and the one she is famous for. It allows her to step into the mind of her opponent (or allies!), and have the arsenal of their magical knowledge to her use- including their spells. Mimic can only be used on a single target at a time, so switching between people takes time and severely drains her if she does it quickly. Her range is currently who she can make see in the area. Mimicry only allows her to copy the person's moves, but it's at her own power level. Copying a spell which is stronger than she can handle will cause the damage it causes to be lessened to what her body can handle.
Perfect Mimic is a dangerous spell which Marie tries to avoid. This spell allows her to copy any kind of magic perfectly from those around her, including Godslayers, Dragonslayers, ancient magic and the like. This spell is used specifically to mimic spells which otherwise would be weakened if she tried to use her own magic power to wield them. After using this spell, Marie is battered with bruises and cuts and she is severely injured. If not careful, she could die.
Weapons: Exploding deck of cards she uses when she is low on magic and needs to make an escape.
Personality: Marie is a happy go lucky person, someone who has little worry about the world around her. She's always light hearted and loves to play. Though friendly to those she knows, Marie is standoffish to outsiders and can even be suspicious of them. It's hard to get close to Marie as a newcomer, but once you do she is very kind and almost overly affectionate. Marie is childish and never really takes things seriously, as everything is a game to the Jester. She has severe stage fright since childhood, but loves sweets- especially lollipops. Marie is easily influenced and is quite gullible, which does cause problems for her if she is left unattended.
In battle, she is much more focused and determined than usual. Still, she is easily distracted, and this comes as a severe fault.
History: Marie comes from a long line of a circus family, one particularly into using magic to enhance the thrill of being under the tent. Ever since she was young, Marie dreamed of being able to truly help people, not just entertain them but truly make them happy. She wanted to join a guild and be a wizard who always did jobs that saved people's lives, she didn't even care for the rewards. She knew it was impossible for a little circus girl, of course, and so just forgot about it.
Marie grew up at the circus all her life, but on her debut caught a terrible case of stage fright. And the night after that. And the night after that. She couldn't perform! Luckily, her parents had the idea to teach her a magic where she maybe copy others so she could play the performance without even thinking about it. The closest they could find... was mimicry magic.
Of course, it didn't work. Marie could copy the magic amazingly well, in fact she was a prodigy. But it didn't cure her horrible stage fright.
Her family was disappointed, but Marie saw this as her chance to get out into the world and follow her dreams of being a helper of the people! She left with a suitcase into town, with a small pouch of money given to her from her parents.
Marie wanted to help people, but she didn't know how. While sitting in a cafe, she overheard talk of some sort of competition to get into a guild. Her heart soared at the very thought. Could she maybe make it? It was worth a shot... Looking about, Marie plucked a poster for it off a wall and made her way over as soon as possible to sign up.