Nataly took in all the sights and sounds of the airship's entry with a bit of bewildered silence. Gran Helada was not exactly the most advanced of Kingdoms, with many of the advances of the Academy not making it North, but this was roads ahead of anything she had ever seen before, complete with the mechanical men standing guard at the door. At least she hoped they were men. The eyes were a little off-putting.
The main deck was beautiful though. Even without taking off, it still offered quite a view of the sprawling fields around the academy. It held the promise of even greater vistas in the air. It made Nataly a little nervous, especially with the remark about the propellers, but not enough for her to try and break the aloof image she was projecting at the moment. She was happy to see another blunette like herself and Eve though. Even for Hydros, blue was a rare color so seeing that put her at ease about some of the people in the employ of this commander. One of the Toasters, Silvana, that was it, she asked about how long the flight was and brought up a good point. Nataly's stomach chimed in as well, the absence of breakfast not sitting well with her. "Yeah, are there going to be some in-flight snacks or something?" She knew the trip down to the Academy from Cartaquilla took a few days by boat and horse, but she didn't know what kind of speed was possible in something like this.
The main deck was beautiful though. Even without taking off, it still offered quite a view of the sprawling fields around the academy. It held the promise of even greater vistas in the air. It made Nataly a little nervous, especially with the remark about the propellers, but not enough for her to try and break the aloof image she was projecting at the moment. She was happy to see another blunette like herself and Eve though. Even for Hydros, blue was a rare color so seeing that put her at ease about some of the people in the employ of this commander. One of the Toasters, Silvana, that was it, she asked about how long the flight was and brought up a good point. Nataly's stomach chimed in as well, the absence of breakfast not sitting well with her. "Yeah, are there going to be some in-flight snacks or something?" She knew the trip down to the Academy from Cartaquilla took a few days by boat and horse, but she didn't know what kind of speed was possible in something like this.