Avatar of NeoAJ


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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

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Nataly took in all the sights and sounds of the airship's entry with a bit of bewildered silence. Gran Helada was not exactly the most advanced of Kingdoms, with many of the advances of the Academy not making it North, but this was roads ahead of anything she had ever seen before, complete with the mechanical men standing guard at the door. At least she hoped they were men. The eyes were a little off-putting.

The main deck was beautiful though. Even without taking off, it still offered quite a view of the sprawling fields around the academy. It held the promise of even greater vistas in the air. It made Nataly a little nervous, especially with the remark about the propellers, but not enough for her to try and break the aloof image she was projecting at the moment. She was happy to see another blunette like herself and Eve though. Even for Hydros, blue was a rare color so seeing that put her at ease about some of the people in the employ of this commander. One of the Toasters, Silvana, that was it, she asked about how long the flight was and brought up a good point. Nataly's stomach chimed in as well, the absence of breakfast not sitting well with her. "Yeah, are there going to be some in-flight snacks or something?" She knew the trip down to the Academy from Cartaquilla took a few days by boat and horse, but she didn't know what kind of speed was possible in something like this.
The decision to sit down was one Robyn regretted as soon as she stood up. The walk over didn't help her leg much as it was still sore from the crossing. Fuck my knee...Just all the more reason to get the championship money, Robyn... She lagged behind the other members of the party as they entered the heart of the laboratory.

The laboratory was really something. Robyn had never seen so many Pokémon gather in one place before. The flocks of Pidove back in Castelia had no shot against the sheer numbers this lab was packing. As the group approached the Ilexs, they definitely looked like professors, aside from the woman's hair. That looked more like a cut Elesa would wear for a magazine shoot, and less like something that kept its shape while working with Pokémon. They sounded smart anyway. Robyn didn't have all that much experience with smart people to judge from, but it sounded right.

The first girl who was there, Alix if the introductions were anything to go by, she was led off into a separate room. Everything was glass so it's not like the others couldn't see what was going on. Alix was led to the pen and walked amongst it for a few minutes before plucking a orange ball of fluff off the ground. Robyn couldn't really see it well, it was at a distance but as Alix returned to the group she saw the adorable little Torchic chirping in Alix's arms and she got jealous. That thing is super cute! I want it...

Almost as if sensing her trainer's jealousy, or maybe just unsettled by the presence of the Fire-type, Nina squirmed in Robyn's arms. "Lillil! Petiiiii!"

Robyn shifted her arms to stroke the Bulb Pokemon's head, tickling around the base of the leaves. "Calm down, girl. She's not going to hurt you. She's got nothing on you." Nina seemed to calm down as her trainer assuaged her concerns.

Once Alix was back in place, the matter of Pokedexes finally was discussed and Robyn quickly slid hers along with her map into her backpack, not wanting to jostle Nina while she was calm. There would be time for playing with it later. She did have a couple of questions for the professors. "So what kind of Pokemon live in the forest? Kickass ones? Also how rough is it going to be out in the forest? Never been here so I'd like to know what to expect." She didn't want to let on why she would need that info, but it probably wasn't necessary to point it out. Everyone could see the bulky brace for what it was.
If they haven't they risk being left at the Academy.
Nataly tilted her head back and forth a moment trying to determine whether or not it was worth it to dirty her hand in greeting the dumped Don Juan. It wasn't meant as a slight, his hand still looked pretty dusted even after an attempt to clean it. I guess I am going on this trip with him. Apparently. Better keep in good standing for now. She tentatively reached out and shook his hand, not wanting to grip too tightly lest she smudge up her hand prior to boarding. "Nataly, and I'll probably stick with Joey. Lot easier to remember."

She didn't have much time to ask Joey the specifics on what Alexi did to him, probably didn't need to since Alexi had a well known reputation and she'd be sure to tell Nataly when she returned. The point was moot when the commander of the Airship spoke up to take control of the gathering. When he said his name it definitely rang a few bells. Raven Hayes sounded very familiar. She shook her head. Nah. Couldn't be. He seemed to be a rather no-nonsense commander and it seemed to fit the theme of the team. Joey was the only one Nataly recognized from the party last night. Eve wasn't even out and about at it, probably more focused on the task at hand than Nataly was. As the introductions wound their way around the group, she caught at least one name she thought she had forgotten. Drew she remembered from the early days at the Academy before he went into the Storm classes. They weren't close but they at least talked about controlling the weather back in the day. He seemed pretty wrapped up in his studies though. Another no show last night.

Introductions eventually worked around to her. "OK, so my name is Nataly AHN-DRA-DAY." She stressed each phonetic syllable so the pronunciation was clear. Her last name was three syllables, everyone back home knew that. She hated having to correct people who shortened it to two. "Hydromancer, Blizzard Adept. Northern representative, I guess." She punctuated that last one with a shrug. As far as she knew, that combined with her status at the top of of the Adept classes were why she was chosen. "But yeah, totally ready to do...whatever it is we're doing."

Character Sheet:

Hajsafi, Maya

Alias in the DgtWld:



  • +Intelligent: Given the amount of time Maya has spent in the DgtWld prior to being a connector, he is very well versed in how it works and any exploits that might be available.
  • -Unmotivated: As such, Maya is adverse to doing any kind of work, so he prefers to do as little as possible. If anyone is going to do a job, Maya is more than happy to let them do it for him.
  • +Defender: Given the way he has been treated in his life, watching or hearing someone being ostracized for no good reasons is a sore spot for Maya and will inspire him to act. If anyone is being ignored or bullied, Maya will step in immediately on their behalf to fight for them.
  • -Naive: Given his lack of social interactions in the real world, sarcasm is something of a foreign concept to Maya. So is deceit. If something sounds plausible, Maya will believe it, and combining that with his need to defended the "downtrodden" can get him in a lot of trouble.
  • +Upbeat: In contrast to his real life mannerisms, Maya actually feels so at home in DgtWld that he sheds the introverted shell that he has cultivated offline and becomes completely relaxed and optimistic, more in tune with his current avatar.
  • +Loyal: Once he gets to know someone, Maya will back them wholeheartedly into whatever situation they may face, as long as it doesn't interfere with his previous tenets of not picking on the "weak gazelle" so to speak, or if he can find someone to do the actual work aspect of whatever needs to be done to follow.

Time With Tokyo Sector: Joined as a trainee Corrector in 2018, been in Tokyo since the start of his career.

Maya is the only son of an Iranian immigrant father and a Japanese mother. He was born and raised in Niigata, while both his parents worked for a telecommunications company. His father was an electrician who moved post-Revolution and worked his way up the ladder of the union while maintaining a strict paternal structure in the home that when combined with his mother's cold passive attitude meant a very tough and rigid childhood for Maya. School wasn't much better. Lacking the immigrant populations of Tokyo and Nagoya, Maya's half-Iranian heritage made him stand out among his peers and he was a ripe target for bullying.

This constant belittlement in all aspects of life made Maya very timid and quick to withdraw in the growing online world at a young age. He refused to take out his frustrations on other people though, even when putting bullets into brains when playing popular online games. Instead he let himself get lost in whatever he was doing online at the time, music and visuals carrying him away from Mehdi's fiery anger over his slightly imperfect grades, and Ayame's indignant stare at his few successes. Even in school, when Ono Kenji slammed him against the fence every day for a month straight after accidentally scuffing his shoe, that anger and hatred washed away while Maya was lost in the online world.

When the DgtWld system was first gaining steam in Japan and the U.S., Maya was quick to hop onto the phenomenon. He saved for a few months to get one of the first MChips implanted and took to the virtual reality like a monkey to a hot spring. At first it was just a few secluded trips to his own private island to get away from it all and listen to music, but he started spending more and more time in the DgtWld. He was so enthralled by the potential this technology had, of being able to leave the physical plane behind and transport yourself anywhere you wanted your music to take you that he dedicated his studies towards making sure he could be able to contribute to such a beautiful achievement of modern science. This newfound dedication seemed to please his parents as well, so they let Maya continue on this course. Of course they didn't know Maya would do so well that he would be drafted to the Correctors squad. Not even Maya believed it at first, but once he got confirmation, he was thrilled to be able to have a more in depth role in protecting the world...as long as it didn't interfere with his time in virtual Antigua.

Given the lack of a base in his hometown, Maya was assigned to the Tokyo unit, able to leave Niigata for the first time. However upon arrival, he was subjected to the same kind of harassment he thought he had escaped a while ago, and the first avatar he was presented with prior to gaining the access to creating his own was that of a teenage girl. It was a big laugh among the senior connectors but on his first few trips into the DgtWld in this avatar, Maya wasn't getting stared at. He wasn't getting called a terrorist. He felt...normal. And it felt good. It felt liberating. So liberating that he kept the avatar even after getting clearance to change, only tweaking certain aspects to better fit the weaponry that he decided to outfit Atomik with when she first came into being. Besides, if no one was supposed to know about his role, it made sense to Maya for his avatar to be as far opposite from his true identity as possible. Despite the personal growth that has come with his time as a Corrector, Maya is still seen as a social outcast in the real world. He is known to his neighbors in the small Aoyama District flat for being a shut-off student training for his certification as a network administrator and technician, when in reality, he's just waiting for the next opportunity to get back into the DgtWld and make what he sees to be a bigger impact.
For once, sleep didn't linger for very long on the body of the 26 year old woman in the room painted a dazzling icy blue. Usually she would enjoy the naturally chilled temperature of her room as long as possible and then drag herself out of the room to go to the classes. Sure there was an uptick in willingness to go early to class in recent months with the rumors that a promotion to Weaver was on the horizon, but she still preferred to stay in her room. Today though, today was not like any other day, and Nataly Andrade was rife with anticipation.

She had heard rumors from some of the Adepts that the Masters were looking at people to head to the North. For what? No one knew. But it was closer to home than Nataly had been in nine years, and she wanted to go. Surely there were other students with greater talents who were going to be looked at, but Nataly was determined to get a slot on the expedition. Maybe she could even sneak a trip back home, to try and show her mom what she had done with her time in the Academy. There was almost no contact with Gran Helada during her time here, so the least she could do is try and get a message up to her remaining family. So when she got called into the Master's office alongside Eve, she was ecstatic.

Nataly threw on the clothes she had chosen for the trip that didn't hit the suitcase and threw on her robes. It was still going to be a bit warm for them, but she wanted to make a good first impression on the Northern party. At least look like someone who was ready to freeze up a storm...well, close enough to it. Maybe someday... She shook her head. She grabbed some more last minute toiletries and did one last sweep of her room. I think that's everything...Not like I can't buy stuff I guess...The markets up North may be barren but they have some things... She looked out the window of her room and saw how high the sun was hanging. "Shit! How am I late?"

Nataly quickly grabbed her bag and dashed out of her room, deftly managing to hook her feet into her sandals as she ran. The urge to just slide down some iced over stairs was tempting, but she didn't need to risk smashing into a wall on the way down. Still she did everything short of that to get out of the residence quick as she could. Luckily it appeared no one was clogging up the hallways with meaningless shenanigans, no doubt still hungover from the pre-trip celebrations the students through. Any excuse for a night free of studying. Nataly was thankful she didn't go too overboard now.

Running out into the open fields outside the Academy, it was clear why there were no students in the corridors. They were all out here gawking at the massive ship. Great. Good work Nataly... She kept silently cursing herself for mucking up already as she moved through the crowds toward the ship. As she neared, she could see the crowd of adepts already there, including Eve, as well as one of the Light masters. A name wasn't coming to mind. Damn it...guess I gotta play this off...

The Blizzard specialist gave a wave as she approached the group, flicking the robe back to reveal the light blue hair "Hey! What's going on, everyone? You all weren't waiting for me, were you? I'm sorry it took me so..." Nataly was distracted by the presence of someone she did remember from last night. She pointed at the guy seemingly covered in a layer of dust...or dirt...what was it? "Wait, weren't you Alexi's flavor of the hour at the party last night? Don't tell me she tossed you out this early?" She shook her head, laughing. "You must have done something really stupid. She'll usually take a guy for all he's worth!"
Posting appears to be open. Moving sheets, I dunno.
@Genkai: Yeah I saw that. Think I'll use the opportunity to switch Corrector appearances then. Found one that's a bit more in line with Maya's original look, even if the Miku vibes are too strong.

Edit: Also changed the theme because apparently that Youtube account got suspended too. Jeez.
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