Avatar of NeoAJ


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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

"Great work."

Atomik looked up and smiled. "Hey, when I wanna do stuff, I do it well. No worries, chief." She had almost finished the carving. It wasn't perfect, some of the lines were slanty in the worst way, but they worked enough. There was no mistaking the word "TRUTH" in the step. So once the floor above opened up, it just made Atomik feel better about her assumption and where this controller was trying to guide the group. It didn't make her feel good about immediately figuring out the kind of trap that whoever this hacker was had laid out for them, but it did make her feel better about closing the gap as quick as she could.

As Crystal led the way into the upper floor, Atomik followed behind her until she stopped. Crystal was sure she heard something, but Atomik had no shot at confirming such a thing. Crystal went back to the stairs assured she heard something, which turned out to be the missing members of their squad, which was a plus in their favor. Having everyone together could only enhance their chances of surviving their current predicament. Crystal was certain the next puzzle was vertical, which played into Apex's favor. Atomik just stood back. As far as she was concerned, she did her job. She figured out the riddle. If Apex was able to solve this next problem, that was just fine by her.
I have a post ready to go and it will materialize when I return my laptop to wifi compatible areas. It won't be much, but it will advance the plot.
“‘Scuse me,”

The sudden sound of speech caused Robyn to break out of her basking in the glow of Nina's first win. There was a guy standing there, pretty good looking guy actually, with the tan and the wavy hair and the athletic surfer body and the...everything... Robyn had to shake her head for a second to bring herself back to reality, especially since the mystery man kept talking.

“What’s uh, what’s this cutie’s name? Never seen one where i’m from.”

Nope. Didn't work. "Uh...this is Robyn...I mean...wait...I'm Robyn...This is Nina...Yeah." She held the Petilil up to the man. "Nina."

"Petiiilil!" Nina waved a nub at the man and the Oshawott on his shoulder. Robyn did recognize the little Water Pokemon from the matches she saw at Burgh's. Usually if they were still an Oshawott they were handed a swift defeat or Oshawott would evolve right after.

"Um, yeah, what she said. Totally. Hi." She was feeling a little flustered at how badly she was flubbing this introduction, so Alix and Ato coming along the trail was a welcome reprieve.

"Well then. Looks like you took care of everything."

"Yeah. It's all right. I think Nina's still, like, a bit skittish when it comes to battling other Pokemon. But she did good!" Nina bounced in Robyn's lap upon hearing the praise. "Oh...right..."

She pressed the Pokeball's button and released the newly captured Pokemon back onto the grass. As the white light emerged, the pink and cream colored Normal-type shook it's head while looking around. "Nyanya? Nyaaaa...."

"So yeah, I dunno what I just caught. Never seen it before, but it was chasing Nina. Any you guys got a clue?" Nina was looking down at her supposed teammate, still upset about being treated like a toy, while the Pokemon curled up on the grass after it was satisfied there was nothing to chase.
The search for access to the outer shell of the Commander's ship was a fruitless one for Nataly. The ship's inner defences seemed rather impenetrable, and there was no clear path to get to the outside. It was while she was having a look around when the point became moot.

"Mages, brace yourselves. We are not going to be quite as....airborne for a little bit." WHAT?!? "No worries, we'll be able to fly afterwords." WILL I BE ABLE TO FLY AFTERWORDS?!? ALAINIA DAMN IT! The commander appeared to be hunkering down as best he could. "Hang on tight. And...don't mind the screaming you'll likely hear. That would be them getting what they deserve." This crazy bastard is really doing this. Alainia save me from this madman!

After scouring the area for something that would serve as a proper anchor, Nataly settled on a pipe hanging out from the side of an inner wall and wrapped her arms around that sucker like it was a stuffed animal following a night of corn vodka. She could hear the engine rumbling stop, and then a thud as hull met earth. Nataly felt her legs push against her for a second before the rumbling as the ship skidded along died down. And then the screams. And the whirring of the blades. She even thought she could hear the splatter hitting the remaining shreds of ice coating the hull. All she could do was shut her eyes and hold onto that pipe that was her only link to a world without the shrieks.

Finally after a tense few minutes all that was heard where the whirs of the propellers, Nataly allowed her feet to drop back down to the floor of the ship and she finally let go of the piping. "....Well, hopefully most of you survived that...That was...quite the ride." NO SHIT! THAT'S LIKE SAYING THE ACADEMY IS A NICE SHACK! Nataly was less concerned with what he had to say after that and more with her own well being. Adrenaline had concealed most of the injuries from the ordeal. Now they were making themselves known. Her ankle was sore, not limiting, but still a little tender. Her robes were singed half to ash. Definitely was smart wearing these onto the battle field. Smooth move, hun. Her right hand was still a bit numb from all the exposure to the storm but other than that, she was one of the lucky ones from the looks of things. The Nightshade was offering some home remedies, which were nice but unnecessary. Vana was definitely on board that train and she deserved it, going full hero in getting her and Eve off that rail. "If no one else is gonna have a drink of that, I'll take a swig. After dealing with all that bull, I'd even take some of the leftovers from last night."
The road looked simple enough from things. A simple stroll towards a forest that definitely recalled shades of Pinwheel that hit a little too close to home for Robyn. Sure, she had fond enough memories of Pinwheel Forest but she wasn't so sure that her travelling companion would be willing to go back to the kind of place that resulted in chunks of leaves being permanently lost. For the moment though, Nina seemed to be all right, bobbing her head as a slight breeze glided through the fields coming from the direction of the gently flowing river. "All right, Nina. I know you rock, but we gotta get you some help girl. Let's see if we can't find a new partner out here in the plains."


"OK, let's see what you got for me field..."


"Nothing! Nothing after all that!" Robyn slumped down onto a little hill a little faster than she should have, resulting in a protest twinge from her ailing knee. "Ahhh...damn it..."

The walk across the expanse of the Route had been a fruitless one for the young Castelian. Every time she thought she spotted a Pokemon that would have been ripe for capturing, it would get away. It would either fly away or it would run away, and Nina wouldn't be able to catch them, and Robyn certainly wasn't in the state to chase them. It was frustrating, and now they were coming up to the imposing Verdan Forest. Trees blocked off the pathway in front of them. Everyone else who had started out from Regala with the pair were heard in the background, celebrating likely captures or generally not being miserable. Robyn tried her best to remain upbeat about the situation, but it was tough to deal with. There wasn't even any kind of battle so Nina could get in some fights to warm up a bit. Not that the Petilil seemed to mind. She was still waving and bobbing her head to her own mystical music, hanging a little close to the trees lining the forest.

"Nina, be careful there hun! Don't go off into the forest!"

"Lil! Petilil."

Robyn didn't know if Petilil could roll their eyes but it sure sounded like Nina did. Guess she's not as worried about the forest as I thought. That's kinda good, I guess. Means she might be all right in there. She reclined back on the hill, resting her head on her hands as the blades of grass tickled her skin. Freaking Pokemon all over the place in Castelia and I finally get my shots at catching them all and I can't even get anything. This is so bogus. Fine. You know what? I don't need anything here. Me and Nina will go kick ass at the water gym and move on. We'll be unstoppable. She can totally do it by herself.

"LILLLLLLLLL!" "Nyanyaaaaa!"

"What the hell?" Robyn quickly sat up and looked over to where she thought Nina was and saw the tiny Grass-type moving as fast as her stubby little nubs would carry her. A pink blur was chasing after Nina, closing quickly from the direction of the forest, before leaping up and landing on top of the Petilil, pinning her to the ground as the Pokemon looked rather pleased with itself.


"Is that...all right. All right! Finally someone comes to us! I like it!" Nina didn't share Robyn's sentiments as she was struggling to get up from underneath the quadrupedal Pokemon. "Nina, c'mon girl! First battle with a wild Pokemon! You gotta put up more fight then that!"

Nina did her best to pop free from the paws of the Pokemon and after a few seconds she finally succeeded. She turned to face her attacker rather ticked off about the whole chasing situation. "Lillll! Peti! Lil!"

Her opponent however seemingly had no interest in fighting. Instead, out of the corner of it's seemingly closed eye, it noticed that while Nina had stopped the moving, its tail did not, and that was much more enticing. The Pokemon started running around in a circle, chasing it's own tail before spinning and collapsing, tail on it's forehead.

"I...what?" Robyn was a bit confused. Was that a Tail Whip or something? Guess it had to be. "Nina! Hit it with an Absorb while it's down!"

"Lilllll! Nina began to glow. From the two leaves on the side of its head, a red beam emerged and struck the chaser head on, sapping a fair amount of strength from the sounds of things. "Nyaaahaaaah!" It slumped onto the ground, unable to put it's tail back in place atop it's head.

"Good enough for me!" Robyn reached into the pocket of her hoodie to produce an empty Pokeball and tossed it at the downed creature. A red light emerged as it struck the forehead and sucked it in, barely wiggling twice before giving an audible click.

Robyn got up and walked over to the resting ball, Nina bounding over looking for some comfort following it's brief experience as a cat toy, but Robyn was interested in picking up her first capture as a trainer. "All right! That wasn't so hard..." Nina was rubbing up against her leg now. "You did a great job, Nina!" She bent down gingerly, grabbing the Grass-type and nestling her with the Pokeball in her arms.

"Petipetilil!" Nina seemed proud of herself as well for beating back the tormentor.

Robyn looked down at the Pokeball still in her hand. Dunno what I just got, but whatever. A capture's a capture.
As Nataly looked up across the deck, she saw the sturdy body of the Ironworker dashing towards the railing while carrying a shield of unknown origin. How is she...where did she...do I care? Vana landed with a thud next to her on the railing, bracing herself with her legs, shield held high as another harpy slammed unsuccessfully into it.

"Go! I'll cover you, get down the stairs and hold the ice!"

Another crash of stone on wood near the two of them was enough to convince Nataly she was not going to survive by huddling against the railing any longer. She nodded at the Ironworker and mentally got ready to count down. OK...OK...1...


Vana took off for the hatch where a couple of the other mages still stood and Nataly did her best to try and keep up. It was clear that Vana was going to have to slow down to adjust for the pace of the Hydromancer, and she was, but still Nataly struggled. The sound and feel of fiery chunks and shadowy blasts raining down upon them was tough to overcome, but she tried. She almost stumbled to the hatch, into the waiting arms or the Commander and couple of the others, but she made it, her robes singed but still doing their job.

"Are you all right?" one of the crewmen asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I think so..." Nataly answered as she did her best to stand. She didn't even get a chance to thank Vana. Vana was already heading back to the railing to try and pluck Eve from the same clutches she was in.

"Good. The hull's failing. We need all the help we can get to stabilize it."

"Oh...shoot! Yeah! OK, yeah, lead me somewhere I can touch it." The crewman did as ordered to move Nataly back to a point where she could continue the reinforcement work on the hull to try and help this dogged vessel survive the furious onslaught.
@vietmyke It happens. I've been pretty busy since getting back home. Helping my dad with the wood splitting and all that. Take your time, man.
I will express some interest in this RP.
@hoppiholla391 Just a heads up, your character drawing is not showing up for me. Not sure if it's a dead link or my internet being shit, but just thought you should know.
Nataly had stationed herself near one of the empty cannon holes as she figured direct contact with the hull of the ship would allow for the quickest and most effective frost coverage. Between herself, Eve and all the ice that was already readily available to them in the air around the storm, it didn't take too long to cover the ship in a thick coat of sheer cold. She was focusing on throwing as much water on there as she could before she was distracted by something thunking near her. She looked up, seeing the Iron Lady at the end of a thick length of rope, an end of which appeared to be laying nearby at the end of a long coil.

"Tie them around your waists. Helps you keep your feet." That was all she said before she moved back towards the center of the ship.

The Hydromancer shrugged her head to the side as if to agree. "Makes sense." She abandoned her icemaking for the moment to loop the rope around her robe, cinching it as tightly as she could around her waist. Nataly wasn't sure if her knotting would be good enough, she tried to remember back to the days back home when her father showed her how to tie ropes but they were so long ago. With the fury of the storm swirling around, it was tough to pass a memory test at this point. So Nataly did the best she could, trying to approximate the knots in her mind as she secured herself to the tether.

By the time it was announced that the fire power of the ship had been reduced, Nataly was trying to get reset back in her position. The storm seemed to intensify, be it from natural or external forces, it was swaying a bit more than she thought. Soon it wouldn't matter. Nataly heard a thud, seeing Eve face to face with one of the harpies that began boarding the ship and before she could move to help her fellow Blizzard specialist, another one landed with a clunk in front of her. The legends were liars. There was nothing human in this feathery beast that snarled in front of her, maw full of jagged teeth bared in her direction. Drool dripping down onto it's wicked sharp talons. Nataly inched back towards the edge of the ship. Alainia damn it, that thing is digusting...

Nataly held her hands out, trying to collect enough moisture to form a pair of daggers she could use to battle this creature, but the harpy seemed to sense this was not a submissive stance. The beast flew at Nataly, only giving her time for a pair of shiv like shards, but it would be enough. The Hydromancer hit the deck, letting the creature fly above before raking the shards against it's torso. The harpy fell to the planks, black feathers now stained red with blood. Nataly did her best to pounce while she had the opportunity. It was a less than graceful movement, and the repeated plunging of ice into hide wasn't befitting of someone of her looks, but she didn't care at the moment. This sucker was dying. After nine plunges, the creature ceased to move.

A swipe of the head to collect the beads of sweat off her forehead was all that Nataly was allowed in terms of respite as the ship lurched and shook again with the crashing of stone and ice into the vessel. "Ahhhhh!" Ms. Andrade stumbled back to her spot on the railing, attempting to gain some cover from the raging elements while she slipped her hand back out onto the hull, desperately trying to restore some semblance of armor to the battered ice shield over the hull.


"What?" Nataly looked over to see the Commander plunging into the depths of the ship via the deck stairs, and it looked a great distance away. "I...can I even make that without taking a hit? I dunno." She stayed put for now, waiting for an opening to try and dash for the stairs.
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