Sleep was good. Sleep was very good. After all the excitement of battle, Nataly didn't realize just how tired she was from the whole affair and only as she was roused from her slumber did she feel the extent of the fatigue. Yawning at the sight of one of the crew members in her face, telling her to brace for a landing. She was worried, but it was infinitely smoother than the previous landing the airship made. No crashes or anything! It was a welcome change.
Looking around for any signs of anyone else, she didn't find anything until the same crew member who gave her the heads up regarding the landing ran into her instead. I should probably learn his name at some point... He informed Nataly that the Commander had requested the presence of all mages on an excursion. The Hydromancer didn't perk up until the word "bar" was uttered. After that terrible flight, I could definitely use a drink. Probably taste better than Tristam's stuff too.
Arriving at the bar was slightly disappointing. Sure, an atmosphere akin to that of the academy hallway with revelers everywhere slopping rainbow juice all over the stone floor was not a logical expectation, but this place was like the basement where less than reputable members of the academy went to "experiment" with other potions. Vana summed things up pretty well with her entry remarks. Nothing that started well here was going to end well.
The group got a table that managed to fit the party, but there wasn't even time to order up a drink before the bar got a new door installed. Figured it would be one of those filthy earthies bashing things up, but there were more mages appearing who gave no qualms about informing people who they were, what powers they had and that they were going to get flames and ice to the skull. The ice mage was being a particularly indiscriminate bitch with her powers, bashing people so hard it was hard to tell if those shards on the floor were made of water or bone.
Tactics were...mixed, to say the least. Vana chose direct confrontation once the frosty harlot got to their table, while Drew decided to employ at strategy that would have worked better had Vana not grabbed a hold of the icy mitt threatening them first and Joey stayed in the middle, telling her to leave. This resulted in a predictable outcome. Firefly came over and Icebox took a swing at Vana. God damn it!
Nataly ducked as the other mages went to work on the attack. Once the ice mage had exposed herself, both Vana and Drew went to work on her, disabling her spear and knocking her to the ground. Vana was in particular was brutal, smashing Frosty's face into the table before sending her crumbling. Sensing an opportunity with her on the ground, and the fire and earth mages still engage, Nataly tried to motion to Drew to go after the other mages. He was better with direct magic attacks anyway. Nataly laid her hands on the remnants of the ice armor and started to draw the crystals up her arms. No sense in letting a suit of armor's worth of ice go to waste. Given the opponent was much bigger than her, there should have been plenty of ice to cover all her squishy vulnerable parts under the robe. I just hope she's out cold long enough for me to get all of it on.