Avatar of NeoAJ


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

Just wanted to post an update. I have had zero time to work on the sheet with the holidays and work, but it should be live tomorrow.
If there's still room I'm game. I've been dormant from RPing for a little bit because of school but now that I'm close to the end, I'd like to get back in.
In a similar vein, I started a new program today that is very writing intensive, so between that and other writing commitments, I'm not sure how much time I'll have on RPG. I'll still be around! Just posted in a thread today. Just not sure how often that will be as of yet...
"Mages, let us....ignore this little transgression. You turn around, forget you saw us, and we do the same. Alright?"

It sounded like a sweet deal to Nataly. Considering all the destruction and trouble these three caused on this random excursion, letting everyone just walk away from it all was a promising prospect. The fire woman looked like she didn't agree with it, but her fellow ice wielder appeared to want out of the area. She could abide by that.

"Not so fast."

Ling had other thoughts though. She wanted the gold and the goods back from the shadow man who had caused the trouble in the alley way. Fair enough. For the Nightshade to show themselves wasn't an unreasonable proposition. Prevent back stabbings and all that.

Nataly kept her ice gauntlets on and in fist mode. "I'm with my friend here. Shadow man has to show himself first. I don't need to be stabbed in the back today."
"Nataly! Over here, give me a hand!"

The familiar voice caused Nataly to turn her head towards the source. "Ling?" Moving towards the source, she found the Nightshade that had been so helpful to her on the ship locked in battle with...another shadow? It had to be another Nightshade but where were they? It didn't matter at the moment as the darkness was causing Ling enough problems as it was.

Stepping away from the burning building, into the darker, damper portions of the alleyway, Nataly attempted to reconstruct what she had going for her inside the bar, pulling whatever moisture she could from the air to coat her fists with a thick sheet of ice, spikes poking out of where her knuckles would be. It was moving much quicker now then when she was fighting the flames and she had a hands worth in a matter of seconds.

As she approached the scuffle, she hesitated for a moment. "Can I even hit..." Her question was answered with Ling's swing. "Well she would know..." Nataly charged into the fray, fists drawn, still adding ice to her makeshift boxing gloves as she attempted to cut off any dodging attempts with some ice spikes to the shadow combatant.
"Forget the damned rogues, its time to get out!"

Nataly was already thinking along those lines. Looking around the tavern as the flames continued to lick a black trail across the wooden booths and floorboards, options were somewhat limited. My fault for backing into a corner... The path to the front door was being rapidly consumed by the fire, so there was only one option that remained accessible. At least for the moment. Hope the chef wasn't a drinker...

She bolted for the kitchen, hoping to escape out the back way into one of the alleys. The walls separating the serving area from what could be generously called the prep area were holding out long enough to keep the passageway clear. It was still hot in the kitchen, so Nataly made haste to get out. The back entrance would do nicely.

Quickly exiting the building and shutting the door behind her, the Hydromancer moved away from the soon-to-be inferno and caught her breath, taking in some needed moisture from the surrounding air. The alleyway was dark and damp, and looked to be rather secluded, lit up only by the flames starting to poke out from the tavern's roof. "Well...where do I go now? Where is everyone?"
@Krauxis It's the nature of the beast. I've been RPing over 5 years. I've seen one RP to completion. It was a glorious one though.
The attempt to siphon off the ice mage's armor was halted too quickly for Nataly's liking. As a result she only had coverage reaching halfway up her arms. Not a lot, but it'll do. She held back, ducking out of the way as she concentrated on drawing any moisture she could from the area to improve her improvised gauntlets. It was tough to keep out of the line of sight. Between the growing fire and the raging battle, she had almost nowhere to go. A propped up table let her hide well enough to focus on growing the magic.

It took forever in her mind to get any ice growth going without the reserve the opposing ice mage provided. Damn it...I can't concentrate with this fire. Fuck!

Hidalgo! Andrade!

Vana was calling. If she wanted herself and the other Hydro, it probably wasn't to split an appetizer plate. Guess that answers that decision. Nataly jumped out from her hiding spot and shot her mustered gauntlets at the overturned table, hoping to douse the source as quickly as possible. "There's not much here for water!" she shouted as she tried to pull whatever moisture she could; from the air, from spilled drinks, whatever. "The fire is just like burning it all away!"
Sleep was good. Sleep was very good. After all the excitement of battle, Nataly didn't realize just how tired she was from the whole affair and only as she was roused from her slumber did she feel the extent of the fatigue. Yawning at the sight of one of the crew members in her face, telling her to brace for a landing. She was worried, but it was infinitely smoother than the previous landing the airship made. No crashes or anything! It was a welcome change.

Looking around for any signs of anyone else, she didn't find anything until the same crew member who gave her the heads up regarding the landing ran into her instead. I should probably learn his name at some point... He informed Nataly that the Commander had requested the presence of all mages on an excursion. The Hydromancer didn't perk up until the word "bar" was uttered. After that terrible flight, I could definitely use a drink. Probably taste better than Tristam's stuff too.


Arriving at the bar was slightly disappointing. Sure, an atmosphere akin to that of the academy hallway with revelers everywhere slopping rainbow juice all over the stone floor was not a logical expectation, but this place was like the basement where less than reputable members of the academy went to "experiment" with other potions. Vana summed things up pretty well with her entry remarks. Nothing that started well here was going to end well.

The group got a table that managed to fit the party, but there wasn't even time to order up a drink before the bar got a new door installed. Figured it would be one of those filthy earthies bashing things up, but there were more mages appearing who gave no qualms about informing people who they were, what powers they had and that they were going to get flames and ice to the skull. The ice mage was being a particularly indiscriminate bitch with her powers, bashing people so hard it was hard to tell if those shards on the floor were made of water or bone.

Tactics were...mixed, to say the least. Vana chose direct confrontation once the frosty harlot got to their table, while Drew decided to employ at strategy that would have worked better had Vana not grabbed a hold of the icy mitt threatening them first and Joey stayed in the middle, telling her to leave. This resulted in a predictable outcome. Firefly came over and Icebox took a swing at Vana. God damn it!

Nataly ducked as the other mages went to work on the attack. Once the ice mage had exposed herself, both Vana and Drew went to work on her, disabling her spear and knocking her to the ground. Vana was in particular was brutal, smashing Frosty's face into the table before sending her crumbling. Sensing an opportunity with her on the ground, and the fire and earth mages still engage, Nataly tried to motion to Drew to go after the other mages. He was better with direct magic attacks anyway. Nataly laid her hands on the remnants of the ice armor and started to draw the crystals up her arms. No sense in letting a suit of armor's worth of ice go to waste. Given the opponent was much bigger than her, there should have been plenty of ice to cover all her squishy vulnerable parts under the robe. I just hope she's out cold long enough for me to get all of it on.
*pokes head up from mock snow*
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