The forest didn't look as imposing as it probably should have given the massive amounts of underbrush and lack of light patches filtering into the trees ahead outside of the designated path. Looked very similar to Pinwheel Forest from what Robyn remembered of the treks across the bridge. Of course Pinwheel didn't have stones or gardens or anything fun like that. It was just dark. Everyone else in the group seemed to be set to tackle the woods with gusto, Ezra headed off down the path immediately. Alix slowly followed along the same path while the other kid kind of hung back.
Robyn, she was a bit undecided on what she really wanted to do. I probably should go looking for more Pokemon... She looked down at the still snoozing pink puffball, taking out her Pokedex to try and get some information on it. The beep recognized the species, finally giving Robyn something to call her catch other than puffball. "Skitty, huh?"
Skitty finally recognized her new trainer and awoke from her slumber, gazing up at the human. ".....Nyaaaa?"
Robyn nodded. "Well at least you have that down. Let's see. Looking pretty basic for a Pokemon. Tackle, Tail Whip...Fake Out? That's interesting."
Skitty didn't seem to care as much for the strategic thoughts of her trainer, giving Robyn a confused look. "Nyaaaaaa?" Suddenly, Skitty's ears twitched. The Kitten Pokemon darted forward on the trail that led towards the standing stones, leaving Robyn staring at the Pokedex until she looked up to see the fleeting glimpse of a pronged tail.
"Skitty? ...Damn it. Freaking ADD Pokemon..." Robyn chased after the figment of tail that she thought she could spot. She quickly lost the trail though. When it wanted to, Skitty could scoot a lot faster than a one-legged woman. Eventually though there was rustling up ahead. "Skitty?"
As Robyn rounded the bend she could see the Normal-type grabbing onto the tail of a young purple Pokemon, writhing around in an attempt to lose the hanger-on like a celebrity heading into a VIP room. It wasn't having much luck. There were scratch marks on it's head from where it looked like Skitty had Tackled it.
"What the..." Robyn reached into her pocket and produced a Pokeball. "Well, might as well not let it go to waste..." She took aim as Skitty's opponent appeared to be tiring, losing the will to force the Kitten Pokemon off it's back. "Ekanssssssss...." Yeah this sucker's worn out. A quick toss of the ball and a couple shakes locked the Pokemon in place.
Skitty seemed disappointed having lost it's play thing. It padded over to the ball but couldn't get a paw on it before Robyn picked it up. Skitty looked up at her trainer. "Nya nya?"
Robyn shook her head. "No Skitty, it's not a play thing." Shaking her head didn't help her figure out where Skitty had led her. "Well, now what? Looks like we're lost in here..." Robyn slowly continued on the path, Nina cradled in her arm as Skitty followed.