Avatar of NeoAJ


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

Well I was interested in the last one...
Shoot, I haven't done one of these in a while. Are you still accepting?

Location: Mystic Forest
Kazuma @Onarax
Dustyn @MissCapnCrunch
No one.

Kelsey regretted being so kind as to offer Kaz a spot at her breakfast table. The dude just stood there staring at her, like he had witnessed a thousand embarrassing losses by his favorite wrestler all at once. Fuck, I thought this dude understood English 'n shit. Well fuck, I ain't waitin' fur his donkey ass to-

Speaking of asses, Kelsey was distracted when her own started to vibrate. She plucked her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and brought it forward. While she expected to be annoyed, instead there was only a massive sigh of relief.

Dusty D 💛
IT'S ALIVEEE!! Like frankenstein's monster you get it? I smell like I died 2.

I am now sad about my tooth as well. Make me feel better, let's get breakfast. Phone dying. Ttyl. Love you ho.

It was if a gigantic weight had been lifted from Kelsey's chest and brain all at once, seeing that her best friend was not only still alive, but literally seemed no worse for the wear. At least in spirit she wasn't. Vivian still had Dustyn's tooth, after all. Swear that girl's got sum Wolverine healin' shit or somethin' she ain't tellin' people 'bout. She might get that tooth back after all. Kelsey was quick to respond.

Dusty D 💛
Holy shit, girl. I'll get whatever breakfast you want. Just glad to see you up and about. Hopefully you don't want brains or nothing.

Meet u at Apollo's? Your brother might be coming with since he found me in the woods? I dunno. He seems spaced as fuck.

Either way, super happy you're awake and talking again. See you soon. ❤️❤️

With the phone slid into her back pocket, Kelsey started packing up her archery equipment as best as she could with her burgeoning gravity powers. "Well, I dunno 'bout you dude, but I'm meetin' ur sister fur food. You kin come with... or you kin stay here with your tree. Your call. I don't care." With her arrows all tucked away, Kelsey slung her bow over her shoulder and started heading back towards civilization, and back to her best friend.

Mentions: @Darcs

Hyakusawa Academy Gymnasium
April 19th, 2019
8:22 AM


It was all coming that easy this morning. Maybe it was the overcast skies blocking any pesky sunlight from messing up her shots. Maybe it was the fact that it's a lot easier to shoot when there isn't a hand in your face. Maybe it was that second glass of imported orange juice. You know, the fancy kind from Florida. Whatever it was, every shot that Shiori Hasegawa took this morning was finding the bottom of the net. It's a lot more fun rebounding the ball when its waiting near the bottom of the basket instead of bouncing every which way. Besides, it's not like crashing the boards was hard when there's a solid half-foot height advantage. That's not the part of her game Shiori needed to work on.

Coach Tabuse was clear that due to the changing nature of how basketball was played, Shiori was going to need a solid outside-the-arc game to compete with some of the other prized recruits. The June showcase was looming ever large, and if she was going to follow in her father's footsteps and make it big in America, the girl needed to put in a good showing. If today was any indication, the power forwards and centers were going to have a very tough time dealing with her at the top of the key. It felt good to be hitting on all cylinders like this.

As a phone started playing the classical strains of "Hey DJ!" by Heartsdales from depths of Shiori's backpack, filling the empty gym with upbeat hip-pop sounds, she halted her shot in mid-flow and held onto the ball. Wiping a few beads of sweat that escaped from under her headband, she walked over to her bag and saw her preset alarm reminding her that playtime was over and that class would be underway soon enough. There would be enough time to grab a quick shower and change into her uniform before homeroom.

"Sigh, maybe I can find someone else to crib notes off of so I can sleep," she bemoaned to no one in particular as she shut the alarm down and tossed the phone back in her bag. Shiori took one last look at the basket, now 25 feet away from the corner three area where she had set her gear down. Quickly bringing the ball up for one final shot, she yelled, "KOBE!" as she fired with the same reckless abandon the Lakers star once did. Unlike his later years though, Shiori's shot was again on the mark, this time with a friendly bounce off the rim before falling in. "Yeah, that's right," she affirmed as she released her hair from the scrunchie that was holding it back, the makeshift bun collapsing as her jet-black hair fell back towards the floor before stopping at the small of her back. With a heavy sigh, she headed over to retrieve the ball and begin the arduous process of getting ready for class.

Hyakusawa Academy
April 19th, 2019
3:14 PM

Arduous was definitely a more appropriate word for the way class was going. Any adrenaline that was built up from such a dominant performance in the gym earlier was quickly evaporated as hazes of physics equations and algebra started to cloud Shiori's mind. It was enough to make a girl go cross-eyed with just how much stuff was being thrown at students this late in the semester. Ugh, why do I need any of this? Some random gonna come up to me and ask for my autograph in the form of solving for x? This is useless. By the time she reached her final class of the day, the basketball star was ready to stuff all her books into the nearest incinerator.

The sweet sounds of freedom couldn't come any sooner as the alarm bell alerted everyone to another school day being in the books. "Freaking finally! Had enough of this... Shiori was ready to bolt before Miss Sawa decided to be a total bitch about things.

"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."

Really? Freaking really? I know the principal gets off on your BDSM shit, but I don't need it from you, ya gray-haired old crone. Shiori momentarily paused her escape efforts as the old lady power-tripped. The Hasegawas may have been in Nashiro for less than a year, but it didn't take long for Miss Sawa to reach the top of Shiori's shitlist.

"Your essays and power points on The Tale of Genji are due in one week, and expect pop quizzes. You may leave."

About time! Shiori gave no regard to the required power points and essays. There were enough Cliff Notes versions of the Tale of Genji floating around that a C-level report could be patched together at some point. The quizzes would be terrible, but whatever. As stated, no regard for them! It was time to leave, and Shiori made sure to let everyone know that fact. As she gathered up her stuff, she gave her hair the slightest bit of flick, as if to let Miss Sawa know just how done she was with everything she had to say. She strutted out of the classroom ready to head onto other, more stimulating projects.

As the athlete headed out into the hallway, she tried to puzzle out just what those projects were. I did put in a good shootaround today, but it would be nice to at least have a little competition. I wonder if Sugiyama's free for some one on one? ...Nah, I'd kick her ass way too easy. Kuriyama, maybe? The tall woman came to a stop as she tried to think of who she could hit up for a solid practice.

Coming to a stop was a mistake though. At least for the person behind Shiori, who felt a bump hit her from behind. She looked around... and then down, and saw the culprit. A very cute culprit, but a culprit. It was someone Shiori recognized from class. The new girl who came in a couple months ago. The one a lot of people thought was an American plant meant to spy on the students. Shiori never believed that. If anyone was the plant, it was Miss Sawa. Probably heading to the army base now to try and get some action. Add traitor to the list of her offenses.

Either way, as Shiori glanced at the girl, she finally got a good look at her. It was strange that she never noticed the way her eyes played off that light-brown skin of hers. Like they held a thousand secrets, but the glint told you how to unlock them. It definitely added to mysterious visage she created for herself. Again, it was still cute. Shiori wasn't the type to pay a lot of people in her class any mind. A lot of her friends were still back in Sapporo. She was essentially a mercenary in Nashiro. But her, she had her curiosity.

All that being said, she did bump into her backside.

Shiori was going to ask if she needed glasses, but that was before the girl's piercing eyes rolled up and she started to fall backwards. Years on the court had honed Shiori's reflexes to the point where she was able to swoop down and catch the girl before she received a concussion from the floor. "Hey!" she exclaimed as the girl appeared to be somewhat limp in her arms. "Hey, you all right? I know my butt isn't strong enough to knock people out! Can you hear me? Do you need some sugar or something? I have a power bar. Talk to me, girl!"

A @NeoAJ and @HaleyTheRandom collab

There is a certain feeling of helplessness that can drift over a person when witnessing an impending disaster. Like the reporter watching the Hindenberg collapse in flames, a Arcenian soccer fan watching the national team head into penalty kicks in a major tournament, or Lindsey Lohan’s agent, there were some instances when there is nothing that can be done to prevent a tragedy from playing out. That was the position Catherine found herself in as Arabelle crossed paths with her betrothed and things quickly descended into a shouting match. There was nothing she could do to stop it, and it quickly erupted into a powderkeg that threatened to consume everything around it. She pitied who happened to be in the direct line of fire. As it was, the sidelines provided enough cover that she could at least monitor the situation in case she had to play reluctant peacemaker. Instead it sounded like she would play sideline commentator instead.

”Tell me… do they do this often? And if so, how on Earth do you manage not to rip your hair out listening to them?”

Cat almost didn’t look over at the girl talking to her, but she did a double take at spotting the hostess standing at her side. All right, Cat. Play it cool. You’re a cool kid, be like one. They seem to fit in.

“Honestly,” she started. “The rulers of our respective kingdoms have been smart enough to keep them at bay given a couple incidents when they were younger. So it’s not often, but this is a pretty bad one.” It was true. Usually it didn’t get to this level of venom until things were a bit more private. Perhaps the flight took more out of her sister than Cat thought. “Usually I just have my headphones in. That or a steady supply of distractions.” She held up her drink. “That and I’m pretty sure bald is not my best look, so that keeps my hair in its place.”

Raven shrugged her shoulders slightly in response as she took a sip of her drink. ”Makes perfect sense, actually. How was your commute?”

Cat was doing her best to remain in pure Catherine mode, but in reality, seeing her sister go off the rails like that was the sign that the window was open a little bit. “It was… long. Really long. The longest flight I’ve been on. This is my first time in Aciras. I’ve heard so many things about the country.” She took a sip. “Although, I don’t suppose a lot of them would be found in a castle like this. No offense.”

The young woman couldn’t help but smile. ”None taken. I never quite liked the flights to Arcenia either. But no worries. Aciras is a large Kingdom, and there’s been a lot planned for the festivities. There’s a lot going on in the next few months aside from the wedding, so you’ll all be able to see some of the best we have to offer here. You’ll also have the best tour guide.”

Cat cocked an eyebrow at that last response. “Really? You know, I was wondering just exactly what to do with my time here. Knowing that there will be plenty of opportunities to explore the city, at all times of day, well that does set my mind at ease. Especially if I have a chance to let loose a little bit.” She winked at Raven, with rising certainty that the younger princess knew what she was after. “This tour guide you speak of, are they the trustworthy type? Because I don’t need to be led astray to let the tabloids have more fodder for their Monday editions. At least, not have fodder I wouldn’t want out there.”

”Said tour guide would politely tell the writers and camera men to fuck off while strolling through a back alley to one of the best bars in town.” She continued to watch the scene that was Ara and Erik unfold before her. ”But on a more serious note, you don’t have to worry about the tabloids here. Not unless they’re the up and coming ones that literally grasp at straws. The castle will be the safest place, of course. Your tour guide can’t promise you anything out in the city, but they’ve made it very clear to the press that they’ll have their heads if they catch wind of any slander.”

This was met with a nod of approval. Also, the swearing merely confirmed Cat’s suspicions about her drinking partner. She let out a happy sigh of relief. “Good shit,” she said as the rest of her meager glass of champagne was finished. She motioned to a nearby waiter for another one. Watching Ara and Erik’s blowups was a full-on sporting event. “I think visiting one of those bars would be awesome after this party given how things are turning. Unless my sister needs some emotional support after having to deal with the prince of Garbausterland.” She turned to Raven, doing her best not to get lost in those eyes again. “You’ll have to tell the tour guide we’ll be needing a lot of help to take our mind off this… unpleasantness.”

”Completely understandable,” Raven said, taking a large drink from her glass. ”Why is champagne customary at these things?” she scoffed. ”I need something stronger.” Luckily the waiter that Catherine waved over had arrived.

”I’ll take a margarita please, Julian. Get whatever Cat wants for me as well, would you?”

Things were definitely picking up at this rate if Raven was advancing the drink menu past the token champagne flutes. “Well, if there are some off the platter options, I’ll take a vodka seven. Cherry seven if you have it.” Cat told the summoned waiter, who gave a polite nod and hurried off. “I’ll have to get you to come to every royal shindig I’m forced to be at. It would be great to have a drinking partner who didn’t stick to the tiny glasses.”

”It would be an honor to be your plus one to any event. I’m honestly surprised that everyone showed up. Though why some of these people were on the guest list, I have no idea. I want to go ahead and apologize for my future behavior though. Two months of hosting these people isn’t going to be fun, so I’m sure you’ll see me completely shit faced on more than one occasion.”

Raven sighed. Everything she had said was true. Getting all of these people here on time, presentable and trying to keep politics out of the way was proving to be a pain in the ass.

”Don’t get me wrong. I love my sister. But sometimes I wish she would just hire a party planner.”

Catherine looked over at the Aciran princess and understood that pain. “Hey, I’ll need the tips soon enough. Believe it or not,” she motioned out to the floor, where it appeared Erik was reloading on alcohol to keep up the fight with her sister. “I’m probably going to be helping plan THAT happy union. So, I will take any help on that matter. All I have is my backup plan of causing such a scene that HurriKate trends instead of ErikFail or something, which is a service I can also offer to you so you don’t have to apologize for future behavior or anything.” She gave Raven a wink as she said that last bit. “The perks of not really giving a sweet fuck. At least, not unless my sister needs me. And right now, I think the distraction would be more valuable than me actually behaving myself.” The drinks arrived in front of the women at an opportune time.

Taking her drink from the tray, Raven took a sip and thanked the waiter before smiling at Cat.”I might have to take you up on that offer,” she said with a laugh. ”How… exactly did the whole HurriKate thing come to be, if you don’t mind me asking? I mean, I’ve heard things here and there, but you know you can never get a truthful story from the tabloids.”

Cat let out a sigh as she picked up her beverage. It wasn’t going to help her standing in trying to forget what happened, but maybe having someone like Raven know the whole truth would be better than the rumors floating around. “Basically, this snoop from the Lark caught me in the middle of kissing a girl that I was sweet on, keyword WAS, and they could not wait to post it. The Lark is such a kiss-ass rag for the Brunn conglomerate, and I’ve been on their shitlist for protesting the Brunns’ oil interests. So they run this whole HurriKate thing, asking how I can uphold royal honor, how could I be betrothed to anyone, you know, that bullshit. And fucking Candice runs right to them, starts smearing me all over TV. So safe to say, that was a quick end to that experiment.” She took a sip after finishing such a quick recounting of such a tragic tale. “But my parents were upset and kept me ‘sequestered for my own good’ until we agreed sending me here until the situation dies down was smart. I just wanted to get out of there. But yeah, you need someone to take some heat for you, I’m your girl.”

Raven did her best to try and keep the look of puzzlement and shock off of her face, but some of the signs seeped through before the had the chance to hide it. ”So you mean to tell me… that a royal liking the same sex is so scandelous that her parents will keep her confined to the castle for months on end?” she said, her eyebrows raised. ”That is beyond stupid,” the young woman concluded. ”No offense to your parents, of course. I guess I’m just lucky that the Aciran laws and people are a bit more open minded. The assumption that all royal weddings have to be heteronormative disgusts me.” She rolled her eyes while saying the last bit, raising the glass to her lips once again. ”Hopefully I won’t cause to much of a fuss, but if I do, it’s nice to know that I’ll have you in my corner.”

“I think it was more the media shitshow it became that they didn’t like,” Catherine admitted. “With that,” the younger princess pointed to the quarrel that was wrapping up for the moment. “Kinda being important and somewhat divisive and happening soon, I made an unnecessary addition to the opposition in their eyes. The Brunns, they hate LGBTQ anything though. Bigoted assholes. So, you know, extra fire. I swear, when Ara is queen, I’m having them booted from the kingdom. They can go to Tessia or something, I don’t care. But yeah.” She raised her chalice in response to Raven’s drink. “Happy to be here, and of course to offer whatever support I can in this time of celebration and stressing the fuck out.” The Catherine filter was fully disabled now. There was clearly no need for it with Raven and Cat was grateful to have someone other than her sister or Han to have that luxury with.

”I’d love to see the looks on their faces when you do, but for now I have to finish greeting the rest of the guests. It was a pleasure talking to you, Cat. I hope we get to do it again soon.”

“Right, of course!” Cat had to scramble to get the filter back up with Raven needing to fulfill her duties as hostess. “Well, the pleasure has been all mine, Princess Raven. I hope we talk again very soon. I want to learn all I can about this wonderful kingdom of yours.” Catherine offered a small curtsy, similar to the one she displayed at the entrance to the party, but she was careful not to spill her drink in the process.

”I’d be more than happy to show you around,” she said with a polite nod, the corners of her mouth forming a slight smile once again. ”Do try and enjoy the ball as much as you can. If anyone gives you trouble, feel free to just yell at me. I’ll be right over.” Just then her father came to stand beside her, whispering in her ear that she better get going. ”Annnnd that’s my official signal. I’ll talk to you later,” Raven finished, giving Catherine an apologetic smile before quickly following after her parents.

Catherine had already curtsyed, so she gave a half-hearted salute as Raven rushed off to her other duties as hostess. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. She could have kept talking to Raven for most of the night. However, she had her own duties to attend to, as since Arabelle had spiraled off from her confrontation with Erik and was heading elsewhere, Catherine figured it was in her best interest to make sure the scene was confined to typical Arcenian-on-Austerund bickering. Drink in hand, she watched her sister carefully to make sure more cross words weren’t in the cards.
Long while is an understatement.

With contributions from @Bee

After she had claimed another couple of mojitos for herself, Tara noted that things seemed to have died down around the bar. Tessa had gone off, likely not wanting to hang around after all the other departures, so it was just her and Allison. Not the combo she would have anticipated at the start of the day, but it seemed to be working. Allison was good for a laugh. Tara certainly needed more of those.

However, it certainly seemed like Allison was starting to head down the same road Tara had already trod along. Why would Allison think she was stupid? On the surface, Tara thought that the only thing stupid was the question. Of course Allison wasn't stupid. She was a doctor. She had to be some kind of smart. But as Allison started talking, it was clear that wasn't the stupid she was talking about. "Ummm..." she started, unsure where to go with this line of thought. "I definitely don't think you're stupid," she answered. "I'm... fuck, I hate saying this. Maybe Amanda was right? Maybe we both are getting too hung up on who we were back in high school, instead of who we are now. I mean, you can't stop some things about who you are, but you can't let it force you to play up to someone else's notions of who you are, I think?" Drunken philosophy was one of her top subjects at Quinnipiac.

Allison put her face on her hand, squishing it and contorting it as she looked at Tara. She did have a point when it came to this. Maybe she did put a little too much weight when it came to her business on high school. At the same time, however, it was hard not to put weight on it when it was thrown in her face all the god damn time. "It's hard...." Allison bumbled, "Didn't you hear what Tessa said?"

Tara had hoped her best friend would not have been brought up, because in all honestly, it was a pretty callous line. However, Allison went to the topic first, so there was at least a bit of mutual screwing up.

"I heard what she said," she solemnly confirmed. "I know the first mention of it came from you though. And maybe that's it. Like, I wasn't too stoked when Grayson brought up the punching. I don't need that right now. But I tried my best to put that fire out. Just seems to be all anyone else remembers though. You, I don't think that's all people remember. Especially not when you have so much going for you now. Maybe you have to forgive yourself for what happened back then. Otherwise, that's all you're gonna be thinking about whenever you do anything. I'm trying not to do that anymore."

"But still... T-Taraa.... does everyone really think I'm just a tweaker?" The words may or may not have flown into one ear and out of the other, but Allison was still more than worried about how people saw her, despite her repeated efforts to not do so. Image was a far bigger thing now that she was making her entry into the medical world. Of course, she didn't want the name of "Adderall Allison" attached to her. "This is so fucked, Tara! Why did he have to even come to us? Why did I say that? Good lord..." She put her face inside of her hands, feeling quite a bit of shame.

"Hey! Hey-hey! Hey!" Tara wasn't gonna let Allison start dropping down to her level. She grabbed Allison's hands and pulled them away from her face. "No one, no one that matters, actually thinks that, OK Allison?" Tara didn't know that for sure, but it was in her nature to try and keep other people's spirits up. It helped on the table, even if it didn't help her. "I don't know why that... fuckhead, decided he had to pull that shit right off, but fuck him." She grabbed her second mojito. "You don't need his approval. You don't need anyone's approval! You're you, damn it!" She punctuated this last thought by slamming her hand on the table, but in doing so, she heard a splash instead of a bang. "What was that?"

Allison was about to retort and respond to Tara's efforts to cheer her up. Admittedly, it did cheer her up a bit. It was somehow working on her drunk ass and she even cracked a little smile. But, just when she figured out what she was about to say, she heard a rather loud splash behind her. She turned around, seeing a couple figures in the pool, at least to the best of her ability. "Someone's getting wet."

"Least someone is," Tara wryly commented. She picked up her glass. "Should we go see if they need medical attention, or just go to laugh at their sorry asses?"

"Well... I'm drunk." Allison said, "We're not supposed to practice under the influence..." Allison giggled softly.

Tara laughed, and felt better about somewhat accomplishing her goal of lifting Allison's spirits. With Willow no longer present, someone had to take the sunshine role. "All right, let's go laugh at them then."

As the two medical professionals finally abandoned the bar, a quick trip to the pool area revealed a pair of men in the pool. Brent was a bit of a surprise to see taking a dip with his clothes on, but she was all grins to see his synchronized swimming partner. Grayson deserved that. He deserved all of that the way he was walking around like a tool. Hard to be a smug prick when one looks like a drowned rat. It was the most beautiful thing Tara had seen at this place.

Apparently it wasn't enough for some people though. She heard a call ring out from behind her. She couldn't place the voice, but it was one of the dudes. "Who wants to get wasted?" Pfft. Amateur. Just starting now.

"Wants to? Fucking get on my damn level, boyo!" Tara shouted back into the ether. She was feeling it now. The over-hammering drink session with Allison was running full circle through her veins now. She spotted her best friend standing beside the pool, almost gloating over the soggy suit Grayson was forced to wear. She had to be congratulated. "Hey Tess, you do that? I fucking love you if you did."
@NeoAJ Hey, awesome! While I am looking at sheets when everyone turns them in I requested that people do not publicly post the second half of the sheet/persona section. Please PM that to me instead.

Shoot, I'm sorry. I must have misread that part. I have cut the second part out of the sheet for now.
Hey, so I made a quick conversion tonight, since I actually finished work at a normal time, so here's my character, pretty much as I left her all those years ago with a few updates to fit the sheet. If anything else needs to be worked out or added to, well, we got plenty of time now, right?

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