Avatar of NeoAJ


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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

Featuring Shawna @NeoAJ & Sunshine @BitchTheFuck, with a small contribution from Jack @Bee

While both Shawna and Jack reassured her, Sunshine couldn’t help but still glare at Jack as he spoke. One of the perks about being on the cheer squad was that you got really close with the jocks. Rumors, reputations and secrets spread like wildfire, and Sunshine was no stranger to any of it. Finishing the rest of her drink, the young woman linked her arm with Shawna’s as she continued to ignore her male stand-in.

”How about you and me heat up the dance floor real quick?”

Shawna craned her head towards the speakers as if to let the music determine whether or not she would accept the offer. She didn’t recognize the song playing, so she drained the remainder of her glass and decided it was good enough to dance to. “I think you may have been able to convince me,” she said with a sly look on her face. “You do make even the most vapid pop tolerable.” She turned back to her actual date for the dance. “Don’t worry, Jack. I’ll save you one platonic dance for the teacher’s eyes, OK?” She winked as she leaned against Sunshine and let her lead the way.

"You do whatever you want to do with your girlfriend. She's yours." Jack shrugged, "You two have fun."

With their arms linked, the two young women made their way to the dance floor. The song playing wasn’t really one of Sunshine’s favorites, but one that she had heard enough on the radio to know the rhythm of. While she wasn’t the best dancer in the world, she did happen to know a move or two that would allow Shawna to follow her lead.

”Look,” she said, raising her voice over the sound of the music. ”I don’t mean to make Jack think that I hate him or that….” rolling her eyes, Sunshine continued. ”Or that I’m mad at you for the situation. Because you know I’m not. I just… I’ve never cared much for the male jock Chad type.”

Shawna nodded as she swayed in time with the song. Sunshine seemed to know it better than Shawna did, so the taller girl was content to follow the other’s lead. “To be honest, I never did either. I mean, it didn’t take much of a push to get me to hate Max.” She looked away for a second, not wanting to remember him or what he did. “And Jack would have been at the top of my total avoid list if you asked me two months ago. But, and I really don’t know how the hell this happened, he reached out. He convinced me that he actually isn’t just trying to concoct some elaborate scheme to have sex with me. I think he still remembers me as just that nerdy girl I was before.” Another pause. Shawna didn’t really want to think about those times either. “I guess he’s another person who isn’t thrilled with the box he’s been put in by this school? I don’t know. I just know he stood in front of my dad and took a full blast of his special brand of interrogation. So he seems to be on the level. Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you are.”

If Shawna trusted him that much then it had to be enough for Sunshine. While Jack had a reputation for fucking and dumping mutliple women in short periods of time, perhaps Shawna wasn’t his type just like he wasn’t hers. In all reality, Sunshine could give a shit less who Shawna needed to use as her beard. She just didn’t want to see the other girl get hurt.

Doing her best to change the subject, Sunshine moved closer to her girlfriend (though still left a little room for Jesus) as she really started to fall in line with the rhythm. Looking over to Marisol and Ryland, she couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head. ”What do you think that’s all about?”

The girl in the white and blue dress looked over at the indicated couple. She hadn’t had much of a chance to talk to Marisol despite their mutual friend, but she knew what she was capable of. The other guy, she didn’t know much about. Circles hadn’t crossed as of yet. “Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, he can’t have that nice of a car if he’s willing to put himself in that position,” she said, giggling slightly at the stories she heard before. However, she did hear that Marisol was entwined… she didn’t want to say numbskull Sonny Drake, but the boy wasn’t bright. “But if you’re asking me for a true endgame there, I have no clue. I think the more I try to understand Marisol’s line of thinking, the more likely it’s not going to end well for me. Nothing against her, it’s just… I don’t think I can pull it off the way she can.”

While Sunshine didn’t know anymore about Marisol or Ryland than Shawna did, what Sunshine did know was that Marisol was dating the one and only Sonny Drake, and in Sunshines opinion, Mari was dancing just a little to steamy with someone that wasn’t her boyfriend. But to each their own.

”From what I’ve heard, she’s pretty complicated. I’ve got my fill of stores just like you did from Ariel.” Speaking of Ariel… Sunshine looked over to where Kavi and Chrissie were dancing. Sunshine didn’t know much about Ariel and Kavi’s current predicament. Regardless, it couldn’t be easy for the new redhead to see her ex dancing so carefree with another girl - even if the current event was built around friendship. ”Speaking of which… have you talked to Ari lately?”

A quick glance of the room confirmed that Ariel was here. Shawna didn’t have to look too long. Given their talks in recent weeks, it made sense that Ari would be heading to see if someone had provided an added bonus to the punch. She wouldn’t be disappointed. At least not like she had been disappointed in Kavi.

“I have,” Shawna confirmed. “She’s… uh, she’s dealing. In her own way. It looks like Kavi finally burned his last chance with her though. She’s been talking about a lot of things and just wanting to spend the rest of her time here with her friends. Her and Kavan are here together, which I think is good. Kavan seems like a pretty stable dude to be able to give her a rock or something. I keep telling her that maybe next time she doesn’t have to try for a guy, just to see if that changes things, but I don’t think she’s into my plans for a lesbian coven at King’s just yet.”

Not able to suppress her laugh, Sunshine shook her head at the comment. ”From what I’ve heard, she’s into girls too. Not sure why she ever went for that Kavi prick in the first place but I’m in no position to judge.”

“Hey, you’ve made me wonder why any girl would want to be with a guy in the first place when they can have this, so…” Shawna trailed off as the music started to fade out.

As the song came to an end, Sunshine was starting to feel a little hot. Rather it was the dress or the amount of body heat in the building, she didn’t know. ”Say, you wanna grab another drink real quick?”

Shawna looked at her dance partner, a couple small beads of sweat visible under the lights of the country club floor. “You know what, I can probably go for another drink or two, whether theirs or mine.”

”Spiked punch sounds amazing, doesn’t it?” Grabbing Shawna by the hand, Sunshine led the pair over to the drinks table where she promptly filled one cup for her girlfriend and then herself. Raising her glass in the air, Sunshine smiled at Shawna before finishing the cup in a few gulps. ”Cheers.”

Her own glass lifted, Shawna partook of the punch yet again. She looked towards her bag to determine whether or not she was ready for another nip at her own beverage, but she decided against it for now. Besides, it could always be added to the punch later if she didn’t feel she could finish it. Share the wealth and all that. “Cheers, hun. I know this isn’t how you pictured our Valentine’s Day, but I’m pretty happy I get to enjoy it with you.”

All right, I was in something like this with a friend of mine a few years back and it ended working really well, so I wouldn't mind trying it again to see what happens. I'll throw some interest at this.

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