Avatar of NeoAJ


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

And we are ready for liftoff! I hope!

Just posting this to prove that work is in progress on my character.

All right, reserving #3fd0d4, Emeraude Toubia as the FC, and she's a Hydromage with a focus on Cryomancy.
I will also throw some interest.

After being informed that the food being prepared in the kitchen was for the road and not for immediate consumption, Lilith's disappointment led her away from Hana and back out towards the city in search of something to eat. On the way out, she spotted a couple more of the travelling party, seemingly talking to... someone. She didn't recognize the kid, but then that wasn't a major accomplishment for a male. There were only three men that Lilith knew in Kanto, and that one wasn't senile, angry or hot, so it couldn't be any one of them. Oh well, not important for the moment. Was was more important was finding sustinence.

The trainer and her roster of Pokemon left the Center, blinking in the sunlight that still blazed above Viridian. Sia and Omen still sat on her shoulders taking in the view of the tiny town that dared dream of being called a city. As she walked up the hills leading out of the city, an aroma caught Lilith's nose.

There appeared to be an open-patio coffee shop along the road that her research told her would eventually lead to Viridian Forest. It seemed to be doing well, there were people sitting and sipping cups of various sizes with pastries of various shapes and toppings. It reminded Lilith of the university cafe back in Mistralton, just with less pretentiousness and more old people.

Especially behind the counter. It appeared to be an elderly gentleman who was fiddling around with a large grinder. As Lilith approached, he seemed to figure out that a customer was arriving. "Hello!" he shouted as he dropped the grinder and turned around. "Welcome to Maxwell's Coffee! Where we treat coffee with the respect it deserves! Can I get you something, dear?"

Lilith was a little taken back by the setup. "One second, I'm just taking in the fact that Kanto actually hasn't been taken over by Sawsbucks and that indie coffee places still exist here."

The old man chuckled. He seemed to be in a good mood. "I can tell a fellow true appreciator of the coffee bean from a mile away! Yes, I was told how much knowledge I had in regards to coffee. People say I couldn't function without it! And they couldn't function either, because I closed this road off! But a year or so ago, I realized that I could share this gift with others by unleashing every coffee bean's true potential. Grinding them in the cafe and not weighing them down with unnecessary flavorings and frappenings like those dang Sawsbucks drones! Nope, just the pure taste of coffee, delivered to you. Do with it what you like after that!"

Lilith shook her head. "I'm glad to hear it. I'm a woman who likes her coffee like her soul; deep, black and scalding hot when unleashed on anyone who earns my ire.

Maxwell blinked for a second, then smiled. "I can get behind it! So what will you have?"

Lilith looked over the chalk-written menu. "I'll take an extra-large Alolan Dark Roast to go, please. Oh, and one of those almond croissants. They look pretty good." Omen chirped approval while Sia was more taken in by the smell of the roaster in the back as well as the caffeinated energy she was receiving from the patrons of the store. Although there wasn't much coming off the older folks.

"Excellent choices! You know, my daughter handles the baked goods here herself. She does great stuff!" Maxwell quickly produced a large cup and poured a generous amount of dark life-giving liquid into it, sealing it with a lid that looked like it might actually do the job of keeping the coffee in. With that and the pastry secured, he handed it to Lilith. "That will be $8, please!"

Lilith grumbled a little bit in her mind. Fucking charging me like it's a Sawsbucks, that's for sure. But, sustaining the economy of the indie purveyor was more important than feeding the corporate greed machines, so she willingly paid her money. "Thank you."

"All right, you take care now! And if you're heading to the forest, I hope you can make that food last!"

"I'll survive. Thank you."

It didn't take too long for Lilith to find the path out of town. The Viridian Forest loomed in the distance over the little hilly path that separated it from civilization. It looked imposing and Lilith wasn't exactly packed for camping. "Those other trainers will be here soon enough," she affirmed to herself as she took a long sip from her cup. "I'll be fine. We'll be fine. Let's press on. Finally..."

For someone who was in a lot of pain a moment ago, AJ showed remarkable resilience. It made sense given how many hits that boy took on the football field. Or, he was just putting on a brave face. Whatever it was, he was very quick to snatch his drink from Emilia's hand.

"Mmm, good. No, you're good. This is fine. I'm fine."

"Oh... OK!" Emilia took his word on it. Because he wouldn't lie. Not like Brandon. Everything was fine with Brandon, or so he said. How many times had he been fine in the last six months before prom? It was his go-to line. But everything wasn't fine. He revealed that clear as day under that enchanted forest. He took a magic branch and beat the hell out of her heart. And it was still walloping and still hurting and it just... it just...



AJ's remark seemed to snap Emilia out of her own little spiralling world. He was enjoying the drink. "Just what the doctor ordered."

"Well, I'm just glad I could help! It's the least I can do, right? Anyway, I'll just put my stuff on the RV and I'll see you on there, OK?" Josie had returned from her... what was she doing? Hopefully it wasn't anything with Nate. If Josie was forced to confront Nate before the trip had even started, that would make Emilia a bad friend, and if she was a bad friend, that would make her no better than a bad boyfriend. No better than Brandon who...who...

Emilia could feel the sniffles starting to come on. She couldn't break down again. Not this soon. She hurried herself onto the massive machine and buried herself in one of the back seats, trying her best to keep the tears from raining down again...
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