Avatar of NeoAJ


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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

A Shawna @NeoAJ and Sunshine @HaleyTheRandom collab

As Sunshine offered her hand, Shawna felt more at ease than she did a second ago. Thoughts of Chrissie stumbling off evaporated from her mind, as Shawna was certain someone would look after her fallen friend. The way she had someone to look after her. At least, that’s what she hoped. The limits of that would be tested soon enough, but still. There was a confidence in her girlfriend that she rarely had in anyone but herself before.

The music started to fade out into the background as the two young women exited the country club towards the parking lot. Shawna was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol a little bit, but she was sure that Jack parked somewhere in the general vicinity she was heading towards. It was hard to miss a Viper and the school didn’t spring for valet parking so it had to still be here. She checked the keychain to see if there was a fob. Luckily there was. She started clicking incessantly trying to get the headlights to flash, and eventually she spotted light coming from one of the vehicles. “There we go,” she said triumphantly. “The stationary chariot awaits.”

To be honest, Sunshine had no idea what a Viper was. Of course she knew that it was a car, but anything beyond that and she was at a complete loss. Knowing that the students of Kings Academy were very well off, she knew it had to be a nice car, regardless of the name brand, specs, or anything else. When the headlights flashed, Sunshine raised her eyebrows in surprise as she caught sight of the vehicle. ”That is not what I was expecting.”

“I know. Jack told me it was his dad’s, which I guess I believe him, since I don’t think Jack needs that much of a penis extension yet, but yeah,” Shawna confirmed. “I just didn’t want to try and talk over the shitty pop music anymore.” She opened the passenger door for her preferred date to the dance. “Worse case we can find better music on the radio probably.”

Shrugging her shoulders in agreement, Sunshine climbed into the borrowed vehicle. She wasn't sure which was better - the interior or the exterior. Either way, the car was a sight to behold. "Do you think we could drive it?"

As Shawna nearly tripped over the concrete bumper that designated the parking spot, she wondered if even being in the vicinity of the car was such a good idea. But meh. She wasn’t going to be that stupid and try and drive the thing. Opening the door and sitting down was proving to be tricky enough. “Probably not the best idea to go driving right now,” she admitted. “I don’t like my chances of beating a breathalyzer at the moment. Besides, I don’t need to get my ‘date’ in trouble with his folks.”

Shawna finally sat herself down in the driver’s seat, content to finally have some alone time with her true date. It had been too long. February was proving cruel with her parents back. “So hey, I’m sorry things have been so rough and I haven’t been able to hang out as much. With Mom and Dad back from their cruise, I’ve had to go back to playing the perfect daughter for a little bit. I was really hoping the trip would have made them a bit more relaxed. Guess not.”

Shaking her head, Sunshine gave Shawna a reassuring smile. ”Relax, babe. I knew what I was signing up for. If nothing else I can use being your study buddy for cover? I mean, I know it’s not the best idea, but…”

The brunette seemed a little uncomfortable with the notion of calling Sunshine a study buddy. Sure, it was an easy lie. Her parents would probably be thrilled she was taking her studies seriously again. That she had smart friends again instead of “that Carter fellow.” Between that and Jack coming over and being a face now, it would be the perfect lie.

But Shawna didn’t want to lie anymore.

It’s why she was thrown off when Chrissie said she wasn’t going to be able to make space for her anymore. The way she did during the summer of soul-searching that Shawna needed to get to the point of tattoos and Tanqueray at trendy parties. The way she offered complete cover with her parents, assuring them that they were studying hard instead of what they actually did. But it wasn’t going to be about defending against Shawna’s parents this time. That’s what scared her.

“Cookie,” she started. “You’re awesome and wonderful and you don’t deserve to be hidden away behind some study buddy ruse. I want the whole world to know how awesome you are, and how lucky I am to have someone like you in my life, in that way. Plus if saying that means exposing the bigots in my life, that’s an added bonus. I just… I really don’t know what’s going to happen when I tell them. They could surprise me. They could cut me off entirely. I’m ready for either. But, I know which side I’m betting on in the seedy casinos. It’s not the happy Lifetime special ending one.”

Turning in the seat so that she could face Shawna, Sunshine grabbed her girlfriends hands before looking her in the eye. ”Listen babe. I can’t even begin to know what you’re feeling right now. Mom and dad died before I ever had the chance to come out, and my aunt and uncle don’t even care. My point is - I stand by you, no matter your decision. I’m cool with keeping it on the down low, if that’s what will help you in the long run. But I’m also leaning a little more towards you being who you actually are. Keeping the lies and secrets are just going to do more harm in the long run. No matter what you decide, if it is the latter… I always have the house in New York.”

It meant a lot to hear Sunshine say those words. Every last one of them. She had always been supportive as long as the two of them had been friends, even if it seemed longer than the five months it actually was. It made Shawna feel that trust coursing through her as Sunshine held her hands. Shawna would tear up if she wasn’t so sure that it would look like a mess upon returning to the dance. If she had to. She would prefer not to. She’d prefer to stay in this Viper in this moment.

“Sunny, you don’t know how happy you make me sometimes. I swear,” Shawna stuttered slightly as she got those words out. Partly because she leaned in for a kiss immediately after. She kept it short, but she was sure the emotion would be conveyed. “I think you are the person who sees in me the things I never could find in myself. I’m so grateful for that. It’s why I want to do this right. And...I’m not going to lie. If it comes to it, New York in the summer sounds pretty awesome. I told you I finally sent in that application to Brooklyn College, right? I mean, I told my parents I was going for Harvard and Columbia, but we both know that isn’t happening. Worst case, there’s always Long Island U. Plus, at least I’ll have one family member nearby who has my back.”

”What?! You really sent in the app,” she asked, her eyes lighting up in excitement. ”I thought that was like… a joke. I mean, you had mentioned it, but like… Wow. Have you heard anything?”

In Sunshine’s opinion, this was great news. She needed to figure out what to do with her life after highschool. Brooklyn seemed like the most logical option. She had a whole house there, and wouldn’t have much to worry about there as opposed to choosing another college. The fact that Shawna had applied was amazing.

Shawna shook her head. “Nothing yet, but there’s still plenty of time. I sent it that last weekend you came over before my parents returned. Before you woke up. It’s why you actually smelled food being cooked instead of, you know, just the usual Green’s order. I was kinda running on a good high. But I wanted to at least get that in to make sure I had the option. New York really made an impression on me when I was up there.” She looked back into Sunshine’s eyes. “Can’t imagine why…”

With a small laugh, Sunshine turned back around to properly reposition herself in her seat. ”Say…. Would it be weird if we just ditched the dance and had a random talk about random shit in a random car?”

“Nah. I think it would be weirder if we stayed in there listening to bad karaoke.”

”Then waddya say we just stay here and find some actual music?”

“That sounds like the best idea of the night. Besides,” Shawna patted her purse. “I got better drinks than the dance too. And now I have my real date.” Suck on that, Kings.

As she surveyed the tiny road that bridged the gap between the town and the forest, Lilith wasn't entirely looking forward to the uphill climb. But then again, that was what all the elliptical work was for. The first leg of Kanto was a steady incline, plateauing in the forest and continuing all the way through Mt. Moon. It was meant to weed out those who wouldn't be able to handle the increase in difficulty that the later gyms would bring. Right back around to that initial incline from Pallet to Viridian. The one she had already travelled. It was that easy.

What wouldn't be easy would be facing Brock, and Lilith was well aware of that fact. Suffice to say, Sia and Omen weren't exactly built for the solid boulder of a roadblock that would be in their way coming up. He had a reputation for being a determined Rock trainer, although given what she had seen from Gary and Professor Oak, it was likely this was overblown as well. Still, it couldn't hurt to have an ace in her mesh sleeves.

At least she had more food. Hana finally made good on the promise that her work in the Pokemon Center foretold. The smell of the fried rice had partially forced her trip to the coffee shop earlier, so to have the ball in her hand, no matter the color, it was welcome. In addition to the croissant, she was now more than prepared for the trip through the woods ahead.

That being said, she wasn't exactly prepared for... cheer. That is what seemed to be on offer from the young woman that approached her. Obviously a member of the group that had set out from Kanto. The red hair was unmistakable. The eyes were something she hadn't noticed before, the red irises clearly standing out, even against the fiery mane that presented itself. Lilith was almost envious, certain that she could do that kind of natural hair color justice, although she would have to ask where the woman got the contact lenses that gave her such a demonic hue.

It seemed like she had good taste in Pokemon anyway, the way she was fawning over Sia. The Litwick was loving the attention she was getting, a hint of pink almost visible in the white wax that made up her body. The glow off her flame was even more prominent, even in the midst of the afternoon sun. Lilith was all right with it. The woman, now naming herself as Lizbeth, didn't name Lilith as anything but that, and that was a win in her book. She was talking about her naming techniques and Lilith could relate to that. After all, she named herself according to what she liked.

"That is the way to do it," she confirmed, oblivious that she defied her own conventions not two hours ago in the Viridian Pokemon Center. "Pokemon are much smarter than people give them credit for, and they deserve the utmost respect, no matter where in their lifespan they happen to reside. They should have a say in what they call themselves. Hopefully I will have a new member of the squad to ask that of soon enough. No offence to Sia and Omen," she nodded to the two Pokemon that still rested on her shoulders, "but given my intel on what the Pewter City Gym has to offer for battle, I will need additional help to take down that rockhead."

As she sat at the back of the auditorium, surveying the scene as best she could while keeping her back to the wall as much as possible, Savannah was very on-guard at the moment. She was still edgy from the interactions with her friends from earlier. It's why she sat far away from Tyler Jane for this assembly. As much as she wanted to try and bury the hatchet a bit and talk about just what went down between the two of them in front of Nicholas, it wasn't the time. Not with so many things swirling in her head at the moment.

History was laughable. Savannah tried to take notes, but she had no interest in learning about the Louisiana Purchase. Old white men selling tracts of land that they stole from the Native Americans. No thank you. Instead, she was trying to figure out just how this party on the weekend was going to work and just how she was going to make the Liquoriana Purchase. First point, never call alcohol that ever.

So I know I'm going have Erica helping with the pickup, but the two of us aren't going to be able to walk all the way from this liquor store and back with enough booze for the entire first floor! I have to assume we're going to need a lot in order to make sure all our bases are covered. How are we going to get it back here without a car or anything? Do either of us even know how to drive a car? I could probably fake it if it was an automatic, I've seen enough people drive that I can do that, but manual I'm probably screwed. That's if we can even find a vehicle. With keys! And how am I paying for all this alcohol? I know Mom and Dad had to pull some strings to get me in here and can afford it, but I can't exactly call them up and be all 'Can I have some money for various amounts of booze?' What are we going to do about that? If I put it on my credit card, I'll be A) out of money for music and clothes orders, and B) broadcasting to my parents that I'm doing this! Plus the credit card isn't in Kelsey Marston's name! Ugh! This is too much! Too much stepping outside the lines! I'm going to totally get caught!

By the time she got to P.E. with Erica, her mind was almost frazzled. There weren't many opportunities to talk to one of her besties either. Dodgeball day saw them put on opposite teams for the most part, and while Savannah loved dodgeball since she was almost an impossible out with her ability to jump and gracefully dip to avoid most balls thrown her way, it was clear her mind wasn't in it on this occasion and she had a couple instances where she was picked off very quickly. More frustrations. By the time she had got back to her room, cleaned up a bit, and spent some prime time staring at the ceiling, the assembly rolled around.

So here Savannah sat. By herself. Without her usual pack of friends and allies. Left to ponder the darkened thoughts and dreadful scenarios that the procurement of potent potables was going to entail. She barely listened to the headmaster as she sat in her seat, hand gripping her chin as Savvy did her best to keep from just bolting then and there. Mealtimes were mentioned, which meant nothing. Savannah had her routine down pat. Halloween also got a nod, which Savannah wasn't to thrilled about. There were already enough things to be scared about without people actively trying to make her jump through the ceiling. Halloween sucked.

But then the mention of this strange scavenger hunt came up. Really? Isn't this something for like elementary school kids? Whatever. It meant no classes on Wednesday. That was a win in and of itself. But then teams were brought up, and more worries hit Sav's poor brain. Assigned teams? Shoot. Guess that means I'm probably not just with Erica and TJ. That might be fore the best though. Oh god what if I'm stuck with Leo! Or Theo! Ugh!!! Kill me if that happens. I do not need to work with those... sex-crazed animals! Theo actually wasn't as bad as Leo, but still, the aura from both of them rubbed Savannah the wrong way.

As the assembly mercifully ended, Savannah ran to the exits and spotted the aforementioned list on the bulletin board. It didn't take much to scan through everything, and it appears that the Texan had managed to dodge a few bullets. Certainly better than she dodged balls earlier today. She deftly got out of the way before other students started crowding her into the wall. She hated being crowded.

As she walked away from the scene and back towards the safety of her room, she was running over who she was forced to team up with. She was entering onto a team of almost unknown quantities, aside from rumors and hearsay. Wesley Slater, she had heard a little bit about from Bradley during their conversations. Apparently they were thick as thieves. Those two and Griffin... Shoot, Griffin! He should be getting out today! Hope he's feeling better. I'll have to text him or something. Anyway, Bradley referred to Wesley a lot. A LOT a lot. Almost made her think Bradley was a rainbow warrior or something. Wesley seemed a bit slow and apparently he was just as fond of stirring things up and running away as Bradley. But without the shame. So he's not going to be much help. If he's as all over the place as Bradley gets, he'll probably run away within the first hour or so to go climb a tree or something.

Then there was Talya Burnley. Savannah had basically no experience with the brunette, save for a couple conversations via Erica and Bradley. The Barron boy was proving quite useful today. Talya was an artist, probably one of the best ones here, if Bradley's hyperbole was to be believed. Erica had a slightly more reserved opinion, but according to her, if you knew Talya, you knew everybody at San Agustin, because she would tell you everyone's business. Whether you needed to know it or not. Talya seems like she could be a snake in the grass of this whole party plan. Better keep my mouth shut around her. Hopefully me and Erica can just text about it I guess. Still, Savannah remembered seeing her around school a couple times and there was... something about her. Something she couldn't quite place just yet. Maybe there was a common ground there that she just wasn't seeing yet. She remembered watching her walk across the campus one day and being almost hypnotized for some reason. If nothing else, this will be a chance to figure out what that's all about. I mean, that just doesn't make sense, right? A girl shouldn't be able to do that to another girl...

Thinking about her new teammates was an almost pleasant diversion for Savannah. But as she plopped back down on her bed, trying to come up with some plans for her other problems, her mind was raising again. "Screw it," she finally declared. "I'll go to the gym. Maybe that will fix me." It couldn't hurt at this rate.

As the rental Toyota Crown streaked its way along Route 42, blue-painted metal gleaming underneath the afternoon sun, the driver of the vehicle seemed to be eagerly scanning the side of the road as if searching for something. It couldn't be gas. The car's tank was still relatively full after being picked in Kagoshima earlier today. No, it had to be something else on the mind of Samira Boukhary.

The young woman was still looking for some sort of familiar landmark that would call to her. A beacon of hope that she would able to get the supplies she needed for her mission in Satsuma. Finally, as she passed by a country club of rolling green hills, she found her salvation.

"Oh thank heaven," she said softly to herself as she turned off the path to her assigned home base and pulled into the parking lot of one of Japan's fabled 7-Elevens.

It was a long trip to this point for Samira. One that had taken up two days' worth of travel time, if the calendar was to be believed. And frankly, Samira's idea of a tropical getaway wasn't a 70-minute layover in Honolulu while the Hawaiian Airlines flight from JFK refuelled for the second leg of its trans-Pacific trip to Tokyo. But the 18 hours in the air aren't so bad when they are dealt with in one of those lie-down seats that can be slept in like a proper bed, nor the on-demand video and unlimited power for her cell phone and other accoutrements. Thankfully, her wealthy superiors at "SunWolf" would be fitting the bill for all this.

As well as the night spent as the luxurious Royal Park Hotel where she tried desperately to recover from all the jet lag and finally managed to do so at the hotel bar with the help of six whiskey sours and an tall, blonde Australian businessman named Simon who taught Samira some noises that she never needed to hear with that accent ever again. At least she got to check out her exquisitely-appointed room eventually. There wasn't much sleep to be had before her 11:30 am flight, but it was going to be her last night as a free woman for a little bit, so she was going to live it up while she could. A quick glance at the roster chosen for this particular mission told her that there was going to be more babysitting in her future than bottle service.

Which is why she mocked some of the chosen methods of travel that she knew were being considered. Teleportation? Boat? Very practical. How were people supposed to get around Satsuma inconspicuously? Clearly Samira had to think of everything. Hence, the rental of her lovely luxury compact upon arrival in Kagoshima. Surely it would not stay so pristine forever, but that was something for Hiroyuki to deal with upon its return.

The drive was lovely, but it also offered time for Samira to think about the email that was sent earlier. The fact that they don't have an actual safe house left in the area is probably not a good sign of things to come. If these rebels are intent on taking magic to the masses, they would target any necessary resources we have in the area. And if we're moving into a building that wasn't designed for a massive amount of people living in it, it's going to be a major problem. Plus, I'm not sharing a bed with a teenager. No thank you. No desire to do that again anytime soon. But that's going to make it very tough to get a whole of basic weapons and have a place to plan our suppression tactics... and food! Shoot, what are we going to do for food? If they didn't plan that out, we're going to have nothing to eat! Given that there was little substance in the packet of pretzels she was offered on the Japan Airlines flight, sustenance was going to be necessary.

Hence, her stop at the 7-Eleven. It was less a convenience store and more a candy shop for someone with as much experience with Japanese culture as Samira. She moved like a whirlwind through the aisles, grabbing bento boxes, onigiri rolls and a generous serving of JFC (Japanese fried chicken). She held off on ice cream, but did grab some dorayaki for the sweet teeth in the bunch. And of course, pizza chips. No trip would be complete without ALL the pizza chips.

As she brought her haul up to the counter where the young woman in the green and orange shirt stared, gun ready to try and scan everything, Samira offered a smile and a bow of apology. "こんにちは!たくさんの食べ物を手に入れたことを許してください!何匹食べなければならないのかわからないので、みんなのために何かあげました!" "Hello! Forgive me for grabbing so much food! I don't know how many I have to feed, so I got something for everyone I hope!"

Miyuki, as the tag announced, looked at the baskets of food and shrugged. "ええ。心配ない。あなたがこのすべてのためのお金を持っている限り。" "Meh. No worries. As long as you have the money for all this," she replied in a disinterested tone. Clearly some teenager plodding through a summer job before heading back to school.

The traveler grinned and pulled out the Guild credit card, a wonderful black piece of plastic that was as good as gold wherever she needed to be. Thankfully, Kyushu wasn't as remote as say, southern Chad, so the card should handle everything they need during their stay in Japan. "カバーしました!" "Got it covered!" She plopped down the magic ticket on the counter. "現金で二万円もらえますか?" And can I have twenty thousand yen in cash please?"

The clerk shrugged. Despite the sheer volume of Samira's selections, a lot of them were duplicates so she could ring one thing in multiple times. Bagging everything was still annoying though. Once the final total was apparent, Miyuki added the requested sum and opened the till, counting out the bills until she had enough to cover it. "ほら、奥様。" "Here you go, ma'am."

"よろしくお願いします! " "Thank you very much!" Samira took the money and counted it herself, splitting it into two equal piles of 10,000 yen each. She pocketed one pile in her purse and handed the other half to Miyuki. "そして、私の感謝の印をとってください。" "And please take this token of my appreciation."

Miyuki looked stunned. Samira guessed the poor girl wasn't making more than this much in a week, and she always believed that one of the purposes of the Guild was to aid those who needed it, whether they knew it or not. Money was no object to the honchos in New York. When you have the power to create things out of thin air, it's no problem conquering the problems that alchemy tried and failed to do in the Middle Ages. "あなたは...あなたは私を傾ける必要がないことを知っていますよね?" "You...you know you don't have to tip me, right?"

Samira giggled softly. "必要はありませんが、したいです。" "I don't have to, but I want to." She picked up the various bags in her hands and balanced the lot of them in the crooks of her arms. "夏をお楽しみください、みゆきちゃん。" "Enjoy your summer, Miyuki-chan."

The 7-Eleven worker merely nodded in thanks as she held the bills in her hands. Samira loaded her car up with all her goodies and pressed on towards the indicated address in Satsuma.

It wasn't hard to find the address. Samira was told there would already be people present when she arrived, so she expected at least some sort of cavalry to come greet her as she pulled into the driveway. There was one car in the driveway already, but she guessed that it wasn't being used for carpooling purposes. People were probably taxiing or teleporting their way here. Great. As if more people in the city need to know where we are at. People need to be more careful, I swear. You can't keep erasing everyone's mind without some people getting suspicious...

Samira carried her truckload of food up to the door and with her knee, managed to open it enough to stick her foot in and get inside. There was a veritable blockade of people, and she wasn't too thrilled about it. As she eased her way in, she could see Kai standing there. Surely assigned to doorman duty, as was his want. "Please save it Kai. If you ask me who I am before I unload all these foodstuffs, I'm going to calmly freeze your tongue to the nearest bus."

Spotting the open kitchen counter, right in front of the Golden Child herself, Samira deposited her goods on the counter as gently as she could, not wanting to upset any of the boxes or smoosh any of the pancakes. "Thanks for the help with that, Salem. You're a dear," she said sarcastically as she started to sort through the bags. "So, Melville, should I be impressed with this house that I know won't be able to hold everyone in it or worried that the other buildings are no longer options?"

”Everything OK with you?”

Shawna wasn’t entirely sure at the moment. As she looked at the cup that her girlfriend was offering, she was thinking about the exit that one of her best friends made. One that was less than graceful and definitely related to the liquid in the cup. Should I have gone after her and made sure she’s all right? Am I all right with how that went? Chrissie seemed all right. But not having that space to go to… I can’t put it all on Sunshine, can I?

Shawna shook her head out of her own thoughts and looked back at Sunshine, the cup still in her hand. “Not as all right as I thought they’d be, honestly. But, I think we need somewhere private to talk about it. Give me one sec,” she held up a finger as she went to find the person she knew could make that happen.

It took that second and a few more, but eventually Shawna found her “boyfriend,” chatting up some brunette whose name she couldn’t place. Had to be from one of the random low-level classes that she dare not enter. Still, she looked vaguely familiar. “Hey Jack,” she interrupted. “Can I borrow the keys to the Viper for a bit? I have some… personal business to attend to."

The football star rubbed his hand against the bottom of his chin. “I don’t know. I don’t think you should be doing anything in my dad’s car. It’s very expensive, you know.”

“Oh, I know. Hey, who are you talking to? Is that Angela? Should I say hi to her?”

“Nah, Angela… really? Angela? I thought her name was Amber. Anyway, she’s fine. Here.” Jack reached into his jacket pocket and produced the keys. “Just don’t spill anything in there.”

“I promise. Cross my heart and hope to be banished to Wyoming.” Shawna snatched the keys from his grasp and skipped back over to where she hoped Sunshine was still waiting. It looked like she was still there. “Hey, sorry I took more than a second. Care to join me on a romantic getaway to Jack’s Viper in the parking lot?”

After bidding Erica a fond farewell at the table, Savannah made a quick angry walk back to her dorm room. The speed of her trek was much less about the her stated goal of getting ready for class and more about trudging off to lick her wounds from the battle she lost for the attentions of Nicholas Gray. She loved TJ like a sister, but sometimes it just felt like the redhead would tower over her and completely obscure her from any conversation.

It wasn't even about getting the attentions from some guy. There were enough guys who had tried to hook up with her already. That slimy Todd McClellan tried his luck on the first week and Savannah couldn't bolt away quick enough. Anyone doing that kind of thing with his tongue to try and attract someone needed to be avoided. Of course there was Leo Brooks, but the vibe off that guy told Savannah that even the flashing pleasures of physical contact weren't worth the risk of being eaten alive by that personality, that macho bullshit that he projected everywhere. No, it was as she confirmed. Nicholas Grey was the prime target. Maybe Dwayne Freeman, but who knew with Dwayne? Dude was so smart and it seemed like he could keep his eye on whoever he wanted, but he never turned around and glanced her way. Not yet.

Is that why she did what she did in the cafeteria? I just did everything short of laying out on the table and spreading my legs in front of Nicholas, and for what? Would that really be worth it? Why would I want him to look at me? Why would I want anyone to look at me? I'm just fine being that stealthy person that no one really thinks about after I walk by, right? I don't need to be a Zakya or something drawing all the attention to myself...


As Savannah opened the door to her room, she slung her gym bag off to the side by the laundry hamper and allowed herself a moment to collapse on the bed, her mind still racing over the breakfast that turned into a break in her brain. She had to breathe, take the moment to calm herself down. It was easier to do now that there was no prize to butt heads with her friends over. No tension. That's what this was all about, right? Erica said it herself. There had to be someway to get rid of all that tension, and apparently now they were going to be taking care of acquiring the methods of relaxation themselves. Probably for the best anyway. No need to bring in outside people. Although who knows? Someone like Charles would be a useful lookout or something. Or a fall guy. There was time to plan that trip later. Erica is so much better than me at coming up with plans anyway. Besides, I know what my job is going to be anyway...

Savannah hoisted herself off the bed and moved over to her wardrobe. On the shelf on the bottom, far away from all her pretty heels and expensive running shoes were an older beat-up pair of tall black combat boots. Honestly, the girl had no idea why they made the cut, of all the things that she could have brought with her limited luggage space. Who was going to invade the middle of nowhere? Besides, back home the only women who wore those swung their gaze from the eyes of the Lord towards the Devil's Temptations. At least, that's how her parents described them. Not that she believed too strongly in the scriptures anymore. Yet, here they were, serving a purpose that she didn't realize until she blurted out her booze-scoring abilities at the cafeteria table.

Reaching into the right boot, Savannah lifted up the padding of the sole and instantly found what she was looking for. A hard piece of plastic slipped into her fingers and was exposed to the air for the first time since she arrived at San Agustin. When she inadvertently discovered what she had in her possession on that warm September afternoon, she panicked and instantly buried it back into the darkness of those boots. It seemed like the smart thing to do. If she just tossed it out, even if she cut up the pieces really well, it was pretty clear what it was even from a fragment, and then there would be questions and expulsion. If she hid it in the boots and threw them out, that would just raise further questions. Also, she couldn't bring herself to disrespect quality footwear like that. It wasn't in her DNA.

No, as Savannah held the fake drivers license in her hands, her fingers started to tremble a little. Seeing the big bold "OKLAHOMA" lettering at the top, that Native American shield and feather, the picture of her smirking at the camera, the roots of her hair completely erased by bleach and more pink dye, it was like a crazy mistake from some alternate universe sat in her hands. Still, this was her ticket to getting out of the situation she had put herself in.

She went over to the mirror and stared into it for a moment with a steely gaze. There could be no trembling if she was going to pull this off. Savannah took another deep breath and stated, "Hello. My name is Kelsey Marston. I was born on December 7, 2013 in Vinita, Oklahoma, and I would like all of your finest alcohols for my friend's birthday party, please." She looked at her reflection for a moment and shook her head. "Just work on it, Marston. Don't sound like a dang robot. But don't sound so casual either..." She looked over at the clock. While Kelsey's problems could wait a couple of days, History started in 45 minutes. That meant Savannah had to get her shit in gear. "One crisis at a time," she told herself as she prepared for that quick shower she desperately needed before she sat down in class.

As she lugged her suitcase through the penultimate floor of the Bellagio, the hard gold plastic skidding along the tiles that likely had only seen the wheels of many a high-roller's suitcase on them before, Emilia did her best to take in everything. This was the lap of luxury, the cream of the crop, the... Yasmin of Bratz dolls. It sure was enough to make a girl feel like a princess.

It would have to do some work considering how Emilia felt on the ride up from Beverly Hills. All the emotions of the parking lot, of seeing Katie and Val and Nate and feeling all the negative energy hanging in the air, it took a lot of effort to not tear up then and there on the RV. She finally couldn't hold back as the RV passed through Rancho Cucamonga. Brandon had taken her on a date to a minor league baseball game there, and she thought about how painfully boring it was and it just came out. Breakdown number two on the day.

Thankfully Josie was right by her side to deliver the Ariana dosage she needed to keep calm. That's all Emilia had to do. Keep breathin'. She'd get through this. Who knows? Maybe this would be the thing that finally brought everyone together? The double barrels of orange soda managed to last the entire trip through such exotic locales as Hesperia and Barstow, through the barren Mojave Desert, crossing the line into the Silver State and then finally running dry upon entry into this fabled land of dizzying displays and drunken debauchery.

Was she really willing to go through with all of it? Las Vegas was a long way from home. In more ways than one.

As she entered the palatial suite that would serve as their base of operations while in Sin City, Emilia was a bit lost in all the grandeur. She let her suitcase and backpack fall by the giant couch in the living room/dining room/front of the Titanic and flopped down in the sofa, letting the soft leather envelop herself. It was soft and cozy and welcoming after being in that RV for so long with the cushions carrying her tears all the way to Nevada. This felt like something else entirely. A new beginning.

Nate disappeared immediately and headed towards one of the rooms. Emilia wanted to ask him if Val had calmed down any during the ride, because Emilia wasn't going to dare risk that question herself at this time, but he was too quick. The sound of a shower could be faintly heard. Guess that's going to be the boys side... and Val I guess. Valeria seemed quick to confirm that thought. After claiming the box that rested on the dining table, she announced she was taking up residence in another bathroom and went through a door on the same side that Nate had claimed, effectively locking down that side of the suite for the next hour or so. Probably for the best. She seemed to be in a happier mood after grabbing whatever that box was. Maybe we can talk later.

Sami seemed to have a plan for coexisting in the place, and it consisted of a quick separation of factions and a healthy amount of booze. Of course, that meant he was going to be taking Emilia's new favorite thing in the whole wide world for his bed with this plan. The blonde was in no hurry to give up her plush cushions but then Sami started plinking glasses on the bar. A drink wouldn't be a bad way to start things, even if Leon didn't seem to care. He bolted for the balcony like a bull heading for a china shop. A Chicago Bull that... no. Not now. Besides he was gone in a flash.

That left four in the main room and it seemed like they were all in agreement that mojitos were the way to go. But as Emilia leaned over the couch, wanting to get a good look at Mr. Alejandro's bartending prowess in action, all she got was a blast of cold tension. Josie was close enough that Emilia could hear what she said under her breath at Ava's request for more alcohol than fruit. Emilia didn't care, she would take all the lime goodness on offer. But the glare that the Lady Esposito shot towards the couch, Emilia could almost see the lasers shoot through Josie and over her head. Ava went back to spinning herself right round right after, but it still sent a chill down Emilia's spine. Oh my God... I didn't realize it was that bad... And we're sharing a bed... Dang it, I'm going to have to be the monkey in the middle, aren't I? Ugh, goodbye sleep. I guess I can suck it up for one night. For the crew and all. I'll be the buffer zone.

Miss Seger finally pushed herself away from her cozy roost and started making her way towards the bar where the promised cocktails awaited. "I'll take Val's drink if she doesn't want to come out and get it, Sami," she offered. "I'm still really thirsty after that long trip!" She took one of the beverages for now, waiting for the official go-ahead from Sami before she made a move for it. "And here's to us! Finally getting out of California and seeing the sights and states on this super summer adventure!" She took a sip and did her best not to show just how strong the alcohol was sitting in her mouth. Sami did not skimp on the rum for these ones. Emilia was able to power it down and keep her glass aloft. "Woo! Right? Now let's go! I wanna get chocolate wasted!"

Josie and Sami would get the joke, although she wasn't sure if Ava would, or the others even heard. It was time to try and let go of the past. If only for one night. No tears in any beers, no cries in mai-tais. Just say thank you, next and keep moving on to the next one. Be it drink or whatever.

Collab with @NeoAJ & @TootsiePop

Normally, a sudden bout of blindness would be cause for concern, especially for a young woman at a party where covert drinking was happening. Blindness could mean any number of things. Someone poured too much moonshine into the punch. An unplanned power outage. The end of days.

“Guess who!”

Luckily for Shawna, the sound of the voice and the giggles afterwards confirmed that her temporary loss of sight was unrelated to any of those things.

“You know I wouldn’t have any clue if it weren’t for the fact that the only person I know who would giggle after doing something like this would be you, Chrissie!”

Returning the gift of sight back to her friend, Chrissie maneuvered around her to be closer to the table. She examined her options, her green gaze resting on the punch and the fountain that kids were eagerly taking drinks from. “Where’s your darling Sunshine? She was here just seconds ago.”

Momentarily, she looked around as if she cared to search for her. A girl who she didn’t know much about, yet seemed to be the new obsession for her lovely friend. Sunshine and Chrissie socialized from time to time, but nothing beyond idle chatter. “That’s too bad.” She muttered out loud, even adding a sigh for dramatic effect. Chris wanted to get to know Sunshine beyond singing musical songs together.


The party must’ve been passing her by, since Shawna’s current lover was no longer in sight. Perhaps, she was hidden behind one of these tall individuals. Nevertheless, Chrissie’s priorities were on her friend and how she’s been. That’s what friends truly cared about. Not their fleeting sexual and ‘romantic’ bouts. What time is it anyways? Losing interest in the topic of Shawna’s girlfriend as quick as she brought her up, Chris was back to the drink table, “The punch looks awfully sweet.”

Shawna was just as confused as Chrissie was. Sunshine had just been here not a moment ago, but she was gone without a trace. There must have been some reason for it. Maybe one of the other cheerleaders needed help with something. Who knows?

Chrissie however, it had been a while since they had a chance to have a true tete-a-tete. Not since the return of school really. That first day when Shawna and Sunshine admitted to themselves what had been happening and made it official. Chrissie had been a consultant on that progression, sure. As one of Shawna’s oldest friends at King’s she was going to get a say, but it almost seemed like they drifted a little bit.

Until now.

Chrissie asked about the punch, and what kind of person would Shawna be if she didn’t let Chrissie know about what truly lurked beneath those blood-red waves and floating orange slices? “That punch is sweet, but much like most of the people here, it packs a hidden wallop, if you catch my drift,” she informed her friend. “So if that’s your speed tonight, grab a cup and join me.” Shawna punctuated this with a sip of her own refilled beverage.

Catching the drift and taking it, the drama queen expected it to be trash liquor, which it was. Grimacing a little at the poor quality, but knowing this was the best her night was going to get, Chris decided to catch up with everyone else and chug it. Since it tasted like juice still, she was sure people were drinking it as such. This meant that sooner rather than later drunk teens would be losing all their inhibitions. For better or for worse, the Valentine’s dance would get chaotic, wild, and more importantly, exciting.

“And then catch me up? How have you been? It looks like we both lost our quote-unquote dates for this Valentine’s Day,” she said, unsure of where Jack had rumbled off to. Seemed she was about as skilled at keeping track of her companions on V-Day as she was on Halloween. “I mean, I also lost my girlfriend, but I’m sure she’ll boomerang back at some point.”

“I love my date! He’s a hoot. Probably went to talk to his ex. Yeah, seems like something he’d do.” Grabbing another cup, Chrissie noticed that Shawna’s cup was getting low so she poured her drink in her’s, and went for another. Her emerald eyes were over critical, in typical judgey Chrissie fashion, as she turned to look at the crowd. With her free hand, she slid it on her friend’s back to her hip and pulled her close.

“I’ve been just peachy. My winter slump sucked, but now I’m back to my daily routine.” Chrissie wasn’t drunk enough to bring up the problems she had with Stella. Honestly, the mere thought of her cousin soured her mood. So, like the better person that she was, she would act like she didn’t exist. “My life is a bore. Everyone is falling for someone around me. Let’s talk more about you. Lord knows I talk too much. How have you been, babe?” The little minx glanced up at her, Shawna six inches taller, and gave a kittenish smile. Regardless of how much Shawna has talked about Sunshine to her, it was obvious Chrissie still didn’t acknowledge it. To her, Sunshine was just another fling.

Shawna had almost taken another sip, but when Chrissie mentioned her date talking to an ex, that set off some major alarm bells. There were only a couple major exes that she knew about and both of them were a plethora of bad news. The thought of Chrissie being friends with either Max or Kavi was slightly revolting. Of course, there were surely people who thought that her being friendly with Jack was on that same level. Still, at least Jack had some redeeming qualities. Both Max and Kavi were textbook assholes.

Still, there would be time to probe that particular line of questioning in a second. The ball was back in her court now, and social conventions dictated an answer.

“Honestly, things have been looking up! I mean, I don’t want to drown you in details, but things with Sunshine and me have been amazing. I know, I’m sorry, more people around you that are falling for others, but it’s… it’s so different right now. You remember that first time we were discussing Austen, and realized just how much we had in common? It’s like that feeling for the first time in such a long time. Like I actually feel like my life is actually going the way I want it, and not the way my parents want it…” Shawna let out a huge sigh in bringing up that topic. “Speaking of which, now that they are back, I’m probably going to need a few more getaway days at your place, you know? I mean, I literally can’t do anything at home right now. Not with anyone. It’s amazing Jack was able to perform as well as he did to get me out of there tonight. My dad was going full Nazi Inquisitor on him.”

The more Shawna talked, the more Chrissie’s mask started to drop. Her bubbly demeanor turned dark, with a heavy, perturbed aura around her, and a sullen pout. The first account was, once again, she was hearing another friend’s happiness in the love department. While she loved to see it, she hated how it made her feel. Chrissie found it hard to accept that Sunshine gave Shawna the happiness she was seeking. Before Christmas break, Kellie broke her friend’s heart and whose bed did she go to? Her’s. The second account was the plea for a place to stay, which was genuine and sweet, but only caused Chrissie to think about the fact that she might have a place to stay with her date of the night, who she didn’t know completely well like some of these other girls that had his tongue deep in their throats. This whole dilemma showed how Stella wanted nothing to do with her, because now she was ‘better than her’ and wished her to fuck off back to Scotland.

Grinding her teeth, Chris’ hold on Shawna unintentionally tightened. She could choose to watch her words carefully, and filter, but honestly, why? Shawna didn’t deserve that and Chrissie shouldn’t take her problems out on her, “I would love for you to come over, but… I have no place anymore. So, like, no getaways for you!” Releasing her friend, she guzzled down her second drink in clear frustration, before forcibly placing the cup on the table, “It’s because of that stupid fucking bitch and her sudden change because omg Paris!”

“Stupid fucking bitch?” Shawna was a little confused before remembering that there was only one person that Paris could refer to. It was funny how quickly the entire roster of King’s Academy could be reduced to one or two people with just one word. “Stella? What did she do? Do I have to do something? I know people in West Palm Beach now, I can have some pretty nasty things done to her and/or her possessions if you want.”

It was an empty threat. Shawna hadn’t been to West Palm Beach in forever. There hadn’t been any need to visit the seedier side of the waterway with Kellie Anne and Sunshine in her life… and even Chrissie for that brief moment in time. A moment she wasn’t sure she wanted to acknowledge just because she treasured having the friendship intact after that experiment. But, it was important for Shawna to let Chrissie know that even if there were some things going on, she still had her back. After what she learned from her brief reunion with Aaliyah, she had to put some extra value on those who had seen something worth friending in her back when she was a soulless academic robot.

“More importantly, are you OK? Do you want to talk about it?” Shawna motioned to the claimed table that Jack had abandoned. It was still unoccupied, so if Chrissie wanted to sit down, she had the option.

“Yes, Stella. No, it’s okay.” Chrissie shook her head. If she stooped to her cousin's level and let her ruin her night, it would only make Stella happy. There was no way in hell that Chrissie would give her the satisfaction. “She should win a award for holding the longest grudge.” Rummaging through her clutch, she took out her phone, deciding to reroute the conversation and disregard the offer of taking a seat and having a heart to heart, “SELFIE!” She’d post how much fun she was having with her friend on Insta so Stella could SUCK it.

Well, that answered that question. Chrissie wanted to go the photo route and Shawna could at the very least oblige. She leaned in close, slightly smiling, unsure what to do with her hands but ultimately keeping one down as she was content to let her face say all she needed to say. The other wrapped around Chrissie as if to show that yes these two people were close enough to allow for this much physical contact. It was easier to do now than it was before. Plus, if her parents went snooping on social media, it was proof that things were as platonic as ever. At least platonic enough for them. They didn’t need to know anything else right now.

Once she was confident Chrissie had clicked the button enough times to get a perfect selfie, Shawna released her arm “There you go. A shot of perfection… I think,” she said, unsure of just how far her picture game had come in the past year. “Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t been… you know, in the frame for you lately. Kinda been focused on dealing with the shit at home and trying to figure out how I’m going to explain things to my parents and it’s really stressing me out, to be honest.”

Surprised at the sudden apology, Chrissie raised an eyebrow. Keeping her mind at the task at hand, she looked down at the phone, deciding to multitask. Putting a cute filter on the picture, she added a caption: Rough day, wonderful night. As she responded to her friend, she posted the pic on her instagram without any hesitation, “Babe, you gotta’ focus on you.” She shrugged, honestly not offended of the lack of support from Shawna’s end, like she was with Stella, who was blood related and should’ve been there for her.

“I should be the one saying sorry.” The fact that Chrissie was apologizing for anything meant more than most people realized. She was a prideful, arrogant princess. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that. Still, she was able to admit to her faults, showing somewhere deep down, she cared. “I’ve been caught up with… Jason. I haven’t been checking up on you either.” After pocketing her phone back in her clutch, she grabbed her friend’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, able to calm her abrupt anger about Stella, even if momentarily. “I’m happy for you, really. And I do hope Sunshine gives you the kindness, and acceptance, you deserve.” It seemed that the alcohol was starting to hit the lightweight because while to her she sounded eloquent, her words did slur and the world started to move around her.

It meant a lot for Shawna to hear from Chrissie. She was going to need as many allies as she could muster in the coming months, and the fact that her drama queen friend still had her back, even after a time of ambivalence between two, it was huge. Still, Shawna didn’t want the situation to devolve into one sappy sorry fest that ends with them crying into the punch bowl. No one needed that.

Speaking of punch, Shawna had finished what Chrissie had given her and was debating whether she should go for more or sneak off and enjoy some more of her own private reserves. It was clear the punch was stronger than Shawna thought the way Chrissie kind of mashed acceptance and deserve together. She knew Chrissie had way better diction than that. She needed it for the stage. Still, she was happy for the mutually beneficial squeeze of the hand. The assurance of the contact provided to the taller girl and the balance provided to the shorter one served both well.

“Thank you, Chrissie. That means a lot. And hey! I know you’ll find someone that is way better than Jason could ever dream to be. Who knows? They may be in here right now…” She looked to the dance floor and tried to see if she could spot an example, but all she saw was Kavi looking like a chewed up wad of bubble gum. Ewww, no thank you. “Maybe they’re just hiding. But hey, things will work out.” I mean, I managed somehow, right? Maybe not completely, but still.

“I tink… I think I dun need love. Not now. Not eva!” It was starting to become clear that Chrissie’s liquor consumption was taking over. She turned her attention, as well as her body, to look at what was drawing Shawna in. However, before her eyes could find Kavi in the crowd, Stella shouted Carter’s name.

Chrissie’s attention immediately darted in that direction. Seeing her cousin’s face for the first time at this dance caused the thespian to scowl. The ideas sped through her head on what she could do to be petty. Petty now, petty later. She’d do something upsetting, that’s for sure! Like grab the whole punch bowl and spill it all over that gaudy green dress. Or, or, or when Stella got inevitably married, Chrissie would make sure to crash it, outshine her, and steal the show. Purposely aim to get kicked out and then laugh in her face. “Stuped betch.”

Crossing her arms, clearly upset, she went back to what Shawna had her sights on. Resting on Kavi’s face, as he left Ariel’s side, sporting a charming smile and heading straight to the dance floor, she bit her lip in shame. She contemplated her unhealthy anger and why it was so easy for Stella to get under skin. She played back the car ride in her head and their little musical duet together. He was having fun. That was good. She should do so too. That was their original plan. Have some fun and start some mayhem. To not care about what everyone else thought and just say fuck it. He was doing a far more successful job than she was Frowning, she turned to Shawna, pulling her into an intimate embrace, “I go pee, babeh. Start fire, or slap butt for me.”

If Shawna hadn’t lived the life she had over the past eight months, she wouldn’t believe it was possible to fall down the sobriety ladder as quickly as Chrissie just did. It was like Shawna’s entire flask of tequila hit Chrissie all at once. In fact, Shawna should probably be thankful that her time in the underbelly off Palm Beach had built up her tolerance as much as it did. Poor Chrissie must be swimming right now.

Or drowning, if the embrace Shawna found herself in was anything to go off of. Even when things got… steamy between the two, she never remembered Chrissie being in this kind of state. Still, at least she was aware enough of herself to know that she had to use the facilities. Shawna returned the embrace and held Chrissie close enough to know she cared. “I’ll do my best, Chris. If you need any help or anything, just text me, OK? I want to make sure you don’t get trapped in the bathroom for the rest of the night.”

“Yep! Okiedokie. I got chu on speed.” Letting go of her friend, Chrissie dismissed herself by doing finger guns, before prancing off, making sure to go around Stella, unnoticed. Or trying to, at least. Her drunk self thought the best route was through the dance floor, but if anything, it was like pushing through a mosh pit and everyone was so, so sweaty. “‘Cuse me!”

As her friend darted off to make use of the facilities, Shawna continued to look out over the throng of people, wondering just where all her other partners had wandered off to. It would be pretty difficult to lose a guy like Jack, or her beautiful girlfriend, but it appeared it happened. That new guy, he had taken over proceedings, making the floor his own private karaoke bar. Well, that's one way to get everyone's attention... The sighting of Kavi on the dance floor made her wonder how Ariel was doing. Maybe she should try and find her vibrantly-haired friend...

Eventually, Chrissie left the ballroom and rushed to the bathroom. She didn’t actually have to pee. While she was a lightweight, she knew breaking the seal would only make the rest of her night a pain because she’d have to pee every five minutes. It wasn’t that time of the night to suffer. Instead, she held herself using the sink and looked at her face in the mirror.

As unfocused as her eyesight was, she saw how flawless her makeup was, yet how sad her eyes came across. Turning the sink on, she wet her hands and patted her face. “You. Actress. Act like it!” She had been so invested in her conversation with Shawna that she wasn’t paying attention to how quickly she was drinking. There was no need to repeat the homecoming after party. A night she couldn’t even remember.

Get a grip, Chrissie.

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