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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

Timestamp: Monday Evening, 6pm. Blue Hill Reservation.
Introducing: Jadyn Issacs
Featuring: ReyRey Gonzalez and Tena Strongbow

“I hate Mondays.”

ReyRey growled to himself as the storm chased him and his Firebird away from his home of Edenridge, Massachusetts.

The evening was beginning to settle in and the Kingsnake had already had quite the eventful day. It all started with him aiding one Alexandria Davies into her new home. He was her sponsor, of course, owning the four walls she called her own and by the end of it, he owned her body as well. There was so much of Allison in Lex that it was downright haunting. Rey had believed that he had moved beyond his grief and his love for the girl that was his sunflower but he hadn’t and that long night on Carlisle at the start of the summer had done enough to convince him of that. Ever since that night, Ally haunted his waking and sleeping thoughts. Day in and day out. Maybe that was one of the reasons he tried hard to bring Lexie into the fold? He needed to be close to her again and short of joining her six feet underground, protecting her sister and being with her was the next best thing.

Then there was Vivia. She was going through a lot. Between her mother being terminally ill, the downright nasty fight with her father, her siblings' collective drama and the kicker of a new wave of letters bringing back bad memories, she spent most of her days lost in painting in their living room, When he first claimed her, Vivi was a bright blonde with so much life and light inside of her. Yet that light seemed to go out the day Allison’s heart stopped beating on his bathroom floor. Vivi was barely human anymore. A shell. A husk. A soulless mannequin selling beauty but not much else. Mi Corazon. He called her. But that had always been a lie. ReyRey’s heart was buried in Edenridge cemetery, held in the hands of a dead girl.

The Montero’s were in town, still another impetus for Rey’s escape away from the den of sin. They had worked out some deal with the Mayor and we’re going to break ground on a new hotel which would front a gun running ring. Uncle Esteban was always a savvy businessman but his downfall would always be his love for his family. He could’ve come to town, done the deal and be gone in a month. Instead he brought the whole brood. Cass was cool and thankfully Espie was locked up in a loony bin but he brought Sal and already the little fuck was blowing up his phone. Salvador had worshipped Rey since he was in diapers. Kid was always a little fuckwad but now R2 had to protect the little shit lest Eden would eat him alive.

So there he was, tearing down the backroad on a trek toward the Blue Hill Reservation having left his boy Scorpion in charge whilst he was away. Why was he going to cowboy country? Two simple reasons: weed and Jadyn Isaacs. When Reynaldo was still trying to make his mark in the business, he had been sent on a trip up to Salem to try and work something out with a heavy set up there. The only muscle he had was his friend Yardie whom God rest his soul was built like a fire truck. After negotiations failed and Rey and Yardie shot their way out of town, they decided to drive separately back to Eden. In no rush to return and face the wrath of Big Papi, Reynaldo decided to stop in Blue Hill for a beer or six. That’s when she walked in.

ReyRey was instantly attracted to Jadyn. The way she carried herself, cool and confident, she stood out amongst the other indigenous women that littered the longhouse. It didn’t take long before they were back at her farm on the outskirts of the Reservation. They had barely made it to the barn before they were tearing each other’s clothes off. The next morning, the warm light of day shone across a field of marijuana and Rey for the first time in his life almost believed in God. From then on, Jadyn became his green connection. He would stop by every so often, they’d have some fun and then he’d ship back with the best product in New England. It was a solid deal. More often than not lately, the Reservation had become ReyRey’s emergency exit.

As the Firebird tore into Blue Hill, the Kingsnake looked out of the window at his new surroundings. As a man of color, he had dealt with his fair share of systemic problems but it still took him aback just how truly forgotten the Native Americans were as a whole. There were so many parts of the Reservation that were borderline derelict and unlivable. Was it any wonder people like Jadyn had to turn to people like him to fund the place? Families lived in squalor, babies had no food and the only joy most of them got was a good hard night of drinking at the Longhouse. Shameful fucking shit from the country that claims such inclusivity.

Pulling up outside of the farm, R2 climbed out of his car and looked at the old farmhouse. It was quite the beast. Jadyn didn’t live there alone though, there had always been a young girl living there too. She was about Aleyda’s age. She carried more Native features than Jadyn did, with sun kissed skin and big brown eyes. Think it was her sister's kid? He wasn’t really sure since a lot of people on the Rez called her Auntie. Rey locked up the Firebird and made his way to the front door. He didn’t bother to knock and entered outright.

“Oye flor nativa, papi está en casa!”

As Rey entered the modest farmhouse, the scent of cooking meat could be detected wafting through the area. It wasn’t the typical smell of beef, it was gamier, less fatty. It was the smell of nice thick venison steaks broiling in the oven. They weren’t ready for the sear on the stove, and quite frankly, if Jadyn had her way, she would be standing over the massive barbeque on the back porch watching these beauties get those good grill marks on them. But the storm was coming and she didn’t want to risk having to depart from her tried and tested methods in case of rain. So she went with her indoor method. When Auntie wants steak, she’s gonna have steak. One way or the other, Jadyn Issacs, more often than not, got what she wanted.

And R2 was one of those things she got. She could remember the night she met him at the Cabin, the informal name for the bar on the reservation that served as a meeting place as well as a front whenever Jadyn needed to move some product. The community held together like that after all, and the owner, Freddie, owed her countless times over. Especially with the Longhouse opening a few years ago with a much better setup. So Jadyn would usually post up with some portions of her latest harvest, whether it be from the woods, the farm or the special section of the barn, and find some takers. Back then, it was usually amongst the community itself and the few truckers that would pass through the Rez en route to other destinations. But when Rey popped in that night, his strong, chiseled Latin body standing out immediately among the regular patrons of the Cabin, Jadyn knew that she was going to tame that bull. Or at least get a good ride out of him.

But she got even more than that. As they laid in her spacious bed, they got to talking. With Jadyn’s arm draped over Reynaldo’s chest, they both learned of each other’s particular jobs and what they could do for each other. Jadyn even had the product to let Rey enjoy some of the good, outdoor-grown crops she had been cultivating on the farm. And a deal was struck. Mutually beneficial for all sides. Rey got the product he needed to sell in the Boston area, Jadyn got a much larger distribution network for her product, and they both got mind-blowing physical activity from the deal. Jadyn had to be a little careful with Tena staying with her, but it didn’t matter. Rey usually knew how to keep Jadyn quiet.

Jadyn knew how to keep him happy too. Make sure the deal was still good for both sides. She was the biggest source of income on the reservation thanks to the Serpents’ money coming in, and she did her best to spread the wealth around, but it was never enough. If Rey ever pulled out, she wasn’t sure if the temporary lapse in income would be able to be weathered. So when she knew a visit was on the cards, that’s when the steaks came out of the freezer, that’s when the special quail feather earrings were worn to stand out among the controlled mess of brown hair, and that’s when she was ready to make sure R2 knew just how welcome he was in her home.

“Wah-hey, papi!” Jadyn called back as she left the oven alone for a second and appeared at the top of the stairs. The earrings were the fanciest part of her outfit, as she favored a simple black tank top and deep white stone necklace atop a pair of blue denim shorts today. Keeping it simple was usually her MO. “Welcome back, big boy. It’s been too long. I was gonna have to knock the freezer burn off those venison steaks if I kept them in there any longer waiting for you.” She smirked as she looked down at her business partner/paramour. “You’re lucky my cooking skills are good enough to make even cold-scorched deer taste like fuckin’ heaven.”

There she was, ReyRey’s emergency exit. Jadyn really didn’t have to try as hard as she did whenever he came to town but the Kingsnake appreciated it anyway. As downright cruel and malicious the son of Big Rey could be, R2 actually felt positive about helping to fund the Reservation. He enjoyed the company of the people there and he didn’t just mean his lover/business partner. When Rey was at Blue Hill, he didn’t have to be R2, the Kingsnake, heir to El Serpiente himself Gory Gonzalez. When he was in this dump of a community, he could just be Reynaldo Junior. It was a refreshing change of pace and he had considered more than once leaving Eden all together and making a home on the Rez.

Ascending the stairs, R2 admired the foxy woman who welcomed him. That was as accurate a description as he could come up with because that’s exactly what she was, foxy. Gorgeous, playful, clever and cunning. Jadyn Issacs was a perfect foil for him. “Speaking of tastes like heaven…” When ReyRey got to the top of the staircase, he tossed his bag down onto the floor and wrapped the Native woman up in his arms. He pressed the brunette against the wall, pressed his lips to hers and slipped his tongue deep into her mouth. He needed this. The surface pressure was killing him lately but ReyRey was too stubborn to die.

“Mmm. Missed you, mami.”

There weren’t many people who could forcefully take Auntie without her sizing them up first, but Rey proved to be a worthwhile exception for Jadyn. As she let her back hit the wall, with R2 clearly in need of some of the good sugar, the Nipmuc woman was happy to oblige. Her tongue danced against the Kingsnake’s. No fork was detected, no ulterior motive present, just a man and a woman happy to see each other and expressing it.

Though Jadyn would never admit it, it always felt good to have ReyRey around to take her like this and let her know that she was not alone. It had been a hard life. Her piece of shit father abandoned her mother when Jadyn was only four, leaving the two in the care of the family on the Rez. Her bubba died soon after, leaving the homestead to Cheryl and her sisters to take care of. But the cruel winters came for all the older Silverheel women, with Cheryl the last to depart 10 years ago. That left Jadyn to not only look after the property at 21, but her cousin Tena as well, after her mom Dakota passed the previous winter to the same cancer. It was a gruelling decade, building things up to the point where Tena was not only self-sufficient enough to be able to follow Jalyn’s footsteps as a resident handywoman, but Jalyn herself was confident enough to be able to start delegating some things to other members of the nation. It meant she could enjoy the company of those she cared about more than her own survival for a change. And top of that list was Reynaldo Gonzalez.

As their kiss broke, Jalyn was content to leave her arms draped over R2’s broad shoulders, leaning on the Serpent to keep her tethered to the moment as the smell of the meat continued to waft around, joined by the spices from the roasting potatoes that were catching the rare drippings of the venison, absorbing those flavors into the flaky flesh. The sweet squash mash on the stove wasn’t as fragrant, but still on the back of Jalyn’s mind. It wouldn’t do to let the mash burn, but it could hang there for a while as she bathed in the comfort of Rey’s embrace.

“I can tell,” Jalyn confirmed with another smirk. She could always have that kind of confidence in front of R2. For many years, she had to build it up with a false mask, until she knew she had the power to back it up, but with Rey, it came naturally. Maybe it was because their relationship started with her maintaining that bravado that intrigued him in the first place, but she knew she could let loose with whatever she wanted and R2 would stand there, soaking it all in and giving it back just as well. It worked for them, even if it wasn’t in an official capacity. That was just the way they liked it.

“I missed you too, boo,” she admitted. “Like I said, been too long since you came waltzing into my home like this. Was starting to think I gave it to you too good last time, letting you drift on those memories without coming back for more.” Jadyn laughed, knowing that wouldn’t be the case. “But I knew you’d come calling eventually. Some peace of mind and a piece of me will do you good.” One hand dropped from Rey’s shoulder to his butt and a squeeze backed up Jadyn’s remark.

Oh, she did love to play the game and for all intents and purposes ReyRey was the fucking game. He grasped at Jadyn’s hips and span her in his arms so that her chest was pressed against the wall. He allowed one hand to trace down her back and down to her thigh as the other held onto the rear of her neck. “You goddamn right,” he whispered into her ear and she wasn’t wrong. Being with Jadyn and away from the pressures of the world would always be a welcome reprieve.

“Hey Auntie, have you seen my little brown dress? I wanna wear it ton…” Mitena stopped in her tracks as she turned the corner to greet her dear departed mother's youngest sister. Instead of finding Jadyn slaving over the meaty goodness whose aroma had been filling the air around the farm since the early afternoon, she found her in quite the compromising position with her sometimes lover.

Tena sighed through her nose and furrowed her brow. “Rey,” she met him bluntly. The young woman was not massively keen on her aunt’s choice of partner. She was fully aware of what the erstwhile lord of serpents brought to the dance when it came to funding the flat-lining Reservation but that didn’t mean that the rock and roll girl had to like it. He came and went as he pleased. He took what he wanted, when he wanted and to him and was happy to steal into the night just as fast as he would arrive in his flaming steel chariot. What a dick.

Releasing Jadyn from his grasp, ReyRey looked at the young woman glaring back at him. She’d always been a firecracker. She shared the same dark gaze of another kid he knew once upon a time. A kid whose memory had haunted him and his home for far too long. Rey did often wonder, despite the revelations of early summer, had he killed Charlie like he intended to back on that cold winter night, how many lives could he have actually saved? Perhaps he would cease to be the villain of the story and be seen as a hero? “Nice to see you kid.”

Jadyn was ready to say fuck the steaks and let R2 do whatever he wanted right there in the hallway, until she got the stark reminder that they were not alone in the house. Not yet anyway. But Tena was getting big enough to handle herself. It’s why Jadyn trusted her to go off to the Longhouse by herself for her shows and such. It might even be a decent laundering opportunity in the future if her band takes off. For now though, Tena was just a massive boxblock.

“Sup, kiddo?” Jadyn said as she readjusted her shorts following Rey’s twirl. “Um, your brown dress?” The older woman looked up as if it would materialize on the ceiling. “Well, I think I washed it the other day, so it might still be hanging in the basement?” Truth be told, Jadyn might have borrowed it the previous Saturday on a trip to the Cabin to peruse who might be coming in on the holiday weekend. “But it should be ready to go for tonight. You openin’ or you closin’ down?”

“We’re headlining the Longhouse tonight, weather providing of course.” Living with her auntie always had its perks. After her mother passed, Mitena was at first unsure about going to live with Jadyn but their free spirits complimented each other well. If anything, they shared a far more sisterly bond than they did a maternal one. Jadyn let Tena pretty much do whatever she liked as long as she did her chores and paid her way. She also didn’t judge when Tena brought back a boy or girl from whatever club the band had played that night. It was a shame then that Mitena couldn’t offer her aunt the same, especially when it came to ReyRey. The indigenous rock star had read her brothers letters back to back and then back again and one R2 Gonzalez was a featured player in her big brother's ever present pain.

Rey glanced down at the dark-haired beauty's wrist. That leather brace. He would know it anywhere. He could still see Charlie reaching up with his hand covered in blood and wearing that brace as R2 beat him within an inch of his life in that shed on Carlisle. “Hm, a gig? Could be fun” ReyRey kissed Jadyn’s cheek and followed his nose into the kitchen that smelled absolutely divine. His Flor nativa had outdone herself this time. He opened up the fridge and pulled out an ice cold beer, popping the top off against the counter.

“Check the steaks while you’re in there but don’t touch them, ReyRey!” Jadyn shouted to the guest as he disappeared behind the wall.

Tena’s chocolate eyes watched as the Latin man disappeared around the corner. Once he was out of view, she returned her attention to her auntie. “How long is he here for this time Jay? One day? Two? I know he brings in a lot of cash for the Rez but he’s dangerous. I know you’ve been together for years but it’ll only take one thing to set him off.”

Auntie had to just stand there and take it for a second. She knew Mitena didn’t approve of Reynaldo. They had talked about him a few times, usually on those nights when the two of them stayed in with a few drinks and a couple movies. Tena’s opinion definitely went south when she learned of her half-brother who happened to be an underling of R2’s on the Serpents. Not that it was stellar to begin with, but when she learned what abuse Charlie took from the hands of her business partner, Jadyn was having to defend ReyRey more and more. Even after Charlie snapped and shot up his school, Tena still defended him. Honestly, even though they were a distant relation, Jadyn was ashamed that Charlie took that path. It looked bad for the Rez, as if they needed to give the Whites any more reason to look down on Blue Hill. But Mitena held on to that bracelet for dear life, knowing it was the link that kept the Decker boy alive in her eyes.

“He’s only going to be here for a couple of days,” Jadyn answered as she leaned against the wall. “Just to clear his head, get out of Eden for a minute, which, I don’t fuckin’ blame him for. Swear that town is cursed. But, their money ain’t.”

She moved forward to put her hands on Tena’s shoulders. “And I know you worry about what his temper can do, but he hasn’t done anything here in the seven years we’ve been together. And he knows that if he does something so stupid as to lay a finger on me or you or anyone else who lives on the Rez, he’s going to have some BFNs to deal with, and he knows that true.” Jadyn leans back. “This is his heaven. He’s a smart boy. He’s not going to fuck it up.”

Auntie Jay did make some satiate points. She and Rey had been “together” for years now and despite his overdose of machismo, he had been nothing but kind and courteous to her and the other people on the Rez. He had never laid a finger on anyone beyond a bar fight or two and never a raised voice. With what she knew about Eden, Tena would agree that the town was cursed by the Great Spirit. Every so often a news article would pop up talking about another murder or vanishing or a crime so horrific they would say the devil himself had done it. Look what the place did to Charlie.

Mitena would never justify the actions undertaken by her half-sibling. What Charlie did on his final day was evil and her heart always went out to the people, the victims, of his vile deed. Yet there was a part of her that thirsted for more knowledge on the matter. Especially after rereading all the letters that he had sent her over their brief relationship. Maybe there was some secret in them that would help solve the mystery? Tena had picked up on a few clues and recurring themes in his words and one of them was now plating up steak in her kitchen. The beautiful Native girl did wonder if ever she would find herself in their sister town, walking the same streets her brother did. Would that hellmouth open for her just as it did for him and her father?

“I’m sorry Auntie Jay, I know you got this.” Mitena brushed her hair behind both ears. Jadyn had already been through so much. Tena knew that her aunt was a strong ass bitch, they both were. “Guess I better go to the basement and find that dress. Leave you two in peace. If you feel the need, we’re on stage from nine thirty. I’ll put you on Chief’s tab.”

“It shouldn’t be too hard for you to find,” Jadyn confirmed. “Don’t be too long getting changed. Dinner’s gonna be ready in a few minutes. You can’t be rockin’ shit on an empty stomach, kiddo.” Auntie gave a wink. “And don’t worry. You know peace ain’t comin’ here, but we’ll be all right. I’ll probably take Rey down around then. Chief definitely still owes me a few, so he can pay for our drinks, and I always get a thrill watching you on stage. You got your dad’s musical talents. Thank the spirits you got your mom’s everything else.”

A sigh escaped Jadyn’s lips. She still missed Dakota. She missed all the family she couldn’t keep in this realm. If nothing else, having Tena around meant she still maintained that link, but a decade passed quickly, and Tena was going to leave the nest sooner or later. Jadyn knew she wasn’t getting any older and probably should start looking to settle down. Make sure it wasn’t just going to be up to Mitena to carry on the Silverheel legacy.

But R2 probably wasn’t that avenue. One of the things that made them work as a couple was that they both liked their ability to free wheel, and Jadyn wasn’t going to give that up any time soon. Not for any of her current prospects. It would take someone special to tame this fox.

“Now go get ready. I’ll have an ice water ready for you with your meal and if it turns back to tap water, I’ll know you’re overthinkin’ shit.”

“Love you Auntie,” Mitena kissed her aunt's cheek. She would die for this woman. She had put her life on hold to take care of her and she wouldn’t allow that sacrifice to go unrewarded. If she relentlessly worked hard at her music, just like her dear mother always taught her too, she would be successful and she would give Jadyn and the tribe everything they deserved for raising her. For giving her a life when it would’ve been so easy to let it fade away. She moved past the auburn haired beauty and towards the basement to find her signature dress.

As Tena left, Jadyn walked back around to the kitchen to find R2 enjoying his own beverage. “All right, kiddo’s gonna be here to grab some grub, then she’s off to the Longhouse to get ready for her show. I told her I’d come by when Red Wolf Road goes on.” The businesswoman walked up to the gang leader and slipped her hand into one of his back pockets. “Maybe you’ll come too.”

“I mean I’ll definitely come and so will you.” ReyRey wrapped his arm around Jadyn’s neck and upper body with his beer still in hand, bringing her close into his chest. As they stood in their embrace, R2 couldn’t help but wonder if civility and safety were even a possibility for him? He was attracted to dangerous women. Jadyn. Vivia. Allison. Lexie. Maxine. He pondered the idea that any one of them could’ve been a future for him? Was there even a future for him? He was a gang leader in Edenridge. At this point in his life, he was just waiting for the Lord to call his number. Until that day though, Rey wasn’t going to go down easy. He was ReyRey fucking Gonzalez. The Kingsnake.

“But that’s for later. A show sounds fun. Be nice to live in your world for a night.”

Jadyn laughed and planted a kiss on R2's bare skin above the top of his shirt. “You're always welcome to be part of this world, Papi.” She patted his ass and twirled herself out of his grasp. “Now I gotta finish searing these deer steaks to get that good finish. You just keep enjoying that beer, and I'll make sure we both eat well tonight.” With a wink, Jadyn went back to her food. The snake could keep her wrapped up good and tight tonight, but the fox had to finish crafting their meal. And their dance would continue...
I'll throw some interest at you, as long as I get my ice witch.
@LovelyComplex @BrutalBx @NeoAJ
Timestamp: After The Dark Place
FT: Scooby-Doo Crew: Ky & Adam
The Vampires: Mei & Jill



Kylee was a woman on a mission. This meant she didn’t stay long at Adam's apartment to play catch up. No, that could happen after everything was said and done. While there was still daylight, and while it hadn’t rained yet, they would make the most of their time finding the girl behind the letter. Who was David O’Hara’s lover? She was sure Clay was knee deep in his own investigation, and hopefully they would both end up at the same destination.

In the elevator of Mei’s apartment complex, Kylee glanced at her phone for a text or a call. Still nothing. Swallowing her annoyance, she pocketed her phone and looked at the boy standing next to her, getting dragged along for the ride. “So any cool kids in Pinehurst?” Her big eyes lit up in intrigue. “I’m sure there was someone that kept you entertained just like me, chasing ghosts — for the love of story,” She mused, putting her dark, long hair over her right shoulder, running her fingers through it.

Adam had his head pointed downward as his old friend spoke to him. He was invested in trying to change the goddamn batteries in his camera and he would not lose this war, no sir. After finally slotting the energy pack in place, the skater boy (not the Avril Lavigne one though) flicked his head back to look at the dark haired beauty to his left. “No, no cool kids. Just reminded me too often what I like about rich kids, absolutely nothing…present company excluded of course.”

If anything, the five years he had spent away from Eden had only exasperated what Adam believed to be the Callahan curse; loneliness. Like Kylee and Roddy, Adam was a proponent of the supernatural and the belief that Edenridge was home to some ancient and powerful magic that caused suffering to her inhabitants. Adam’s theory was that each family suffered recurring tragedies, history repeating in some form. For his family, the Callahans, it seemed like isolation was their part in the whole thing. Roddy was always bullied. Always. Francis was alone in dealing with his sexuality. Clay and Lamb were twins who had no connection other than blood and parents wrapped up in their own worlds. Loneliness. Adam, well he was torn away from everything he ever knew, kept apart from the world and was locked away in fucking Pinehurst of all places.

Eden loved to play dirty.

“The only thing I really got to do there was work for the school paper. I videoed the rich kids as they talked politics and kayaking. Nobody really cared about ghosts and goblins. If anything? Coming from the most haunted town in America was a detriment to my street cred with the preppy Monarchs.”

Listening to Adam talk about his highschool experience, Kylee realized how uneventful things were outside of Edenridge. Then again, was that such a bad thing? “Honestly? That sounds way better than here. I really don’t know why you came back,” Kylee lamented, as she watched Mei’s floor come closer and closer by the second. “Less death and tragedy. Where can I sign up?” She jokingly laughed. Edenridge was a place where something big happened once a year and in between, there was plenty of pain and suffering to keep you going. It’s what the town thrived on. It’s what the town needed to survive.

“I had unfinished business here, family, friends. It’s home believe it or not. No matter what that asshole I call a father says,” Having Thomas Callahan out of his life, no matter how fleeting that moment would be, and he knew it would be, Adam was going to savour it. He switched on the camera and took a slight step back away from the Grimm heir and raised his free hand to count her in.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1….

“So, why are we here Miss Grimm?”

On cue, the elevator door opened and Kylee smiled at the camera, as if this was natural to her to be instantly prepared for her friend to press the record button. Adam, camera ready, and her, ready to put on a show - Kylee looked at the lens as if she was looking at a person and took her audience for a ride, “To question Jillian O’Brien about her sophomore year. She either knows David more than any of us will ever know him, or she can point us in the right direction. Follow me.” Did Kylee feel weird for interrogating her friend? Absolutely. But if it led to solving this case sooner so that Clay could be at peace, there was no way in hell she’d give up on this opportunity. With Adam trailing behind her, Kylee made it to Mei’s apartment door and knocked thrice with the back of her knuckles. Would this go without a hitch? Only time could tell.

The door opened up swiftly and the duo were greeted by the dark witch of Westwood herself, Mei Midnight. As usual, the young woman stood out and drew attention with her ensemble of the day: skin tight leather shorts, a long sleeve off the shoulder sheer crop top with a red bralet to match her painted lips and her hair was hanging loose. She had managed to not only shower after her appearance on Dawn Patrol earlier that day but also get a quick power nap to recharge. She had been on the go for at least thirty four hours yet still found time to swing by Five Tool and get her workout in. Mei was either a machine or really was magic.

“Twice in one day? Fuck my throat with a pitchfork, Grimmy, people are gonna start talking….” The Wiccan’s hazelnut eyes fell upon the stranger pointing a camera in her face and she cocked an eyebrow. “…And who is this piece of meat? Daddy finally buying you slaves now? You keep him in the wine cellar next to the Sauvignon?”

If there was one thing that would entertain the viewers, it was Mei’s comments. Not safe for children. “You and I both know I wouldn’t be caught dead in my dad’s cellar. Who knows what scary things are down there. Pretty sure my house is haunted. No thankies.” For a girl who loved hauntings, ghosts, and stories, she was adamant to not explore some areas in her own home. It hit different when you actually lived in the place. If she knew more, she’d fear for her own life. The less she knew about that manor, the better. Kylee beamed at her friend as she gestured toward the camera guy, “This is an old friend. He used to live here and was in our class, actually. That was years ago, though. His hair was a lot shaggier. Remember Adam?”

Mei surveyed the young man that stood next to her former lover up and down. She was struggling to place him. “Adam.Adam.Adam,” She repeated aloud as if saying his name would jog some kind of reboot in her mind so that she could remember him. Eventually, the daughter of Hecate placed the boy in a black and gold Gi in her mind palace and the light switched on. “Oh, Callahan! You were on my father’s Karate team!”

Adam nodded his head and placed a thumbs up towards the girl, still holding the camera at her gorgeous pale face. “Yeah, I was! Actually thinking about joining back up now I’m back in town.”

“Great, now that that’s out of the way and I’m done daydreaming about getting railed by Mayor Teddy in his sex dungeon, what brings you to my door Ky? You got some info on the new letter?”

“Please, Mei, don’t ever say that again,” Kylee already had to deal with her dad being married to someone that was a little older than Clay. A sixteen year age difference. That’s not accounting for her supposed mother’s real age. She’ll never tell her dad that she remembers Prudence early on in her life and her actual age. That was a can of worms she refused to open, ever. It made her uncomfortable that her dad found pleasure in the young and beautiful and she could only imagine, if he didn’t have Babydoll, would he pursue someone her age? Gross.

That was one thing Kylee took pride in, her memory. Most kids don’t remember the years under the age seven, but Kylee did. For better or for worse, Kylee knew too much. “I was wondering if you, and Jill, if she’s here, would mind me asking you questions? I have a theory that David’s secret lover was a cheerleader and in our year. I’m not pointing fingers, I just want to know what you two remember. Any information would benefit this case.”

The witch cocked her eyebrow as she ran the numbers in her head. Kylee’s theory actually held a decent amount of merit. She knew that neither her nor Jill were David’s secret teen mom wannabe but she also knew that perhaps there was something in their collective memories that they had yet to stumble upon that could help them break open this chest of mystery and save people another wave of heartache. “Ok, I can get on board with that. Come on in, help yourself to a drink. I know I will,” Mei opened the door wider and turned to walk into her apartment. “JILLYBEAN!” She called out. “WE’VE GOT GUESTS THAT WANT TO DEEP DIVE INTO DIDDLER TALK!”

“BE OUT IN A COUPLE MINUTES!” came the shouted reply.

“It’s a bit too early for that, for me,” Kylee politely declined the booze, not one to drink on the job. She looked back at Adam who was hyper focused on his own job and she smiled into the camera. Not too long ago she was mad that he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but now that he is back and with her, she feels less lonely. This was almost like the good old days. Almost.

Without Roddy, the good old days would never return, she knew that, but at least she and Adam can continue where she and Rods left off. The prospects of all the adventures they could go on put butterflies in her stomach. She was excited… her friend was back home.

Trailing behind Mei, Kylee took her seat on the sofa, waiting patiently for Jill to reveal herself. Having visited this place at least once a week, she didn’t need to appreciate much, she’s already seen it all, but she was sure Adam would film some b-roll, capturing Mei and Jill’s joint personality.

Film was a beautiful thing that could catch moments that would otherwise get lost in time. As people, we love films, we love storytelling. It gives us a form of escapism but it also shows something honest. Something true. To be a filmmaker, like Adam, you have to be a little mad. You lead and push until you intertwine visuals, sounds, lighting, angles, subjects, and so much more, until you create a tale that makes you feel things like a song does. All at the impulse or desire to do something. Be something. Create something. Film was a progression of moods and feelings, and if it can be written or thought, it could be filmed. She appreciated his art. She appreciated him.

Finally, after a last check to make sure she looked like she rolled out of bed at a proper time today, Jillian O’Brien made her entrance to the living room. She was having more success participating in the land of the living without the alcoholic crutch now that things had settled following the move, and the re-integration of Danilo Belmonte into her life after a lengthy exile was slow but taking shape. Still, her world revolved around her best friend and paramour, and it showed in her appearance.

Jill’s flaming red hair was still most visible, tied back in a high ponytail with a black scrunchie holding it in place. No dye could tame those locks yet, not that she seriously gave thought to life as a raven-haired fox. That role was more expertly filled by Mei. However, the lipstick was a far deeper shade than she was known for, edging to the shadow of black but settling in at a deep blood red. Mascara was heavy, and while her shadow was a similar deep red, the eyeliner that shaped it was pitch black. A trio of black orbs cascaded from each of her earlobes, a thrift store find that was too good to pass up.

But it was the clothing that made the starkest contrast. Gone were the slacker tank tops and pajama pants that had replaced the latest offerings American Eagle had on the rack during Jill’s mental breakdown. Instead, she embraced Mei’s ideas for how they could project how much they ruled Eden as the baddest bitches on the block. Curses be damned. A jet black corset top pinched her waist in a little bit to hide what remained from her slub days, but against her pale skin, it was a stark contrast. A sizable midriff separated the shirt from a pair of denim festival shorts, but it was the necklace that caught the eye, the blood-red butterfly holding on with more black spheres lining the gold chain that kept it tethered to the O’Brien girl’s neck. She was coming back to society bit by bit, but it was definitely not in her old image.

“Did you have to be so early, KyHigh?” she offered to the solid third in their friend group. “Barely had time to finish up my…” Jill’s voice trailed off as she recognized the cameraman who she knew was coming but was unaware of the specifics. She probably could have ventured a guess given what she knew of Kylee’s attachments to the Callahan family, but still, it was rare to see someone who had made it out of Eden come back for a second bite at the apple. It made sense that with Roddy gone to Goddess-forsaken Texas with that bitch of an ex-friend of Jill's, Kylee would reach for the other member of the family she trusted. “Well, shit. Adam Callahan. Been a while, lug. Not looking like the Shaggy to Velma over there anymore, but a Callahan face does still stick on you. Welcome back to the Garden.” She took a seat on the sofa, given the lone male would likely be going back and forth between host Kylee and subjects Mei and Jill. She could hear her girlfriend in the kitchen. “Grab me one while you’re up, love!” She looked over at Kylee. “If we’re doing diddler discussions, I’ll need it.”

Adam was flabbergasted by the apartment he now stood in. Not only was it so interestingly decorated but it also belonged to Mei Ramsey and Jill fucking O’Brien. He would be a liar if he hadn’t said that he had a thing for Jill all those years ago. Not in the same way that he did Kylee, that was intense and filled with emotion. Jill was just crazy hot and being a fellow Foundling, there were many Founder’s parties where he’d hoped that his spin of the bottle landed on her. “We Callahans have a distinct feature of long hair and goofy teeth, unfortunately I can’t do anything about that. It’s good to see you, Jill.”

Jill nods and smiles, an easier notion these days. “It’s better you’re seeing me now, that’s for sure, but I can say likewise, lug.”

Mei opened up their fridge and to say it was an eclectic mixture of things would be an understatement. Two shelves of beers and pre-made cocktails, a third shelf of Will Ramsey’s home made cooking in tupperwares and in the drawer, a random mixture of shit they had bought from the store for snacks. The dark priestess grabbed two canned beers from the top before making her way over to her girlfriend and sitting on the arm of the couch next to her. She handed her O’Brien love the adult beverage before cracking open the tab of her own and taking a long mouthful. Mei rested her free hand on the base of Jill’s neck and eyed the two newcomers intensely. “So hit us with your best shots, Pat Benatar.”

Jill cracked open the can of Sam Adams Tropical Wheat Ale and joined her girlfriend in tilting back for a lengthy sip. “Fire away.”

“Okay, I want to start from the beginning. But first, like I told Mei,” Kylee’s eyes went from one vixen, the dark priestess, to the other, the cherry bomb, “With today’s letter I have a handful of theories. One, this has nothing to do with Charlie and someone is using this gimmick to spread chaos. Two, the supposed underage girl was either in our class or the class above us, but honestly, based on the pretty handwriting I think she’s in our class. And theory number three, she was a cheerleader. She had to be if she was involved with David’s inner circle. A.K.A. The Elite.”

Taking out her small notebook, Kylee flipped to her notes with quick ease, her expression was serious and her eyes were focused in on her friends. Kylee Grimm was in her element. “Let’s rewind the clock a bit, shall we? And I apologize if this forces you to revisit bad memories. The date on this letter is December 05, 2016. The day after the shining star competition, the game, the party, Allison’s death,” She paused, letting that last part sit in the air, knowing how much weight that must hold, especially after the fiasco with R2. “In the letter, it says that David left early, with this girl. Do you remember anything from that party, especially in regards to the Elite?”

Mei glanced towards Jill with soft eyes, a rarity for the midnight girl before she moved them back to rest on Kylee. “So professional!” she remarked. It was funny because not too long ago Kylee Grimm was the third in their three musketeers. She tightened her grip on her Jillybean ever so slightly as she thought back to the day Allison died. Despite the closure she had received after the night on Carlisle, Mei still had feelings for that evening and revisiting them was not something she really wanted to do. It seemed like the Fates had decided that December 4th, 2016 was a day that was destined to haunt them for the rest of their lives.

“I remember David floating around, talking to pretty much everyone like he always did. Spent a good chunk of it with Francis and Russell. Don’t think he really saw Ally cos she was off….” For the longest time Mei didn’t know what Allison was doing but now she did and she hated it. “Don’t remember Costigan being there.” The goth girl took another sip from her beer. “Which means without Clay to hog all the action, David was probably knee deep in pussy but I don’t recall seeing it.”

Kylee could apologize all she wanted, it was still going to be self-inflicted torture for Jillian to try and remember back to that cursed day. She still blamed herself for not doing more in regards to Allison's last hours, for being just a scared little girl in a forest of giants. For letting herself get swept up in the drink and the debauchery and not being able to see the plain facts in front of her eyes, but it seemed like that dark night was going to keep chasing her until every skeleton was dragged up from under the stoop and laid bare for all of Massachusetts to see.

The redhead squeezed her girlfriend’s hand back, happy that now she had that direct tether to happiness as opposed to that last trip back to Carlisle when she watched powerless as Adam’s cousin dragged Mei away to avoid R2 reacting back against the punch. Kylee was looking at her, intent on finding something on Dirty David O’Hara, the shame of the Elite. It had been a while since Jill had spent time in those circles.. An alpha cheerleader with a storied name had no problem gaining access to those parties and all the secrets that came with them, especially with the three other founding families represented on the team. But December 4, 2016? That was filled with so much haze.

“Let me think…” Jill finally started after Mei had filled in some initial gaps. “It’s tough to remember all the names and faces back then, since we were so focused on celebrating the win. But the basketball team was there and looking bulletproof. With Francis and Russell dancing around, and Garrett preparing for his future role in serving underage kids like me a bunch of booze, David was able to drift around and be his usual self. I don’t remember anything specific, aside from being ticked at Francis for ignoring Ally again. But I was off doing… a lot of things I regret now. I even lost track of Liv and Kat during that party, that's how wild it was. Wish I could ask them about it. Olivia would have had something on it for sure. So I was there pretty late, and I don’t remember David leaving early, but I wouldn’t put it past him if he found a honey pot to his liking.”

“Thank you,” Kylee genuinely smiled at her two friends who were cooperating wonderfully. Questions like these could bring out the worst in people and she knew the life of a self-proclaimed journalist could get her thrown out immediately. She was lucky, though. They cared about her. Kylee didn’t have many friends but the ones she did, they saw her for what she was and adored her for it. The good, the bad, the ugly, Kylee was grateful she was loved.

“Alright, I’ll move on from that day. Clay’s meeting up with his friends, asking them questions too so I’m sure they can paint a better picture since they were directly impacted by David and his actions. Now, sophomore year, just so I can have it on record, who were you both romantically or sexually involved with? Or both, of course.”

“You and Clay are getting pretty close, huh?” Mei’s hand drifted beneath Jill’s hair as she spoke, rubbing her black fingernails through the fiery red mane in a loving way. It was a deflection of course, the comment. Sophomore year was not a pleasant one for her. It was that year she really started throwing herself into the Wiccan culture in which she was now permanently beautifully submerged. It was also when she went through what was really beside Allison, her first heartbreak. “I slept with a few people, mostly girls because that’s when I started exploring myself but then, then I started with Q at the beginning of second semester.”

Quinton Woods was always too smart for his own good. He had always been the kid at the back of the class, equations and formulas in his eyes at the same time that his mouth called the jocks' meatheads; a mouth that would then he proceeded to be punched. Mei was never really sure what she saw in Q. He was a good sort of person most of the time but that superiority complex of his would always be his downfall. He definitely challenged Miss Midnight’s mental faculty which she enjoyed. For someone so bright, Quinton also came with a lot of baggage. “We broke up by the end of the year.”

Jill demurred a little at the question, especially hearing Mei be able to matter-of-factly sum up her love life in high school. The redhead treasured her ability to flit around relationships, and after Allison’s death, she upped that process a fair bit. “It’s so hard to remember,” she admits. “That sophomore year was kind of a blur. I let Mei know exactly what I thought of Q, but I went through a good chunk of boys. I think I went on dates with anyone from the drama club to the football team, and was open to a lot of things, but I never really stuck on one guy for very long. If only I knew back then what I know now, I wouldn’t be getting a crash course.”

The O’Brien girl rubbed her hand on Mei’s thigh as if to subtly thank her for putting up with her as she learned how to better explore the unearthed side of her sexuality that their relationship held. “However, I had my rules back then. I mean, I wouldn’t touch anyone from Pinehurst, absolutely not. Plus, I stayed away from the basketball team. I couldn’t risk Danny getting put in harm’s way by something I did with one of his teammates, so JV and varsity were out. I found out how much that meant to Danny after the fact, but I held up my end of the bargain and I did not touch a Celtic, even after sophomore year."

The mention of Pinehurst caused Kylee’s professional mask to drop ever so briefly. Only hours ago her father had dropped a bomb on her about her boyfriend. Wesley Silo had lied to her. All for what? Because he thought she would dig deeper if she knew where he was from? As Jill talked, Kylee tilted her head at her own thoughts. That actually wasn’t a bad idea. If Wes wasn’t going to tell her anything, she could simply find out herself. She had the lead: Pinehurst. Why shouldn’t she find out what he was ashamed of? He was her boyfriend! She had the right to know.

Her pen tapped on her notebook when she re-focused her attention on her girlfriends. Rules. Morals. Kylee didn’t get close to Jill until after sophomore year, when she was dating Mike habitually. She heard the rumors but hearing it from Jill’s mouth herself was eye opening. The Jill sitting before her and the Jill of the past were two different creatures. While Jill was adding another guy to her ‘I fucked’ list, Kylee was using social media and words to hurt people that slighted her. Kylee was grabbing the next juicy gossip, of course first making sure it was actually true or not (she drew the line with fake news) and blew it out of proportion. Kylee also had to deal with Roddy being disappointed in her actions constantly, and her almost losing her best friend. He tried his best by doing scooby doo shenanigans with her but after… Adam left, well, a piece of her left with him too.

For once, the chaos that ensued before and after David O’Hara died was not something she spread. People would like to think she took part in that fire, but David was Danny’s friend. Danny Belmonte was her friend. Maybe not a best friend like Roddy, but she cared about the guy. She would never do that to the idiot, that was his goddamn idol (one of them at least). Part of her had a hard time believing that David was indeed what Mei called a diddler. He was exposed and it ruined his life. For what? Because he was a foundling?

Letting the silence in the room fill the room, deep in thought, Kylee leaned back in her seat and looked down at her notes. She was so focused on the mystery girl… that wasn’t the story at all, was it? She turned to glance at the boy with the camera, a foundling, and she looked at Jill, who sought comfort from the Dark Priestess herself, another foundling. Kylee was the mayor’s daughter, like Niles was the doctor’s son, but that did not hold the same weight as a foundling. Closing her notebook, leaving her pen in it, Kylee placed it on the coffee table and thought to herself, ‘Fuck the girl. She’s irrelevant… what good comes from proving that David did fuck someone underage? Aside from the town hating him more than they already do.’

Subconsciously, Kylee cracked her knuckles and began talking to the air, still deep in thought, “To be honest, I don’t really care about the girl in the story. It’s clearly not you two. But what do we gain from all this?” Kylee placed her hands on her thighs and looked at her two friends. “We repeat a vicious cycle that could lead to the girl OD’ing like Allison did, or getting so bloody drunk like David did, which led to his inevitable drowning. You know the day before he died, my sister told me, he was just at the bar. Drinking a shit ton. I mean, it was proven in the news with his blood alcohol levels.” Now that the past was coming back to light, Kylee realized how sad it all was for David. How lonely he must’ve felt.

“The rumors started spreading a little under a month before New Years. Allison Davies was so scared of her future, she turned to drugs. David’s image was ruined so quickly that he legitimately had no future anymore. But, like, he was still living in Edenridge at the time, so he probably was already depressed he had nothing going for him. Not like Clay, who wanted to be a cop. Not like Rhett, who had his whole life planned out for him, with the Hole. Francis, Russ… all his friends had a plan.” Kylee was standing up at this point. Finally ready to ask her a question. “Jill, you’re part of one of the founding families. Are you where you want to be? How’s that pressure feel?”

It was a long way to go to ask such an absolutely loaded question, especially given the connotations that Kylee had raised. Jill knew how close she was to having the best of both tragic deaths her friend had brought up. She had all the pressure and social stature of Allison and all the drinking of David rolled into one redheaded mess until recently. She knew she had played her part back then, spreading the rumors of the O'Hara boy's shame. Being an Elite didn't save you if you made such an egregious societal faux pas. However, hearing Kylee talk about the loneliness Coach must have felt made it even worse that the dark thoughts of her depressive spiral almost proved potent enough to lead her to be the latest in the line of tragic Edenridge cases. Charlie Decker and Mike Barrie just happened to be much more violent means to put her self-destuction on-track. Some would say Jill deserved such a fate as the latest sacrifice.

But she wasn’t dead. Nor appeared on the path to be anymore. Even as she sat on that beaten up couch, clutching a cold Sam Adams in her hand, it wasn’t the path down to despair that was well traversed the past year. It would be foolish to think a tropical-inspired beverage could lead to such pains until Jillian remembered how many times she switched up to Malibu in an attempt to “lighten her mood” and failed. This beer, like most recent drinks, tasted different. Things had felt different since she moved in with her girlfriend.

But was she where she wanted to be? Did she care about being a member of the founding families? Clearly it wasn’t as important as it once was in high school, when she felt she had to live up to her mother and sisters. She certainly didn’t have the career path that Shannon had already lived and Heather seemed to be well on the road to obtaining. Of course, trying to match Grace in a contest of sexual partners was like trying to match the night sky with merely twinkles in an eye, but Jill gave it more of a run than she would like to admit. Either way, she still fell short. She didn’t have the best of departure discussions with Grace, and Shannon just seemed happy to see her up and about, even if she was moving out the door.

Did the pressure get to her? Does it matter if the pressure didn’t matter anymore? It had already won in a lot of ways, but at least now, Jillian had her path to some kind of happiness. She could feel the torchlight in the grip of her hand. No, the career path still wasn’t set in stone, but she could focus on it now. She had the support in the endeavor.

“The pressure sucks, Ky,” Jill finally answered. “I feel like I tried to live up to so many things just because I’m an O’Brien. I tried to be a leader. I tried to be a lover. I tried to be a mom. Nothing ended up working out right and when you combine that with all the tragedy and the need to uphold the family name… maybe that’s what made it so easy to just give up the way I did. I know I was just a few bottles away from being another name on your list of lost souls.”

She looks at Mei. “But I’m definitely where I want to be at the moment.” Jill turns her attention back to the intrepid reporter. “As for where I’m going, I don’t know, but I have more faith that I’m going to figure it out now than I did before. That's more than I had when these letters started coming out.”

Turning the interview into a conversation between friends, Kylee nodded and admitted through her own melancholy feelings, “I get that,” She didn’t allow all of her deep-rooted sadness to take surface but an inkling was enough to show that she felt safe in the presence of Jill, Mei, and Adam. “I might not be a foundling, but I’m the most precious thing to my father. The goddamn mayor of this town. It sucks not knowing the answers and maybe that’s why these letters have helped keep me busy, you know? I feel like I could really help this town… it’s stupid, really, but I appreciate you guys letting me question you.”

Kylee crossed her arms in a way to hold herself together. Her face might’ve been inquisitive, curious, and sharp, but the reality was it was all a mask. A mask to hide her emotions. What gave it all away? Her eyes. Kylee Grimm was not doing good and while some people drowned themselves in vices like alcohol and drugs, she chose to immerse herself in an investigation. She was worried. She was worried about Clay because these letters really did a number on him. She was worried about Roddy because she no longer could check up on him like she used to. And she was worried about Wes. He still hadn’t texted her. Did she do something wrong?

“Same question for you, Adam,” She turned her attention to the camera boy. Uncrossing her arms, she gestured for him to give her the camera so she could record him. She needed to get out of the dark place before she started crying in front of her friends. “I know you haven’t been back in awhile but maybe you can speak from the Callahan perspective?”

“Oh shit, okay,” Adam wasn’t expecting to be on camera during this but Kylee’s line of questioning was forcing his hand. He handed her his camera, gently so as to not damage the beautiful machine and awkwardly waved once her lense was aimed at him. “Well, erm…” He paused for a moment. He was so used to adding all his commentary in post. Adam never really felt comfortable on screen, a bad sign for someone who wanted to make documentaries for a living. He rang his hands together a bit as his gaze fell between the three beauties starting at him. Holy fuck were these Goddesses intimidating.

“I mean, Jill knows this but walking around a town where streets and buildings are named after your ancestors is quite daunting. The fact that even now, to this day, being a Foundling is considered a high honor, it’s downright baffling really.” He ran both hands through his thick shaggy hair and leaned back against the chair he was sitting on. “Most of us, will try and just get on with it, you know? But then there are those of us who for what it’s worth had a talent, a talent that can’t be ignored. Franny or Clay for example. The pressure to use that talent to keep the name out there, it’s like gravity being turned up to eleven. It’s impossible to move. That’s what the curse really is. It’s being unable to move on from what came before. It’s safe to say, it’s rare for a Foundling to get out of this town alive.”

Wow. Damn. That went dark. “Thank you, Adam,” Kylee softly responded as she gingerly gestured for him to take his camera back. When he grabbed it from her hands, as if they were passing a baby to one another, Kylee had a pensive look on her face. This actually was more interesting than who David fucked. This could also lead to clues to any living Carlisle members still out there. The last known member being Nikolas Carlisle, the founder of Edenridge National Laboratory. He died in 1984.

Kylee had always been curious about what happened to the family that once lived in her house. She never did tell her dad about this but she found a secret stash in a hole on the wall, hidden behind this old grandfather clock. A stash of pictures mostly, and some heirlooms. But that was an ongoing investigation and not the point right now. As she thought deeper on what her two friends said, speaking into existence,

Kylee breathed out and smiled, “Roddy got out,” and as much as her heart missed him, she knew he would do great things in Texas versus here. “Talent, no talent, purpose, no purpose, that’s all pretty subjective don’t you think? We can’t really change the past,” Kylee thought to herself, the wheels constantly turning in her head, “What we do have control over is how we handle the present. I wasn’t raised here. I moved here, what? Like when I was eleven? But, if I didn’t move here I wouldn’t have you three, or Roddy, or Clay. I don’t think the problem is Edenridge, herself. It’s like living in Detroit, or Chicago. There's dark shit everywhere. It’s all in a matter of perspective. If you’re stuck here, might as well try to take care of her. Be a pebble in the pond that creates a ripple of change. That’s just me, though. I don’t like seeing my home as a trap town. She’s all I’ve ever had.”

Mei cocked her eyebrow as she listened to the trio talk about their respective paths through this garden of Eden. Her Jillybean, an O’Brien, often considered the greatest and most delicate beauties in Edenridge history. Adam, the Callahan, they were the good guys, the honourable men living in dishonourable times. Then there was Kylee, a transplant herself but with roots to the town’s very foundation. Three different people, so entrenched in what this place was, is and could be. It was truly fascinating.

“For what it’s worth, I am sorry, truly, that you and all the other Foundlings have suffered so.” The Wiccan pressed a soft gentle kiss to the top of the fiery haired head of her girlfriend. “What you go through, makes you more prone to mistakes, more prone to succumbing to things that we all try not to. This place, our town, it is home but it’s also a fucking Hellmouth,” Mei tightened her grip on the back of Jil’s neck lovingly. “And it’s about time that changed. Our class, our friends, our family have suffered way too much and it’s about time someone stopped all that pain. This is going to end, I’m going to end this. Even if it fucking kills me.”

Jill subtly matched Mei’s grip with her own on Miss Midnight’s thigh. “You don’t get to die before I do. That’s the rule. You fucking promised me.” She moved her hand away and rested it back on her lap. “If this is to end in fire, then we shall both burn together.” Even if she was a day late to the goth scene, cherry picked Ed Sheeran lyrics helped Jill fit right in to the vibe.

Getting to her feet, the goth girl polished off her beer and tossed it into the recycle bin. “Now, unless this turns into a foursome, which I’m absolutely here for, then I think you’ve asked all your questions and it's time to wrap this orgy up.”

Glancing at her watch, Kylee noticed the time. Oh shit. She had a lunch date with Marco at the park. “I lost track of time,” Grabbing her small notebook off the table, Kylee stood up and went to the girl that Mei introduced, years ago, who was growing to be one of her closest friends. Kneeling down, Kylee brought Jill into a warm embrace and whispered, “Thank you. I know I might be in over my head but thank you. This means a lot.”

The redhead happily returned the embrace. She was a hugger. Anyone who ran into one of her drunken spells at the Hole knew that. It was nice to be able to enjoy the enveloping feeling without the fog in the way though. It was funny that Kylee didn’t have the full on pedigree that herself and Adam and Coach and Caitlin had, but maybe that was Jill's role as a Foundling. To bridge the gap to those on the outside and try and make Eden a less closed-off place. Even if that meant putting herself at risk.

“You’re welcome, KyHigh,” Jillian confirmed. “And if you need any help tracking Cece down, give me a heads up. I know I wasn’t able to fill in many blanks for you, but she should have the best memory out of the remaining cheerleaders, so hopefully she has some better answers for you.”

“Kay, unless we’re getting naked, time to make a manoeuvre,” Mei smiled, a rare sight as always. She winked towards Kylee and then made her way to Adam as he fiddled with his camera. She leaned down, placing her painted fingers on his deceptively strong looking shoulder and whispered in his ear. “Take care of her, she’s special. If you don’t, I’m having your balls for breakfast.” She stood back up to her full height and turned to face her best friend and girlfriend once again.

“Jilly, the Afterlife awaits.”

“But it’s 2:30… you know what, nevermind,” Kylee kissed Jill’s cheek before releasing her and making her way to Adam.

The youngest O’Brien, barring any kids that Kieran might have had that she didn’t know about, smiled back at her intrepid friend. “Don’t worry, we have walked among the dead in the Afterlife for quite some time. We’re well versed in traversing the vampires at all times of day.” Jillian stood up and moved over to Mei, linking her hands with the Ramsey girl’s own. “Let me grab a couple things, finish my beer and then I’ll be ready to cross the River Styx.” She glanced over at Kylee and to confirm the positive feelings were still there for a change, she smiled again.

Looking back at her two friends, her best girlfriends, Ky gave her signature Tigger wave and goodbye, “Ta ta for now. Until next time, ladies.” Exiting the apartment, she led the charge, her friend in tow, “Craving Chinese? Because I promised a friend I’d treat him.”

Adam hurrying, grabbed his camera and offered a brief wave to Fire and Darkness before following Ky out of the door. “I’m down for some Chinese, I haven’t eaten in a minute.” He looked back at the door of the apartment as he and the good lady Grimm stepped into the elevator. Another world ago, Jill and Mei were two of the most popular girls in school (although Mei hated that) and now there they were, locked together in love but so utterly broken by the years of heartache that this town caused. It did make him wonder, in spite of what she had said, why Kylee was so desperate to save it?

Was it really worth it?

For a split second there, Melissa allowed herself to have a little bit of hope. That even with the unfortunate arrival of Miki Park to whatever Arceus-forsaken rock they had landed on that whoever sent that letter CLEARLY had to know about if both of them were summoned, maybe their respective times in their respective roles would have quelled any smoldering embers from what happened at the Indigo Plateau all those years ago. However, it was clear from the dark-haired woman's reaction that this was not to be.

Of course, Melissa didn't help things by clearly pushing her buttons. Some things never change.

"Don't play games with me, Missy! You damn well remember me! You clearly need a reminder!"

Melissa could feel the white-hot rage dripping off those assertations, and it was delicious. Of course she remembered Miki. How could she forget the cause of her greatest shame? But clearly her rival held onto that hate to greater levels than she did. Melissa truly did win after all. Of course, what to do here? Miki had already summoned that overgrown golden kitty of hers, "Blitz, her Luxray, her ace Pokemon. Has Electric and Dark moves, does it have Fire Fang too? Can't remember. Nimble, but just as reckless as his trainer. Yuki and Juliet could both dust it with no problem, Grant does have Earthquake...

As Melissa kept her cool and analyzed the situation, she looked around at the passengers still milling about. It seemed as though Miki's outburst had ground the bustling port to a screeching halt. The Snowpoint City native held her tongue for a second and looked around."I don't think we can fight here... And I shouldn't have to."

The blonde made a motion like she was reaching for Yuki's Pokéball, but then reached up and ran her hand through her hair. "Oh, now I remember you! Yes, I remember Miki Park." She puts a finger to the side of her face. "At least I think I remember you... it's hard to remember someone who hasn't actually won anything. I usually keep my memory reserves for other champions." She leans forward, hands on her hips. "You know I'm a champion now, right? I mean, clearly you remember me, so you must be aware of just how quickly I rose to the pinnacle of battling. So you know just how quickly my team would shatter your squad to pieces."

A scoff escaped Melissa's lips that Juliet herself would be proud of. "I have no idea what you're doing here, Miki Park, and I don't think I care. But I have people to see and beating your Luxray into submission would just be a waste of my precious time. So why don't you try and make your way through the Alolan trials and the Elite Four, and then you can try your luck against me? Like a good little challenger?" Melissa turned to walk away, knowing that Miki would just further embarrass herself after that little speech. It was a shame she didn't train an Araquanid, because clearly she knew her way about weaving someone into her web trap.

Somewhere on the Sinnoh Seas

It was a weird trip, to say the least. The blonde in Cabin 203 had been on her share of boats before. The rechristened S.S. Anne in Kanto (before it sank again), the Iron Island Ferry in Sinnoh, the Wave Runner that cycled through the Alolan Isles, all fine vessels. However, the passengers were allowed to mingle on those ships. See the land passing by. Actually get their own food. Instead, Melissa Elliott spent the entire trip confined to her room. It was the longest amount of time she had spent inside anywhere in years. That was the joy of living in a place with such lovely weather as Alola. Outside always beckoned for fun times. At least she got to spend some quality time with Yuki, who was allowed out of her Pokeball to offer some company. A large salad with chunks of chicken and a bucket of ice cubes ensured neither would go hungry, although Yuki made it clear that the ice cubes weren't the best she ever had.

It also gave Melissa time to go over the letter that had drawn her onto this boat in the first place. The person had some intimate knowledge of her career, particularly the incident at the Indigo League that always served as the main blight on her career as a Pokemon trainer. They said they had the clout to be able to give her another chance at glory and let her get a fair shot at a title that was so rudely taken away from her. Of course, it stung less now that she had her own crown. She was champion of an entire region! She got to do so many things to open up Alolan battling to the world. And of course being a cover model on Trainer Illustrated's swimsuit issue was just a feather in the cap. But still, redemption was a dish best served to your opponents cold. Or something like that.

As the announcement rang out over the ship letting her know that her time in this cabin was at an end, Melissa breathed a sigh of relief. The chill her ace Pokemon brought to the hair made sure her breath could be seen. "Finally. About time we got out of this cabin and back on solid ground, eh Yuki?"

The Froslass looks over and nods. "Lassssss. Lass."

Melissa produced Yuki's ball and returned her to the inside for now. "Hopefully we won't be too long before I can let you out for a better trip." She gathered up her things and made her way outside, the large backpack and small carrying bag in hand as she filtered out with the rest of the passengers.

The port looked relatively small, but she wasn't expecting too much from this island. She was trying to remember if she heard of it during her geography classes prior to becoming a trainer, but was drawing a blank. She didn't have much time to think about it though.

“Okay, but what the actual hell! I thought this was supposed to be for VIPs only. You’re barely a P!”

It took a second, but Melissa knew that voice. There was no way it could be anyone else. But what was she doing here? Miki Park was a combustible waste of space who would just blow up anything that happened to cross her path! This had to be some silly mistake! At least it was clear that Melissa was still living rent-free inside Miki's head if the first thing she did upon arrival was to come at her. While on the outside, Melissa maintained a calm demeanor, inside, she was smirking.

"I'm sorry, who are you again?"
Timestamp: A week & two days after the Allison incident (Sunday)
Collab with @LovelyComplex, @NeoAJ, & @BrutalBx



A week had gone by since Danny had officially introduced Marco to Gavriel as his boyfriend. During this week he kept it relatively chill spending as much time as he could with his boyfriend, hanging out with Natalia whenever she had some downtime (mostly watching movies they hadn’t watched together in years and reminiscing), and catching up with Caitlin, finding out that she was no longer on the market just like him.

In addition to all that, he thought of ways he’d ask forgiveness to all the people he hurt and how he’d come out to a few of them. One being Jillian O’Brien. The girl he hurt by sleeping with her sister. A stupid action because he thought Grace could help him not be into guys. Not be bisexual. Well, look at him now. Totally, stupidly in love with Marco Castillo-Brady. For a while now. Since the summer after sophomore year.

Though Danny hoped he could love Puppy the way he deserved and he hoped his father didn’t get in his way of his happiness. Hope might not be the right term… he wanted to put his faith into action. The Italian Stallion was done hoping. Done playing games. Danny was going to, no matter what, be with that boy. No matter what happens, no matter what people would say, and no matter how people felt about him and his relationship, Danny was going to marry Marco one day.

Getting off work a smidge early on Sunday to take care of business, Danny rushed to the local florist. With a container full of cannolis in hand, he picked up his order of white lilies. He made sure they were in a crystal glass vase and went on his way to his destination. Fast forward to a few minutes later, he pulled up in front of the O’Brien’s house. In time, he was out of his car and in front of the entrance door. No longer holding back, no longer hesitating, no longer waiting for the perfect opportunity, having spent a whole week imagining all the things he would say, Danny rang the doorbell. This seemed like a recurring theme for him. Visiting people in hopes they’d let him in.

Please Jill, let me in.

Anxiously, he waited for the door to be answered. As he waited, he replayed some of Marco’s encouraging words, helping him build up enough courage to hold accountability for his actions and tell Jill he missed her and that he was sorry. All he needed to do was remember Marco’s face and he could push forward. The obstacles ahead might be hard to conquer but he wasn’t alone. He had the perfect cheerleader waiting for him. The person he felt the most at home with. His soulmate. After waiting for a couple of minutes and no one answering, he went for the doorbell again.

Damn. Maybe no one was home.

As Danny awaited on the front balcony, a shout could be heard from inside. “Yeah, yeah! Hold your horses!”

It didn’t sound like it could be Shannon, although the terminology tracked. As the door opened, he didn’t spot the object of his most recent tour of forgiveness, nor the mother who usually accepted all those gifts to spare Danny the undignified reaction of having them thrown in his face. No, instead what Danny got was a stark reminder of what caused the fracturing of his friendship with the O’Briens in the first place. Staring him down, wearing nothing but a shamrock green bathrobe that did a poor job concealing the curves of her body, was “Amazing” Grace O’Brien. She was a little older than Danny remembered of course, and it was clear where all those cannolis that had been dropped off had gone to. One look at those curvy thighs could tattle on that fact with ease. She had a few more tattoos than the last time Danny saw her as well, tracing down her arms from under the short sleeves of the robe. But she still maintained that angelic face of hers. The one that could charm the entire senior class to their knees and still sing at the church on Sunday with not a care in the world. But she could be the devil if they let her.

She leans against the doorframe and takes in the sight of the Belmonte boy, smacking her lips as she did so. “Well, well, well,” Grace says, almost with an ounce of pity in her voice. “And here I had thought you had given up on ever attempting to earn the good graces of anyone in this household again.” The middle sister twists a little, revealing a little bit more skin as she does. “Although even without the basketball you seem to be doing all right, little Danny boy. You come over here just to see if you could get another sweet sound out of me?”


Danny cursed in his head, immediately regretting saying the Lord’s name in vain. He needed to patch up his mouth or eat some soap. Ever since the night at the gym, he had no will to hold his tongue. Perhaps, today that would go in his favor. As his brows knitted and his back became uncomfortably tense, making sure there was clear distance between him and the girl he slept with, Danny steadily answered, “Where’s Jill, Grace?“ He was not going to entertain her advances and now seeing her still doing the same thing she did years ago, he found himself pitying the older O’Brien. Her scent, her form, and that look on her face hit a brick wall. Danny Belmonte was a taken man. His heart and body only belonged to one and he showed exactly that. That she couldn’t prey on him like she did when he was a sophomore.

Grace scoffed at the perceived lack of a response to her greeting. “So cold, Danny! I know things between us got… rocky after I graduated, but it means a lot that you’re here today.” She could see Danny was on a mission with those flowers and treats, but the look in his eyes was different. It was weirdly guarded, so far from the goofy lug that was usually around here. Grace had honed her skills trying to win people over by dealing with those who had the misfortune to come into contact with Reagan Ramsey, so she was confident she would be able to break the Belmonte boy down and be eating those cannolis off his chest in no time. “I always felt so bad that you kept trying to win my baby sister’s affection back over and over, and every time she would slam the door or hurl those delicious desserts into the garbage. But we don’t have to worry about her now, so why do you want to spoil this happy reunion by dragging Jillian into this?”

“Are you aware that Jill has an alcohol problem or is your whole family turning a blind eye to that?” Danny glared at the older woman, holding his ground as he looked at no other place but her eyes. He couldn't believe after all this time, Grace was still so heartless and so ignorant to her surroundings. All she cared about was herself and in this town, that mentality would get her nowhere. “Only a week ago your sister learned the truth about Allison. Instead of checking on Jill’s mental health, you want cannolis and to play with me like I’m some kid? Here, fucking take them.” The Italian boy shoved the dessert in her hands, “I’m not here for you and I don’t need to explain why I care about your sister. Something…” Danny shook his heart in disbelief, honestly grateful for his siblings even though they were a hot mess, “...you wouldn’t understand.”

Grace wished she had a cigarette or something she could light up to underscore how much she didn’t care for Danny’s guilt trip. Instead, she just shoved the cannolis right back into his hands. “I don’t want them if they come with a lecture, Danilo,” she rebuked. “Especially not if it’s to try and cast Jill as the victim in her own miserable one-woman play. I warned her not to follow too closely in Allison’s footsteps, she didn’t listen. After our little sheet romp, she just shut me out completely. I tell her not to take too much on her shoulders after the shooting. ‘You had sex with Danny.’ I tell her Mike Barrie is a psycho who she needs to stay away from. ‘You had sex with Danny.’ I tell her that she’s going to end up next to Dad if she keeps drinking at a rate that would make Granny Moira blush. ‘Fuck you, Dannyfucker.’” The middle O’Brien sister rolled her eyes to the veranda and stared back. “Jillian dug her own grave, built her own coffin, planned her own funeral, contracted her own reincarnation and is now living like the little shit lizard she is, and it’s all her own fault, because she couldn’t fucking accept any help or any criticism from anyone after Allison died, so don’t tell me I don’t understand, Mr. Belmonte. I just know what I want, and what this family needs, and to further answer your question, we got it this week.” Grace folded her arms defiantly. “Jillian doesn’t live here anymore.”

With a strained expression, Danny looked at Grace in bewilderment. No matter how many times the Belmontes don’t see eye to eye, when they need each other they are always there for each other. Lately, their family has been dramatic because everyone’s on edge over a variety of reasons. The main reason being Silvia was dying and no one wanted to lose the rock of the family. Tightening his grip on the container, Danny shook his head, knowing he was talking to a lost cause, and yet he couldn’t brush what she said aside, “Jill is paying for all the decisions she’s ever made. You have no right to judge her when you’re the least picture perfect O’Brien that exists, Grace. Just because she was stating a fact that you see no wrong in - we FUCKED Grace, you fucked your little sister’s best friend who was underage at the time - you gave up on her.”

The anger in Danny was seething inside of him. All this time he was so focused on his own guilt and regret that he didn’t take a step back to think of what Jill was truly going through and how selfish her sister was. Was all her family like this? “She is only human and we all do fucked up things but this pedastal you put yourself on? Give me a break. I can see you’re doing just fine being alone. I can’t believe you have never changed.” At this point Danny was back on the entrance walkway, baffled at his decision to ever sleep with the dimwit, “I’ll find her myself. Goodbye, Grace.”

A shout could be heard from inside the house. A male shout. In a house that Danny knew no man had lived in since Ronan moved out in their freshman year. “Grace! Who is that yelling at the door? Did you piss the Amazon guy off?”

Grace rolls her eyes again. “No! Shut up and just lay there! Fuck!” She turns her attention to the retreating Belmonte. “Never assume I’m alone, Danny Boy. And I know damn well you’re not going to be able to find her yourself, so if you really, REALLY want to continue this little martyring crusade you’re on, you should know Jill moved her stuff out of here with the help of Reagan’s sister. The goth one. I’m guessing that’s where she’s staying now. If you stop by, tell her I know she stole my green top again and I’ll be claiming it when I’m good and ready.”

“Thank you… I guess. Have fun with whoever is in there.” No longer wanting a conversation with Grace, Danny turned on his heel and marched to his car. Did he even know where Mei lived? No. But he knew someone who did.


After making a quick stop at the florist, adding to his surprise for Jill, Danny found himself standing in front of Mei and Jill’s apartment complex. In one hand there was a bouquet of white lilies, burgundy black dahlias, and black eyed anemones. In the other? Nina’s famous cannolis. The best Edenridge had to offer. Honestly, the best in Massachusetts too. Traveling to surrounding towns and cities, the Italian food was just not the same. It was clear that Nina learned from the best, which was their father. If only Danny didn’t ruin things while he cooked. He burnt cookies. Cookies! The easiest dessert to make.

Turning back to look at his car parked across the street, he wondered if this was going to be a mistake. Grace’s words, as much as he handled them well at the time, they were now lounging in his mind. He was nervous, anxious, and scared. Part of him believed she would turn him down, like she has for so long, and part of him hoped that deep down she missed him too. Their interaction the night at the gym didn’t go well for them but he knew this was something he needed to do. He knew until she absolutely refused him and was repulsed by the sight of him, he wouldn’t give up trying.

All Danny saw was a wounded bird. A beautiful cardinal whose wings were wounded to the point that she could no longer fly and she didn’t see the point in carrying on. He wanted to be a better friend. He wanted her back in his life. Still, if this went south, he might have to consider that he may never get Jill back. If he could get Marco back, maybe he could get Jill back too. He would never know unless he approached her with his heart on his sleeves. No more withholding information. No more pretending he was okay. No more acting like he was the strongest thing in the room because he wasn’t. It was time to show Jill his true self once and for all, in hopes that she would forgive him and accept him for him.

Once he reached the entrance, Danny found his way in the entryway of the loft and followed the directions that led to the landlord’s apartment/office. After a few minutes of discussion and giving a charming smile, everyone loved the Belmontes, the lovable Italian boy, son of Taz and Silvia Belmonte, was given access to the rest of the flat and given directions to Mei’s room. Before he left, he gave the older woman as many cannolis as she wanted. His way of thanking her for her hospitality. Once their exchange satisfied the both of them, Danny made his trek to his destination.

Finally, standing in front of the residence of Mei Ramsey and Jillian O’Brien, Danny gently kicked the door (seeing how he had no hands to knock). He wanted to announce himself but his throat felt like it was closing up out of worry. The emotions started flooding inside and out of him. He tried his best to think of the one person that made him feel at home. His boyfriend. Marco. Marco believed in him. He could do this. All he needed to do was tell her the truth.

This is fine. She’s not going to hate you. She’s going to listen. She isn’t going to be weirded out that you like boys. No, she is going to understand you. She’s not going to see you as this ugly, unnatural monster… this fag who can’t secure a girl. No, she's going to listen. She’s going to hear you out.

The kicking knock reverberated through the apartment, with no immediate response. Then, a stirring. “Just a minute!” a female voice shouts, giving Danny an estimate on how much longer he would have to live with those inner thoughts of his. Shuffles could be heard, a soft grunt, and then the click of a lock.

Opening the door and standing before Danny stood a much fresher version of the redhead he last saw in a puddle on the floor of the old school’s hallways. There was no makeup on her face, but the bags under her eyes seemed to be lighter than the last time. Her skin is a little clearer. Her hair… actually looked like it had been washed recently. She was not in a get up for traveling around the town, decked in only her claimed Motley Crue tank top and a pair of black short shorts that indicated that she had still been in her pajamas when the Belmonte boy came calling. However, despite her attire, it was the most alive Danny had seen Jillian O’Brien in months, even years.

“Danny?” she questioned, still not believing if she was fully awake or not. “What are you doing here? How did you know I was here? Wait, did you know I was here?” She eyed the flowers and the cannolis that were brought to her doorstep. “OK, lilies? You must have known I was here.”

“Yeah… ran into Grace. That was painful to deal with. After we exchanged some… choice words with one another, she told me you lived here. She didn’t give me the address or anything so I called Kylee.” Bringing the gifts forward, extending his arms, Danny could feel his teeth shaking out of anxiety. Anxiety wasn’t something he usually experienced but when it came to potentially opening up about his sexuality, his strength left his body and all he could feel was his stomach turn. “If you’ll have me, I would love to talk to you and give you the explanation you deserve about us and what I did to you. I won’t take up all your time, just please.” Danny’s confidence deflated as he looked from her face to his feet, “Give me a chance, Jillybean.”

Jillian looked Danny over. Granted, she hadn’t seen much of him the past few years. They had to see each other in school, sure, and there was that run-in at the gym, but she had been pretty effective at shutting him out of her life the second she learned how much he valued their friendship. The mention of Grace hammered that rather painful memory home. But this Danny didn’t have the look of the hyperbolic basketball player of their youth, or even the Fred-like leader of the party she vaguely remembered through the haze and fury of that night with Rey Rey. She could see the Tupperware container with… more… mouthwatering cannolis… it was shaking. She finally locked eyes with him. Worry on his face. Maybe confronting Grace took more out of him than she thought it ever would.

She still wanted to be furious at Danny. Jill wanted to do all the yelling she didn’t get to do at the gym or at the Carlisle house. She wanted every painful prod and poke she endured from her sister to be flung at his face. It was what she thought she wanted for the years, plural, that she had shut him out of her life. But as he stood here, no longer in the shadows of the evil sibling or the house where the deed surely happened, it was hard for Jill to find that anger again. Maybe some of the meditation stuff from Mei’s parents was working. Maybe it was because she hadn’t actually fueled that rage with booze in a few days. Not since the official moving in party. There were so many questions in her head right now, about her own actions and of Danny’s back in junior year. She started to answer them with Marco the other night. Maybe now she would be able to not only get some answers, but keep them and use them. It worked with Mei, anyway.

“All right,” Jillian finally answered as she pulled the door of the newly rechristened Ramsey-O’Brien estate open. “You can come in.” She took the flowers from Danny’s hand. “Need to put these in water anyway.” She nodded to the couch in the living room as she looked to find a vase or a pitcher to hold the wonderful smelling gift.

“Who’s our guest?!” A voice called out.

Entering into the living room from the bedroom, Mei was dressed in nothing but a short, silk black robe that showed off her pale toned legs. She cracked her grin as she noted the one and only Danilo Belmonte in her doorway. Damn, all the cool kids would know where she lived now. It was time to move again. “Jill, babe. I know I said we could get a dog in a few months maybe, but I didn’t want a golden retriever.” The dark priestess licked the bottom of her top rung of teeth with a slight chuckle. “Welcome Danny.”

She wandered over to the kitchen counter too where Jill was placing what looked like flowers onto a vase. She placed her hand on the small of her lover's back and moved her lips to her ear. “You want me to get out of here?” Mei knew all too well the history between the other two beings in the room. She watched most of it unfold first hand. She may have been a cheerleader but Miss Midnight did her best to stay out of the popular cliques drama. More often than not, she failed.

Jill still had a slight case of the giggles. First when her girlfriend correctly referred to their guest as a golden retriever, and then again when she let her hand trace under the tank top and along the back where one of Mei’s tattoos would eventually make its presence felt if she had her way. “Stay,” Jill answered Mei’s question. “I may need you for support and at least I know you won’t try to fuck him like other people in my family.”

Carefully, as if his life depended on it, Danny stepped into the apartment. Mei and he didn’t interact much in the past. They crossed paths before; her having been a cheerleader and him a basketball player. They may have even had some classes together - it was a small town after all. But beyond that? He only knew her as the resident goth of his class who hosted Midnight Frequency. Oh, and now the girl who punched ReyRey Gonzales in the face. Wandering deeper into their residence, Danny looked around, appreciating the little things he saw like the plentiful neon signs, a small bonsai tree by the window, a fine collection of Mei’s tattoo artwork frames on the wall and a wall mounted photograph of a young Asian couple. It was obviously decades old but the woman in it had a striking resemblance to the demon dream girl herself.

When he entered the main room, he stood there, not daring to go further, out of fear he would set not only Jill off but Mei too. He held the container of treats as if it were a lifeboat to him. If he let go, he would surely sink. “I hope you like them. I remembered you liked white lilies. I originally was just going to do that but when I found out you lived with Mei I wanted to incorporate her into it too… the dahlias for her and the anemones to tie the two colors together…” He was talking too much. She didn’t care about the thought behind the gift. Jill wanted answers which would help her decide properly if she wanted Danny still in her life. “So roommates, huh? Congratulations! Mei, is this all your work? It’s really neat.” Danny found his gaze going from one art piece to the next before resting his eyes on the family photo.

“It pays the bills.” She watched as the former jock’s gaze fell upon the photo on the wall and she grinned a grin not too dissimilar to the one of the girl in the portrait. “That’s the Chairman and the Empress. Don’t stare at them for too long, they say that when you stare at them for longer than a second, her beauty bewitches you long enough for him to tear out your heart and eat it with golden chopsticks.” Mei let her eyes fall upon Jill again. She was desperate to rub it in Danny’s face that Jill was hers now but this wasn’t her conversation, it was the redhead’s and she would let her do whatever she needed to.

Jill took the container of cannolis from Danny and quickly slotted them into the fridge, eager to keep the almond-tinged filling from melting in the heat. At least it was an upgrade from the garbage that Grace had reported earlier were their predecessors’ previous resting place. She could see the look Mei was giving her and she knew what Miss Midnight wanted to do. Jill heard it too. Roommates was the Catholic way to refer to their relationship, and what they had done the past week would take a month’s confession to absolve. Good thing Jillian didn’t believe in it anymore. But she had no idea where Danny stood on the situation given his twin sister’s dalliances and failed relationship with Kylee. Clearly it wasn’t enough to break off contact if Miss Grimm provided the new address. Still, she gave Mei a bit of a shake. This was going to be the first non-drunk conversation with her former friend in a long time. She needed to suss some things out before letting her girlfriend run wild on his imagination.

She looked over at the flowers as they sat in the sun on the counter. They were a gorgeous representation of the two worlds she and Mei were bringing together. The pure white lillies in tandem with the dark petals of the dahlias did put things in perspective. The lilies weren’t swallowed by the darkness. They were embraced and they thrived. There was no reason for them to dwell there anymore. It was time to grow and break free.

Danny got a beckon to come towards the living room. “C’mon Danny. You’re not going to be able to talk just standing in the doorway,” Jill noted. “So come have a seat before you buckle to the mat.”

Obediently so, Danny listened to Jill’s orders and made his way to the couch. Taking a seat, he sat quiet for a moment. Clasping his hands together, he let his right leg bounce up and down as he looked in between Jill and Mei. This was more daunting than ever because all the people in this room were sober. He didn’t have liquid courage to help him vomit everything he wanted to say to her. As he sat there, thinking of the words to say, he thought of his mother.

He remembered when he was seven he had gotten angry at one of his playmates for taking a basketball out of his hand, without even asking, and so Danny being young pushed the kid on the floor, causing him to cry. He remembered his mother pulling him aside and telling him to apologize, explaining how he handled it wrong. He regretted it immediately because of how sad the other kid looked. He should’ve just shared the ball. His mother had told him that apologies weren’t meant to change the past, they were meant to change the future.

If he wanted to continue to play with this kid, he had to be genuine and take full responsibility over his actions. It was time for him to speak from the heart and not dance around the truth. Jill didn’t deserve that. No one deserved half truths. His eyes saddened as the image of his mother turned to the person she was nowadays. Weak, sick, in pain. If he could do anything while she was still alive, to make sure she didn’t fail with her only son, he could right his wrongs. It may not give him the future he wants but he could at least give his old friend the closure she deserved.

“I’m sorry,” he started, his legs continuously bouncing up and down in place. “What I did to you is inexcusable regardless of what I was going through at the time.” Looking up from the floor, he brought his attention to the beautiful redhead and gave a broken smile, “I come from a very religious family, you know that well. I'm the only son, surrounded by six sisters…” He trailed off, his mind scrambling to give context without having to say the inevitable, “You know when I was seven I got my first pair of Jordans? I used to love basketball but then after almost losing so many people I love. You. Natalia. Caitlin. Elisa. Sofi. Rye… Marco. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t protect you guys. I was at camp. Just doing what I do. Focusing on myself. Basketball made me feel like I was on top of the world. But it also forced me into a role I don’t think I really ever wanted. That’s all I was ever told to do so when… the summer after sophomore year came.”

He cleared his throat, acknowledging this was probably the best and worst summer of his life. Danny eased his breathing, kept himself steady, as he became the most vulnerable he’s ever been in front of Jill, “The summer we stopped being friends I… was confronted with something I was trying to bury. Trying to pretend it wasn’t part of who I am. I felt broken because if I actually accepted this piece inside me, I would be hated by my father.” Taking a break from talking, still not getting where he needed to go, Danny put his face in the palms of his face. Why was coming out so terrifying? “Sorry, give me a moment.”

“All right, fine, you’re going to get a moment, Danny,” Jill conceded. “But I’m going to use it to tell you exactly what you’re apologizing for.”

The O’Brien girl knew Danny was rambling. He was all over the place trying to figure out what the hell he was trying to get to and apologize for. Bringing up history that he knew she still knew. She remembered those Jordans and how thrilled he was to be able to hop through the gym, in his own words. She knew he didn’t have to deal with the immediate aftermath of the shooting given he was away at the time. All these things they couldn’t actually talk about because he fucked up.

“You’re not apologizing for the state that you saw me in at the old school. You’re not sorry for what happened to what would have been my first-born child and the scars that I now carry because of that day. You say you’re sorry that you couldn’t protect any of us when Charlie Decker attacked, but that’s not what you’re apologizing for either.

No, what you’re apologizing for here today is for your actions in making all those things hurt as much as they did. I know you know how much losing Allison hurt me, Danny. How much pain I felt knowing my idol was gone and trying to pick things up after that. I leaned so hard on you and Kat and Liv and Cece and Lanie and Mei to help keep me sane. But then you did exactly what you did that summer, and I lost you. And then Decker happened and I lost Kat and Liv. Then I lost Cece. I scrambled to find someone, anyone to hold onto, and that someone was Mike. Then I lost Lanie. Then I lost Mike. And I had no one to replace them with. No one to turn to. Because I couldn’t build up those relationships any more. I kept turning to people from before that summer because I didn’t want to try and start from scratch with anyone else. Because what was the point Danny?

What was the point to try and have a decade long friendship with someone only for them to stab me in the back? So I didn’t try anymore. And that’s what you’re here to apologize for, Danilo Belmonte. It’s not for fucking my sister, not that she didn’t play her own part in that whole fucking thing. It’s not casting aside our friendship to win a fucking bet with that idiot Rye. It’s for absolutely breaking my ability to trust anyone ever again. Mike may have pushed me down, but you were the one crouched behind my legs to make sure I fell. It all started with that one thing you did, Danny. You. Broke. My. Heart.”
Jill looks over at Mei, “And it’s only just now that I’m finally starting to recover. And I needed a lot of help to do that.” The redhead looked back at the man on the couch. “So, the flowers and the cannolis are a start, but you need to get your words straight and own exactly, and I mean EXACTLY what you did to me. What you did to us.”

Jill sat back in the ugly old armchair that she was certain Mei had fished from the side of the road somewhere but now served as her throne. She had waited so long to tell Danny exactly what she thought of what happened, and now it was out there. Now she would see if there was something that could be saved in that friendship. Goddess knows she could use all the friends she could get now.

”Oh Danny boy, you pissed off the wrong Irish redhead.” Mei followed her lover to the chair which she absolutely found behind the Hole in the Wall and forced Hailee to help her drag it to the apartment. She sat on the edge of the armchair, her robe riding even higher on her leg. Mei didn’t care of course, her cheerleader attire was even shorter. ”Let's hear what you got, little doggy.”

Danny took in her words and somehow found himself not agreeing with Jill fully. Mei’s added commentary didn’t help. “What about me, Jill?” He asked back, wondering if she even knew what he went through growing up. It was always about her and her pain. Was he not allowed to hurt too? “Did you even know that I hated Allison? She took the one thing I wanted away from me and then after she died, he wouldn’t even give me much of a glance. I supported you when I couldn’t stand the name you kept bringing up. I feel bad for her circumstances, but this irrational hate I had for her ate at me every fucking day. And I didn’t fuck Grace for the goddamn bet. That was an easy cover up because the day before I slept with Marco!”

Oh shit.

Retracting back in, Danny stood up, realizing this was a mistake, “I’m sorry I’m an awful person. I’m an awful friend. I thought your sister could fix me but it only gave me more problems. I’m broken and maybe you’re right. Maybe we’re better off not being friends but I loved you and I still do. I’m sorry I couldn’t think about your pain, that I was too focused on worrying about my father finding out and disowning me because I’m in love with a guy. I’m just tired of acting like I have my shit together. I’m tired of being the strong one when I want to cry every single day now that my mom is fucking dying. But boys don’t cry. I’m fucking sorry Jill. I’m just going to go.” Danny was quick to start retreating.

Mei raised her arms in mock victory! She had fucking called Danny being gay back in middle school and now she was being proven right. She loved it when she was right. “I fucking called it! I knew you were one of us.”

No way. He wasn’t getting off the hook that easily. “You are going to sit your ass on that couch until WE are done here, Danny,” Jill commanded with a tone that definitely hadn’t been present in her voice for years.

”You are totally using that voice later,” she whispered.

“Oh I can do more than that for you later,” was the whisper back.

Like a golden retriever, ashamed for getting scolded at, Danny went back to his seat, this time folding his arms around himself, almost in an embrace. His chest was hurting and he could feel the tears building up. He pinched himself to avoid crying. Mei didn’t even know him and she would think he was a pussy or some shit. “Something is wrong with me but Marco makes me happy.”

Jill calmly got up from her chair and walked over to the couch where Danny sat. As she did, the memory of that conversation, of the night when everything changed and she willed herself to start doing things she needed to do, of that first cannoli bite in years, they flooded her mind. All she could think of was one thing as she sat down next to the Italian Stallion.

She held him close for a brief moment… then the punches to the arm started coming. “YOU. BROKE. MARCO’S. HEART! YOU. ASS!” They likely had the same impact that they did when they were kids and Jill would punch Danny in the arm for saying something stupid. But Jill owed Marco that much upon finding out Danny freaking Belmonte was the reason Marco was in such a lovelorn state when those feelings were shared on the stoop. The talk that convinced her to take the plunge. “Although now I guess I really meant all those things I said when I called you… let me think… a fucking idiot who deserved nothing but regret for the rest of his life? My memory’s hazy, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I said. But nothing is wrong with you! And you could have fucking told me you were gay, Danny! I would have at least been able to help you more than Grace’s worn-out drive-thru.”

“Bisexual,” He corrected, before adding, “Or well… male leaning, as the internet puts it. I can still get with girls. Not like I’m going to because I only want one person.” Danny admitted, all the while being bewildered at this whole experience. Did this mean Jill forgave him? She was sitting close to him, she hugged him, she punched him, and she was acting like they used to be, and yet he didn’t know if he deserved this forgiveness. “I was fighting it, I barely even understood the ‘urge’ when I was fifteen. But yeah, now you know… I was super into Francis to the point that I remembered his locker combination which ended up being useful last week… oh, and Marco and I, we’re dating again.” Danny didn’t know if he should be relieved or not, nor did he know what this meant for him, Jill, and Mei. All he knew now was he could use a nap and cuddle session with his boyfriend. He was exhausted. “I’m sorry it took me so long to own up to this. I still have a lot of work to do. I know I’m not broken, at least not anymore than anyone else in this town. I know who I love shouldn’t dictate if I’m a good person or not. I’m just scared, Jill… Mei. And I don’t know when I’ll be able to tell my dad.”

Jill let herself breathe a heavy sigh. Apparently Danny was going to get a similar talk to the one she delivered to his… boyfriend. That was still an adjustment. “First of all, if your dad could tolerate Natalia’s whirlwind romance and subsequent breakup with Kylee, I’m sure he will be able to handle this. Maybe, you need some time to formulate how you explain things, but I’m sure you’ll be able to get through to him.

Second of all, fuck Francis Callahan. That fucking tool caused so much heartache and put Allison on edge so many times in freshman year because he couldn’t be honest with her, the same way you couldn’t be honest with yourself. Or me, for that matter. If both of you had fucking owned up to yourselves… fuck, maybe we wouldn’t have thought drugs were the answer…”

The parallels between her own life and Allison’s continued to be drawn out for Jill. Sure, she couldn’t speak for the departed Davies diva, but booze definitely made her feel better about all the ways she had been forsaken by the various former friends in her life. But all it meant was that she was killing herself more slowly than Allie did.

“Third, …sigh… you’re right that you’re not the only broken person in this goddess-forsaken town. But if Marco can forgive you after the shit you pulled on him, and you two can be together…” Jill looked away for a moment. She didn’t want it to be this easy. She expected to make Danny do so many things to try and earn forgiveness, but seeing him as broken as she was, on the verge of tears she could tell he was desperately trying to hide, maybe that was punishment enough. “Then, I guess… I can finally put you fucking my sister in the past with it. Still not forgiving Grace, but,” Jill placed her hand on Danny’s shoulder and mimicked the blessing of the cross. “I absolve you of your sins, Danilo Belmonte. You are free to be as much a blasphemous sight on the Lord’s eyes as I am.”

With that, Danny ended up laughing. He didn’t know what else to say. He had said so much in such a short amount of time. Instead, he gingerly pulled Jill into an embrace and whispered, “Thank you.”

It felt good to hear that laugh again. Jill allowed herself to be wrapped up by her former… current friend and returned the hug. “You’re welcome. Now, don’t fuck it up this time, Danny,” she whispered back.

”You two are so gay.” Mei cocked an eyebrow at the two former Eden Elites. This sure wasn’t how she expected this day to go. She popped up off of the armchair and made her way towards the kitchen counter to grab herself a drink. It was five o'clock somewhere, right? She spun on her heel, beer in hand and a grin from ear to ear. ”Hey Danny? You realise Jill and I are fucking right?” She loved the power in those words as she took swig from her beer. ”Oh yeah, she’s one with the dark side now as well. Let’s go get Marco and have a big gay fucking brunch. Here’s to the goddamn queers!”

"Jesus fuck, Mei! Do you want to tell him what position we were in when he knocked too?" Jill could only shake her head and laugh. Mei was never one for subtlety. "But yeah Danny, I'm glad you've come to terms with your own bisexuality, because, uh, yeah, turns out I’m bi as well. Who would have thought, right? So yeah, we can march in the Edenridge Pride Parade together. Although…we can always talk about our outfits for that over brunch." Mei had said the magic word. Even with her limited funds at the moment, a brunch to officially rekindle things with Danny, and confirm with Marco that the results of their stoop session were happy for all sides? All with Miss Midnight potentially popping hash browns in her mouth? It sounded like heaven.

Caught off balance solely by the girls’ words, Danny’s face went from shock to delight. His smile grew wider when he realized he wasn’t alone. He never imagined Mei and him would get brunch together like a double date. He never imagined he and Jill would become friends again. Well, he never imagined being in Mei’s apartment either and that Jill would be her ‘roommate’. How events turned gave him hope for the future. He looked between Mei and Jill, Jill and Mei and freely complimented, “You both look hot together. Thank you, Mei, for being everything Jill needs.” Danny was glad he ended up adding dahlias and anemones to the lilies bouquet. Now it holds so much more meaning since their lives, Jill and Mei’s, were intertwined together in the best ways. “I’ll give Marco a call and tell him to be ready in twenty.”




"You thought Candice was tough? That woman's an ice cube compared to the avalanche of hurt I bring."


n a m e
Melissa Elliott

a g e

g e n d e r
Cisfemale || She/Her

t r a i n e r c l a s s
Ace Trainer || Formerly Champion of Alola

h o m e t o w n & r e g i o n o f o r i g i n
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh

a p p e a r a n c e
When she was just starting out as a Pokémon trainer, Melissa leaned hard into the cute studious schoolgirl image, trying to lull opponents into a false sense of security. Surely the little snow angel wouldn't pose much of a threat to the established leaders around the Sinnoh region. She was too small, the hair was set too properly, she looked like she could barely handle model trains, let alone Pokémon training. It was when those fuschia-tinted eyes hardened a smirk spread across her face that the angel quickly became the devil to those on the other side. They learned soon enough that the little blonde girl was a force to be reckoned with. She's not so little anymore, standing at 5'8" with a body that's been fine-tuned hiking mountains around the globe, so she can't take anyone by surprise anymore.

She has adapted her fashion as she's gotten older and traveled the world, shedding her schoolgirl image for something more adaptable for travel. She alternates between a relatively heavy black coat with a thick white scarf and sky blue winter boots in colder climates, and a light pink t-shirt and beige shorts in warmer climates as her primary outfits. However, she is confident enough to pull off any type of outfit she needs, from the formal attire in ballrooms of Kalos to the comfort-driven clothes for the rougher terrain of Hoenn. The one constant in her style is her perpetually uncovered blonde hair and the brown headband that contains the Key Stone she uses when she activates Jolie's Mawilite. She is known for her makeup abilites, particularly her use of glitter for that snow-crystal shine on her skin. It's rumored she has a couple of tattoos she's been hiding, but no one has been able to confirm anything.

p e r s o n a l i t y
❄️ Graceful
❄️ Confident
❄️ Generous
❄️ Ego the size of Mount Coronet
❄️ Control Freak
❄️ Stubborn and unwilling to accept outside help
❄️ Spiteful as frigid hell
❄️ 100% that bitch

r e c e n t h i s t o r y
❄️ Born and raised in Snowpoint City to a Sinnoan mother and Kalosian father. Her father was a traveller who found work as a Gym Trainer under Candice and her mother was a curator at the Snowpoint Temple.
❄️ Melissa took more after her father and aimed to be one of the best trainers in the world, studying dilligently. However, her father left when Melissa was eight after a disagreement with Candice over Mega evolution, and took his Mega Abomasnow with him.
❄️ Her mother, Jessica, gave Melissa her first Pokémon when she was 10, a young Snorunt that was among the pack that hung out outside their house looking for berries. Yuki has been by her side ever since, and the day she evolved into Froslass was one of the happiest of Melissa's life.
❄️ Aside from the vendetta she swore against Candice for supposedly chasing her father away, she has had one main rival in her quest to climb to the highest heights of Pokémon battling. Miki freaking Park. No matter where she went, the little black-and-red edgelord always seemed to be a thorn in her side.
❄️ Melissa proved herself a quick study when it came to Pokémon training, even with Candice refusing to battle her when she was just starting out. She and Yuki were able to set off from Snowpoint and quickly build up a roster capable of showing what a spectacle a true force of frozen fury could be.
❄️ After a promising 2nd place showing in Sinnoh, and a 4th in Hoenn, she had a disgraceful DQ in the Indigo League which the blame in her eyes laid solely on the head of Miki Park.
❄️ Embarrassed, she retreated halfway around the world to the land of her father, placing 3rd in Kalos. Finally, the Queen of Ice gained her crown in a fateful stint in Alola, where the blonde was crowned champion of the fledgling league.
❄️ Invited to stay on as a permanent Champion, Melissa took up residence in the region, splitting her time between her home in Malie City and Mount Lanakila, where the battles were held. Given the lack of a powerhouse Ice trainer in the region, and with the Fairy expert more inclined to doodle around, she became the dominant trainer and respected force in both types.
❄️ However, after two years, she has temporarily left her position to due to dueling fatigue, or so her announcement said. In reality, she had some unfinished business to take care of.



p o k e m o n t e a m
  • Species Froslass
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Snow Cloak - When Yuki is surrounded by hailing conditions, she is able use the snow to evade attacks with ease and launch surprise attacks.
  • Move Set Hail, Will-O-Wisp, Aurora Veil, Avalanche, Shadow Ball, Crunch, Draining Kiss
  • Body Type: A Head and arms, although her torso is elegant.
  • Personality: The longest-serving member of Melissa's team, Yuki has seen it all with her young trainer. As a Snorunt, she was mischievous, stealing food from the Elliott's backyard and hurling snowballs at windows when none was to be found. She has matured alongside Melissa though, and now fulfills the mom role on the squad, doting after her newer teammates and making sure her trainer keeps a cool head when things are heating up. However, if she feels she is wronged, she maintains one of Melissa's nastier traits; an unyielding spite streak. She will hex anything that threatens to disturb her peace.

  • Species Alolan Ninetales
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Snow Warning - Juliet doesn't need to summon the snows, for they naturally follow her, cloaking whatever field she enters with a blizzard-like blast.
    Snow Cloak - Like Yuki, Juliet moves silently and effortless through the snows, launching attacks and evading attempts to strike back.
  • Move Set Aurora Veil, Charm, Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Solar Beam
  • Body Type: Quadrupedal
  • Personality: Acquired in a chance trade during her tour through Kanto (the only good to ultimately come from that sojourn), Juliet has set a high standard as the unifying force on Melissa's team. However, she knows it. Juliet has an ego, and will be quick to snub anything that doesn't meet her standards, be it food or Pokémon. This makes her a gamble for many seeking an Alolan Vulpix of their own, as Juliet is one of the most sought-after breeding options thanks to the training she's recieved. She's produced a few darlings capable of withstanding frozen fury, but she still remains the supreme snow-fox, and she makes sure everyone knows it.

Jolie - Mega Form
  • Species Mawile
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Hyper Cutter - Jolie's attack can not be lowered by any means. She will not be intimated whatsoever.
    Huge Power - When the Mawilite is activated, Jolie's offensive abilities double in strength. Two ponytails are better than one.
  • Move Set Swords Dance, Baton Pass, False Swipe, Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Play Rough, Fire Fang
  • Body Type: Bipedal - tailless form
  • Personality: Jolie gets most of the credit for inspiring Melissa's love for Fairy-type Pokémon. Found in Granite Cave, the Sinnoan was drawn to the Steel-type's deceptive nature and felt it fit her style to a tee. Imagine her surprise when Jolie turned out to be not as spiteful as she and Yuki thought! Jolie lives up to her name as a joyful Pokémon, eager to play and battle to her heart's content. She is the soul of the team, keeping everything afloat even in times of trouble. Even though Melissa has shed her own deceptive pretenses, Jolie continues to be a presence that is not to be underestimated.
  • Extra: Jolie's Mawilite, discovered during Melissa's attempts to track her father down in Kalos, is worn like a headband, similar to that of her trainer. The Pokémon will add assorted leaves, flowers, or whatever she can find as decorations.

  • Species Lapras
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Shell Armor - Any hit that makes contact with Brittany will fail to hit a critical spot, instead resulting in normal damage.
  • Move Set Confuse Ray, Life Dew, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Dragon Pulse
  • Body Type: Fins
  • Personality: Brittany is the second-longest tenured member of the primary squad, having been discovered by Melissa in the waters off of Sunyshore City en route to the Sinnoh Conference. Brittany is very gentle, possibly due to the fact she was a bit smaller than the rest of the Lapras that were gathered in the area at the time. However, she proved invaluable to Melissa as both her primary source of transportation on water, as well as her most versatile attacking option. She can at times lose focus, distracted by a sound that peaks her interest, but she hasn't dumped Melissa in the water in a long time. The bond is strong.

  • Species Florges
  • Gender Female
  • Ability Flower Veil - When surrounded by flowers, Léa is able to shield herself from status conditions suich as burns and frostbite. However, she is not surrounded by verdant fields often on this team.
  • Move Set Wish, Misty Terrain, Light Screen, Double Team, Moonblast, Psychic, Petal Dance
  • Body Type: Head and arms
  • Personality: Léa is an interesting case given her teammates. The Fairy-type loves flowers and gardens, but after joining the squad during Melissa's Kalos travels, she found out her teammates are not conducive to growing conditions with all their snow flying about. Still, the Florges is a commanding presence and serves her support role very well. She is quick to set up defences and make sure any dragons know how much trouble they are in. She will fuss if her crown of flowers is damaged in any way, and Yuki will still sometimes fling a bit of snow at Léa to get a rise out of her. Léa will usually respond with a toxic stare that the Froslass just laughs off.

  • Species Aurorus
  • Gender Male
  • Ability Refridgerate - Any move that could be considered normal when used by other Pokémon gets infused with crystals when Grant uses it, making it an Ice-type move and increasing the damage.
  • Move Set Hail, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Freeze Dry, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
  • Body Type: Quadrupedal
  • Nature: As the lone male on Melissa's squad, you would think Grant would be an outcast of sorts, but the rest of the team loves the Tundra Pokémon and makes sure he knows how valuable he is. Named after the Cyllage City Gym Leader who tipped Melissa off to the discovery of an Amaura fossil (and may-or-may-not have made a couple trips to Malie City in recent years), Grant is another gentle giant and gets along swimmingly with Brittany despite being terrified of the water. The Ice/Rock type is able to generate bone-chilling temperatures and the changing colors of his sail usually give a good indication of his current emotions; from calm blue to enraged red. Grant's ability to create light shows in the night sky usually serve as a cap to another of Melissa's triumphant turns as champion of Alola.

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