It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies)—
but here is not the face of London that you know.
If one knows where to look, one can find a rather different world hiding behind the façade, full of magic and mystery. Where better to find magic and mystery but the Piccadilly Circus? There, underneath the twinkling neon lights that lace the sky, you must turn and walk the wrong way down Regent Street. Those who know how to look will find an alleyway that has no worldly name, for it does not exist on this mortal plane. Do not be fooled; you are not between the two brick buildings you walked past just a moment ago. (In fact, look up into the sky- where you should see the stars. There is only more brick.)
There are scattered shacks and storefronts here in the In-Between; our story begins in the bright yellow fairy tale cottage that lies at the end of the road.
Madame Broussard is a witch, and she runs a respectable establishment with the assistance of the fae sisters Maeve, Morgan, and Merlina. There are impossibly many rooms for the size of the cottage; the first has artifacts and curiosities, the second shelves beyond shelves of books, the third containing everything you might need to cast a spell. There are guest rooms in the back for whoever may need it.
While at work in the first room, Maeve was killed. Madame Broussard walked in to find a fae from another family working a spell to help cover it up; he has been dealt with, but the body tells her that he was not the only one involved.
Everyone in the shop at the time has been called to a back room. You will be seated, as if in a coffee shop.
“Things like this do not happen in my shop… not without the proper punishment. And until that happens, you’re all stuck here.”
Madame Broussard does not play games.