Avatar of NoriWasHere


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
1 like
1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

@Firecracker_ I don't know if a discord server would be the best idea, speaking as a former GM who swore by them. They can often hinder the speed at which the RP moves and it also moves the essential discussion away from potentially interested eyes. They can work, and they can do wonders for a story, but I'd rather not chance it all the same.

HYYYYYPE! Reading the first post now.
<Snipped quote by The Bork Lazer>

If any of you are interested in taking on second characters later on in the RP, that can be brought up as well.

Let's do this, team.

My man.
S’venia will more than likely using her eye-in-the-sky drone too shoot videos/stills, while Campbell delivers his speech. Will we have any guards with the first group?
@Ruler Inc

The mad lad is actually gonna do it.

As soon as I read about the first group I had a sneaking suspicion that I may be placed there. I like it. Once the new characters are posted in the character tab I will update my relationship portion of my character accordingly.
To get myself more hyped for this RP, I am watching some gameplay for 2077.

St. Mercer Hospital

@Ruler Inc@Atrophy


Cyrus sat on his knee as he watched as one of the females began to make her way towards him. She was pale as well, though not as pale as the first one that had spoken to him, with oily hair. She moved with a jittery pace as she approached, yet she paused suddenly as she appeared to mouth a quiet shit. Cyrus turned his slightly to the left. The sound of a loud whistle pierced the air and Cyrus’s heart dropped. Her expression, the dead bodies, combined with the mental strain that had already been wrought upon him had already told him everything he needed to know about their upcoming foe. Images of a large, hulking brute of a creature that would tear through Cyrus as if he were nothing more than a wet paper towel. Yet, when the man craned his neck into view and mocked him, Cyrus adopted a confused expression.

“It’s not like it’s the end of the world. I mean, it might be, but we had a good run,” the man said as he continued as he patted him twice on the shoulder with strong slaps. “Sooooo, what does a guy have to do to get some pants around here?” Cyrus looked down and he remembered all too quickly that he himself was very ‘exposed’ in the cheekiest way possible. While he felt strangely vulnerable, he watched as the strangers had a somber moment among themselves over a fallen friend. "I... wanted to break the news to you at a better time," a man said. "I know... I know it sucks, but everything that Penny said was right: Claire died,” he continued. Who was Claire? The question did not seem to need specifics from the electric woman, however, as she responded with tears. A raw, emotional moment that caused Cyrus to pause his line of questioning. Something happened, someone died, and his relentless desire for information and his limitless questions would wait; for now.

Another woman made her way to Cyrus’s and knelt down in front of him. "I just wish were going crazy, but it's a lot worse than that," the woman started, “It's all real," she finished as Cyrus turned his attention towards the woman. "Where the hell do I start? Well, from what I understand you've 'awakened'? Is that what I heard someone calling it? You have something like this,” she paused as she parted her bangs and showed a tattoo of a camera. His head tilted to the side as he took in the information that she was sharing, eventually, he realized that the camera that was tattooed on her forehead were similar to the weird tattoos on his hands in some form, and he raised them up and presented them to the woman. "I... don't even know how to explain any of this to you. You got some kind of magic power, that's all.," she finished.

Magic powers,” Cyrus asked as another woman, this once fully clothed, entered the room, he wanted to pry further yet the fully clothed woman told them where their clothes were, and Cyrus spirit was uplifted at the thought of not baring his back while bearing the stress that the situation was bringing. “Magic powers,” Cyrus repeated, “hard to believe such a thing exists,” he paused once again as he watched as the others started to make their way out of the lobby, his head shaking from side to side, “I’m Cyrus,” he finished as he extended his hand out. Something about this group brought about a great sense of distrust directed towards them, yet he felt compelled to at least follow them for the meanwhile.

As he walked, he repeated the phrase "magic powers" several times.


After dressing, Cyrus found himself back in the lobby. Another pair of strangers found their way to the lobby, and Cyrus’s confusion with the group only grew as the outburst between the strangers was explosive before it was emotional. The lady had messed up, that much was clear to Cyrus. Cyrus guessed this lady was a leader for this group once-upon-a-time judging by the group blaming her for all the horrors that had been wrought upon them, and as a leader she took it in stride.

"From here on... I will tell you all everything. Heh... there's so much shit I have in my closet I don't even know where to start... what are these burning questions on your minds? I know just about everything that has been going on in this town behind closed doors, so I can probably answer them,” the lady finished.

Cyrus quickly raised his hand into the air, as if he was back in class, before speaking. “Hello,” he started as he lowered his hand back down, “I am, uh, I am Cyrus and I am very new to,” he paused as he flashed his sigil to the woman, “well all of this. Obviously, you all have seen some shit,” he paused as he looked at the bodies once again, “how is this norm-” he paused and took in a breath, another question for another time. “My question is how do I factor into all of this. I’m guessing you all have some grasp on your powers,” he paused as he let out a small chuckle, still unsure if he had gone mad, “why was I brought here,” he asked as he looked towards the man who had mocked him, “and was he right when he said that the world might be ending,” he finished as he turned his attention back to the woman.

I can't wait :D
<Snipped quote by The Bork Lazer>

Most well-adjusted political campaign ever.

I wonder what our political rivals are printing about us haha
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