Character Name Here, or get a banner from
"Character quote here."
_______________________________________________ First Middle Last Pronouns | Age | Ethnicity | Height (In Inches) | Weight (Pounds/LB) _______________________________________________ Single word that defines your character. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Quote about Skills here." ___________________________________ [REMOVE THIS. A list of everything your character is good at... just, uh, keep it realistic. If I see one judo black belt with survival skills training, cooking, and rifle training, I'm gonna slap a bitch. REMOVE THIS.] [Skill name here] ⫻ (Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skill/talent here) | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Quote about appearance here." Essentially how your character looks. Be detailed here. Go over skin color, build, height, hair (including color, style, etc), scars, and other body alterations (Piercings, tattoos, etc). Along with describing clothing style but that's optional. |
"Quote about personality here."
MAIN GOAL ⫻ (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?)
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ (What is your character's outlook on life?)
SECRETS ⫻ (What is your character hiding?)
SEXUALITY ⫻ (Your character's sexual preference?)
FEARS ⫻ (What does your character fear?)
WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻ (Basically, where was your character during the Cataclysm? If they did not participate, write N/A)
FLAWS ⫻ (What holds your character back?)
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ (What is your character's outlook on life?)
SECRETS ⫻ (What is your character hiding?)
SEXUALITY ⫻ (Your character's sexual preference?)
FEARS ⫻ (What does your character fear?)
WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻ (Basically, where was your character during the Cataclysm? If they did not participate, write N/A)
FLAWS ⫻ (What holds your character back?)
"Quote about backstory here."
Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever.
"Quote about abstraction here."
TYPE ⫻ (Put Adept, Apparition, Aberration (Afflicted/Agent/Adjoined/Abscised/Abominable), Blind or One-Eyed-Open)
ABSTRACTION ⫻ (Put the name of the Abstraction here, with a one-sentence description of what the Abstraction does. If Adept, put what Lux they have, and what their channeler is.)
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ (Go in-depth with what exactly the Abstraction allows them to do. Please be as detailed as possible because if it's not in the sheet; they can't do it. If Adept, detail every individual spell.)
LIMITS ⫻ (What are the limits to their abstraction? The stronger/more complex the ability, the more limits I want. Remember Emotional-Fields will inhibit the use of certain abstractions on other Paranormal beings.)
ABSTRACTION ⫻ (Put the name of the Abstraction here, with a one-sentence description of what the Abstraction does. If Adept, put what Lux they have, and what their channeler is.)
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ (Go in-depth with what exactly the Abstraction allows them to do. Please be as detailed as possible because if it's not in the sheet; they can't do it. If Adept, detail every individual spell.)
LIMITS ⫻ (What are the limits to their abstraction? The stronger/more complex the ability, the more limits I want. Remember Emotional-Fields will inhibit the use of certain abstractions on other Paranormal beings.)
"Extra Quote here."
Anyyyything else?
[hider=Character name here][CENTER][h1]Character Name Here, or get a banner from[/h1][/CENTER]
[i]"Character quote here."[/i]
[center][img]no anime[/img]
[sub]First Middle Last
Pronouns [b]|[/b] Age [b]|[/b] Ethnicity [b]|[/b] Height (In Inches) [b]|[/b] Weight (Pounds/LB)
Single word that defines your character.
Skills & Talents[/sub]
[i]"Quote about Skills here."[/i]
[sub][REMOVE THIS. A list of everything your character is good at... just, uh, keep it realistic. If I see one judo black belt with survival skills training, cooking, and rifle training, I'm gonna slap a bitch. REMOVE THIS.]
[b][Skill name here] ⫻[/b] (Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skill/talent here)[/sub][/hider]
[/cell][cell][sub][b] Appearance[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about appearance here."[/i]
[indent]Essentially how your character looks. Be detailed here. Go over skin color, build, height, hair (including color, style, etc), scars, and other body alterations (Piercings, tattoos, etc). Along with describing clothing style but that's optional.[/indent]
[/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] Psychology[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about personality here."[/i]
[INDENT][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?)
[b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] (What is your character's outlook on life?)
[b]SECRETS ⫻[/b] (What is your character hiding?)
[b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b] (Your character's sexual preference?)
[b]FEARS ⫻[/b] (What does your character fear?)
[b]WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻ [/b] (Basically, where was your character during the Cataclysm? If they did not participate, write N/A)
[b]FLAWS ⫻[/b] (What holds your character back?)
[sub][b] Backstory[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about backstory here."[/i]
[indent]Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever.[/indent]
[sub][b] Abstraction[/b][/sub]
[i]"Quote about abstraction here."[/i]
[indent][b]TYPE ⫻[/b] (Put Adept, Apparition, Aberration (Afflicted/Agent/Adjoined/Abscised/Abominable), Blind or One-Eyed-Open)
[b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b] (Put the name of the Abstraction here, with a one-sentence description of what the Abstraction does. If Adept, put what Lux they have, and what their channeler is.)
[b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b] (Go in-depth with what exactly the Abstraction allows them to do. Please be as detailed as possible because if it's not in the sheet; they can't do it. If Adept, detail every individual spell.)
[b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] (What are the limits to their abstraction? The stronger/more complex the ability, the more limits I want. Remember Emotional-Fields will inhibit the use of certain abstractions on other Paranormal beings.)
[sup][b] Other[/b][/sup]
[i]"Extra Quote here."[/i]
[indent]Anyyyything else?[/INDENT]
First Name.Last Name (If Applicable) | |
"In character quote about character in question here." _______________________________________________ ................................................................... | Write description of Character Relations here. |
[hider=*Character Name Here*'s Relationships][table][row][cell][h3][b]First Name[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Last Name (If Applicable)[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]Picture of character here, try not to go too damn big[/img]
[sup][i]"In character quote about character in question here."[/i][/sup]
[color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][cell]Write description of Character Relations here.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider]